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Any experience carrying drone onboard?


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I will... because in my dreams everyone is considerate, selfless, and void of ignorance. Given your comment, not so strange why I never see you there.


Happy will be the day when Cruise Critic does turn over comments, such at the above one, to cruise lines who begin viewing these potential passengers as security threats. The airlines deny boarding every day to would-be passengers who say the wrong thing. Perhaps cruise lines should step up security and deny boarding as well.

Wow are you every living in a dream world. :DLOL

When that day arrives I'll be sure to censor my comments only to those that allow me to board without question.

In the mean time I'll continue to enjoy my freedom and do what I believe as proper although my actions will probably never be considered as threatening.

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Drones use 2.4ghz and 5.8ghz band. These are unregulated bands used by your WiFi systems and other wireless communication devices. Airplanes offering WiFi use these bands. You have hundreds WiFi access points throughout the deck of your ship. Microwaves can cause disruptions on same frequency. So yeah, it won't interfere with any ship systems whatsoever. If it did, ships would be running aground and planes would be falling out of the skies daily.


Forbidding to pinpoint ship's location at sea? Seriously? Any person can buy few minutes of internet, and post ship's location using phone's GPS. But nah, let me bring $1k drone to do this same thing. Also, ship's position is never a secret anyway. Tons of tracking websites out there offer just that.


Moving on... Smuggling stuff on board. I asked a clear question if anyone had experience to bring it onboard. Princess lists drones as "prohibited without lawful reason" and yeah, me wanting to fly it in ports of call is a lawful reason.


Apparently you also missed a post where I said that I will gladly turn it in to ship security and sign it out only when I am in allowed ports of call (Bonaire does not allow drones).


I can tell you WHY Princess does not want to allow them. Drones can be dangerous in hands of careless individual. A drone like Inspire 2 with carbon fiber propellers can pretty much slice your finger off. Imagine anyone feeling like flying this thing on the ship, what liability is cruiseline exposed to, if 7.5lb machine with sharp blades slams into some unsuspecting child.


So, please, re-read what you called "so called discussion" and try to understand what the discussion is about, before posting whatever was it that you posted above. Nobody here said that the idea was to smuggle the drone on a ship to fly it around.


I also have a dream. I dream that people would read, and comprehend before posting. But it's only a dream....


I read a few posts on here where even the professional photography staff can't bring them on board. Common sense tells me you won't get an exception.


I've read where you TELL us WHY Princess won't allow them. Common sense tells me that's your belief rather than a result of a definitive answer from someone of authority at Princess.


Please let us know when you do get that exception from Princess. Until then, dream on.


Here's a couple of posts I've found online regarding this subject:


First, here's a response on a drone user site:


"As an officer in the U.S. Navy, I would advise against this. Not due to any restrictions, but rather the odds of losing your bird. I'm a public affairs officer and I know aboard the ships I've served on, our cameras and microphones go totally haywire due to the radars and electrical interference. I would imagine your going to experience the same on a cruise ship, although not as bad aboard an aircraft carrier. While the photos would be amazing, I just wouldn't risk it."

And from another drone user site, this clip of a quote from a user who SMUGGLED his drone onboard: he knew ahead of times drones were prohibited on Disney. In port, he was unaware as to whether drones were legal or illegal.

"...a few days later we arrive at BVI. So I get off with my Drone bag and again, no one says anything. we go a few blocks inland into an open are between a few buildings and take off. Everything is going awesome. Getting GREAT shots! So I decide to get a shot of the Ship. I fly over to it, about 300 yards according to the app, get a nice shot orbiting around the ship and head back. I fly directly over the ship to get back to where I took off and about 30 yards past the ship the drone flips! It tumbles in the air a few times (this is where it gets weird) then starts floating sideways! its tipped so the camera is pointed almost straight down but I can see one of the arms of the drone so I know the camera isn't just pointed down. then after about 3 seconds of floating it falls and cuts off the live feed before it hits the ground. My first though "Put everything away and get back on the ship! Drones are illegal here and you're going to jail!" "


Now if YOU read my post again, you'll see that I chose my words carefully, referring to reasons for prohibition as supposition. It was based upon most airline prohibition of the operation of GPS devices in flight.


If YOU read my post, I never said you were looking to smuggle it on board. What I wrote was in response to this comment by someone in the thread:


"AS long as it folds up and does not look like a drone and be put in a bag with beach towels I'd say go for it. Don't take it out of the bag even in your room. The steward might be required to rat you out if he spots sitting out."


Lastly, on the subject of reading, your initial post indicates that you didn't READ or understand what Princess posted on the subject. You stated:


"Hey all!


I am on December 1st sailing on Crown Princess to South Caribbean. I have a small drone that I would like to take with me. Aruba and Curacao allow it, Bonaire does not. Drone is small enough, when folded, to fit in a jacket pocket.


I know that drones are prohibited to be flown on a ship and I am not going to fly it there. Idea is to fly it at port of call, around some landmarks.


Was anyone successful bringing one without getting hassled by security? I'd rather not lose it."



