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LIVE -To and From the Amazon - 11/17-12/12/2017


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Happy Thanksgiving. Will try again to post BBQ photos



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Suckling pig




Shrimp and ice carving. There was also lots of sushi and sashimi as well as lovely meat dishes .... all beautifully presented. As usual Chef Kelly and his team did an amazing job




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Jackie and Dennis: I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal along with your fellow passengers. This time last year we were onboard the Explorer, but having Thanksgiving diner in our cabin since I had a bad case of bronchitis.


Z and TB

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Thanks so much Pam, Ken, Z, TB, Sheila and Herb! We do enjoy being onboard Regent for Thanksgiving. Visiting family in other states is so difficult at Thanksgiving so we are unable to see our family. Regent is part of our extended family and our second "home" so it is comfortable being here. For us, Thanksgiving is simply thinking of everything that we are thankful for and sharing a meal with friends and family.


Just a few words about Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. First, it is so hot that it was recommended that we stay onboard the ship. While a good idea, we had to at least walk outside and see the stalls. Immediately upon disembarking the ship we saw a notable difference in this port and other Caribbean ports........ the people are so kind, helpful and charming and not pushy (these are plenty of lovely people on islands but the pushiness to sell things is overwhelming for me). The vendors here were happy to talk, explain what they are selling and the significance it has to the islands and they even give us directions. They are kind to you whether they make a sale or not. Dennis bought me a lovely shawl - something he likely would not have done if the sales lady was pushing him.


This afternoon is the mini Thanksgiving Day Parade. We really missed it last year on the Explorer. It is a a bit goofy but makes everyone smile and that is what is all about. We also did not have the Country Fair on Explorer during the crossing but will have one on Mariner. I will take a few pictures of both events (not sure when the Country Fair will be). I'm sharing this information mostly for those that are new to Regent or are considering Regent. It isn't stuffy - we all know how to have fun as well.


Heat in the suite update. By keeping windows/doors closed and drapes closed, it is keeping the suite approximately 5 degrees cooler. This tip should work on all ships - especially when the sun is setting on the side of the ship that your suite is on.


When we leave at 4:00 p.m. today, except for some required stop when the Mariner enters Brazilian waters, we will not disembark the ship again until we reach the Amazon. The water we have onboard when we leave has to last until Manaus -- the next place where the ship will get water. As has been mentioned, a 25% tax goes on to anything we buy onboard (services like the spa are exempt but this does apply in the Boutique and if you want to purchase a premium bottle of wine or order an ultra top shelf drink at the bars).


There is a list of items that we cannot bring to our suites if purchased in the Amazon. I cannot recall all of the items now but know that it includes items made from wood. If brought onboard, it will be held for you until your disembark in Miami.


Enjoy the holiday:D

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The Boi Bumba excursion, as posted by Regent, states that the venue is air conditioned, however, you do have to walk about 15 minutes from the tender drop-off point to the site. Someone who has been there since we were there may be able to tell you how cool it is inside, We were there in 2011, and I don't remember it being overly cool, but that was 6 years ago. That year, the show was the only excursion that Regent offered. I did notice that they now offer a "highlights tour" that requires more time walking outside. We decided to tender over early and walk the city before the show on our own, and stayed awhile in the city after. (We can tolerate heat a bit.) The show itself is only one hour long, but the costumes, "floats" and presentation made a lasting impression.




As someone who took the Boi Bumba and "highlights" excursions in May I offer the following impressions. DO NOT MISS THE BOI BUMBA SHOW. It was amazing. I'd recommend skipping the highlights tour. The town is clearly trying to show off it's sites, but they aren't many, and they put way too many folks in a little bus with not the best AC. On the plus side you do get a police presence always nearby. Several folks took the pedicabs that were at the dock instead and had a great time including going to one of the warehouses where they were making floats. If I was to do it again, I'd do the pedicab too.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Tc and Dennis. Tobago is one of my favorite places on earth. Ok, perhaps because we honeymooned there (me and my Honey are coming up on 48 next month, and I still feel like a bride!) Aside from a couple of times on the Great Barrier Reef (back in the day when we could travel that far and when the reefs were good and healthy), on Tobago we had probably the best snorkeling anywhere-- all day long, day after day, face down in that wonderful sea.


