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Phony Formalism


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More exaggeration. These people always define adhering to the dress code as tuxedos and long evening gowns. Dockers and a blazer with a tie can qualify as at least making an effort! The drama-queen stuff is growing old. A bathing suit can be in good taste' date=' also. The point you seem to constantly miss is that the "tasteful" apparel be in the "required" context.




dang..I tried to resist coming back to this thread.......


Yes, Dockers and a blazer are an effort at looking smart casual...a good effort at that.

When you go into any mall...department store etc., and you see a sign that says FORMAL WEAR...what you find in that store is not Dockers.

Don't get me wrong, I happen to love Dockers...my husband wears them to work every day, but they aren't formal, and on a 'Formal Night' on a cruise ship, no matter how good you're behind looks in them, ;) they aren't what was suggested to wear.

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I think you need a reality check. What on earth have world disasters got to do with formal attire?

Are you just trying to find someone to fight with?

If you were laying on your lounger by the pool and my 23 kids were splashin and screaming around you, would you just say "they paid their money, they can do what they want". I don't think so. I think you would say "can someone keep control of those kids, and why aren't they on a child friendly cruise line?" or my 23 kids in your favourite restaurant, while attending you oldest living relatives 103rd birthday, dressed in play clothes, pulling faces, laughing loudly at each other, and crying while I change the babies diaper, but don't worry, I paid for their food so they can do what they like!.

There are so many choices, that if I did have kids, although I love the attire on X, I would probably choose RCCL. As I am sane, and have common courtesy, I would feel that it would be appropriate.

There are some people in this world who would argue with themselves!!!

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Allen - I would think his comment about the WTC is to show you how completely absurd this is. Who cares about what people wear? There are more important things in life than worrying about a dress code. Oh yeah, there are more important things than this message board too, but I can see you spend every waking moment by this board, anxiously waiting to post your next response.

I witnessed the entire horror of 9/11 and have come to realize what's truly important in life and if you find the need to mock it, then I truly feel sorry for you. (BTW, this message board is not of one them.)


Anyone with any sense at all would not use 9-11 to make a point about cruise dressing. It has nothing at all to do with the subject. Do you honestly think that the people posting about cruising don't know what's serious and important? They are posting on a cruise board. It's supposed to be trivial and cruise oriented.


Since there is no possible way to justify ignoring the cruiseline's request to dress for dinner, I guess you think mentioning something like this will make you appear to be more caring and sensitive. You could prove your sensitivity by just being a good boy and putting on your coat and tie for dinner. My grandchildren get it. I bet you could too if you really concentrate on the subject at hand. If you don't want to dress for dinner, don't, but please STOP the nonsensical comments.

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Originally Posted by sportsguy7

And I thought I was a computer nerd, as my wife calls me. Wow!!






Too funny:


Garbage In, Garbage Out (abbreviated to GIGO) is an aphorism in the field of computer science. It refers to the fact that computers, unlike humans, will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data and produce nonsensical output.

GIGO is usually said in response to users who complain that a program did not "do the right thing" when given imperfect input or otherwise mistreated in some way. It is also commonly used to describe failures in human decision making due to faulty, incomplete, or imprecise data.


Like people jumping to disasters in Mexico or 9/11 when duscussing a topic such as "suggested dress code"


Some people sure like to jump around in their "thought" processing.

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I really don't want to get involved in any of this, so I'll make this short and move on... Yes, Carpathia did help in the rescue of the "Titanic." Capt. Rostron from the "Carpathia" was honored in 1912 by the U.S. Senate for his rescue efforts. I'll leave it at that.

Happy Sailings and I'm out of here...LOL :)

Cheers to you as well...

Lifes2Short ;)


Sorry, I didn't get a chance to finish this clarification earlier. I was in a bit of a hurry.....:eek:

If you go back and read my original post, it stated they were to sail the Titanic but it didn't say "maiden voyage." I think that's where you might be confused? They were in England waiting to sail the Titanic back to New York. That's where the Carpathia came in as I explained in my original post. My grandfather helped w/the rescue efforts(over 700 passengers rescued) and took incredible photos of the survivors. It wasn't a topic they liked to discuss because of the tragedy involved. They kept an oil painting of the "Titanic" hanging in a spare room in their home out of respect for the lives lost and a reminder of how "fragile life can be." It was a somber time...

