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Scenic Eclipse


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43 minutes ago, scoretop said:

 We had quite the opposite experience. We were set to sale this month to Antarctica, and we had also planned several days in Iguazu Falls and Buenos Aires. Scenic reimbursed us for everything that was nonrefundable, which included hotels, touring, internal air, and redeposit of frequent flyer miles.  We just needed to provide proof, which happened pretty quickly.  We were able to take advantage of the 25% discount and book on an Antarctic cruise for next December.  However, we are considering backing ourselves up with a Seabourn cruise to Antarctica at the same time  in case there is yet another delay.  

Thanks for sharing, normally when nonrefundable air fare is canceled, you receive a voucher, good for one year in most cases. Would like to hear how air flights were canceled to the satisfaction of Scenic to offer full cash reimbursement, without waiting for your voucher to run out in one year?   

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Honestly, we just had to show proof of purchase and non-refundability from the South American travel agent, which we had on our invoice from the agent to made all our reservations in South America. In addition, we had the proof of payment for international air with points, and when I redeposited them, I saved the confirmation of what that non-refundable charge was as well. We sent everything to our TA (and we've been using the same TA for all our cruises for years), and he got us everything back. It perhaps took two weeks, including the rebooking for next year. 

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We have now been refunded the final amount which was for the cancellation costs for our flights.  Our TA had to show proof of the cancellation and the amount that was non refundable and Scenic then refunded that amount. 

I can understand Scenic not refunding costs if there is no proof of cancellation or that an amount was nor refunded.  If you are still out of pocket, get the airline or your TA to show proof that the tickets were cancelled and that you were not reimbursed in any way, then submit that for a refund from Scenic. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/1/2019 at 4:29 AM, boblerm said:

Just wondering if there has been any recent updates to projected launch?  Are they still claiming April 13?

Never going to happen for this year..... maybe 2020 but the ship will not be done in less than four months..... sorry.


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 How do you know that they have more than four months worth of work to do and that the ship will not be ready until 2020? . Has anyone who will be on in April or May 2019 cruise gotten any word about another delay? We are booked for December 2019, and seriously considering backing ourselves up on another ship’s Antarctica cruise, just in case. 

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It is simple more than four months of work left in the ship yard to deliver the ship and that is if they have no problems or issues for the next for months. Since they have been having problems the odds are very high they will have more.  Unlike the large lines that place many of their own people within the ship yard for the build out Scenic is letting the yard handle mush of these duties.  The ship will be completed someday but not for the April 2019 time frame they are now saying.



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I am booked on the Iceland cruise on Aug 6, 2019. I am trying to decide whether to cancel and book something else. I know that I lose my deposit if I cancel. Can it be applied to a future cruise? If so can it be a river cruise, or Eclipse only? 

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3 hours ago, boblerm said:

I am booked on the Iceland cruise on Aug 6, 2019. I am trying to decide whether to cancel and book something else. I know that I lose my deposit if I cancel. Can it be applied to a future cruise? If so can it be a river cruise, or Eclipse only? 


I know the US Office for the cruise line is in Boston. SO I would not be so sure you lose your deposit. The State of Massachusetts has very strong consumer protection laws. You may want to look at Chapter 93A it enables the Attorney General and consumers to take legal action against unfair or deceptive conduct in the marketplace, called Massachusetts Consumer Protection law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93A. 


As having owed business in the state I can tell you it is a very strong protection. If fraud is shown or the merchant violates the law the consumer is entitled to 3 times the damages. Failing to provide a cruise ship because it is not completed would I believe fall under these consumer protections. 


So while they try to get cash payments it will not held them here. In short you need to send a demand letter to them (93a letter)  if they fail to reply and offer a settlement within 30 days, they have liability for 3X the damages plus all your legal fees. While they may tell you this is not the case read your contract, state law will take first place over the contract.  If you paid on a credit card just dispute the payment and it will be refund. 


Sorry this has happen to you and the others that have been affected by poor management here.

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Expat Cruise, thank you for your replies.  My problem is, that at least at this point in time, Scenic is saying that they intent to honor my booking for August.  While we may be skeptical that this will actually happen, If I were to cancel my cruise today, I would think that the terms of my contract are in effect, as I am the one cancelling, not the cruise line.  If I wait to receive a cancellation notice from them, then more likely than not, it will be too late to book something else that I want to do that fits into my time frame.  If I book something else on the assumption that the cruise will not sail , and then the cruise does sail,  then surely I will be hit with big time cancellation fees by someone, since try as I might, I cannot be on 2 cruises at the same time.

