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All Things EARTH... part 2


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My gown was very light. A silk slip like underneath with a chiffon overlay, no zippers, no buttons, pull over the head & go. I didn’t even wear spanx!  I felt lovely in it. It was brutally hot & humid, thankfully the ceremony (outside) was mercifully short. The indoor venue was perfectly air conditioned. Melody

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Alright. Wimbledon!


We're BIG tennis fans. DH played in high school...and before that obviously. My FIL was a tennis pro once upon a time ago...he has played his entire life and has a deep abiding love for the game...he plays in his age group currently and last I knew was a top 5 ranked player nationally. DS started playing when he was younger...but ultimately, he didn't want to continue...


But around that time...elementary school age...we started watching tennis. DH and DS were able to go to some tennis tournaments in Houston, complimentary tickets. And we started watching tennis...and we just kept watching tennis. I think with all the moving around we have done...it can be hard to continue to follow your team...players retire, get traded, etc...and IDK...there's something a little more constant about following individual players maybe? I can easily name more tennis players than current football players right now. EASILY. I can recognize players...I know what country they're from...or region anyway...


All this to say that going to Wimbledon is a BIG DEAL for us. Not just because it's a big deal in general...as some would say...it's a major bucket list item. It was a late realization that we were going to be in London during Wimbledon. Our hope was to be able to go earlier during our visit, in the hopes that there would still be singles matches on the outer courts, as we would likely just be able to get grounds passes and not tickets for any of the show courts. An eye on the forecast and all the rain, as well as DS's concert ideas, postponed our attempt until this Monday morning.


We did a bit of reading up on the Queue before going. My favorite line from an article read something along the lines of, if the idea of joining thousands of other sports fan to purchase day of tickets strikes you with fear and horror, then you likely use the word "line" instead of "queue".


Maps did not have the best directions for getting there. The transit plan was fine, but the stop would have been the wrong one. Just sayin'. From where we were, we made 2 transfers to get to Wimbledon. It was quite clear who all was going to Wimbledon...and we all got off at the Southfields station...follow the crowd. Up the street just a bit and you will see that one side of the road says has signs directing you to one side or the other depending on whether or not you already have a ticket.


There's a park where the Queue takes place. It's all set up and very orderly. There are workers there who are directing everyone...you get into your queue and then someone follows along and hands out your queue card which is dated and numbered. I was 3495. And now you are officially in the line.




We were also handed a guide to the Queue, a multipage little booklet that also had Wimbledon information.


There were venders at the edges of the park. Very handy because we were in need of morning caffeine...DH and DS took off for those queues LOL...and I took this little one minute video to show what being there was like:



We had arrived around 7AM...


There are luggage holds available so that you can bring supplies for the Queue but not have to deal with them in Wimbledon. People had blankets, chairs, full picnic supplies. You can bring your own alcohol into Wimbledon...there is a per person limit...but still. We didn't bring any supplies really. We brought some reading material...


The rough thing about admission using the Queue is that tickets begin to go on sale just a little bit before the matches start...so with so many people to process through ticketing...it can take time to get into the grounds. We had a vague hope of being able to be around to see the first match of the day...but that was soon dashed as we realized the full magnitude of the process. 


If you noticed the tents in the video...people were already lining up for future days. There are instructions on how to camp in the queue...you can actually leave the queue for up to 30 minutes and not lose your place in line. There's instructions for things like pizza delivery...and there ARE toilets. There's a whole bunch of typical port a potty types and then portable buildings that have what I heard were really nice more "normal" toilets.




We entered the grounds before noon...headed to get some Pimms...the classic Wimbledon drink...




And then we headed over to see a ladies doubles match. One team had an American player on it...I think they were the second seed? We were front row in the corner...most of the outer courts are very intimate setting...




Court 12 is one of the larger grounds courts...we headed there to watch more Americans. There was an American on each side of the net...we were actually rooting for the underdogs, USA/South Africa duo...we had been really impressed with the South African player who made a name for himself with a surprising deep run in whatever tournament it was... The ladies behind us were also rooting for the same players, and they were vocal which was a lot of fun...




From this court we could also see over to the grounds courts on this side of Centercourt:




There were juniors singles matching happening on these courts. The near court was an exciting game with a local lady coming back from a 2-5 deficit to take the first set and ultimately win her match. After this match concluded...we went over there to see the end of that match.


