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Dave’s Trip To, Around and Into Australia, Sept. 26 – Nov. 23, 2016


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Nov. 14, at sea



Another day sea before visiting Burnie, this one originally planned. A few things happening today – the Mariner medallion ceremony at 10:15, and another CC meet and greet at 2.



Here are the first four pages of the On Location:




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Nov. 14, at sea (Cont.)



We had a quiet day at sea. At the mid-day report, the Captain told us about the earthquakes in New Zealand. He said Noordam had been about 100 miles away and had not felt anything. He said we were under a tsunami watch. But we were along the southern Australian coast en route from Adelaide to Burnie, Tasmania, and I thought our odds were low of noticing any effects. We understand that at least 2 people are confirmed dead, but with coast roads landsliding, there may be more. Still, that is a tribute to the preparedness of the New Zealanders that there was not more devastation.


I went to the CC Meet and Greet at 2 p.m., and there was a bit of a mix-up. It appears the Events staff did not notify the beverage staff that we had booked the port side of the Crow’s Nest, and there was rhumba dance instruction set for the same time on the dance floor. We moved quickly to the starboard side, and the Crow’s Nest bar staff quickly adjusted.


Afterwards, we showered and put on Gala clothing, for the last time this cruise. We went back to the Crow’s Nest for happy hour before dinner. I have seen the thread that kazu started with my report of the second drink of happy hour rising to two dollars, and I see that Koningsdam already has done so. What I don’t see is many people focusing on the other side of that equation – any drink is now eligible for happy hour pricing. If you want the Columbia Crest Grand Estates Merlot, which runs somewhere in the neighborhood of $12.50 a glass, you can order it … and get a second glass for two bucks. If you want the $90+ Remy Martin special vintage, ditto. It may make me rethink the house swill merlot, and step up my game at least to a decent Shiraz …


In any case, we went to dinner, and the menu was the classic Gala night one with surf and turf, etc. Here is the combined dinner and dessert menu (in two parts, because they printed it on that annoying, to me anyway, multi-fold paper):










I decided to go with about 85% of the passengers and chose the shrimp cocktail for starter, while DW had the chicken and orzo soup. We both had the surf and turf for main, which meant I got both lobster tails (OK, they are not the lovely Maine cold-water lobsters, but I enjoy them.) For dessert, we went with the warm flourless chocolate cake.



More later,


Edited by RetiredMustang
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Nov. 14, at sea (Cont.)



We had a quiet day at sea. At the mid-day report, the Captain told us about the earthquakes in New Zealand. He said Noordam had been about 100 miles away and had not felt anything. He said we were under a tsunami watch. But we were along the southern Australian coast en route from Adelaide to Burnie, Tasmania, and I thought our odds were low of noticing any effects. We understand that at least 2 people are confirmed dead, but with coast roads landsliding, there may be more. Still, that is a tribute to the preparedness of the New Zealanders that there was not more devastation.


I went to the CC Meet and Greet at 2 p.m., and there was a bit of a mix-up. It appears the Events staff did not notify the beverage staff that we had booked the port side of the Crow’s Nest, and there was rhumba dance instruction set for the same time on the dance floor. We moved quickly to the starboard side, and the Crow’s Nest bar staff quickly adjusted.


Afterwards, we showered and put on Gala clothing, for the last time this cruise. We went back to the Crow’s Nest for happy hour before dinner. I have seen the thread that kazu started with my report of the second drink of happy hour rising to two dollars, and I see that Koningsdam already has done so. What I don’t see is many people focusing on the other side of that equation – any drink is now eligible for happy hour pricing. If you want the Columbia Crest Grand Estates Merlot, which runs somewhere in the neighborhood of $12.50 a glass, you can order it … and get a second glass for two bucks. If you want the $90+ Remy Martin special vintage, ditto. It may make me rethink the house swill merlot, and step up my game at least to a decent Shiraz …


In any case, we went to dinner, and the menu was the classic Gala night one with surf and turf, etc. Here is the combined dinner and dessert menu (in two parts, because they printed it on that annoying, to me anyway, multi-fold paper):










I decided to go with about 85% of the passengers and chose the shrimp cocktail for starter, while DW had the chicken and orzo soup. We both had the surf and turf for main, which meant I got both lobster tails (OK, they are not the lovely Maine cold-water lobsters, but I enjoy them.) For dessert, we went with the warm flourless chocolate cake.



More later,



Glad you and the Noordam are safe Dave.


Thanks for the added info on the Happy Hour, I'll add that info in the thread on the Happy Hour change.

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Does this include cans of soda?


As I understand it, yes, which is not so much of a savings on sodas. I have not seen any written information from the ship or on the HAL web site, but only what I see applying on board now, and what the bartenders tell me will be the same after this cruise, the only difference being the two-dollar charge instead of one. It may evolve that HAL will charge for second soft drinks and water at only a dollar, but I have not heard that.


The two-dollar charge applies to beer, and bottles of water, but not bottles of wine -- you could get a glass of Veuve Cliquot champagne for the normal price and the second one for two dollars but not a second bottle, which is how happy hour has operated for a long time.



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Nov. 15, Burnie



Today, we visit Burnie, Tasmania. We have a morning excursion to go to the Wing’s Wildlife Park, wherein we hope to see Tasmania devils, quolls and other animals. I already had the fortune of seeing a devil active during the day at near Perth, but am hopeful I will see one or two more today.



Here are the first four pages of today’s On Location:


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Can you advise what the house vodka is. Someone on another thread mentioned some weird named one. Hope it isn't so. Also, what are the prices of a mixed drink, i.e. vodka and sprite?? We are going on K in the near future. Is Happy Hour any drink or just from a special selection???


Have a great trip...following along as we will probably never get there.



