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I booked a cruise and didn’t tell the hubby...


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So during the $50 deposit sale I booked an 8 day cruise on the Sunshine for 8 people (we have 4 adult kids, 2 with serious significant others) and I may have not mentioned it to my husband.


No real reason other than I just didn’t. I still haven’t. He’s not going to be mad or upset. He usually leaves all the booking up to me anyway. But I admit that we hadn’t even talked about going on a cruise. We didn’t even cruise at all in 2017. That sale just got me.


Im terrible at keeping something like this a secret. Horrible. I just get so excited and I wanna talk about it all the time!


I’m so shocked that I haven’t yet told him. That now I’m thinking that I won’t tell him at all until a few weeks before we leave and turn this thing into a big surprise for him. However- we aren’t going until almost a year from now (Aug.31, 2018) and I cant be trusted.


To be continued....



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LOL Good for you. You will have a blast.

Sh*t would hit the fan at my house if I did that.




Thanks! I really don’t think he’ll care (I have too much respect for him and his hard work to do anything I think he wouldn’t like) I just think that now I want to turn this into a “thing” and surprise him. Not sure what will happen though.



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So during the $50 deposit sale I booked an 8 day cruise on the Sunshine for 8 people (we have 4 adult kids, 2 with serious significant others) and I may have not mentioned it to my husband.


No real reason other than I just didn’t. I still haven’t. He’s not going to be mad or upset. He usually leaves all the booking up to me anyway. But I admit that we hadn’t even talked about going on a cruise. We didn’t even cruise at all in 2017. That sale just got me.


Im terrible at keeping something like this a secret. Horrible. I just get so excited and I wanna talk about it all the time!



I’m so shocked that I haven’t yet told him. That now I’m thinking that I won’t tell him at all until a few weeks before we leave and turn this thing into a big surprise for him. However- we aren’t going until almost a year from now (Aug.31, 2018) and I cant be trusted.


To be continued....



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OMG !! THIS situation sounds like ME, but reversed..:evilsmile:


My wife and I were married back in March '95 and for years, over ten, to be exact. I kept bringing up the idea of us taking a cruise. HOWEVER, she would not even discuss the idea, would not even hear of it, nope no way, case closed. I had taken a cruise before I met her back in 1986 to Nassau/Freeport on the CCL Mari Grai, and LOVED it, even though I was on the very bottom deck with just a porthole and had an 'assigned' roommate, a older man. I still loved the cruise.:D


Seemed ny wife had seen tooooo many episodes of that idiotic television show, 'Love Boat' and thought THAT was what passed for a cruise, snobbish RICH tuxedo-wearing morons who snubbed each other and ANYBODY who didn't fit in their world. So, ( And WHY I did this, I don't know) in July of 2006, I went online and looked at the cruises for the 3rd week in March 2007. Saw that there was a five cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile on the CCL Holiday. I booked it !! And thought, well it's done. Well, right after Xmas/2006 I was siting here on my computer playing a game, my wife walks in, standing in the door, looking at me. I said, 'Hi', she hesitates and says,' Well, we have an anniversary coming up, in a few months'. I said, 'yeah, the 17th of March'. She said, I guess we won't do anything special, we really haven't planned anything..' I thought, 'Uh-Ohhhhh, I forgot to tell her !!:eek: I stopped and said, 'Really?? Well, I BOOKED us on a five day cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile for that week..' Her mouth almost hit the floor !! First time I've EVER seen a woman speechless;p She finally stammered, 'Y-You did ??? I quietly said, 'Yeah, I though we'd try it, BUT if you don't like it, we won't do another.. WELL ! That has been TEN years ago and (15) cruises later, I've got too say it WAS one of my smarter ideas ! She IS, and has been for those ten years, a true 'cruise addict'. She ,ever since has made ALL the preperations for EVERY cruise, booking, packing, etc. And on the last night of every cruise visibly suffers just thinking about having to actually LEAVE the ship. Some change, huh ??:hearteyes: Just how funny things can turn out !



