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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Sorry for interrupting, but I thought this might be of interest to our EARTH ladies, maybe?




Thank you for sharing this Debbie! Seeing that was very enlightening for me. We did all the best of the best colors and I feel pretty confident in knowing that I am a Soft Autumn...so I really appreciated seeing the greens there for SA...they are all greens that I think I look really good in...and some of those greens really walk that line between warm and cool. Seeing the grouping though...I could totally see me in the Soft and Laurie in the True. I have a hard time seeing Margaret in green...she's a blue/teal girl for me...


Anyway...I'll probably spend some time around that site...looks like a bunch of fun discussion on there.


I think that clothing for travel in general can definitely add expense, not just cruising. Whenever you go to a climate that is outside of your normal...or activities that are outside normal...clothing falls under equipment in a practical sense to be able to fully participate in whatever travel.


It turns out that my blue dress is a Natural silhouette in the Kibbe system (and similar systems) and the most recent outfit that I didn't care for as much was more Soft Natural, I think. Funny thing...that was actually a tighter bottom with a loose top. I'll get there. I've spent much of my life mostly unhappy with the way I look in clothes (not talking about my size or anything, just style, color, etc.) and that was what prompted me to come here and talk to Curt. I've never quite nailed the whole style thing...and partly, that's because I go back and forth on deciding whether or not it is worth my time and if I should be focusing on something else...like moving...:')


The flip switches though, swim? and you say to yourself...I'm going to figure this out! I hope I don't make y'all crazy as I sort through this!

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I just read the article on Inside out style blog about personality is the most important thing for dressing .I think this is so true . I am a casual person and as long as I dress nice casual I feel good and think I look good but the minute I try to be wear anything more formal or with ruffles I feel not so great .That is why we now avoid formal night on cruises because they are just not fun for us .Anita, You have a unique style so go with it .I looked at what I should wear for my shape and I would not wear any of it and feel comfortable .As for color the one color I cannot wear unless their is another color near my face is white . It really does not do me any favors.

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Sally, I thought white looked terrible on me too, but my white sparkly jacket is my favorite "dressy" item now. Maybe because it does sparkle with the silver & jet. I know it's coming with me in November. Melody



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What is interesting is that I started the thread that this one spun off from "what season are you"" because I was trying to figure some things out.


I found a pattern to certain things. Whenever I wore black or white, I'd hear "are you feeling okay? You look pale." or I'd hear "you look so tired!". I got to thinking that when I looked around, certain people really seemed to come alive when they wore certain colors.


So, as you can tell from the first few sentences, I can't wear black or white. I really don't look good any really light colors, although if an ivory has enough yellow to it or a tea stained look, I can wear it.


I think that all my shorts and tops are all things I've been wearing this summer. It's the formal night attire that is probably cruise specific. I can say that I have more shorts than I used to in my wardrobe because we sail to these hot climates, and I don't have to ability to re-wear things the way I can at home due to the humidity and sweating. I also can't just throw things in the wash whenever I want.


I think seeing the autumn greens broken down for me that way is such a big thing. I've been working a lot of overtime, and this is the first chance I've had to type more than a few lines. I really have to review that site. I want to see so much more.


I would literally save all these to my computer. I could really use this info on shades of blue.


Anita, it's funny when you mention Margaret and blue, because I think that is her best color too. I was wondering what my best color was when I was thinking about all this. Favorite colors are one thing, best colors are another. I have often thought it would be rust or one of those true greens you see in the link.


Anita, I relate to what you are saying. I go through that a lot, and have for a while. I think the main difference for me right now is the excitement of losing weight gives me more confidence in myself.


But I can't stand that roll that I have around my middle, and if I'm not careful about how pants and shorts fit me, I end up looking like I am wearing some weird baby diaper. That must sound stupid, but Pampers currently has a commercial with a toddler running around in pull ups and at the end of the commercial, she dances and spins and you see where these things hang down in the back. Yep, that's my butt. ;p;p;p


I am trying to do better with my choices. My last cruise, I wouldn't post any photos when I wore a couple dresses because I couldn't stand how I looked. Sometimes, it's the photography, or the pose. I think it's very hard for me to see myself for who I am sometimes. But I'm getting better.