Wishing you a good Amazon trip, despite your discomfort in heat and humidity. I don't much mind heat and humidity. My problem is with cold and windy weather.


Here's a quote from today's newspaper: "You don't have to believe everything you think." This is totally irrelevant to anything about cruising, but it cracked me up, so I'm posting.


Thanks for this thread and for all the other jolly posters.

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TC - really appreciate your blog - can't wait to hear your impressions of the Amazon to compare to our experiences last year.

Question about your waiter Kevin - if he is from Cochin it is likely we had him as an assistant waiter to Hendro on a previous voyage. Just curious, as we used the comment card to indicate that he was definitely on his way up & had the capability & attitude to be a waiter.

Awaiting your next post.

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TC - really appreciate your blog - can't wait to hear your impressions of the Amazon to compare to our experiences last year.

Question about your waiter Kevin - if he is from Cochin it is likely we had him as an assistant waiter to Hendro on a previous voyage. Just curious, as we used the comment card to indicate that he was definitely on his way up & had the capability & attitude to be a waiter.

Awaiting your next post.


Yes - he is from Cochin and was recommended to us by the Maitre 'D of Compass Rose. He is a wonderful server and a delightful young man.


According to Serena, it was hotter here last year (Port of Spain). Hard to imagine as we are baking here. I asked if the temperatures today were similar to the Amazon and she said yes. We are around 88-89 degrees with high humidity.


We did cancel one Amazon excursion (may have mentioned this already) as it will be doing the same thing that we're doing on a non-Regent excursion in Manaus. We want to see as much as possible without being outside too much. The full day excursion in Manaus will cover meeting of the waters, visiting a village, having lunch, taking a short hike and swimming with pink dolphins.


Do you (or anyone else that has been to the Amazon) have any input as to whether it is safe to swim with the dolphins. Just wondering about the water -- if it should splash in our mouth. We are not worried about the dolphins. As with most animals/mammals, they have a sense about other animals and people and would sense our lack of fear.


As with all of our Regent cruises, we do as much as we can and more or less "go with the flow". If we need to cancel something, it is not a big deal. Having said that, I do recommend that people that have their heart set on a particular port - anywhere in the world - you may not want to cruise as the ships ability to visit ports is so weather dependent.


Poss (the iPad insists on capitalizing your "name"), you definitely went to a beautiful place for your honeymoon. I will always remember this port as the one with the kind, lovely people. Hoping that you are enjoying Thanksgiving. Although your lives were disrupted by the hurricane, you have much to be thankful for!

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TC2 my post was not in anyway meant to be snarky as you call it. I just asked a question as to whether you boycotted the suite line in order to make your feelings known?



Greetings, liptastic, from South Beach. Since this topic has appeared on this thread, I am commenting on it. I agree with TC2. DH and I spent years sailing on QM2 because we lived in Manhattan. Many itineraries began and ended in Brooklyn, and no flying was just too appealing. Now, to be fair, Cunard never made any claim that passengers were going to receive equal treatment. As often top suite dwellers, we thought the class system was unattractive. The bar/lounge for Queens' and Princess Grill was off limits for other guests. It felt off putting to bring a guest, kind of like something out of Downton Abbey. Oceania has different carpets at check-in based on accommodation. NCL, when we sailed on the Dawn when it was new, had rows of seats at check-in, and an area only for guests in top suites. They were served some sort of drink while they waited. We were not at that level, so I don't know what was in the glasses.


Regent's ads do not discuss treatment of guests, beyond describing a high level of luxury. The suggestion is that luxury will surround passengers. I didn't notice any examples of some passengers being surrounded with thicker levels of luxury.


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We did cancel one Amazon excursion (may have mentioned this already) as it will be doing the same thing that we're doing on a non-Regent excursion in Manaus. We want to see as much as possible without being outside too much. The full day excursion in Manaus will cover meeting of the waters, visiting a village, having lunch, taking a short hike and swimming with pink dolphins.