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OMG !! THIS situation sounds like ME, but reversed..:evilsmile:


My wife and I were married back in March '95 and for years, over ten, to be exact. I kept bringing up the idea of us taking a cruise. HOWEVER, she would not even discuss the idea, would not even hear of it, nope no way, case closed. I had taken a cruise before I met her back in 1986 to Nassau/Freeport on the CCL Mari Grai, and LOVED it, even though I was on the very bottom deck with just a porthole and had an 'assigned' roommate, a older man. I still loved the cruise.:D


Seemed ny wife had seen tooooo many episodes of that idiotic television show, 'Love Boat' and thought THAT was what passed for a cruise, snobbish RICH tuxedo-wearing morons who snubbed each other and ANYBODY who didn't fit in their world. So, ( And WHY I did this, I don't know) in July of 2006, I went online and looked at the cruises for the 3rd week in March 2007. Saw that there was a five cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile on the CCL Holiday. I booked it !! And thought, well it's done. Well, right after Xmas/2006 I was siting here on my computer playing a game, my wife walks in, standing in the door, looking at me. I said, 'Hi', she hesitates and says,' Well, we have an anniversary coming up, in a few months'. I said, 'yeah, the 17th of March'. She said, I guess we won't do anything special, we really haven't planned anything..' I thought, 'Uh-Ohhhhh, I forgot to tell her !!:eek: I stopped and said, 'Really?? Well, I BOOKED us on a five day cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile for that week..' Her mouth almost hit the floor !! First time I've EVER seen a woman speechless;p She finally stammered, 'Y-You did ??? I quietly said, 'Yeah, I though we'd try it, BUT if you don't like it, we won't do another.. WELL ! That has been TEN years ago and (15) cruises later, I've got too say it WAS one of my smarter ideas ! She IS, and has been for those ten years, a true 'cruise addict'. She ,ever since has made ALL the preperations for EVERY cruise, booking, packing, etc. And on the last night of every cruise visibly suffers just thinking about having to actually LEAVE the ship. Some change, huh ??:hearteyes: Just how funny things can turn out !




P.S we hadn't even been aboard the Holiday twenty minutes BEFORE my wife exclaimed in excitement,, 'WHEN can we do this AGAIN !'

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OMG !! THIS situation sounds like ME, but reversed..:evilsmile:




My wife and I were married back in March '95 and for years, over ten, to be exact. I kept bringing up the idea of us taking a cruise. HOWEVER, she would not even discuss the idea, would not even hear of it, nope no way, case closed. I had taken a cruise before I met her back in 1986 to Nassau/Freeport on the CCL Mari Grai, and LOVED it, even though I was on the very bottom deck with just a porthole and had an 'assigned' roommate, a older man. I still loved the cruise.:D




Seemed ny wife had seen tooooo many episodes of that idiotic television show, 'Love Boat' and thought THAT was what passed for a cruise, snobbish RICH tuxedo-wearing morons who snubbed each other and ANYBODY who didn't fit in their world. So, ( And WHY I did this, I don't know) in July of 2006, I went online and looked at the cruises for the 3rd week in March 2007. Saw that there was a five cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile on the CCL Holiday. I booked it !! And thought, well it's done. Well, right after Xmas/2006 I was siting here on my computer playing a game, my wife walks in, standing in the door, looking at me. I said, 'Hi', she hesitates and says,' Well, we have an anniversary coming up, in a few months'. I said, 'yeah, the 17th of March'. She said, I guess we won't do anything special, we really haven't planned anything..' I thought, 'Uh-Ohhhhh, I forgot to tell her !!:eek: I stopped and said, 'Really?? Well, I BOOKED us on a five day cruise to Nassau/Freeport out of Mobile for that week..' Her mouth almost hit the floor !! First time I've EVER seen a woman speechless;p She finally stammered, 'Y-You did ??? I quietly said, 'Yeah, I though we'd try it, BUT if you don't like it, we won't do another.. WELL ! That has been TEN years ago and (15) cruises later, I've got too say it WAS one of my smarter ideas ! She IS, and has been for those ten years, a true 'cruise addict'. She ,ever since has made ALL the preperations for EVERY cruise, booking, packing, etc. And on the last night of every cruise visibly suffers just thinking about having to actually LEAVE the ship. Some change, huh ??:hearteyes: Just how funny things can turn out !








I love this story!!! Congrats on your many years and cruises together.



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I book cruises all the time and don't tell my husband. He hates to plan ahead. I know that if I book as soon as deployments are announced that I get a better choice of cabins and usually a better price. I never book a cruise with a non-refundable deposit, so if the date turns out to be inconvenient, or something better comes along, it is easy to cancel before final payment is due.


He overheard me telling our DIL that we have 4 cruises booked. He only knew about 2 of them. When I discussed the rationale for booking the other 2, he was OK with it. One was a super deal and the other on a ship we want to try. As soon as they open deployments out even further, I will book some more and not tell him about those either, until the time is right.


Thankfully, I have my own money from when I worked and from an inheritance and I do not have to explain why I have $2500 out there in deposits.

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I book cruises all the time and don't tell my husband. He hates to plan ahead. I know that if I book as soon as deployments are announced that I get a better choice of cabins and usually a better price. I never book a cruise with a non-refundable deposit, so if the date turns out to be inconvenient, or something better comes along, it is easy to cancel before final payment is due.