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Well, I've had an interesting week health wise. My kidneys are being funky, I have a huge (docs word) hiatal hernia (at least I know what that darn bulge is now!) & I found out today that I have to have my other eye operated on 5 Sep. I think my warranty is running out!!!


We went to the marathon expo tonight & I gave away 8 tubs of Marathon clothing Many happy faces in the crowd cause some of this stuff hadn't been available for 10 years (some real classics). I put a jar for donations for trail maintenance (its a national forest) & ended up with over $1500 (in 10 minutes). People are so generous!


This is the outfit I had on cause it makes me happy. Melody fe84f119372d0ec7cdacae24ea75abdb.jpg



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Sally, it's lovely to read that you think I have a style. I don't feel that way at all. I know I do, we all do, and I believe that, but I guess it would be most accurate to say that I don't feel like I project my inner self. So when I see a photo of myself, it doesn't represent the me that I carry a mental image of and so I feel frustrated because there is a disconnect there between the inner me and the me that the world sees. So I go looking for help on how to bring the real me forward, I guess.


Melody, love that outfit on you! Loved it when you first posted it. Such a fun color combo. Yay for the giving away of your stash! I bet that felt amazing! What an awesome fundraising effort too!


Me...I finished unpacking and settling the kitchen today! Woot woot! I need to go have 3 shelves cut to add to the kitchen cabinets. There are never enough shelves and the cabs are 42" tall! So, I'm 3 shelves for 3 different cabs away from being done there. I will say that I've never felt so short as I do in my new kitchen. The cabs are installed way high. Like...there is a 2 foot clearance between the bottom of the cabs and the countertop..which is 36.5" off the floor, so...the bottom shelf of the cabs are at 5' high...and they are 42" tall.


Can you say step stool?

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Wow Anita! I've not seen cabinets that height before! I agree, never enough shelves. I don't have a pantry in my (small, outdated) kitchen so I converted a small bedroom into a quasi office & had Les put shelves into the closet. Our suitcases live on the floor of that closet & all dry & canned goods reside on the shelves. Makes me happy when I see it. If we ever move all I have to do is remove the shelves & it's a closet again. When our daughter moved to her new patio home I gave her glass cereal dispensers. She planned on having them on her counter but realized that her walk-in pantry was large enough & had enough shelves (a woman had to design it!) that she has everything displayed & within reach & absolutely nothing on her counters. Her 9 year old loves that she can reach everything too! She really has my dream kitchen


Cleaning out the marathon stuff has put me on a total purge of the house. Les is concerned as to how much "stuff" I'm willing to unload. I told him he was safe [emoji6]



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Anita , Of course you have a style from your pictures I would guess it is casual with a flair .You look great in casual clothes .Those kitchen cabinets are high .I would end up on a step stool a lot . My kitchen has a ton of cabinets which need to be cleaned out but Gary will protest getting rid of stuff . Why do guy's want to keep crap? Football season is coming and while he is at his son's watching the game I will be purging .

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Sally, while everyone is trying to invade the ultimate strip of land for eclipse viewing, I'm spending this weekend purging too! If I can get DH to help, it will be a miracle.


Melody, lime and turquoise/aqua is one of my favorite color combos too! How good to get rid of stuff, make others happy to have it, and benefit a worthy cause all at the same time. Win-win-win!!! Now if we could just wish you to good health, you'd have it made! I hope everything goes well for you and your next surgery.


Laurie, I'm glad the 12blueprints article on greens helped. On the left side of the page, you can research several articles for Autumns.


After reading more about gamine style, I understand why it suits me. Several times a day I must dampen down my enthusiasm at work to a more "classic" vibe. Perky is pretty irritating to others in a small office setting. Heck, I've come to understand that perky can be pretty irritating to others, period. When my aches and pains are at a reasonable level, when on vacation, visiting with the grands--you know, all those wonderful moments--my husband invariably says, "you're feeling good today, aren't you?" After being diagnosed Yang Gamine, I understand why he thought my mood was improved. I have permission to be my authentic self. I like being me.