Hope this helps..... :)

Happy Sailings! ;)

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Allen - Who cares about what people wear? Oh yeah, there are more important things than this message board too, but I can see you spend every waking moment by this board, anxiously waiting to post your next response.

I witnessed the entire horror of 9/11 and have come to realize what's truly important in life and if you find the need to mock it, then I truly feel sorry for you..)


Cruiser, who cares what people wear? You obviously do, or you wouldn't spend so much time insulting the people who follow the dress code, and calling them snobs with their noses-in-the-air. You are incapable of writing a single sentence without contradicting yourself.


As for my spending "every waking moment by this board, anxiously waiting to post my next response", if you'll check my profile, you'll see that I have sent an average of .92 posts per day since I joined, which is less than one post a day. That hardly qualifies as "every waking moment", does it? You people are really bad at running your mouths without knowing what you're talking about.


No one is "mocking" (again, a drama-queen exaggeration) 9/11. It's just that it's irrelevant to this thread and a cruise message board. I'm sure you can find other forums to try to milk your "poor, poor pitiful me" card. That would be like me saying that my three years in Korea make me some kind of "victim" where I should get special privileges and be allowed to be an inconsiderate self-centered individual such as yourself because of the "ordeal" I went through. Again, give us a break.



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dang..I tried to resist coming back to this thread.......


I happen to love Dockers...my husband wears them to work every day, but they aren't formal, and on a 'Formal Night' on a cruise ship, no matter how good you're behind looks in them, ;) they aren't what was suggested to wear.


Halos, of course Dockers and a blazer and tie isn't formal attire, but they show that the wearer is at least making an effort to follow the dress code, even if it's not to the letter. That's far better than these guys who arrogantly state that it's their vacation and they paid for it, and it's all about them, and they can wear anything they want to, and they then proceed to come to the dining room on formal night in Dockers and a polo shirt or even jeans and a t-shirt. There's quite a difference between making an effort and flouting the dress code and calling everyone who follows it a snob.



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Cruiser' date=' who cares what people wear? [i']You [/i]obviously do, or you wouldn't spend so much time insulting the people who follow the dress code, and calling them snobs with their noses-in-the-air. You are incapable of writing a single sentence without contradicting yourself.


As for my spending "every waking moment by this board, anxiously waiting to post my next response", if you'll check my profile, you'll see that I have sent an average of .92 posts per day since I joined, which is less than one post a day. That hardly qualifies as "every waking moment", does it? You people are really bad at running your mouths without knowing what you're talking about.


No one is "mocking" (again, a drama-queen exaggeration) 9/11. It's just that it's irrelevant to this thread and a cruise message board. I'm sure you can find other forums to try to milk your "poor, poor pitiful me" card. That would be like me saying that my three years in Korea make me some kind of "victim" where I should get special privileges and be allowed to be an inconsiderate self-centered individual such as yourself because of the "ordeal" I went through. Again, give us a break.





Allen my friend, we are of one mind, I was also in Korea, U.S. Army, attached to the Airforce, SCARWAF.(special catagory Army with Airforce) and I am entitled to do as I dam well please .:rolleyes:




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Allen my friend, we are of one mind, I was also in Korea, U.S. Army, attached to the Airforce, SCARWAF.(special catagory Army with Airforce) and I am entitled to do as I dam well please .:rolleyes:




I'm there, Phil! Now, let's go break some lines, hog some theater seats, and "reserve" about 20 loungers by the pool! I mean it IS our vacation and WE paid for it and it's all about US, right?



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Another irony about these types of threads is that they're almost always started (as was this one, entitled "Phony Formalism") by someone who is attacking those people who respectfully follow the cruiseline's guidelines. Then, when those who are being attacked try to defend themselves, the "me, me, me" element begins whining about how they're being picked-on and why can't we just leave them alone and and let them do their me-me-me thing. No one would have said a word if you whiners hadn't started the thread in the first place.


