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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Thanks Sally. Looking forward to the trip (of course it's been unseasonably warm here.). Almost wish it'd get cold here before we go



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We lived in the Cocoa Beach area for 3 years (never expected to leave, but AF had other plans for us). Loved November & early December. Melody

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It's 66 and beautifully sunny here today! So far I don't feel the desire to escape to warmer climes, but I'm sure it's coming.


We still haven't booked our Christmas trip to Florida. Now that I have a date for my dad's guardianship hearing I can finally do some planning.


Our time in Florida is a lot like a sea day on a cruise... we work out or walk in the morning, go out to eat a lot, swim, enjoy the beach, read. Maybe see a movie. Very relaxing. Our "excursion" this year will be kayaking in the Neville Preserve.


Melody, how's the foot coming along?


Anita, nice to get an update from you.


Sally, on the other thread you mentioned Liz Claiborne. I miss the good stuff, too. I used to buy LC often when they sold it at Macy's.

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I go to the doc on Thursday, hopefully to get rid of this scooter. I'm hoping that when I can walk on it that it won't hurt, right now it feels fabulous (but I'm not doing anything!).


I also miss the good old LC clothes. I still have 4 pairs of LC jeans, when I found out they weren't going to be making them anymore I bought all they had in my size. I still have 2 pairs I haven't worn yet (& yes, they still fit). Les calls them "special event" jeans, as it takes a special event for me to drag them out [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. Melody



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While it's halftime, I thought it would be a good time to check in here.


Anita, your son has a lot going on! I agree about the marching band thing...it's overwhelming. It becomes a domination of life, at least from what I've seen around here where I live.


It sounds like your son is well underway with pursuing music. You have to have a lot of drive and determination and he seems to have that. Good for him!


Melody, good luck at your appointment!


I've been approaching shopping differently than in the past, and I hope to continue to learn from the process. So far, I can say there are certain stores for certain things.


Work pants...I wear a lot of pants. The temp is all over the place, and I don't have to worry about my dogs running my nylons before I get out the door in the morning, lol. That usually means NY & Company, or JCP. Problem with JCP is, most styles are in a curvy fit, and I can't wear those. I'm kind of straight between the waist and hips. As much as I want an hourglass figure, it just isn't there! But both stores seem a bit off now that I've lost weight. The pants are baggy, and it isn't the best look, even in the right size. I'd like to try Express, but they aren't cheap and I want to be sure I'm at the same size a while so that I don't feel like the money is going out the window.


But work clothes are necessities rather than choices, in a way. And I don't like just one style. I will say that I'm drawn to those styles you see where a woman has a long torso, long legs, straight figure...and I don't. So I'm toying with things. When I look at something in the store, I ask what I can wear with it and how does it fit in with how I want to look? You know how that can be...you buy a pair of shoes and they don't look right with anything you own? I'm trying to avoid that by saying no, or asking if there is something I am looking at that will bridge the gap so that the shoes become a realistic purchase.


And then there is that "what's my favorite sweater and why" approach. Comfort alone doesn't do it for me. I'm not comfortable if I don't like the way I look when I walk out the door.

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When I look at something in the store, I ask what I can wear with it and how does it fit in with how I want to look? You know how that can be...you buy a pair of shoes and they don't look right with anything you own? I'm trying to avoid that by saying no, or asking if there is something I am looking at that will bridge the gap so that the shoes become a realistic purchase.[/Quote]


What I have experienced is that when I really like something...I make it work. Or just decide that it works...even if it doesn't work for other people.


My first pair of Birks was a fabulous kind of muted reddish purplish kind of color. Not quite mauve, because not really gray...Mom said that if that color were clothes, they'd be jeans...like jeans are blue...and somehow go with just about everything...this color was a color but like jeans and could go with everything.


And even though they might not have...they did.


Dad was buying me shoes. I had narrowed it down to a red pair (that I LOVED) and a brown pair (which I thought would be way more practical and go with more clothes). I wore the red pair out. I mean, they went with everything. And again...maybe they didn't really...but they did. When I finally gave away the brown pair...it's because I realized that I needed to give them away because I never really wore them. But I kept them for over 10 years.


I could repeat this idea over and over from my experience.


And then there is that "what's my favorite sweater and why" approach. Comfort alone doesn't do it for me. I'm not comfortable if I don't like the way I look when I walk out the door.


It's why I have a hard time putting any kind descriptors to my "style". I just like something, for whatever reason, and then make it work...even if it doesn't.


I vividly remember my favorite summer outfit when I was a young girl. A blue and white striped top that was a cross between a tube top and a halter. It had white trim on the top that formed strings that tied behind my neck. A pair of terry cloth running shorts that were bright mustard yellow with kelly green trim. And fancy white wedge sandals with a one inch heel.