Anita, I've always thought of you as Soft Natural or Yin Natural. Even though your Zuma clothes were cute and functional, I never thought of it as your personal style. Your gravitational pull is Pinterest boho style, correct? Tops with several coordinating patterns of color added nilly-willy with lacy ruffles, right? Mother Earth but with a twist? The chunky leather strap sandals you recently showed were definitely Natural. Just like we took pictures of ourselves in our colors, the camera doesn't lie about our clothes proportions either. That's the part of EARTH and Natural that I've always been drawn to. When I was told that I was a short yang natural, it all made sense. I can do certain aspects of Natural, but they must be in proportion for my smaller-ness and in my Light Spring colors. Because I don't think of myself as small in any way, it's been an eye-opener for me. I think that's where my image consultant and others like Inside Out Style understand that personality blends with body proportions to let you show your authentic self.



I really liked a similar top in the store. Hit all the right markers. Vertical geometric design with ivory lace in spring colors. Took it home and tried it on. Little too small around the armholes because it was Junior-sized instead of Misses, so when the next size up went on sale, I bought it and returned the smaller full-priced top. Yanked the tags off and wore it last night to an outdoor concert. Not too small around the armholes, but it was cut too slender through my wide shoulders and showed my bra straps. I was self-conscious and I didn't remember it feeling quite so boob-a-licious when I tried it on earlier. Oh well, just me and DH. No big. Saw a couple of friends that sat down with us and visited. LOVED seeing them. She's a little bit of a thing and they both are so nice. Didn't really love them seeing ME. Made a late-night grocery run on the way home and ran into two more people we hadn't seen in ages! That makes two tops recently that will be used as pajama tops. Yes, the top was too gathered above my boobs and highlighted them--not in a good way.


Everyone else has trouble with pants. I've got the jackets and pants down pat even though I keep buying sweaters for easy movement when I need structured short jackets. Why, oh why, are tops so hard for me?!? I either look like a schlump or here-come-the-boobs. signed, Screaming in KY

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Debbie, awhile back you suggested that I might be a light winter. I'm thinking you might be right, even tho I do adore some my fiery colors. I tried on the cutest swimsuit at Dillard's. Coral & light pink. Made me smile till I put it on, oh no, not going home with me.


I did get a gorgeous white background, all over paisley print tankini top that I never would've looked at before color discussions. The majority of the multi colors are teal, pink & purple, it's a Miraclesuit & was $18. I'll try to get a decent picture. Also got a different shade of teal blue, leaning toward my favored turquoise but a bit darker. It was $15 for a Miraclesuit, it was definitely coming home with me, now to find bottoms that aren't black (although that looks pretty good with it)


Have to get all my shopping in before Labor Day cause I won't be driving, reading, ipadding (is that a word?) or hitting the gym for at least two weeks after this eye surgery.


I have the same issue with those tops...Melody



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I think seeing the autumn greens broken down for me that way is such a big thing. I've been working a lot of overtime, and this is the first chance I've had to type more than a few lines. I really have to review that site. I want to see so much more.


I would literally save all these to my computer. I could really use this info on shades of blue.


Anita, it's funny when you mention Margaret and blue, because I think that is her best color too. I was wondering what my best color was when I was thinking about all this. Favorite colors are one thing, best colors are another. I have often thought it would be rust or one of those true greens you see in the link.


I thought that post about greens was really helpful, too. I look good in the darker EARTH greens, but I just can't seem to bring myself to wear them. I did some back to school shopping at The Rack yesterday, and I had two olive green tops among my selections to try on, and neither made the cut (probably because they were solids, and you know I like my patterns.) I have one almost-kelly-green top that I occasionally wear, and I get positive comments on how I look in that every time. For me I think the greens that tend toward winter are the best. Most olives can appear too soft autumn for me, I guess. They work best for me when I mix them with another EARTH color, or use them as a neutral base.


I like your distinction between favorite colors and best colors. I love my blues, but as I move along the range of blues I can see very distinct changes in my eyes and hair from EARTH to ICE, warm to cool. It is clear that I look more vivid and awake in EARTH blues and that teal is my BEST color. The cooler blues give me a softer look and my eyes are almost gray. It works but it is a significant change in my appearance. The same is true for reds, but in reverse. The rust area of the spectrum looks best with my skin, but my coloring as a whole is more interesting in a red that tends toward a jewel tone.


This is my latest shopping task. After I try things on, I usually have three or four likes. I always put back anything that I cannot wear right now in this season. Then I choose at least one of what's left and put it back, thinking that if I really want it I'll come back for it (generally never happens). When I get home I wear what I bought within a day or two and see how it integrates with my wardrobe. I feel like I have very few orphans and mistakes now.