Another sad thing is that any attempt to get through to these self-centered people is probably hopeless. If they were capable of reason, or of understanding other people's feelings, then I guess they wouldn't be the self-centered inconsiderate rude people they are. But hope does spring eternal, doesn't it? Sigh.



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Let's put the silly bickering to rest and give this thread another slant.


Most of you posting here are men...which is not surprising....because men don't appreciate dressing up as much as women do.


But..this is addressed to the women..


The main problem for me ( and for others who travel by plane and/or add a land trip to the cruise) is the packing.


Perhaps we can share some ideas on acceptable formalwear that is easy to pack. After a cruise last year, I shopped at Chico's and from their travel collection I bought blackpants (who know's the fabric...but they are loose and a bit flowy and they have an elastic waist!!!!). With it I bought a black top and knit jacket (one outfit) and also a pretty blouse...a second outfit). Of course this is not formal....this is PHONY FORMAL!!!!


Any great ideas to share???

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Another irony about these types of threads is that they're almost always started (as was this one' date=' entitled "Phony Formalism") by someone who is attacking those people who respectfully follow the cruiseline's guidelines. [/quote']


Quite an astute observation, and one I have made to myself in the past as well. At the very LEAST the majority of the threads are started, for lack of a better term by 'CON' (opposed to) dress code 'supporters'.


I think to balance the scales, some should start several threads a week that are 'pro' (in favor of) dress code.

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I don't think adhering to a formal dress code has anything to do with being a snob. After all, it is easy to pay more for casual clothes than formal ones these days. It is about people who have respect for policy/regulations etc vs those who don't, keeping in mind that when we don't it can put people who follow rules, as well as crew members who are suppose to enforce them, in a very awkward position.

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I started the thread for a reason and you proved why I did.


To those of you insist that the DRESS CODE is the CODE that MUST be adhered to or else - knock your socks off.


All I said was If I choose to ignore it thats my issue - if I choose to wear a Suit and Tie or Tux - that also is my call NOT because YOU or any of the so called Fashion Police said I must in order to meet Celebrity's "suggested"



But I can assure you that if a passenger took Celebrity to court for being kicked out of the dining room over an un written rule. Celebrity would not win because it is not stated that it is a requirement for admission to the dining room and if they remove one pax that would have to remove all. THAT would never happen.



Hi everyone, I have not read this entire thread, because I have noticed, in the past anyway that they do tend to become a bit repetitive.



However, I would like to make a simple constructive contribution to the discussion from the Mercury Daily of Thursday, October 13th, 2005 (which was the first day of our cruise):



Note, that on the Mercury at least, there is a written rule that requires compliance with the formal dress code.


Now, was it enforced during our formal nights? To tell you the truth, I didn't notice as I was way too busy drooling over my own DH who looked really, really good in his tux, red satin cummerbund and tie.;)



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I have bitten my tongue all along when reading this thread. The arrogance of the "it's my vacation and I'll do what I want" is amazing and I find it is so ironic that they call us snobs for following the dress code. Who's the snob here? And I am sickened by someone throwing around such travesties as the 9/11 and Mexican relief issues in the same breath. Oh, and I'm from NY but please don't put me in the same catagory as some others here that have express their views. Not all NY'ers are so crass and arrogant.


Nu2sea (Susan), our last Infinity cruise had the exact same language in the dailies for formal night. I still have them for those that may question it. It's quite clear and to me it's only the arrogant self-indulgent rebels that CHOOSE not to follow it. Quite honestly if the staff doesn't "enforce" the policy then perhaps they should get some credit for not wanting to embarrass their guests by calling them on their poor judgement.


Overall will it ruin my vacation? Not in the least. But this attitude clearly spills over to more than just they way they choose to dress. I'm sure people like this are not those I would want to find myself in the company of. Fortunately, there are so many other wonderful people to meet and enjoy.