DS was in communication with a friend...and so we have screen shots of us that they captured from the broadcast. I edited this one to show the players and our location. The gentleman is a beloved doubles UK player and the lady is USA:




At some point we had a sit down meal...but we also had to do the other Wimbledon tradition of Strawberries and Cream:




It was getting on to evening so we took our treat up to Henman Hill where grounds pass people can sit on a grassy hillside and see large screens that are showing the matches on the Show Courts.


It was getting to be later in the evening...the only matches on now were the Show Courts...so we decided to head out. We got this photo on the way out:




This is a Toad & Co dress I picked up at Mast General in NC on our trip there at the end of May. 


We did get sunburns...Sigh. Unbelievable that the Florida residents went to London and got sunburned but there it is. Because we were traveling with carry ons only...we didn't have aloe...and DS was out because he used his all up on his Finland trip...sharing with his friends.


Here's the thing about London. The stores CLOSE. Here we are after 8PM and it was like...how can be get our hands on some aloe?


So I remembered the Super Tesco store that was next door to us where we stayed the last time we went to London...and they were open. It was kinda sorta on our way...less than half a mile from one of the stations we would be passing through...so DH and I made a detour to there while DS continued home to figure out his outfit for graduation the next day...


As I mentioned previously...we had taken 2 transfers to get to Wimbledon...but one of those lines was experiencing SEVERE delays...so we actually backtracked one station to make a transfer to an overground line. It was crazy seeing all the packed trains after the show court matches were completed as we sat on the overground tracks waiting for our train. We stopped by DS's flat to hand off some aloe and headed home...


Graduation was the next day...

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7 nights on Harmony out of Miami, Anita.  We go to Cococay, St. Kitt and st. Thomas.on sea days, we do all sorts of things but I don't have the sweat issues I have when we are in port. There may be days where I cN rewear things, but after the hike, for example, I will probably need a clean outfit.


I'd rather bring home an extra outfit than trying too figure out what I can rewear, you know?  


Wimbledon looks like such a wonderful bucket list item.  I'm excited just seeing the process you went through and how you were able to attend. That has to be a wonderful memory for you.


Pimms...I will have to look that up.  I am not familiar with it.


And I really like your dress!  It looks like it travels well.  I am trying to pay more attention to that when I narrow down my travel clothes.

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I'm hoping to curate a smaller wardrobe. I realize that I have many clothes but I don't wear all of them...and some of that is because of weather. I keep a stash of cold weather things because it seems we prefer to travel to cooler weather...but I have many things I purchased for a specific reason and then haven't really wanted to wear them again...that's fine for a special occasion dress...but not for things that should or could be everyday things.


So one thing I've figured out...after looking at body type stuff again...is that dresses are more flattering on me when there is the indication of a waist. I don't have an hourglass shape...I have more of the 8 shape...so it's a bit of an indent...and while there is no denying that I could lose a few pounds...I feel more attractively curvy when you can see that I do have something of a waist between my generously proportioned uppers and lowers LOLOLOL.


So that dress is a winner for me. It's a knit fabric. Cotton blend. NOT made in China LOL...and it has the waist sash. Color is great for my Soft Natural Earth self. It's very comfortable and did great in the warm weather...and it packs well, being a knit. I haven't looked at Toad&Co's website...I've seen them at Mast General before and I think REI. I should take a look...maybe see about some sales.


Thank Melody about my hair! I was keeping it in the shorter messier pixie-esque style there...my new hair dresser did such a good job with this last cut though...it's been growing out nicely and not being too frustrating...I think I'm going to let it keep growing...


Laurie...if space isn't an issue for your packing, definitely take an extra outfit...especially if your things all mix and match, which they seem to do. 

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Good day at Wimbledon!  I'm a fan of Toad & Co, too.   So far, it has been an excellent trip report!!


Yep, I've seen Toad & Co at REI.  If you do the Title Nine website/catalog/store, it usually has it, too.

Edited by slidergirl
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It sounds like you're having an incredible trip to London, Anita! It's one of my favourite cities. 


If you've got the time, I can highly recommend Dishoom for breakfast - it's an Indian restaurant chain, and their breakfasts are INCREDIBLE, plus bottomless chai. There's one in Carnaby, and there are another 4 or 5 around London. 

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It's funny when we talk about shape.  I think we learn more and more about our bodies every day.  


For myself, things such as ties, belts or a change in a dress near the waist is bad for me.  I'm short waisted, and with the large chest I have, it creates a really bad silhouette. I'm not sure what the proper name is for my shape.  inverted triangle is the only thing that seems accurate, since my shoulder span alone is pretty big, but then there is the chest below it.