Seems to me if you READ about the prohibited items on board Princess ships, then a reader wouldn't have had to inform and correct you.



All this being said, at this point, why don't you work with Princess to see if they will grant your exception? In my research on this at other sites, some drone owners have stated that RCL will accept and hold them during the cruise, checking them out in port, provided the passenger provide documentation from the local government that the drone's use is permissable. A more recent post states they don't do it any more. But it's all hearsay.



Princess is the best route, if you're serious about getting it done. And I think other drone users would appreciate it more, if you share the actual steps to get the exception rather than reading some of the posts on here: "... I'll continue to bring on what I deem acceptable."


You should note a change in tone from when I began the post from its ending. I don't own a drone. But I am facinated by the beautiful areal shots I've seen online that were taken by drones.

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Wow are you every living in a dream world. :DLOL

When that day arrives I'll be sure to censor my comments only to those that allow me to board without question.

In the mean time I'll continue to enjoy my freedom and do what I believe as proper although my actions will probably never be considered as threatening.


Actually, I was carefully wording my comments, wearing velvet gloves. But I guess you missed that.

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Somebody should just ban these things for recreational use.

Just another way for rude people to affect others around them.

Sounds like some Caribbean Islands have already done so.


Thankfully it's unlawful to ban them for recreational use. At least something our dear politicians in Washington did right. It's another case "I don't like X, we should ban it so nobody who likes X can't enjoy it, because I am a big baby"

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Drones are on the "No Pack List" on the princess website. question answered.


btw, I shot 2 down already backcountry camping while a drone invaded my campsite. :)


Good job committing a felony.


https://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-2-aircraft-sabotage-18-usc-32 - Sabotage of an aircraft.

https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/1.1 - FAA definition of an aircraft. Quote: Aircraft means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air.

Actual example:


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I'm so glad I'm in CANADA


as per the OPs initial question




In Phohibited items;

"Drones also referred to as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPA), and any other remote controlled aerial devices/toys."


Yeah, seen this link. "Prohibited without lawful reason"


And yeah, go ahead, shoot them down in Canada. I am sure destruction of someone's property is going to be ignored there, right?

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Shoot down drones? From one extreme to the next. Guns are super safe and will swat drones any day of the week, I'm all for carrying firearms but not drones. Drones will lead to a confusing future and possibly wipe mankind off the planet due to mass befuddlement.


Princess clearly don't want drones on their ships and it's understandable why. Just putting them in a locker in between ports would be the obvious choice if princess ever decides to offer this. I don't mean to stir things up though personal opinions and "What I did to a drone" is less then helpful for the original poster.

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Shoot down drones? From one extreme to the next. Guns are super safe and will swat drones any day of the week, I'm all for carrying firearms but not drones. Drones will lead to a confusing future and possibly wipe mankind off the planet due to mass befuddlement.


Princess clearly don't want drones on their ships and it's understandable why. Just putting them in a locker in between ports would be the obvious choice if princess ever decides to offer this. I don't mean to stir things up though personal opinions and "What I did to a drone" is less then helpful for the original poster.

Like a lot of other threads it goes from helpful to idiotic after a few posts.

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Regarding the professional photographers onboard and usage of drones even if they were allowed by Princess. If the flight is under jurisdiction of the FAA, (i.e. Some US port), then, as the drone usage is for commercial purposes, then the drone operator/photographer is required to be a licensed pilot.


There was a story that a cattle rancher wanted to use a drone to locate parts of the herd on the remoter parts of the ranch. As this was deemed as commercial usage he was required to obtain a PPL (private pilots licence) in order to operate the drone. He soon gave up that idea!

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Like a lot of other threads it goes from helpful to idiotic after a few posts.


Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth, especially with posts stating: "In the mean time I'll continue to bring what I deem as acceptable..."



This thread could turn out to be beneficial if the OP with the desire to bring a drone posts the outcome of communications with Princess:


Will they allow it? Under what conditions and requirements? What are the procedures? Or simply that they said no.


Posting that information would make this an informative thread, rather than reading posts to the effect: I don't care about the rules, I'll do what I want to!

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Yes, you took the words right out of my mouth, especially with posts stating: "In the mean time I'll continue to bring what I deem as acceptable..."



This thread could turn out to be beneficial if the OP with the desire to bring a drone posts the outcome of communications with Princess:


Will they allow it? Under what conditions and requirements? What are the procedures? Or simply that they said no.


Posting that information would make this an informative thread, rather than reading posts to the effect: I don't care about the rules, I'll do what I want to!


I also said "... and if they deny me boarding with those items I'll deal with it at the time." .

If Princess doesn't want be to board with anything they feel is unacceptable, they'll deny me boarding. I can live with that decesion & leave the item behind.

Some posters still believe that it OK to shoot drones out of the sky. Now that's a good one. :D

Edited by floridalover5623
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so, you will openly explain to Princess that you have a drone, and request them for safe keeping until you arrive in ports that don't ban drones? - well, aren't you special,huh?