So I was wondering whether if I were to  cancel this far out, Scenic allows the deposit to be applied to a future cruise, perhaps a river cruise.  I guess I will direct this query to Scenic, for what it's worth, which may not be much.  I was wondering if anyone has had any experience doing this.

Thanks, Bob

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I am no longer booked with Scenic, being one in the initial group of the first round of Eclipse cancellations. However I maintain a passing interest in developments, and noticed this in the Croatia news yesterday..........................................It does not sound convincing at all for an April sailing (apologies for the formatting, it doesn't copy well)


ZAGREB, January 4, 2019 - Economy Minister Darko Horvat and Uljanik shipbuilding group chairman of the board Emil Bulić said on Friday two serious partners were interested in the group and that they were conducting due diligence, with Horvat hopeful that two more partners would express interest by January 25.

Horvat said after a three-hour meeting with the management of Uljanik d.d. that he was optimistic, although he realised an official receiver was appointed today to examine the situation in the 3. Maj dock and submit a report to a judge within 15 days, and that a similar situation awaited the Uljanik dock on January 26. Both docks are part of the Uljanik Group.

Horvat said Italy's Fincantieri and Croatia's DIV, acting together, and Australia's Scenic group, which is already building ships in Uljanik, were currently checking data on the state of affairs in the Uljanik and 3. Maj docks. He hopes that at least one or two concrete financial offers for a strategic partnership within the Uljanik Group will be made by January 25.

He said the group's management, the Economy Ministry and everyone involved were trying to find a solution to prevent 3. Maj from going into bankruptcy, adding that an attempt would be made to prevent Uljanik's bankruptcy too.

Asked by reporters if it was realistic to expect temporary financing until the restructuring programme began, Horvat said 150 million kuna, which would revive both docks, was not too much for Fincantieri-DIV and Scenic. "We'll see after they collect all the relevant information and express their interest through a serious financial offer."

Horvat said a bankruptcy procedure would not mean the closure of the shipyards. He added that he did not want to talk about bankruptcy yet because the two current partners and the two others he expected to access the data room by January 18 could pay 3. Maj's liabilities, which amount of 150 million kuna.

Asked if 3. Maj could be separated from the Uljanik Group, Horvat said both current partners were interested in the group. He said potential partners from Ukraine had informed the Economy Ministry they were interested in both docks, and that he expected partners from China to express interest too.


Asked if Scenic was interested as a potential strategic partner or just checking if it could build ships, Horvat said Scenic could become a part-owner and that its representatives would arrive in Croatia on Wednesday.

Responding to a question, he said that since DIV and Fincantieri were acting together, he was sure they were a financially capable strategic partner.

Asked if he had a plan in case there were no strategic partnership offers, he said that, in that event, "the prospects of both shipyards depends only on them."

Uljanik CEO Emil Bulić said after the meeting with Horvat that intensive talks with potential strategic partners were in progress. "In the past few weeks we have been dedicated to intensive talks with potential strategic partners. We have opened a data room, two very interested bidders have accessed the data room, and intensive activities are taking place on a daily basis so that we can make conclusions as soon as possible on binding offers, which are expected by January 25," Bulić said.

At the same time, negotiations are also under way with shipowners so that the construction of their vessels could resume as soon as possible and the stage of completion of the vessels could be increased.

Asked how he would avoid a bankruptcy and how much money he had at his disposal, Bulić said that obligations were huge, while the deadlines for data room use and bid submission were short. "Because our employees and creditors are financially exhausted, we expect shortly a reaction from both potential strategic partners and partners in restructuring, and we expect the state to be that, to jointly secure temporary financing until the adoption of the restructuring programme. After the completion of the procedure, we expect a binding offer and partnership in drafting the restructuring programme. It is realistic to expect the implementation of the programme to begin no sooner than two to three months from today. In the meantime, we are seeking a way to ensure temporary financing, which is key, until the launch of the restructuring programme," Bulić said.

He said that they had also contacted several other potential partners, but they had not confirmed their interest yet. Asked if he thought there was enough time, Bulić said: "There's very little time, but we are doing all we can. This is a period of uncertainty ... but the situation will be much clearer after January 25."

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12 hours ago, boblerm said:

Expat Cruise, thank you for your replies.  My problem is, that at least at this point in time, Scenic is saying that they intent to honor my booking for August.  While we may be skeptical that this will actually happen, If I were to cancel my cruise today, I would think that the terms of my contract are in effect, as I am the one cancelling, not the cruise line.  ......