I find that something semi fitted is usually a good style for me, but I emphasize the semi part.  It is really more about something that follows the body shape.  Some looser dresses tent out over my chest.  I do have some nice swing dresses that drape well, so that works good.  So does a-line.


Sometimes, I find a dress that makes me look like I have a waist, and that is very exciting for me.

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I know what you mean Laurie. For me it's that I'm so shortwaisted, anything with gathering or detail at the waist makes me look even blocker than I already am in the torso. I have very little space between my ribs and my hips. I need straight lines and minimal fullness to create a look of balanced proportions. I try to take advantage of my long legs but it means a lot of my dresses have a similar silhouette.


You always have a nice variety in your outfits even within whatever constraints you have chosen for yourself. It's not obvious at all that you are doing it. You just always look nicely put together.


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I never try to make a waist since my hiatal hernia issue doesn’t help. I’m very longwaisted & big chested. It can be an issue. I seldom wear dresses unless they’re maxi. I’ve pulled out all my maxi dresses to see what make the cut for our Hawaii trip in June (just in case I need to buy anything with the end of season sales). I already have 95% certainty on what I’m bringing for our February b2b cruise…2 of the maxis will make an appearance there too. Melody

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So I took a look at the Toad&Co website and interestingly enough...they actually have a resale section! So if needs change or size changes, they have created a resale market for their brand.


So the funny thing about the sash on my dress is that it is same fabric...I look terrible in a belt. I'm also somewhat short waisted...like my waist is right under my rib cage...and then a high hip...so belts are bad...but the attached ties on my dress...it just added a bit of interest there and what I especially liked is that I could tie it off center...and that just did a little something something that I thought looked nice. Even though I have little space between my ribs and hips...I find that I need something that slims that area...anything tenting from the bust line just adds unnecessary pounds. Margaret and Laurie, you both wear a shift dress style really well but that looks terrible on me...I do much better with fit and flare or A-line. I think you both have slimmer lowers than I do...My uppers and lowers are almost the exact same measurement.


@neeuqdrazil I'm back in Florida now...I would have loved to give that breakfast a go. I'll tell DS about it...he's still there.


I just bought his airfare for leaving the UK. I'm happy to see him again and have him be home for a while before the next chapter...but I'm kind of sad too. These 4 years have not been at all what I thought they might be and now that chapter is closing. There were things that I thought would have happened for me too that haven't...his graduation is just a milestone in time and again time has passed and things I thought would have come to pass haven't. This makes me sad too...


Melody...where in Hawaii are your plans? I know you've seen the damage on Maui...so incredibly sad.


We currently have no vacation plans on the horizon...it's time to try to vacation in place. We did go to a museum last weekend. The visiting exhibit was gorgeous. I loved the patterns created by the light shining through the dimensional art...it reinforced my personal desire to have what I've thought of as Moroccan light fixtures for a couple areas of our home...especially in what I call the yoga room. 




This weekend I'm taking DH to a nearby dark spot to try to watch the Perseid meteor shower. I just learned about this yesterday...and I found this article to be very informative, if you are unaware:




I'm going to try to continue to try to plan something every weekend...like an excursion every weekend. Last weekend was the museum...this weekend, star gazing. 

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Anita, we’re only in Oahu. Although Les & I may decide to take a couple of days in Kauai. Been looking at (ouch) plane tickets & have decided we’ll fly to Vegas spend a day or two & fly Hawaiian Air nonstop to Oahu. Don’t know if any of the kids will follow along with us. I know one will go to Vegas with us. Melody 

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I need so.w thoughts. I have a dress chosen for dress your best night.  It was the mother of the bride dress I wore for my daughter's wedding in 2019. It is a high low jersey.dress that reaches the floor in the back, but feels more elegant than formal due to the fabric.  I did not want to wear the wedding jewelry, as it felt too formal.  


I thought I knew what necklace I was going to wear, but then I wanted to try some other options.  They are all completely different.  There is a statement necklace, a smaller, more traditional pendant and then a more whimsical option.


Here is the dress.  It isn't earth.  I added a filter to try to get the color as close as possible.  It is a bit more blue.




i was trying to get good photos, but these will do for now.  


Statement necklace:





Next is the traditional:






Lastly the whimsical. Just to note, it is two dimensional, with silver, gold, rose gold and a few rhinestones.



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I agree with Melody. It's fun and unique, not too much nor too little.


I am waiting until September to get serious about my packing, what I need to focus on now are our port plans. I started with the difficult ones and have reservations for those, but I still have three walking-around days where my ideas need specifics. Finding out where we dock is important, and making my usual daily plan document with all the info for each one.


