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Connoisseur Club Now the Library on Navigator?

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It looks like they have turned the Connoisseur Club into a beautiful Library during the recent revamp on the Navigator. Does that mean that there will be no special cigar spot on the ship? Didn't know if they were going to designate another venue for that sort of enjoyment.


My wife and I are making our third Navigator cruise (NYC to Miami, November 2017) and are going to be joined by another couple that have never sailed Regent. My buddy enjoys his cigars and brandy and will quite disappointed if he has no place to partake.

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I've been trying to find an answer to that same question - we're booked on our third Navigator cruise this summer and one of my great pleasures is (or was) scotch and cigars in the Connoisseur Club.


The deck plans in the newest print catalog show no CC on board, although the remaining ships all have one. I'm sure they'll keep the designated cigar area out by the pool deck, but that's a poor substitute for the nice leather chairs and comfortable atmosphere of the CC.


Someone said they'd heard that the Club had moved up a deck, but I don't see one anywhere. Perhaps someone who's sailed on her since the refurb can weigh in.

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Bill - You and I share the same disappointment regarding the (probable) fate/disappearance of the CC from Navigator (and perhaps eventually the other Regent ships, as well).


From reading some of the past posts on this board, I will assume there will be others who are saying "good riddance" to this development. To them, I can only wish and fervently hope that Regent eliminates something from their future cruising experience that they truly enjoyed and looked forward to! Best Regards

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Bill - You and I share the same disappointment regarding the (probable) fate/disappearance of the CC from Navigator (and perhaps eventually the other Regent ships, as well).


From reading some of the past posts on this board, I will assume there will be others who are saying "good riddance" to this development. To them, I can only wish and fervently hope that Regent eliminates something from their future cruising experience that they truly enjoyed and looked forward to! Best Regards


Wow - that certainly sounds mean spirited. In my many years on CC, I have not once heard anyone complain about the Connoisseur Club but did hear complaints about cigars on the pool deck. IF Regent decided to do away with it, perhaps it is because they really needed the space. "Space" is one reason we do not sail on the Navigator. Alternatively, if there is a enclosed smoking area in another part of the ship, perhaps it is small. IMO, it is better to have a small inside smoking room than a small internet room. JMHO.

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Wow - that certainly sounds mean spirited. In my many years on CC, I have not once heard anyone complain about the Connoisseur Club but did hear complaints about cigars on the pool deck. IF Regent decided to do away with it, perhaps it is because they really needed the space. "Space" is one reason we do not sail on the Navigator. Alternatively, if there is a enclosed smoking area in another part of the ship, perhaps it is small. IMO, it is better to have a small inside smoking room than a small internet room. JMHO.


From reading the recent RSSC website smoking policy it appears that pipe smoking is in effect banned and cigars only outside.


Cigarette smoking is only permitted in designated areas of the outdoor pool area and the following public rooms:......


Seven Seas Navigator: Galileo's (outdoor one side designated area), Pool area (designated area opposite side of the Pool Bar)


Cigar Smoking is only permitted in the Connoisseur Club on applicable ships and the designated area on the opposite side of the Pool Bar.


Pipe smoking is only permitted in the Connoisseur Club. Pipe smoking in open deck areas is considered an extreme fire hazard and is not permitted.


I say good riddance to the NAV Connoisseur Club. It leaked smoke and the door was often left open. I always felt sorry for all of the wait staff who were forced to compromise their health by having to work or serve in there. Seems unfair to forced to put your health at so much risk for a job.



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From reading the recent RSSC website smoking policy it appears that pipe smoking is in effect banned and cigars only outside.




I say good riddance to the NAV Connoisseur Club. It leaked smoke and the door was often left open. I always felt sorry for all of the wait staff who were forced to compromise their health by having to work or serve in there. Seems unfair to forced to put your health at so much risk for a job.




Agree. The point of my earlier post was that, IMO, this had nothing to do with customer complaints, so it makes little sense too bash other posters. Now that the subject is brought up, posters will express their feelings about the topic.


Have to chuckle about comments about people leaving Regent over this..... same argument when Regent went non-smoking in suites and balconies.

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While I personally do not care about the C Club one way or another, I also feel that way about the Spa. What I would be angry about would be a feature that is advertised and then not delivered as promised. A small, enclosed smoking area in no way would resemble the C. Club as promised. There is no reason why promotional material should not be up to date. This would allow people to make considered choices.

