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Anthem keeps docking us around


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You just proved my point about how different people handle situations differently...

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Yes, that is my point, there are two sides. Its all honky dory to post the positives, the people praising RCCL, but don't go posting any negative comments! Don't call it a horror or horrific experience... Can we stop only presenting the "positive" side.


Enough already of the defense and trying to sugar coat a real, preventable, horrifying experience!


but all you are posting is the negative, and the same things over and over and over again. People are trying to show you there are positives as well but you can't seem to accept that.


I think all these threads need to stop, but unfortunately as soon as the mods close one another negative nellie starts another one. Can we please stop repeating the same crap over and over again and let the ship get into port so the real stories from the ship can come out, not just those sensationalists who know how to use the media to promote their negative views.

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I have been following the Anthem stories and praying for the safe return of all aboard.

I joined CC to hopefully get some tips and insight for my upcoming cruise. While I have found some posts to be helpful, I've mostly found this a place for unhappy people to spread their poison. I don't think I've read a single post that hasn't turned into "who can outpost who" contest.

I'm going to go on my cruise and try to enjoy it no matter what the conditions. Hopefully the venomous people on these posts won't be on it.

Good luck to all on the Anthem and that everyone returns safely.


Don't let yourself be turned off by some of the posters. You must learn how to add those posters to your IGNORE LIST. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll PM you how to do it. It is amazing how much quicker these threads read once most of the crap is filtered out :D


There are many great posters with lots & lots of knowledge. Even if I only have 2 cruises and one upcoming under my belt, our TA for our next group cruise was surprised by the amount of information, tips and details I was able to bring to the other cruisers of our group. All thanks to CC.


BTW: Welcome to CC, if it has not been done yet ;)



Edited by dpostman
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but all you are posting is the negative, and the same things over and over and over again. People are trying to show you there are positives as well but you can't seem to accept that.




That's because she is an attention starved human being who obviously had a beef with RC before all this even happened :rolleyes:

Edited by ryano
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I have been following the info on the unfortunate developments on this cruise. Kudos to the people who know to make lemonade out of the lemons we are sometimes dealt (on a cruise or in life). In the whole scheme of things, you have all survived! Years ago, we had a BtB cruise out of Aruba where the AC on the whole (old) ship went out. We waited on the dock to board between weeks (and had a great time), and had a great cruise once we could get to our cabin. I would just like to say that this captain (Anderson?) did a great job under pressure, and I would be pleased to cruise with him anytime. He has proven to be good in a crisis, and has a good team with him. This does not discourage me from cruising. But, I am in a powerchair now, so I would likely go out of a warmer port. I left from Baltimore one year after my class reunion in PA, and it was just a little too cold for me at this stage in my life. I still had a great time with friends on the cruise despite my limitations. There are worse things than getting into port early and having to scramble to adjust your plans. So glad everyone is safe, and thanks for the first person accounts!

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but all you are posting is the negative, and the same things over and over and over again. People are trying to show you there are positives as well but you can't seem to accept that.


I think all these threads need to stop, but unfortunately as soon as the mods close one another negative nellie starts another one. Can we please stop repeating the same crap over and over again and let the ship get into port so the real stories from the ship can come out, not just those sensationalists who know how to use the media to promote their negative views.


This is a new Cruise Critic game... called Whack a Troll :D


But seriously, many of you need to learn how to use your "Ignore List". I work in a hospital and see first hand; Life is WAY to short to agonize over some of this stuff.



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I have been following the Anthem stories and praying for the safe return of all aboard.

I joined CC to hopefully get some tips and insight for my upcoming cruise. While I have found some posts to be helpful, I've mostly found this a place for unhappy people to spread their poison. I don't think I've read a single post that hasn't turned into "who can outpost who" contest.

I'm going to go on my cruise and try to enjoy it no matter what the conditions. Hopefully the venomous people on these posts won't be on it.

Good luck to all on the Anthem and that everyone returns safely.