For London I'm trying not to pack our days too full so we can rest if we need to. Saturday and Sunday are museum days. We don't adjust to time changes as easily as we used to, so naps at the hotel or just strolling around might figure in too. Weather may be a factor. Mark will visit the home office on Monday so I'll have some free time to shop, and we got our Macbeth tix for that night. The next morning we leave for Southampton, and I hope to do the Jane Austen Trail (basically a history walk) in the afternoon. 


Anita, if you have a restaurant app for London to recommend, please let me know. We use Around Me or Open Table in NYC. Around Me is nice for finding a quick bite nearby. We use Open Table when we want to make reservations.



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Slidergirl, I have some golden luster pearls that would work with the dress.  I love the way they are a bit of a twist on a classic.  They felt too big to me though, as they are a larger double strand.


I appreciate the input!  I was leaning towards the last necklace as well.  I sometimes try things that are different that don't always work the way I think they will.


It's nice that I have things to choose from.


Have you noticed how they don't really make thi gs that are ideal for jewelry when it comes to traveling?  I have to use little boxes for some of my necklaces because they don't fit in a jewelry roll.

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I like the whimsical option too. 


I have a jewelry roll that I've had FOREVER. Seriously, I think I got it when I was in high school... It's quite simple. It's about as large as a piece of paper...give or take...and it only has two pockets. One has a zipper and the other is open. I also have smaller little bags and I generally put my jewelry into those and then bundle them all together in that roll.


I was trying to find something similar because you could definitely put your statement necklaces in my jewelry roll. The closest thing I could find was this one:




It has three pockets...so not sure about whether or not your necklaces would fit, but I wonder if they would make you a custom one with only two? If the size of the pockets was too small. 


Margaret I don't have a restaurant app for London. I didn't use one. We didn't make a signal reservation...I just used my Map apps to find local places if I needed too...but we weren't having a very planned vacation. DS was kinda sorta in charge on several days and a lot of our plans were made in the moment or just the night before...

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Anita, I have two jewelry rolls that I have had for a long time, but the compartments are small.  I am definitely.gpi.g to check out the one you posted, because what I'm looking for is one with bigger compartments.

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Back in London...




I'd like to first share that there was literally no information that I could EVER find about graduation. Even after several inquires...and pestering DS to try to get info...they just didn't HAVE any...I think because they literally don't plan for it until so much closer to the date. There is no consideration at all for those of us who would be traveling internationally. When I made all our London travel arrangements, I was basically praying and hoping that graduation would land sometime during the visit. Historically...it had happened on the Tuesday following the last day of the semester...so I figured it would be today...but past performance is never a guarantee of future and so...I made plans with some degree of certainty but I was happy when DS said he finally got the info about graduation in JUNE.


What an amazing graduation it was!!


We had a clue as to how different it could be when we attended DS's high school graduation because that was a conservatory graduation as well...but it was just the high school graduates at that off site ceremony. This...THIS felt like we were partaking in a ceremony that could be called a rite...this was TRADITION on steroids.


The ceremony took place in Freemasons' Hall:




The interior is absolutely stunning. The temple is huge...many many floors...many many grand staircases...gorgeous stained glass....ornate ceilings...








It created lovely backdrops for photos but with only a camera phone with me...the backlighting was rough...nevertheless...here's DS's in his graduation robe...




Everything was a rental...we needed to check in quite early so that he could be fitted for his cap and gown. But it is more accurate to call it a robe. No front closer. No real sleeves...it's like a droopy shouldered sleeveless robe...so whatever you are wearing shows quite clearly, unlike the graduation gowns that I wore which completely covered your outfit and made everyone look alike.


We always say that DS got a double dose because DH and I know how to sweat LOL...and so DS was wanting to wear something as lightweight as possible, so he was wearing a short sleeved button down and dress slacks. 


Graduation was technically at 11 am but we needed to be there a couple hours early for the whole robe situation. Each graduate was only allowed a maximum 2 attendees. DH and I had to have our tickets and be checked off a list.


Because we had to be there so early...and plan our tube rides and walking to our destination...we didn't have breakfast prior to arrival. There was supposed to be a cafe on the premises and we figured we would make life easy and just have a bite to eat there. We had been doing a bit of meet and greet with a few parents of DS's friends...but caffeine was calling and there was talk of others having had the same thought about the cafe and so he headed down to it to beat any rush.


The cafe seating area was quite large and we took over a table where a long bench had multiple-tables...and as I had hoped with that selection...when the other composer friends and families came down to the cafe...we took over all the tables and all the composers were having a grand time and we were able to chat more with other parents. It was a good call socially...even if the food was lacking.