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I wouldn't leave Regent over the lack of a cigar lounge, although I will miss it. An evening cigar with a brown beverage was a very enjoyable part of my evenings. That said, I had noticed over my last few cruises that the CC was increasingly being taken over by cigarette smokers, not just a few, but gaggles of them. The abundance of cigarettes did affect the atmosphere in the CC, I think. But I'm still gonna miss it.

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I would far rather people had a comfortable and ventilated indoor place to smoke - specifically designated for their use than the ridiculous Seabourn rule of allowing people to smoke in one half of the Observation bar after 8pm which complete rules that venue out for many others.

And on cigars, and strangely enough, whilst cigar smoke is quite strong, I find it far less unpleasant than cigarette smoke.

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And on cigars, and strangely enough, whilst cigar smoke is quite strong, I find it far less unpleasant than cigarette smoke.

Agreed. As a former cigarette smoker (quit about 25 years ago) and a current occasional cigar smoker (usually just on vacation or other special events) I can't stand being around cigarette smoke, but cigars and pipes don't bother me at all.

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I would submit that in the interest of compromise that one half of the outdoor terrace outside Galileo might be open to cigar smokers in the evening. That would place the area in close proximity to a bar but have plenty of ventilation that would not drag smoke down the side of the ship. Non-smokers could enjoy the other side of the terrace. Thoughts?

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There are generally very few smokers on a cruise compared to non smokers. I would prefer a ship to be totally non smoking so that the majority do not have to suffer for the minority. There are plenty of opportunities to go off by yourself when ashore. I really hope that cruise ships follow the way of airlines.

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There are generally very few smokers on a cruise compared to non smokers. I would prefer a ship to be totally non smoking so that the majority do not have to suffer for the minority. There are plenty of opportunities to go off by yourself when ashore. I really hope that cruise ships follow the way of airlines.


While I love non-smoking areas (restaurants, public buildings, airlines, etc.), I understand why Regent continues to permit smoking in very limited areas. Some itineraries have you at sea for up to five days which would be a hardship on smokers (they probably would book Seabourn so they could smoke on their balcony, etc.) While I really dislike the smell of smoke, it isn't an issue for me on any Regent ship (as long as I avoid the area by the pool that permits smoking).


I never thought that I'd be sticking up for smokers but I do understand that the addiction is strong and smokers generally cannot goes days without a cigarette.

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I would submit that in the interest of compromise that one half of the outdoor terrace outside Galileo might be open to cigar smokers in the evening. That would place the area in close proximity to a bar but have plenty of ventilation that would not drag smoke down the side of the ship. Non-smokers could enjoy the other side of the terrace. Thoughts?


That would make the entire area uninhabitable to non smokers. Cigar smoke permeates everything, even more so than cigarette smoke.

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If they allowed cigar smoking on the Galeo deck I would never use the area or book a cabin near the rear. When the doors are opened sniffs would come inside. Cigar smoke is very strong. They should continue to have an indoor nice area for them to enjoy this activity.

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I will go out on a limb here and presume to speak for both UUNetBill and myself on this subject. Smoking an occasional/recreational cigar, accompanied and complimented by a fine "single malt", while relaxing in a comfortable and quiet location (like the CC) is not an "addiction". I don't consider myself a "smoker" (or an addict) and Bill probably doesn't either (after 25 years of abstinence - congratulations Bill!). I've never smoked cigarettes in my life. :p


Smoking the occasional cigar/s as we do (for relaxation and pleasure) is not at all the same thing as being a regular and habitual cigarette smoker. If for no other reason, I would be bankrupt within a month (not to mention comotose!) if I purchased and consumed 10-20 cigars each day of the brand/type of cigars we probably both smoke (at about $8 each) while on vacation or while "recreating". And having to walk off the ship and stand on the pier, for the express purpose of smoking a cigar is ludicrous (could I carry off one of the leather easy chairs and a scotch while I'm at it?). And even doing "that" would undoubtedly "offend" someone who happens to walk by, and is "looking to be offended by something".


Reasonable "accomodation", practiced by everyone, should be a 2-way street.