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That's pretty much what you get here. There is another very helpful friendly site, Google cruise forums and hopefully you will find the it .

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Yes, that is my point, there are two sides. Its all honky dory to post the positives, the people praising RCCL, but don't go posting any negative comments! Don't call it a horror or horrific experience... Can we stop only presenting the "positive" side.


Enough already of the defense and trying to sugar coat a real, preventable, horrifying experience!


But don't you see that you're doing the same thing. You've been insinuating on multiple threads that the captain ignored all weather reports and deliberately risked the lives of 6500+ people.


I remember being on a cruise out of Bayonne to Bermuda when we hit unexpected bad weather. Nothing like this but certainly enough that we were advised not to go out on deck and room attendants were offering saltines and ginger ale to anyone who needed it. My point is that weather can and does change on a dime.


From what I've seen RCCL has cancelled, shortened and rerouted cruises plenty of times. I don't see why this sailing would have been any different had the full weather picture been known at the time of sailing.


I can imagine there are people on board now who were really scared. I probably would have been especially if my child were with me. I certainly think RCCL and the captain can learn something from this experience just like each of us learn from going through difficult situations.

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She reminds be of a guy havingfun that loves to come on the Carnival boards and trash them every chance he gets, he is a constant pot stirrer. And also gets threads shut down all the time :mad: Real downer.


That's because she is a loser, attention whore that obviously had a beef with RC before all this even happened :rolleyes:
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Don't let yourself be turned off by some of the posters. You must learn how to add those posters to your IGNORE LIST. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll PM you how to do it. It is amazing how much quicker these threads read once most of the crap is filtered out :D


There are many great posters with lots & lots of knowledge. Even if I only have 2 cruises and one upcoming under my belt, our TA for our next group cruise was surprised by the amount of information, tips and details I was able to bring to the other cruisers of our group. All thanks to CC.


BTW: Welcome to CC, if it has not been done yet ;)




I came back to cruise critic after not cruising for about 10 years to get tips and read about being on the Anthem. I found 90% of what I read on this board was negative toward Anthem, especially in the food and service department. Most posts and reviews started like this: she is a beautiful ship... but....


The longer I lingered other things started to come out like the increase of the already outrageous drink prices on board, all the nickel and diming, etc.... and then this past weekend the experience of the poor passengers on board now.


Not to mention how rude some of the posters are with their responses. Its so weird. I post that we got an upgrade to a GS and get blasted for it. I'm making it up, RCCL doesn't do that, etc... Well they did do it. Our friend/travel agent got it for us. I'm grateful and love him for it. This is a special trip for us (the posters on this board even bashed me because I said its our anniversary cruise and we are not actually sailing on our anniversary. My husband gave it to me for our anniversary and had it booked for a future date when it was convenient for us to travel for that length of time! How do you bash someone for that and accuse them of lying about their anniversary).


If you find me to be negative I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm feeding off of what I have read on these very boards.


My opinion is as valid as any and I have a right to state it. "Great posters" are not only the posters that agree with your opinion.

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I came back to cruise critic after not cruising for about 10 years to get tips and read about being on the Anthem. I found 90% of what I read on this board was negative toward Anthem, especially in the food and service department. Most posts and reviews started like this: she is a beautiful ship... but....


That's one of the things I find ironic. You really can read a lot of negativity on this board, and yet if anyone dares to defend something that RCI did, you hears claims that any negativity is not allowed.

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She reminds be of a guy havingfun that loves to come on the Carnival boards and trash them every chance he gets, he is a constant pot stirrer. And also gets threads shut down all the time :mad: Real downer.


Oh come on...don't pretend like you don't have your fair share of pot stirrers on the CCL boards. That board has some of the most prolific cheerleaders on Cruise Critic. In fact, I'm almost convinced one of them is falsely claiming to have taken a RCI cruise to further his CCL agenda. ;)


But don't get me wrong....every board has them.