Here is my plan for dealing with my size and all the clothes that don't currently fit, but that I bought because I really like them and don't want to give them away. Whew, long sentence. Because of our apartment reno, my dress closet there is currently empty (all my dresses are here at the lake.) I'm going to move everything that fits right now, including my work clothes, into the empty closet, and just dress from there until my weight is back on track. Eventually, hopefully, that closet will be empty and I'll be back to wearing my "usual" wardrobe. Then my dresses will be able to come home. :)

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I've been thinking a lot about this. I definitely want to go through the quiz process, and see where I end up. I think it would be very interesting to do.


I was also thinking too that as the years have gone by, my style has changed. Younger, older, bigger, smaller. Work, cruising. How am I feeling overall? Happy, sad? Confident? But deep down, there are some things that I think remain as a parallel through the years.


I seem to be finding a style, but I'm not certain I can put my finger on it yet but I feel much more confident when I see the right thing now. I think it would really help me to figure it out.


I seem drawn to things that are feminine, but I don't like ruffles or gathers very much. I like things to be somewhat fitted. I can wear loose things, but not too loose. Never boxy or unconstructed.


And even though I really like jewelry, necklaces in particular, I'm not into an in your face kind of statement necklace. At the same time, I have very, very few pendant style neckaces.


This is completely off topic, but I like this necklace here. When I was looking for a necklace to wear with the teal dress, I think I had something like this in mind, but much smaller scale than this. To me, this become the star of the outfit, and I have a thing about harmony - I don't want a necklace to dominate.



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Anita, I'm wondering how tall our cabinets are. We decided we were going to the ceiling with them, because I felt it would help with space. I have to get a chair to get things out sometimes. I just put things in based on how often they are used. If i use it a lot, it's on the first shelf. If I seldom use it, it's on the top shelf. It's quite a task getting up there!


My husband did an amazing thing. We were taking back a pair of sneakers we ordered for him online that didn't fit at Kohls, so we looked around and he decided to pick up two new shirts. (that ins't the amazing part) When we got home, I mentioned for the umpteenth time that he has a lot of things that don't fit still in his closet.


He actually sorted it out. It was bittersweet. I have had the same issue. It's great to lose weight, but it's hard to see all the things you have to get rid of. You are thinking of a favorite shirt you can't purchase any longer in a smaller size. You are thinking about how something was a bit more expensive, and you only got to wear it a for a year.


But it is really good that he did this because it is very clear that he has built up his work pants, which are more or less chino style. He has the summer polos situated because they are work issued with the embroidered logo on them. He also found shorts that were inexpensive but good fitting at Target, and he has built those up. But he really needs to work on the shirts.


He is very predictable, but fussy. He wears almost exclusively button down shirts. For work, they are broadcloth, solid color dress shirts with a button down collar. He will wear some plaids. For casual wear, they are all plaid. He has started to wear a few polos, which is great. I am hoping he takes a few to wear with khakis on the cruise.


I had to have him pick out his ties for formal night. He's too fussy to just wear something I choose. Here is the funny thing: he has two ties that go great with the teal dress, but nothing that goes with tango. That is a reddish orange, and I can't find anything that works right. We settled on a print tie that is orange based because it wasn't horrible. it wasn't great, but it will have to do.


I think I am more anxious for this cruise than normal. I am so tempted to start packing, but we have two weeks. I ironed some stuff today though! My husband even told me I could iron his cargo shorts, lol.

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Laurie, I'm coveting that necklace!!! We went to Dillards yesterday & walked into the men's department. Les continually says, I don't need anything (he's worn the same size for over 50 years (so irritating). He went over to these Daniel Cremeiux shirts (button down) & picked out two immediately (I was stunned). One is white with small navy sailboats & small palm trees (great for over a swim suit) & one a mocha with turquoise, orange & yellow hibiscus. He grinned at me & said find something to go with this, I'm wearing this to board the ship. It goes perfectly with his Columbia cargo shorts. Only issue is they're both cotton, sigh. I'll get some pictures tomorrow.