He overheard me telling our DIL that we have 4 cruises booked. He only knew about 2 of them. When I discussed the rationale for booking the other 2, he was OK with it. One was a super deal and the other on a ship we want to try. As soon as they open deployments out even further, I will book some more and not tell him about those either, until the time is right.


Thankfully, I have my own money from when I worked and from an inheritance and I do not have to explain why I have $2500 out there in deposits.




You two sound like us, he’s not going to truly care that I booked the cruise, he’ll be happy! I also have my own money because I work full time outside the home so it’s all good in that aspect.


I just want to see how long I personally can go without telling him. It’s become a personal challenge. I wish that I could wait until we are in the car headed for the airport but that is unrealistic because of his job. [emoji20]



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I remember reading a thread years ago about a girl who booked a surprise cruise for her boyfriend and her... even went so far as to get his boss (a friend of theirs and a fellow paramedic) in on it, booked his vacation time for him through the boss, packed his suitcase in secret, then lied to him about them driving their friends to the airport for a vacation... when they got to the airport, she said 'surprise- it's not them, it's us- and WE'RE GOING ON A CRUISE!'.


He was thrilled and the months of planning were well worth it - well at least up to the point that their flight was cancelled, they were re-routed and ALMOST missed their sailing!


It was a riveting story and I logged in every few days just to hear what she'd done as part of the surprise cruise... I wish I could find that thread again!

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I just booked yesterday , as a 50th birthday gift to myself . I will tell me husband on my birthday in December . We are not going until June , on the Triumph . Also planning to go to her Orleans the weekend before we leave on the cruise. As a college graduation gift to my kids , they get to hang in new orleans with us . I'm so excited I could explode .

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Perhaps someone someday will post about a slightly different husband in the dark surprise. Like a wife books a cruise just for herself and doesn't inform hubby until either she starts packing for herself or is headed for the port!




&&&&& that's ME! This post/ headline literally cracked me up !

I booked a cruise 2 weeks ago for a girls trip. For my mother (as a surprise ), my sister, my cousin & myself. Totally didn't discuss it with my husband until after the fact! I couldn't pass up the 50$ deposit [emoji51] he's not too happy- but I did tell him he can plan a guys trip.. and I'm fine with that! [emoji1303][emoji23]



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I mentioned to my husband that we should do a premier cruise again...so he said well see what you can find...I found and booked a spring break cruise ;) then I was waiting forever for the 2019 Alaska cruises to come out and I booked one on June 25th of 2019. Our 20th anniversary is August 27th but we have to go a bit early due to my being a teacher. But hubby is fine with leaving all booking up to me..he just goes where I tell him ROFL:')

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I love this story!!! Congrats on your many years and cruises together.



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Thank you so much, for those kind thoughts. I, too, hope we still take many more cruises, till that BIG final cruise. As I told my wife, WHEN that time comes, if I'm first, just cremate me and you and my sister take my ashes to those clear blue green waters in Cayman (where we met on our 1st date in'92) and I can sleep there. Either there or Alaska.



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So during the $50 deposit sale I booked an 8 day cruise on the Sunshine for 8 people (we have 4 adult kids, 2 with serious significant others) and I may have not mentioned it to my husband.


No real reason other than I just didn’t. I still haven’t. He’s not going to be mad or upset. He usually leaves all the booking up to me anyway. But I admit that we hadn’t even talked about going on a cruise. We didn’t even cruise at all in 2017. That sale just got me.


Im terrible at keeping something like this a secret. Horrible. I just get so excited and I wanna talk about it all the time!


I’m so shocked that I haven’t yet told him. That now I’m thinking that I won’t tell him at all until a few weeks before we leave and turn this thing into a big surprise for him. However- we aren’t going until almost a year from now (Aug.31, 2018) and I cant be trusted.


To be continued....



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As long as you pay he will be fine.:p

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I remember reading a thread years ago about a girl who booked a surprise cruise for her boyfriend and her... even went so far as to get his boss (a friend of theirs and a fellow paramedic) in on it, booked his vacation time for him through the boss, packed his suitcase in secret, then lied to him about them driving their friends to the airport for a vacation... when they got to the airport, she said 'surprise- it's not them, it's us- and WE'RE GOING ON A CRUISE!'.




He was thrilled and the months of planning were well worth it - well at least up to the point that their flight was cancelled, they were re-routed and ALMOST missed their sailing!




It was a riveting story and I logged in every few days just to hear what she'd done as part of the surprise cruise... I wish I could find that thread again!




That sounds so fun (except the almost missing the cruise part) I wish I could pull off something like this.



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