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I can't claim originality on this pic but thought it appropriate especially for a certain someone I keep seeing everywhere with her negativity....I think John (jon&lala?) posted this in another thread. [emoji16]



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Not everybody is financially prepared to do that. Some people actually have to save for vacation. Plus the hotel prices in NYC are very expensive.


Hotel prices in NYC are not as expensive as the cruise they paid for, and they are getting back all the money that was paid for the cruise. I think the suggestion about the hotel and sightseeing was a very good one and a way to salvage their vacation. You know ...when life hands you lemons, etc.......

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Free food and accommodations for 4 nights and the larger part of Wednesday.... Most passengers unharmed. A slight delay in debarkation due to the logistics of unloading 4 thousand people in the middle of the week when shoreside staff are usually not scheduled to work. Get a grip and deal with it.


Sent from my X10 using Tapatalk



Yes, all of what you say is true...but in hindsight....right? I am a high anxiety person who has learned coping mechanisms to control it and only rarely take medication.


Those who judge how folks should feel about this horrible event at sea are dismissing the real possibility that there will be more than a few individuals who will suffer PTSD, ...hopefully just short term, but suffer from it, nonetheless.


a link to a description of PTSD: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd/index.shtml

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Hotel prices in NYC are not as expensive as the cruise they paid for, and they are getting back all the money that was paid for the cruise. I think the suggestion about the hotel and sightseeing was a very good one and a way to salvage their vacation. You know ...when life hands you lemons, etc.......


They would still have to have a way to pay for it. Not everyone will. Refunds and instance money won't come till later. That's all I'm saying🙄

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I never said there weren't.....I'm talking about the same name that comes up time and time again and you just know. ;)


Oh come on...don't pretend like you don't have your fair share of pot stirrers on the CCL boards. That board has some of the most prolific cheerleaders on Cruise Critic. In fact, I'm almost convinced one of them is falsely claiming to have taken a RCI cruise to further his CCL agenda. ;)


But don't get me wrong....every board has them.

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I can't claim originality on this pic but thought it appropriate especially for a certain someone I keep seeing everywhere with her negativity....I think John (jon&lala?) posted this in another thread. [emoji16]



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There are plenty of biased opinions on here. Plenty of unchecked facts. I take it you are referring to everyone right? Do t discriminate 😳

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They would still have to have a way to pay for it. Not everyone will. Refunds and instance money won't come till later. That's all I'm saying🙄



Credit card(s), ATM, etc.. I am sure they are not totally penniless. :rolleyes:

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That article ticked me off. Why post a picture of the Costa Concordia lying on its side right under the title, if not to try to sensationalize what happened? And then it auto-plays a slideshow of "cruise ship disasters", complete with ominous music. Whoever published it that way should be fired. The Anthem passengers went through a terrible experience, no question, but how is it helpful to dredge up every incident that ever occurred on a cruise ship? Just report the facts, and stop trying to make a bad situation worse with scare tactics.


Yes, even quotes that "expert" Al Roker. What a joke, that lawyer Walker got himself mentioned too.

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My heart goes out to those on board hope there back on dry land shortly and they get there plans sorted . Just an odd thought and it's the romantic in me hope no one had planned a pre valentines romantic engagement. If so hope they can rearrange there plans


Stay safe

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Mom.to.2 Here is the language from the RCL policy When Coverage Ends

Your coverage automatically ends on the earlier of: 1) the date the

Covered Cruise Vacation is completed; 2) the Scheduled Return

Date; 3) your arrival at the return destination on a round-trip, or the

destination on a one-way trip; 4) cancellation of the Cruise Vacation

covered by the Plan.


The language on this policy does not state city of origination of the traveler. The cruise vacation ends at the port.

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tbill, I understand people having differences of opinion. My version of good food, high prices, comfortable beds, etc...is going to be totally different than someone else's. But why play into their hands? If you know their being ignorant, ignoring them is the best way to deflect them. All you're doing is feeding their fire.

That being said, I hope you enjoy your cruise (jealous of the suite!). I'm cruising with my husband "kid free" for the first time so I've already won no matter what happens.



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