I'm not sure that makes a person "special", exactly that sort of thing has been done in the past. There are (or at least were in the past) similar precedents for cruise lines doing just this sort of thing to help passengers. On some cruise lines (can't speak for Princess), when a scuba diver, channeling their inner Mike Nelson, brought on board as part of their diving equipment, a "BFK", B for Big and K for Knife, some ship Security personnel might agree to take it into their storage facility, and when the diver went ashore, Security would return it to them at the gangway. It would then be returned to Security when the passenger returned to the ship and kept until the diver needed it again.


I don't know if this is still done and no doubt the answer as to its availability will be different from every Princess person asked, but it could be a possibility for the OP wanting to bring a drone on board. Yes, drones are prohibited, but so are knives and alcohol, and cruise lines have been known to accommodate bringing these prohibited items on board with ship Security lending a helping hand.

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Seems pretty clear that drones are on the No Pack List... And why.

All the OP had, or has, to do is to contact Princess and see if any arrangements can be made.

Like people on a chat board can give permission?

Maybe Princess will go along with their 'specialness'.


And, about any negative comments....

Like the OP didn't know what they were getting into???

Ohhh right. Let's get real.

To come here and not expect a negative response to something that so many people see as an infringement of their privacy, an disrespect in a public space, and totally annoying.... and not expect any negative response...

Ummmmm, Good luck with that.....


And, yes, if necessary, I will take steps to remedy the situation if my personal privacy is being invaded.

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Seems pretty clear that drones are on the No Pack List... And why.

All the OP had, or has, to do is to contact Princess and see if any arrangements can be made.

Like people on a chat board can give permission?

Maybe Princess will go along with their 'specialness'.


And, about any negative comments....

Like the OP didn't know what they were getting into???

Ohhh right. Let's get real.

To come here and not expect a negative response to something that so many people see as an infringement of their privacy, an disrespect in a public space, and totally annoying.... and not expect any negative response...

Ummmmm, Good luck with that.....


And, yes, if necessary, I will take steps to remedy the situation if my personal privacy is being invaded.


In public areas you should expect zero expectation of privacy. Are you also going to shoot down every CCTV camera you walk by? Swat phones out of every tourist's hands that may be aimed in your general direction?


Unless I fly a drone into your house, it is still a public area. You don't own airspace above your property. Otherwise you'll have to authorize every plane moving through.


Get that missile ready to shoot down Google Earth sattelites.

Edited by Meanee
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In public areas you should expect zero expectation of privacy. Are you also going to shoot down every CCTV camera you walk by? Swat phones out of every tourist's hands that may be aimed in your general direction?


Unless I fly a drone into your house, it is still a public area. You don't own airspace above your property. Otherwise you'll have to authorize every plane moving through.


Get that missile ready to shoot down Google Earth sattelites.


With respect to expectations of privacy.


Is a ship's balcony public or private?


Is one's fenced backyard public or private?


If the curtains are now drawn, is a stateroom interior public or private?


How about one's home?

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With respect to expectations of privacy.


Is a ship's balcony public or private?


Is one's fenced backyard public or private?


If the curtains are now drawn, is a stateroom interior public or private?


How about one's home?


Did you not read the thread? I want to bring a drone to port with me, on shore excursions. For some stupid reason, people immediately jump to conclusion I will be flying it around the ship, and so on.


Also, most drones have pretty low-def cameras with wide angle lens and crappy white balance. Even if I flown right up to your window, it won't capture anything inside. Yet people see it as a huge privacy invasion. They are just as invasive as someone driving down the road.

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Regarding the professional photographers onboard and usage of drones even if they were allowed by Princess. If the flight is under jurisdiction of the FAA, (i.e. Some US port), then, as the drone usage is for commercial purposes, then the drone operator/photographer is required to be a licensed pilot.


There was a story that a cattle rancher wanted to use a drone to locate parts of the herd on the remoter parts of the ranch. As this was deemed as commercial usage he was required to obtain a PPL (private pilots licence) in order to operate the drone. He soon gave up that idea!


Last time I checked you just needed to complete a course like a ground school and get a certificate not get your PPL. They just want you to know the rules of flying a drone and the types of airspace you are flying it in.



It's against FAA and many regulations local/state/federal to shoot one down. Shooting one down might cause property damage and or injurer/kill someone on the ground.




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Last time I checked you just needed to complete a course like a ground school and get a certificate not get your PPL. They just want you to know the rules of flying a drone and the types of airspace you are flying it in.



It's against FAA and many regulations local/state/federal to shoot one down. Shooting one down might cause property damage and or injurer/kill someone on the ground.




You are correct.


If you already have PPL, you need to take a webinar and you will be issued a Part 107 license, allowing you to fly drones commercially. If you do not have PPL, you have to go through small training and take a test.


As for shooting one down, it's a felony. Not only because firing a gun in the air is stupid and dangerous, but also because law defines Aircraft as a device that navigates through air (drones are included), and you shooting one will be a sabotage of an aircraft.


There were already arrests of people shooting down drones.

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