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Nov. 10, at sea (Cont.)



We’ve had a lazy day at sea. DW attended the presentation on celestial navigation, and we had lunch, and read books, and generally enjoyed the day. We changed to Gala night. . .




Steve and Bob

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I am one who missed the part about any drink being $2 for the second one. I am amazed they would do that. I may need to develop a new strategy for HH :p.


Sounds like I lose my Coke strategy where I would buy a six pack during HH for later consumption.

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Nov. 10, at sea (Cont.)



We’ve had a lazy day at sea. DW attended the presentation on celestial navigation, and we had lunch, and read books, and generally enjoyed the day. We changed to Gala night. . .




Steve and Bob



My unscientific guess from what I've seen -- A few tuxes, about a third in suits or jacket/tie, the rest in collared shirts, some with ties, almost all long-sleeve.



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Nov. 15, Burnie (Cont.)



Today, we took the ship’s Tassie Wildlife Park excursion, which left at at 9 a.m. We were in two buses, and drove along the mostly rocky coast for a few miles:






At a pretty town called Penguin, we turned inland, and then up two-lane blacktop twisty roads through rich farmlands – the kind of road that you always want to get on when you are just wandering and want to get away from cities and traffic. It was a little bumpier on bus, though. Here are a couple of photos of some the views:









We arrived at the wildlife park after about an hour and 10 minutes or so of driving. We were greeted by a member of the staff, and then were free to wander the grounds for an hour and 40 minutes. Here are a photo of the entry building, and one of the main animal enclosures:











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Nov. 15, Burnie (Cont.)



The main attraction for me at least was the possibility of seeing active Tasmanian devils. I lucked out! The park has about a dozen Tasmanian devils, and as it was early on a cool overcast day, they were active, and how! There were about five or six each in two enclosures, and they would present to each other, and snarl and do what I assumed was dominance-establishing, and then most times the littler one smacked and chased the larger one away. Two minutes later, they were lying down on top of each other. They are smaller than you would think, about the size of Scottie, or a beagle, max. They really do make weird noises, first a high-pitched rumbly whine thing which I think is devil for “watch yourself, buddy” and then comes a snarling, gargling sound that actually Warner Brothers came close to. A ton of fun!



Here are some photos of the devils:















I also got lucky, and was able to get a shot of a devil with mouth fully agape, showing some impressive teeth:






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Nov. 15, Burnie (Cont.)



There also a lot of other animals and birds, some native to Australia and Tasmania, and some not. The park is mainly a sanctuary, and most of the animals have been injured and probably can’t return to the wild. Others may be simply zoo animals for all I know.



Indigenous animals included kangaroos – there was a feeding area where you could interact with the animals. I got a photo of a kangaroo with her joey:







There was also a relatively active wombat, heading back to his burrow:







Non-indigenous animals included meerkats, and a large tom turkey:










We left the park at about a quarter to 12, and we back at the ship by 1. This is a fairy easy tour to do. The drive is pleasant, and the park, although small, has a lot of animals in areas that are easy to observe. If what you really want is to see Tasmanian devils, this is the tour to take.



More later,


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Nov. 15, Burnie (Cont.)



We had mostly non-alcoholic drinks at happy hour, as we were attending the Cellar Master’s Dinner in the Pinnacle. It turns out that the MDR did not have much we would have liked, so we were glad we had made the Pinnacle reservation. Here are the MDR dinner and dessert menus:



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The purpose of the Cellar Master’s Dinner, if I understand it, is to design a menu of assorted dishes and spring it on the Cellar Master to see what wines he pairs with the dishes. I also learned that the food and the wine will sometimes take you out of your comfort zone, sometimes so far out I sometimes only ate a couple of bites or took only a sip of two or the wine. DW and I passed entirely on some of the courses or wines. But, no worries, there was an enormous amount of food, both in the number of the separate courses, and in the giant portions (the roast veal rack had to have been at least 20 ounces, bone in).


Here is the Cellar Master menu. I understand that they swap round the menus between each such dinner, so you could attend them all and not get many or any repeats:






All in all, it was probably fun for the cellar master and the chef to play the game of matching wine with food, but I probably would not go to one again.



More later,


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Nov. 16, Melbourne



Today, we are set to visit Melbourne, and we are looking forward to it. We have booked an excursion to (surpise!) another wildlife park, but this one is an open-range sanctuary, where we will have the chance at least of seeing kangaroos and koalas, and perhaps other animals, in a wild setting. In fact, the name of the excursion is “In the Wild! Kangaroos & Koalas,” and the literature says they have over 12 years reported a 100% success rate for spotting both kangaroos and koalas in the bush.


When we were booking our shore excursions, we focused on wildlife and natural beauty ones, and have seen a lot of both. A chance to see animals in the wild, however, is something different, so we are looking forward to today’s outing.


Here are the first four pages of today’s On Location:




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Thank-you so much for your comprehensive and entertaining reports. We will be sailing from Sydney in January on the Maasdam and as a first time HAL cruiser, I have loved following along on your cruise. I have to admit your excursion today to see kangaroos and koalas in the wild made me smile as I am sitting in my family room and watching a mob of kangaroos grazing in our bottom acre as I type. Hope you have viewing success today too!

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Today, we are set to visit Melbourne, and we are looking forward to it. We have booked an excursion to (surpise!) another wildlife park, but this one is an open-range sanctuary, where we will have the chance at least of seeing kangaroos and koalas, and perhaps other animals, in a wild setting. In fact, the name of the excursion is “In the Wild! Kangaroos & Koalas,” and the literature says they have over 12 years reported a 100% success rate for spotting both kangaroos and koalas in the bush.

I took that excursion my first time through Australia, and really enjoyed seeing the 'roos and koala in the wild. It was neat.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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