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I have bitten my tongue all along when reading this thread. The arrogance of the "it's my vacation and I'll do what I want" is amazing and I find it is so ironic that they call us snobs for following the dress code. Who's the snob here? And I am sickened by someone throwing around such travesties as the 9/11 and Mexican relief issues in the same breath. Oh, and I'm from NY but please don't put me in the same catagory as some others here that have express their views. Not all NY'ers are so crass and arrogant.


Nu2sea (Susan), our last Infinity cruise had the exact same language in the dailies for formal night. I still have them for those that may question it. It's quite clear and to me it's only the arrogant self-indulgent rebels that CHOOSE not to follow it. Quite honestly if the staff doesn't "enforce" the policy then perhaps they should get some credit for not wanting to embarrass their guests by calling them on their poor judgement.


Overall will it ruin my vacation? Not in the least. But this attitude clearly spills over to more than just they way they choose to dress. I'm sure people like this are not those I would want to find myself in the company of. Fortunately, there are so many other wonderful people to meet and enjoy.


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I have bitten my tongue all along when reading this thread. The arrogance of the "it's my vacation and I'll do what I want" is amazing and I find it is so ironic that they call us snobs for following the dress code. Who's the snob here? And I am sickened by someone throwing around such travesties as the 9/11 and Mexican relief issues in the same breath. Oh, and I'm from NY but please don't put me in the same catagory as some others here that have express their views. Not all NY'ers are so crass and arrogant.


Nu2sea (Susan), our last Infinity cruise had the exact same language in the dailies for formal night. I still have them for those that may question it. It's quite clear and to me it's only the arrogant self-indulgent rebels that CHOOSE not to follow it. Quite honestly if the staff doesn't "enforce" the policy then perhaps they should get some credit for not wanting to embarrass their guests by calling them on their poor judgement.


Overall will it ruin my vacation? Not in the least. But this attitude clearly spills over to more than just they way they choose to dress. I'm sure people like this are not those I would want to find myself in the company of. Fortunately, there are so many other wonderful people to meet and enjoy.


I just finished reading this entire thread. (My snob rating went from 25 to 83 to Book & Language Snob)


And Marj, I could have spent thirty hours and twenty pages and not have expressed my feelings anywhere near as well as you have.


You go, girl!


And thanks,


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I have bitten my tongue all along when reading this thread. The arrogance of the "it's my vacation and I'll do what I want" is amazing and I find it is so ironic that they call us snobs for following the dress code. Who's the snob here? And I am sickened by someone throwing around such travesties as the 9/11 and Mexican relief issues in the same breath. Oh, and I'm from NY but please don't put me in the same catagory as some others here that have express their views. Not all NY'ers are so crass and arrogant.


Nu2sea (Susan), our last Infinity cruise had the exact same language in the dailies for formal night. I still have them for those that may question it. It's quite clear and to me it's only the arrogant self-indulgent rebels that CHOOSE not to follow it. Quite honestly if the staff doesn't "enforce" the policy then perhaps they should get some credit for not wanting to embarrass their guests by calling them on their poor judgement.


Overall will it ruin my vacation? Not in the least. But this attitude clearly spills over to more than just they way they choose to dress. I'm sure people like this are not those I would want to find myself in the company of. Fortunately, there are so many other wonderful people to meet and enjoy.

Great post. That is it exactly for me too and nothing to add at all.



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Hi everyone, I have not read this entire thread, because I have noticed, in the past anyway that they do tend to become a bit repetitive.



However, I would like to make a simple constructive contribution to the discussion from the Mercury Daily of Thursday, October 13th, 2005 (which was the first day of our cruise):



Note, that on the Mercury at least, there is a written rule that requires compliance with the formal dress code.


Now, was it enforced during our formal nights? To tell you the truth, I didn't notice as I was way too busy drooling over my own DH who looked really, really good in his tux, red satin cummerbund and tie.;)




I was on the Mercury a few weeks ago and this was indeed how the daily was worded. However, I have never seen a more casually dressed group than on that sailing. I saw jeans and flip flops at dinner and that was a first on X. VERY disappointing to someone used to the traditional X experience.

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