Two weeks? I'd be packed with dress clothes in dry cleaning bags ready for their one fold. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]Melody



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We hit the mall today! I haven't been mall shopping in forever. We went for DS though. He needed/wanted non-jeans pants. So off we went and for the first time in forever, and maybe ever, we went into the trendy mall shops to find young people pants. We took a look in the department stores too...but WOW...that was the saddest Dillards I've EVER been in! And there were NO young clothes for men. Nothing on trend.


Made some scores in Hollister and PacSun. H&M was a bust. Not too many other good young men stores in the section of the mall we were in... We were good though and needed to hit Kohls. Found good cargos at Kohls.


AND I scored at Kohls!


Deciding to just fully embrace my self as a Soft Autumn and Soft Natural, OR...and I think I prefer this naming...Yin Natural or YinN...I found this fab dress:




It's a wrap dress with a slight flare...it hits right around the knee. Bell sleeves:




Close up of the print...the background is a fab Griege color, which I think we discussed a while back, with warm brown, yellow, coral and aqua:




It looks wonderful with my brown sandals! And I think that I'll also be able to wear it with my brown lace up knee high boots.


According to everything I've been reading...this is a PERFECT Soft Autumn YinN dress! I'll get a photo of me in it when I wear it. The weather isn't quite ready for the long sleeve but it's not far off...the evenings are getting cooler in spurts...And I recall that autumn always suddenly seems to happen. It was just too good to pass up. It isn't online.


Laurie...that necklace would be a focal point for sure! That is not something I would ever wear. I would never feel comfortable in something with that much bling. After all the reading that I have been doing...I don't think that you will fall in the Natural Laurie. I mean...there's a lot that goes into the whole evaluation, but the facial features that are hallmarks of Natural...I'm not sure that they are you...and most of your photos are gone, so I can't go look again...but I don't think any of the following describes you necessarily:


Wide cheekbones, not too fleshy...tending to flesh only with added weight

Moderate, wide set eyes...especially that have a tendency to disappear a bit when smiling

Arched eyebrows...the kind that look like triangles

Blunt, wide nose

Blunt, wide jaw and chin area

Wide forehead

Square face

Non-contrasting coloring

Asymmetrical face


Those are the typical facial features of a Natural.

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Anita, that dress...I think I saw it yesterday? But for myself, I kept walking. I noticed it, loved the earthy colors, but I can't do the greige. It just doesn't work for me. It is so pretty thought, and I'd love to see it on you. I have always gotten an impression that you are drawn to,and comfortable in, a certain level of boho styling. I might have the wrong term, but bell sleeves, some retro 70s styles, but tying in to nature.


Am I on track with that?


It's interesting, because I avoid those looks. I have loved them, bought them, and just couldn't figure out at the time why if I put them on, I take them back off. I even have a shirt kind of like that right now, and it is a more recent purchase. I am drawn to the cold shoulder look overall. But the shirts and dresses have these big sleeves, gathered fabric, etc. Whenever I find something that doesn't have that and still has the cold shoulder look, it tends to be super fitted, like a body suit. That is too much in the other direction.


That may be why I like the teal full length dress for formal night so much. It checked the right boxes for me. I think it has a little bit of romance to it. Have you noticed that when I do wear prints, they seem to have flowers? I might be on to something here.


I have not started the quiz yet. I have to make sure I do that though. I think it would be fun to do, and may help me to figure some things out.


And from what I have been stating in this post and previous posts, I think it explains why I am willing to remove the maxi dress if I want to substitute something else. It doesn't check all the boxes. I do think we have exceptions, and figuring out why we like those exceptions could reveal a lot about ourselves too.


Melody, you look so happy in that picture. I'm sorry that you have all these things going on lately. You are such a trooper - upbeat through it all!


I will be at work when the eclipse starts here. I don't really take a lunch, but I might head out to take a peek for a minute. Carefully. I know you can't stare at it without special glasses, but I could probably glance up, quickly? We are expecting clouds the last I knew of, so I don't know if it will look like much to us here New York.

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Laurie, if you don't have the special glasses don't look at the eclipse, you can cause permanent retina damage.


Thanks for the compliment, I took that picture just before we boarded the Liberty in April.


I still can't find the rest of that quiz. I think my iPad doesn't like it. I'll jump on Les's computer after the Red Sox game


Margaret, have a blast at the eclipse party. Drive safe. Melody



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