So I was wondering whether if I were to  cancel this far out, Scenic allows the deposit to be applied to a future cruise, perhaps a river cruise.  I guess I will direct this query to Scenic, for what it's worth, which may not be much.  I was wondering if anyone has had any experience doing this.

Thanks, Bob

I would still use the 93A process based upon the fact that they have had delays and the shipyard is in trouble, see above. I believe if you contact Scenic and offer to let them apply your deposit to a future cruise or you will go forward with action through 93A and the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General that will gladly do as you request, refund or change to future cruise.  They really do not want the AG office looking at this.  Because it could effect their ability to operate within the state.  


Fromm the above News report it is questionable if the ship will ever be completed and delivered to Scenic. It could be delay years or sold awarded to other creditors that have a higher placement then Scenic.  As I have already said I would not book anything with the company as they are not stable.  I believe anyone booked on this ship should cancel and get a full refund.

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I guess all we can do is wait.   We have a very flexible schedule and nothing that is not refundable.   I think that anyone you could talk to at Scenic does not know the real status of the construction.   Time to drink wine and wait.

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Doesn't matter how far along the ship is, the yard is in financial trouble the credits are coming after the yard. They only have a few week to find new capital (a partnership or sale of the company) or the creditors will move in.  The only choice at that point is to file for bankruptcy, and if that happens the ship is a asset of the yard.   Even if the cruise line wanted to pay for the ship at that point they cannot without going through the court. 


Base upon the current situation it would be almost impossible for this ship to be done and delivered for a April Cruise.  Look at the history of shipyards that have gone into bankruptcy and how long it took to get out if they ever could. But more important what happen to the ships under construction. 

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That's Karma for you ...

IMO ST has been less than forthcoming with the truth about the build / delays in  building of this cruise ship ... ST left many high and dry with no holiday last year and now the shipyard looks like going under.

Has ST informed its booked guests of the situation?  I doubt it ... all I can say is based on my experience you can tell a lot about a company and how they handle issues - and this is one big issue that has been badly handled IMO in terms of communication and customer service.

But then again, ST is not known for its great communication - just ask the people involved in the Class Action that is before the courts ....(I'm not one of them but am interested in the outcome).

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Completely agree with Dougo in Oz, Scenic are extremely cagey, we were supposed to sail on the 18th Oct. Booked at the end of May with final payment 6th June.On the 11th July we received a phone call -cancelled! Ship nowhere near finished, as is obvious. We could never get any information from anyone! Shabby outfit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first cruise I think is in April, which is not that far off.  Has anyone who is on that cruise heard anything?  I keep getting ads for 2019 cruises on the Eclipse so they are still booking them.  We are booked in 2020 so hopefully things will all get resolved soon. I hope there is not another delay in the launch.  Things are so quiet.   

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If the yard has to file for bankruptcy any plans of seeing this ship within the next few years are gone.  I really cannot believe anyone would still consider booking  this ship with everything know now. And how or why anyone who stay booked for these cruises if they have already deposited. 


Are people really hanging any hope on  "interest of potential strategic partners,..... potential investors from Ukraine, Italy, Germany, China and Australia for Uljanik,...."  ?  Even if the ship was completed now it would still be hard to be on a cruise by April. many things need to happen before turn over, and then the ship needs to be outfitted, stocked, and registered in the flagged country, inspected, sea trails, etc, etc, etc.  


No one will be sailing on a April Cruise.... it is impossible at this point.

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On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 4:54 PM, Expat Cruise said:

I would still use the 93A process based upon the fact that they have had delays and the shipyard is in trouble, see above. I believe if you contact Scenic and offer to let them apply your deposit to a future cruise or you will go forward with action through 93A and the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General that will gladly do as you request, refund or change to future cruise.  They really do not want the AG office looking at this.  Because it could effect their ability to operate within the state.  


Fromm the above News report it is questionable if the ship will ever be completed and delivered to Scenic. It could be delay years or sold awarded to other creditors that have a higher placement then Scenic.  As I have already said I would not book anything with the company as they are not stable.  I believe anyone booked on this ship should cancel and get a full refund.

If what you are saying turns out to be true then Scenic needs to come out with the truth instead of advertising and booking more cruises for 2019. I hope that they have figured out a way to get the ship out of the shipyard and we shall all know that very soon.  April is just around the corner.   

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