I completely respect other's wishes if they prefer not to expose themselves to secondhand smoke and I think Regent was mindful of that when they constructed and provided a completely enclosed area, such as the CC, for that activity. Just as some people have a "thing" about alcohol consumption, of any type and in any amount, they don't have to walk into a bar or into the CC if they don't choose to.


There have been some posts (both recently and in the past) which reflected an attitude on the part of some that they would like to see smoking in any form (pipes, cigarettes, or cigar) entirely banned from the face of the earth, and just the fact that it is still allowed on Regent, no matter how limited, confined, or restricted - they want to "stamp it out", regardless of whether they can actually "smell it" or not. They just don't like the idea that it is even "going on" somewhere/anywhere on the ship, whether it negatively impacts them or not. For me, that's one prime example of "intolerance".


Personally, I'm repulsed and offended when I have to sit by, stand next to, or even pass by someone who hasn't availed themselves of a bath/shower/toothbrush/clean clothes in several days or a week. Unfortunately, I can't get away from those folks. I can however stay away from a designated smoking area or lounge if It bothers me.

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It looks like they have turned the Connoisseur Club into a beautiful Library during the recent revamp on the Navigator. Does that mean that there will be no special cigar spot on the ship? Didn't know if they were going to designate another venue for that sort of enjoyment.


My wife and I are making our third Navigator cruise (NYC to Miami, November 2017) and are going to be joined by another couple that have never sailed Regent. My buddy enjoys his cigars and brandy and will quite disappointed if he has no place to partake.


You and your friends have every right to be disappointed if this turns out to be true because the C Club is still advertised as being a special feature on the Navigator. I would most definitely make my displeasure known to the appropriate Regent person. It doesn't matter what the subject matter is about. The C Club is apparently important to some people and they are under the impression that it is a feature that they are going to receive because it is currently being advertised as such and they are paying for it.

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I agree cigar smokers should have somewhere to indulge, and somewhere inside would be preferable to them and the rest of us. I have no problem with CC as long as the smoke doesn't leak out (which it has done in the past.) The last time I ventured to walk into CC at the beginning of a cruise, it had become the serious hangout of cigarette smokers, which might make it less appealing to the cigar-smokers. The smoke was pretty thick--not sure how good the ventilation is in these rooms.


I am not one to ban smoking completely on cruise ships; I'm not fanatic--I managed to hang around in bars for many decades before smoking was banned publicly. For one thing, many of the crew smoke, and they do find places to do this, some of them probably illicit and I'm fine with that. As long as I can stay away from the smoke, I'm happy. And it's nice to know it won't leak in from a nearby balcony. Too bad about the pipes--to me, the smell is much more acceptable than a cigar--cigar smoke makes me very ill but not good pipe tobacco.

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I would far rather people had a comfortable and ventilated indoor place to smoke - specifically designated for their use than the ridiculous Seabourn rule of allowing people to smoke in one half of the Observation bar after 8pm which complete rules that venue out for many others.

And on cigars, and strangely enough, whilst cigar smoke is quite strong, I find it far less unpleasant than cigarette smoke.


Rumor has it that the Observation lounge smoking rules will be changing to accommodate their new drinks program. Also IIRC the person that rule was created to placate no longer sails Seabourn.

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>>new drinks program<< what is this all about?


Thanks . . .Peggy


They're upgrading their included "free" pour liquors (adding new ones, taking some of the previous for cost alcohols and making them part of the included list.) They're also going to be using modern mixology techniques/ingredients in making some of the drinks (recipes and training come from Thomas Kellers mixologist at Per Se - so more Keller influence). The rumor was that either Keller and/or his mixologist felt that any smoke added to a drink would ruin it therefore they were getting the smoking rules in the Observation bar changed. Hopefully that happens. It only took one chain smoker to smoke out the entire bar.

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They're upgrading their included "free" pour liquors (adding new ones, taking some of the previous for cost alcohols and making them part of the included list.) They're also going to be using modern mixology techniques/ingredients in making some of the drinks (recipes and training come from Thomas Kellers mixologist at Per Se - so more Keller influence). The rumor was that either Keller and/or his mixologist felt that any smoke added to a drink would ruin it therefore they were getting the smoking rules in the Observation bar changed. Hopefully that happens. It only took one chain smoker to smoke out the entire bar.


If that is true then halellujah :D

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