Would like more info on the non-Regent excursion you're doing in Manaus and a link to the tour provider.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Would like more info on the non-Regent excursion you're doing in Manaus and a link to the tour provider.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanks so much for the Thanksgiving wishes. Would you mind if I waited to give you the information until we have taken the excursion (November 29th)? I hesitate to recommend a company that we have not used. However, if you need the information sooner, I'll be happy to provide it.


The Thanksgiving parade was a "blast". Took photos that I'll post tomorrow. The five of us at dinner had turkey but my DH also had something like sirloin of lamb. Eating two main courses is extremely unusual for very slender DH but he loved it.


Seas are a bit choppy tonight but I think that we have our "sea legs" now (fingers crossed).


Paul - yes, at least for us, the heat is intense. The biggest challenge is our full day private tour out of Manaus. All of our are packing things to keep us cool, mosquito-free and healthy. The excursion includes lunch (no drinks of any kind) so I'm thinking about ordering beer since it does not need ice. When it comes to Brazil, I am a bit paranoid (as are many crew members).


Hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Having been to the Amazon three times, i have never seen anyone swim with the dolphins. The Amazon is full of fish that one does not like to swim with. The locals swim in the water but I would not recommend it. Just my opinion.


As far as Devil's Island, we have tried to get there three times but only once was successful. Hope you make it but it will be hot and lots of walking about. Something to see but just be ready.


We miss being on this cruise as we had to cancel at the last minute, so I am enjoying reading about the cruise. Hello to Marla and Lorraine.



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Having been to the Amazon three times, i have never seen anyone swim with the dolphins. The Amazon is full of fish that one does not like to swim with. The locals swim in the water but I would not recommend it. Just my opinion.


As far as Devil's Island, we have tried to get there three times but only once was successful. Hope you make it but it will be hot and lots of walking about. Something to see but just be ready.


We miss being on this cruise as we had to cancel at the last minute, so I am enjoying reading about the cruise. Hello to Marla and Lorraine.




Thank you so much for your input. I have one more question. We are signed up for a Regent Choice excursion in Barbados. Destination Services told us that there is little shade on a catamaran and that it is more of a party boat. Any thoughts? Unless I hear otherwise, we will cancel the excursion.


Thanks much!

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I really hope that your excursion in Manaus includes the Opera House. It is a mystery and a wonder to behold. What a beautiful architectural spot it is in seemingly a strange setting.


As for the pink dolphins, they are great to see, not sure I would hop in the water to swim with them but I am sure your excursion has it all sorted out.


One thought about Devil’s Island, we were all on our own to visit(no excursions) I really enjoyed it but Pat decided to stay onboard due to the warnings about the uneven terrain. A good decision on her part as it was a bit of tough walking. Worst part was that we had a several people who struggled with the walk and in fact we had to leave a couple on the island due to health issues. There really isn’t much there but the buildings so just beware that you are pretty much on your own, and I really did enjoy the trek and the history and beauty of the place. Not sure why we needed the Yellow Fever shots, however...


Totally agree with the comments about Boi Bumba. It is a fantastic show and one of the highlights of our trip. My tip for you there would be if you want a good seat at the show, get yourself on an early tender, otherwise you will be at the back of the room competing with iPads and iPhones for a view of the show and frustrated, as we were. All good though.


Cheers and I am reliving this trip vicariously!




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golfgirls - thanks for the great advice. We are now waitlisted for Boi Bumba. Not sure if we will clear the waitlist or not.



We kind of want to at least step foot on Devils Island - even if we turn around and return to the ship shortly thereafter.

Looking forward to three sea days. One reason we liked this itinerary was the mix of port and sea days. Every day onboard in a new adventure:D

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I understand from XRVLcruiser that Terry Breen is on board. Thank your lucky stars. We did the circumnavigation in 2013 with both of them. OK, we're Australians and I guess used to heat, but we didn't find it as oppressive as (say) Siem Reap, or hot as (say) Oman whilst we were in the Amazon. We saw no mosquitoes, and drank cocktails on verandah as usual. We also safely wandered around Manaus on our own, though enjoyed the included tours.


One of the things you find out about the Amazon is that there are three types of water. Different creatures live in the different waters and I can't recall any mention of swimming with pink dolphins. Although not super endangered, unlike the dolphins we're used to in theme parks and playing in coastal areas around the world, they're quite shy.