Wore it as often as I could. That was THE outfit and I thought I looked awesome. I had no idea that it didn't look awesome until I heard one of my Great Grandma's friends comment on it...as in, how can you let her out in public wearing that weird outfit? The comment pretty much solidified the outfit in my mind...nothing like judgement to really staple something to your personal bulletin board...but it didn't change the fact that I loved the outfit. I don't recall what my grandma said in response, but it was enough that I knew my outfit really was AWESOME and that other woman didn't know what she was talking about.


I remember my Dad wondering why I would wear my sneakers with my cute little dress and shirt combo. I had gotten it for Easter...and guess what? It had polka dots! In several different Easter like colors in a diagonal pattern across the top of the top and the bottom of the skirt. The shirt had the slightly puffy gathered shoulder and a flirty, swingy miniskirt from a straighter, very hip long straight waist area.


I loved these white and gold ballet flats. They were quilted white with a gold cap and little bow. I wore them with a fun navy outfit. I was told that the shoes didn't "go"...bad wearing white shoes with a dark outfit...I think the outfit was a navy shorts/halter top jump suit thing with white polka dots. I thought the outfit was totally cute...but I was advised to change my shoes before we went "out" that night with my girl friends.


So...let's just say that my fashion choices appear to be suspect and I don't have much confidence in the things I like...which is one reason why I think I keep looking for advice because I would like to be "stylish"...but not for the sake of being trendy...I'd like to be stylish in the fact of having a recognizable style that accurately reflects me.


And now I'm coming to the realization that my style might be just that...whatever...who cares? I like it. I wear it together. Deal?


That almost sounds like a personal challenge...go throw my closet and find my favorites and who cares what it looks like? Do that for 30 days and see how you feel...


Melody...I hope you get good news at the doc tomorrow!

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Anita, After reading your post I decided you do have a style . It's quirky and fun so just go with it . I think the mistake we make is when we try to fit into some style that looks good on someone else . We are all unique and I like quirky . Maybe you should hit up some vintage shops and embrace your style .

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Anita. We have pictures of our girls all through their school years. They've asked me, how did you let me go out looking like that! I didn't match! My comment has always been, you thought you looked great & you were decently covered. I think your polkadot dress with the ballet flats sounds adorable

I agree with Sally, embrace your individuality!


I too love polkadots; however, I no longer have any as they give poor Les a miserable migraine , ah well, I shall wear neon!


So nice not having political commercials or phone calls! Melody



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I think quirky is a good word. Kind of reminds me of the lead girl in the movie, Yes Man. That actress seems to have roles that are more quirky...and I like her style.


I've been trying to think of other favorite items...I had a denim jacket with white leather fringe...I kept that for so long...it was so sad to give that away, but I wore it out and as much as I loved it, I did need something new.


i had a green puffy vest with a sunset pattern on the back yoke. All the rays of the sun were a different color like a rainbow. Another thing that went with everything.


The one quirky thing Mom bought me...I couldn't really wear. It was too much. The clown sweater...I tried, but that was too much. You can google clown sweater and the one that all the people are wearing with the red clown hair on the upper sleeves is the one...

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Oh! And I inherited these pants from my Grandmother. They were simple elastic waistband woven material. Blue background with little dolphins all over them... They were long pants, but I pegged the legs and rolled them up. Anyone else remember those days? I guess you could almost call those the precursor to skinny legs...


Oh. And I had a short sleeved sweatshirt that my Dad gave me...it had an emblem on it that said Danville Spending Team and rhinestones all over it.


And the hand painted tiger sweater shirt...oh. Loved that one.


Ok...I'm sorry if I've reminisced to the point of annoyance...I do like things that might be slightly off beat.

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When I think of quirky I think of basic clothes with unexpected touches . Like denim jackets with dresses and quirky pins . I once had a pretzel pin that I loved . I also think of midi skirts with t shirts and sneakers as slightly quirky but cute .I have a niece that really does quirky in fact she designs purses from skate boards .When I see her I love her look it is so her .Maybe you just need to embrace that part of you and have fun with it . You are very pretty and have youth on your side so go for it . Keep it simple with fun touches which I really think you gravitate toward .

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Well, a day or two ago, I typed this nice LONG chatty post with a little sentence or two to individually let everyone know I had read the past several pages (not ALL, you Ladies have been doing SOME talking since I’ve been MIA) and…


Yep, it disappeared when I was ready to post! I love hearing about what’s going on here and will just jump in on the latest.


I once wore black combat boots (daughter’s castoffs) with a broomstick skirt outfit. My husband was MORTIFIED!!! He is such a conservative person, bless his heart, and I don’t conform AT ALL. Well, I do try sometimes, but quirky just leaks out unexpectedly. I thought I was doing a great thing by recycling those boots. They were in great shape and had lots of wear left in them. I think it’s the fact that I clomped up on the platform to sing during a church service that was the kicker. They were donated to the church clothes closet.