Soon enough it was time to head into the Grand Temple. I immediately started taking photographs and was immediately told that photographs were NOT ALLOWED in the Grand Temple. The temple is like a room oriented in "the round" where seating on all four walls faces toward the middle. There is a main entrance and there was a small podium at the end of that aisle along with chairs obviously intended as a stage sort of setting. We were sitting on the side where the undergraduates would be seated:




View from my seat looking forward:




A bit of my overhead view:




The organ was playing as people were being seated. It continued to play introductory music. Then a brass ensemble played. Then the processional happened where all the Professors, Principal and HRH (Her Royal Highness) The Duchess of Gloucester GCVO (Dame Grand Cross) entered. The ceremony was so much more than a graduation ceremony, though it did present recipients of Undergraduate Awards and Postgraduate Awards. There were also recipients of Fellowship (FRAM) and Honorary Fellowship (Hon FRAM) of the Royal Academy of Music...


For these John Suchet OBE was the orator. He would call each recipient forward and they would come stand in the center aisle and face him while he basically read a bio about them and their achievements that warranted them to have earned their FRAM or Hon FRAM. There were 7 such recipients this year...the most known one, judging from the reaction of the crowd was Jacob Collier. 


Similarly...There were also recipients of Honorary Membership (Hon RAM) of the Royal Academy of Music, of which there are always 300 living at any given time...or something to that effect. And again, Suchet had a prepared bio for each recipient, of which there were 5...and again just judging from the reaction of the crowd...Jamie Cullum and Beverley Knight MBE were 2 of the better known recipients.


There was also one Honorary Doctorate given...to James Newton Howard, who among other things is a film composer of over 100 films with such a diversity I'm having a hard time picking any to name...but I will say all the Hunger Games and Emily in Paris, because that seems to show a great range. He was also something of a key note speaker giving a wonderful, extremely entertaining speech. 


There were also Outstanding Studentship Awards given in multiple categories...these are a secret only revealed at the ceremony so they are a surprise to everyone.


Not a single piece of paper was given during the ceremony. Supposedly, we will receive DS's degree, which is a Bachelor of Music in composition, in the mail. And I've learned...as this is a newer degree...it is NOT referred to by the letters only like a BS or BA are...so we're not talking about a BM...it's shortened to BMus...pronounced Bee-Muhs. Kinda freaky that they are going to MAIL his degree but whatever... HRH shook EVERYONE'S hand. For the graduates, they were called forward in groups of 7...and they would line up in the aisle...and all their names were called in order without pause as they walked forward to shake HRH's hand and then proceed back to their seats as the next group of 7 came forward.


All in all, it was a very engaging ceremony and while it was probably a couple hours long...it didn't FEEL long. 


There was a glass of sparkling wine for EVERYONE after the ceremony. As we exited the Grand Temple into the outer areas...there were servers with trays working through the crowd and also side tables set up...and so there was a lot of toasting and chatting and congratulations going on. It was exceedingly crowded...so not really time for pictures...and it was also quite warm and so the crowd made their way outside to the front steps...



Sadly, the front of Freemasons' Hall was undergoing some renovation and so it wasn't a lovely spot for pictures. But this is the family one we got:




Here is my plum dress! It's sleeveless...and this is a knit blazer that I picked up several years ago from Anthropologie. It's a bit on the bulky side for packing and travel because it is sweater knit like...but that also makes it great for travel because it doesn't wrinkle and it is very comfortable. It wasn't too hot because it is so breathable. The scarf is one of my faves...I got sunburned at Wimbledon and so I figured that when I did get warm and took off my blazer...the scarf could help with coverage. Not pictured are the same white sneakers that I wore to Wimbledon. I had been paying attention to footwear with all my people watching and as I said before...almost everyone was wearing trainers, no matter what they were wearing. Others were similarly shod at the ceremony...the "nicest" shoes I noticed were ones that looked like Clarks to me...which again are geared more for comfort than fancy dress. 

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Wow, Anita.  It is special to see your child graduate, but even more so with the setting that you were in. That is amazing.


So that you know, my daughter didn't get her diploma at graduation either.  They mailed hers as well.


Your dress worked out really well!  I think the jacket was very fitting as well.  It seems like the type that could go with a number of outfits, and it works great with your dress.


I am a huge fan of architecture.  We have a venue that we went to for a Christmas concert in December called the Landmark Theater.  I have a few pictures I can post shortly.  I am fascinated by these older, more ornate structures.

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