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First X Cruise:SILHOUETTE JAN 17 2016


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I bought some things in the Duty Free shop. I can take them with me today!




Sidewalk sales are being set up










Honey!! Get down here! Park West are having another auction!



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I have been following along. I wanted to thank you Norris. The pictures are GREAT! We are Diamond on RCCL, but we are embarking on the Silhouette in a few short weeks (2/28), same itinery. This is our First Celebrity cruise and also in a Sky Suite. Do you have a breakfast menu from Luminae? Is it the same every day? Your review has us so excited to get on board the beautiful Silhouette. Thanks again


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He is introduced by CD Paul and then gets off the stage and stands in the first row which has been closed to passengers. I am now in row 2 center.


He gesticulates wildly and may be Italian and not Greek. I ask to see his Passport.




He tells us of his history-born in a tiny Greek island without cars, just donkeys.

Merchant Naval Academy, graduated two years early and went to work for X (which was Chandris back then) upon graduating. He's been with them for 24 years.


He invited questions from the audience and I stuck my hand up every time but even though I was sitting 10 feet from him and had amazingly brilliant questions the mic never came my way. I did supply a couple of answers to his questions as I am a ship nerd.


To the question "how many gallons (er, try tons) of fuel does the ship use each day?" he said he was not allowed to answer that but that the ship could run at full speed of 24 knots for 30 days before pulling over onto the hard shoulder and putting the hood up.


To the question he posed "anyone know what we do with the garbage on board? the crowd as one shouted "make a website out of it!". He blushed. The correct answer of course was burn it and that came from a devilishly handsome British guy sitting up front with a bag of cameras.


He loves and gives great props to his crew from around the world-a United Nations of different colors and religions who all get along without killing or torturing each other on board the ship. Much heartfelt applause! Once on shore though there's a bloodbath.


150 cleaners work the night shift while we (or you at least) are asleep.


He was charming and witty and of course handsome which is why X uses him in the Marco-Polo campaign.




To a questioner who asks who is driving the ship the answer is of course a programmed computer getting GPS data from a satellite. Always 4 crew on the bridge, officers and lookouts. Most interestingly he is a believer in working without the computers and says twice a month he takes a Navigation officer up onto Solstice deck with a sextant at night and has him work out where they are. At times he also switches off the monitors on the bridge and asks " Ok, guys. Where are we and how do we get where we are going?". Brilliant. As anyone who has followed a Mapquest map and found themselves up to their chin in a river will know-technology will only take you so far.


Lord help us all when driverless cars take to the roads...


He spoke for almost an hour and I was glad to have attended. This ship is in good hands.


As the crowd filed out I noticed something cool...I had wondered how it never gets stuffy in the theater...the answer is cool air is pumped through a grid on the back of some of the seats. Genius!!



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There are Luminae menus available with a quick search.


We ate in Blu as suite guests for 5 cruises. Last cruise we had Luminae and some days we ate there 3 meals (on a 2 week cruise, which is our typical cruise). As much as we love Blu we loved Luminae even more. And.... it was even easier to customize things and get exactly what we want than it is in Blu. It never even occurred to us to go back to Blu. The menu is smaller but we always found at least a couple things we liked. Twice we ate in Tuscan and once we went to the captain's table.


I've enjoyed your review.

Question: sounds like you typically take mostly ship's excursions, and not independent excursions either arranged yourself or with others on your roll call. Is that true? Just curious.

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To the question he posed "anyone know what we do with the garbage on board? the crowd as one shouted "make a website out of it!".


Had many chuckles reading this enjoyable review, but this was a true LOL moment for me. I have read this entire review and I'm sorry that it is nearing its end now. Fun stuff! Thanks for a good read.

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There are Luminae menus available with a quick search.


I've enjoyed your review.

Question: sounds like you typically take mostly ship's excursions, and not independent excursions either arranged yourself or with others on your roll call. Is that true? Just curious.