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Well, just back from the doc. Do you like my shoes [emoji22]? I can wear my pretty shoes to the wedding in FL (only for the wedding) & I can do "limited" barefoot walking on the beach, otherwise I'm in the boot [emoji30]. He wanted me to stay on the scooter!!! Melody



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Hang in there Melody. At least you're wearing one really cute shoe!


I'm having a crazy week so I'll catch up on the weekend. My mother dressed me like a dork so I don't have a lot of fun clothes stories to share. However, when I was 14 or 15, I bought myself some giant platform sandals that were brown, black and ivory hounds tooth pattern. Big pattern. I wore them with everything for a year, regardless of what "went." I think I only paid $5 for them on sale, or I never would have "wasted" my babysitting money on something so crazy.

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Melody, I like that you're staying positive! Maybe you're all done with foot surgery now. Wouldn't that be great?


I have been following along all week, but have only had a chance to post here and there.


Since we are talking about what we wore growing up, I'll share my side of things.


I grew up in a family of 6, and had three older sisters. I wore what they grew out of. And many times, it did not fit right and was worn and out of style by the time I got to it. We had little money, so I had to be a bit inventive. I learned how to alter clothes and sew my own early on. We were very resourceful too. For example, if something was no longer good enough to keep, you always removed the buttons and zippers so you could reuse them. And that pink button down shirt with the huge collar? I altered it to a mandarin collar instead.


So, there really wasn't much thought to what I liked and didn't like because I had no choice. When I was old enough to babysit, it was cool to buy some of my own things, but I had to really think long and hard...those were going to be my only new clothes, you know? Yes, we were that poor. Financially poor, but wealthy with love and family.


Thinking back to what I loved the most, there was my denim pencil skirt. It was a midi style, with the high notched waistband? Very 90s? I wore that into the ground. It was great. When I was in high school, which was early 80s, I had this taffeta 3/4 length sleeve fitted jacket. I think that is the only thing I can think of to call it. You know how women wore those fitted suits with the jacket and skirt back in the 50s or so? Well, this was a navy vintage one I found at a garage sale. I just loved it. When I watch movies like It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, etc., I am so drawn to the way women dressed back then. Damn, it had to feel so special to be dressed like that while your guy had on a suit.


Isn't that crazy?


Did I already mention that I'm always drawn to those clothes on people with the mile long legs, straight shape, and long torso? And I have none of that? Lol. I love clothing that has a certain simplicity, but is very smart looking. Somewhat fitted and really pulled together and polished looking. Then my jewelry says that it's Laurie's outfit.


I am going to try and go back to those videos. For whatever reason, I found myself skipping around a lot. Margaret, the one you posted was captioned, so I'm going to go back to the website and see if those are, so I can follow better.


I looked at the stores she has, and it wasn't quite working for me. I think I need to understand the concept better, and then see how to apply it to myself.

What I have experienced is that when I really like something...I make it work. Or just decide that it works...even if it doesn't work for other people.


Anita, what you said here...this is something where I can realize that my Style Statement makes perfect sense for me. Harmony, or harmonious. I can't make something work. If it isn't right, I can't wear it, no matter how much I love it.


I've been thinking about my dresses, and which ones I love and why. I love the snake print maxi. I think it is more for the style than the snake print. Another one is my purple dress. Aren't they opposites? Why do I like both of these so much?







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I think I know why. It's because they elongate your body, make you look taller, and give you that long-torso, long-leg look that you admire. With your weight loss and smaller chest it is even more pronounced.


With my short torso, I am always trying to balance or re-proportion my top and bottom that way also. It's easier to do when I'm thinner.

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That's a good point, Margaret. I know I need continuity through the torso area. Belts and waistbands are not good for me. I have to watch anything that is the concept of fit and flare...if it has a waistband and gathers, forget it. If it has that shape the snake print dress has, then I'm good.


I have thought a bit too about tonal outfits, and how that may create a similar effect when I'm wearing pants. Just an illusion of the eye, you know?


I think that is another reason why I am liking tunic style shirts and sweaters lately, as long as they lay fairly close to the body. They draw the eye downward, instead of to the middle of my torso, or slightly below.


In other news, I'm stalling. I have a doctor's appointment this morning for my usual blood work for my thyroid. Why is it on the day I have to fast, I wake up feeling like I haven't eaten in days? This is why I like the early appointments. I love it when I can get the 7:45 appointments, but I'm stuck with 9:30 today.


Now, can you all refresh my memory on Key West again? Sloppy Joes? A trolley or bus or something? I've been considering....gasp....parasailing! Why do I migrate towards things like this when I'm afraid of heights?

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Key West does not have good beaches so it is not a beach day port . It is more a sightseeing port . The trolley tour will take you through Key West and explain all the history .After that there are many places to wander lots of shops , art galleries and bars . The most famous is Sloppy Joe's which usually has music going and is a lot of fun. There are many other bars that are also fun .In fact there is a bar tour excursion which gets good reviews .

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