Claudia, in 9 cruises we have only used independents 4 times;


Harv n Marv Juneau

Era Flightseeing helicopters Juneau

Island Wings flight seeing Ketchikan


and Rome in Limo Rome


All others have been booked through Princess on their web site. Each of those have been flawlessly organized and pleasurable and of course carry a guarantee that the ship will wait for us.


We don't look to join roll call group excursions. On the Silhouette we did X excursions.



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I have been following along. I wanted to thank you Norris. The pictures are GREAT! We are Diamond on RCCL, but we are embarking on the Silhouette in a few short weeks (2/28), same itinery. This is our First Celebrity cruise and also in a Sky Suite. Do you have a breakfast menu from Luminae? Is it the same every day? Your review has us so excited to get on board the beautiful Silhouette. Thanks again



Hi, Lynn here is a Luminae menu. American staples so I can't imagine it changes daily. We only had one breakfast there.




Thanks for following along and for complimenting the photos!


Norris, one cat.

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Had many chuckles reading this enjoyable review, but this was a true LOL moment for me. I have read this entire review and I'm sorry that it is nearing its end now. Fun stuff! Thanks for a good read.


Welcome aboard afto!


I'm glad you are enjoying the review-and the humor.





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Still loving the review!!


Are the Aqua Café smoothies included in a beverage package?


I can't say. I know there's a charge of $4.50 without a package. I didn't shop there. I got my smoothie fix in Blu. They only asked to see my beverage package sticker for cappuccino.


Maybe someone else has the answer for you?


I'm glad you are still following along!



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Each day as I passed the 8 Alcoves on the lawn they were in use for at least part of the day. Carol wanted one by Tuesday and we asked our butler to reserve one for Saturday. I argued for Friday as I figured the closer to Florida we got the windier and cooler it would be, which was the case when we sailed out into the Atlantic last Sunday. All were booked for the weekend so we were put on a waitlist.


On Thursday evening there was a card in our mail slot that showed an Alcove for us for Friday. Fine by me! The Alcoves are yours from 9 a.m to 9 pm. Cost $149 at sea, $99 in port.




The weather was beautiful and the Alcove already prepped for us by a man who also works the Lawn Club Grill-Rodrigo. If we needed drinks we just had to pick up a phone in the Alcove and he'd come running.


Carol found it quiet and relaxing




A fruit plate was waiting for us




I found a useable wi-fi signal up here




* GoPRo Hero 3+ seen on the table.


A ridiculous amount of cheese was brought at 3 p.m-by Val from Lawn Club Grill. That name explained the large amount of cheese.



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I remembered another Captain tidbit of information from the Q & A earlier-He works 3 months on then 3 months off but during the vacation has to take training classes-he said 15 but that could have been 15 hours.


Ok, back to the Alcoves. I had asked for the one closest to the Sunset bar when I met Rodrigo setting up earlier and he accommodated me. That left me close to the smoking section by the lawn. At the bar today I met a couple of cool young people from Florida whom I would chat to over the next couple of days-Scotsman Jeffrey and his wife Lisa. Great fun company and we shared a love of German cars. So Hi Jeff and Lisa if you are reading!




The hammocks are low so are easy to get into and out of. The Adirondacks-not so much!







The day mosied lazily along. We drifted in and out of short naps. I hit the buffet again for an Indian lunch or it might have been steak and fries.


There would be afternoon snacks waiting when we got back to the cabin




Tea doesn't come with the snacks until you call your butler. Milk, sir? Yes but just a splash!


There's a wrong way to make tea-our butler can tell you how. You put cold milk in the cup, pop in a tea bag and then boiling water which is cooled by the cold milk. This is how you get a weak cup of tea. Undrinkable. Different teas require different water temperatures-e.g 175 degF for green tea, 212degF for English Breakfast which is what I drink. Let the teabag soak for a few minutes (5 for strong manly tea) then squeeze it to get the last ounce of flavor.

Put the milk in a little jug and give it to the drinker to apply themselves.


Of course I began drinking tea before teabags existed so there were loose leaves in a ceramic teapot. This involved messy soggy tealeaves and a strainer which is what the teabag was designed to eliminate.


Anyway I digress.


Tonight's plan would be to have our second dinner at the lawn Club Grill as it was right there at the time we'd have to vacate the Alcove. It was Elegant Chic night and we were going to the theater so we dressed-up anyway.

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Still loving the review! Just like I did not want the cruise to end, I don't want the review to end. Need my morning "fix."


This has made me also think more about how I will chronicle my next cruise. You could do a workshop on "Vacation Chronicles" Norris.


Now for breakfast in Luminae... we found it our favorite spot. We had breakfast delivered to the room one morning, but overall liked Luminae best. This is with the caveat that my husband is just grateful when he can have any selection more than cereal and milk (our usual working day morning fare at home). And I found they would bring me exactly what I wanted (not all on the menu) with minimal temptations....which was seasonal fruit (more berries please), a bowl of plain greek yogurt and a small bowl of raisin bran and lots of coffee. All to say, at breakfast, I try to eat well, but minimally--especially if I know there are temptations to come all day and night long. So Luminae, which seemed quieter than Blu, just worked for us. But glad to have the choices.

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Still loving the review! Just like I did not want the cruise to end, I don't want the review to end. Need my morning "fix."


This has made me also think more about how I will chronicle my next cruise. You could do a workshop on "Vacation Chronicles" Norris.


Now for breakfast in Luminae... we found it our favorite spot. We had breakfast delivered to the room one morning, but overall liked Luminae best. This is with the caveat that my husband is just grateful when he can have any selection more than cereal and milk (our usual working day morning fare at home). And I found they would bring me exactly what I wanted (not all on the menu) with minimal temptations....which was seasonal fruit (more berries please), a bowl of plain greek yogurt and a small bowl of raisin bran and lots of coffee. All to say, at breakfast, I try to eat well, but minimally--especially if I know there are temptations to come all day and night long. So Luminae, which seemed quieter than Blu, just worked for us. But glad to have the choices.


Emelle, I'm happy to see you are still with us, on this trek. We hope your husband is on the mend.


Luminae is certainly quieter than Blu. We tried Blu once and next day we went back without thinking and that set the pattern for breakfast.


On land I rarely eat a breakfast unless I am staying in a hotel. Coffee and maybe one slice of toast at home. On a ship though it is there for the taking.


On Princess I typically have 2 breakfasts-a cooked one in the buffet when it opens at 5.30 and then one at 9 a.m with Carol in Sabatini's which serves breakfast for suite passengers only where we can order from their menu or "anywhere on the ship that is cooking" which means the MDR or buffet pretty much at breakfast time. MDR food there is very good. I cut out the first breakfast this cruise as I have put on weight and have never weighed so much before. We spent two weeks in San Francisco last summer and I blame that squarely.


It is indeed good to have choices and we'll always give Luminae a shot in future.

The quiet and refined ambiance can't be beat, nor can the service.


My Vacation Chronicles lecture would be three words-"Just wing it" or "take lotsa pics". Without the pics the whole thing would be a blur to me.


Thanks for stopping in again!



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Their website hasn't been updated since the end of 2013...come on! There are 4 of them now, not five. They appeared on X Factor on British TV. The two high voiced ones are Brits and the two eye candy boys with great voices are from the USA. They play some of the hotels in Las Vegas. They play rock songs you'll recognize and they play them well, with elaborate harmonies. They have a big sound and sing to a loud backing track. The one wearing the kilt is the Scotsman.

He has a voice that should be making rock records.


As it's Elegant Chic night there are seats reserved for us in the balcony, dead center.






A staircase popped up from below stage




As always great lighting and effects from the theater crew.




A revolving cube arrives from below stage






People were crowded in the first row at the end, dancing. It was a high energy, very polished and professional act. One of the band member's girlfriends sat next to me whooping and hollering all night. Can't blame her. Good show!!



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Another great day on the Silhouette and what better way to cap it off than dinner at the Lawn Club Grill?



Valeriano is serving some of the portside tables




When we get to the host stand we see that Val's tables are full and his patrons boisterously enjoying themselves. Carol loves quiet...


There's that old question- "If a tree falls in the forest...". Well Carol would hear it and she would be on the phone to the Forestry Commission to have them "turn the tree noise down!"


Sacha, the manager, greets us and we ask if we can have a more remote table on the starboard side and still have Valeriano serve us? Of course! Off we went to a cosy corner where the volume of chatter was dimmed. Alas the waiter who was covering that table came over and Sacha had to hotfoot it over and let him know that Val would be serving us. He looked miffed and slunk away.


Val had to do a lot more walking to serve us but he moves like he is on roller skates anyway.




I read a post within the last couple of days where someone thought you didn't get $45 worth of value from the LCG...just an 8 oz Filet will cost mid thirties on land, usually about $38 (with sides costing $7 or so). You can order two of those and as many meat and seafood skewers as you wish. Flatbread and multiple desserts if you can handle them. All you can eat salad bar!

3 baked potatoes if you are a lumberjack or a sumo wrestler. I rest my case.

I am sure that there are tables here that got a deal from the Specialty table by the buffet each day and they are paying maybe half or 70%. X wants those seats filled and diners will buy drinks or use their beverage package.


He's back and there's no way I am escaping having a lamb chop tonight!







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When Sacha visited our table to check on us I showed him my camcorder and told him that I was going to film his salsa dancing tonight. His face lit up with excitement and he went to look for the music CD. He spent any spare minute he had from then to the end of our meal trying to find it- to no avail so I don't have the video I hoped to have. Next time!


I said hi to Putu




Val brings the flatbread




The lamb chop was down-to-the bone-delicious!




Another skewer (veggie) arrives on Carol's plate.




Another splendid meal. Val asked where we would be dining on our last night but we hadn't decided yet. I was thinking maybe Qsine. He offered us 50% off if we would dine at the LCG. We said we'd consider it.


We had missed the Liar's Club show which featured the Captain as one of the Liars. Oh well, can't be in two places at once.


Our last full day on the ship was fast approaching so I'd have to be up early again to catch up on some parts of the ship I haven't shown you yet...

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Yikes-a bit dramatic there. Not quite the end but it is nigh as this is our last day sailing on the ship. After that we have a day back in Fort Lauderdale to decompress before flying home to Chicago. There will be a cruise summary at the end followed by an interview with our cat Little Snowy on whether she missed us or not.


So the usual story...up at 5 in the dark and craving coffee. Blindfolded I could find this...




I hear angels sing as the Lavazza coffee pours from the Sacred Spout of Life.

I go up to Sunset and sit in the dark. Oh, a trifle windy this morning as we head back to Port Everglades. We are probably passing Cuba in the dark. Once refreshed with 2 hot cups of Jo I set out on a Photo Odyssey as the clock is ticking.


It will be less windy by the pools I think....






Showers by the pool




A visit to the Solarium to see if the waterspouts are up and running


and they are




I'm on deck 12



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As it's just turned 6 a.m the gym is open and I go in for a short workout but easily distracted, like my cat Snowy, I stop in Canyon Ranch Spa to get a pic of a light fixture I missed yesterday and without which this review would be even more of a sham than it already is.




Ok...let's feel the burn!


I tend to steer clear of the cardio equipment such as treadmills and ellipticals as the only time I ever feel like running is when there's a Police Dog gaining on me.


So I stick with the weights and equipment I can hurt myself on.











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I love the namby-pamby names they give the gym apparatus- Shoulder Press when it should say "muscle ripper" or " two days in bed with Advil"




Swiss Balls




I got exhausted just reading the instructions






The clocks have gone back an hour. I make a note not to miss the sunrise.


I leave the gym ready to fight a gorilla, or at least get another cup of coffee.



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Read your entire review today. Awesome pictures and you commentary is hysterical. Can you tell me how similar the Silly is to the Solstice? I've sailed Celebrity before but never on an S class ship. We are going on the Solstice to Alaska in May.


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