You can safely swim in the Amazon at Alter do Chao - rated as one of Brazil's best beaches. Plus it has the BEST souvenir shop in the Amazon - all the Regent staff will tell you about it. Australia has very restrictive rules on imports, and they were met by the shop.


Enjoy the Amazon - it's an incredible place - it creeps up on you slowly.

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While at Devil's Island, if it is a clear enough day and you have access to binoculars or a telephoto lens, from the upper deck of the ship you can turn to the mainland and get a glimpse of the European Space Agency launch facility. (I've always been a bit of a space nut).

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Enjoying reading and keeping up with this thread mainly because we are on the Mariner at the moment. Pretty much agree with most of what you say Travetcat2 . I think you may have been on the table beside us when in Signatures. We are fairly new cruisers and all bar one with Regent. We like the overall package and the very eclectic nature of things but we're a little surprised at the priority embarkation lines for the top end suites. But hey .. that's life I suppose. We all get perks as we move up the loyalty ranks I suppose but just never seen it quite so “in your face”.


We had read about the code reds on Mariner before we came on board and we're a little concerned so the info about the additional precautions was good to hear and so far everyone is healthy. But Navigator on code red … oh dear !


The great thing about these threads is the inside info from those more connected and you learn new hints and tips. Keep it coming 😀

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Just lost another post - so frustrating.


BB from CA - Dennis has watched the movie several times. Think it is time that I see it.


2onboardagain - my DH worked with the space program and is familiar with the launch site on Devils Island. We'll definitely be on the lookout for it.


golfgirls, Assuming that we survive the 8 hour tour in Manaus on our first day in port, we are scheduled to do a city tour with Regent that includes the Opera House. Looking forward to it.


catpow and pvgal - based on what you posted, I do not plan to swim with the dolphins. I discussed with the three other people going with us and there could be parasites and/or other things that we do not want to have entering our body. Appreciate the tip about shopping in Alter do Chao - that sounds like a "must do" for me.



zimmer46 - wish that you had stopped by our trable to say hi! While I am not going to discuss priority embarkation on this thread, you have not heard the last on that subject from me. I'll likely try to start a poll. In the meantime, unfortunately, I can no longer say that everyone is treated the same once they walk outside of their suite. Hope that you are enjoying the cruise as much as we are!

In general, it is taking a long time to get to the Amazon but we are enjoying the ship, our friends and the crew. The crew is working very hard in preparation for our time in the Amazon. At this point I'm likely repeating myself but keeping healthy during the week in the Amazon may be the biggest challenge. Hand sanitizers are being placed in each suite along with information for what we need to do while in the Amazon. I'll share that with you when we receive it (obviously meaning the information - not the hand sanitizer:D)


Chef Kelly did a wonderful food presentation this morning. He showed us how to make a sesame encrusted salmon..... much more difficult than it sounds. After hearing him speak, when we get home we're throwing all our canola oil.


We're going to our first Terry Breen lecture this afternoon. Almost time for lunch.


Thank all of you that have been so generous with information about the Amazon. No amount of online research can compare with those of you that have visited before. I'm anxious to take photos (still need to post a few from the parade yesterday).


Trying to stay off the internet since it is Black Friday and I'm a bit addicted online shopping. Hope mot of you are enjoying another day off of work.

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golfgirls - thanks for the great advice. We are now waitlisted for Boi Bumba. Not sure if we will clear the waitlist or not.



We kind of want to at least step foot on Devils Island - even if we turn around and return to the ship shortly thereafter.

Looking forward to three sea days. One reason we liked this itinerary was the mix of port and sea days. Every day onboard in a new adventure:D

Hi Travelcat. Loving you posts. We were on Mariner last year to the Amazon. We were fortunate to get to visit devils island. Yes it is hot and some of the terrain is a bit steep but well worth the visit. It is possible to avoid some of the steeper areas. Terry Breen did a lovely presentation on devils island which also included pictures of the walking paths to give you an idea of some of the terrain. She or the ship (cant remember who) also gave out a map at destination services which was really essential as it is a self guided place. Her presentation really helped us understand what we were looking at. The history was fascinating,and also the vegetation and some wildlife (monkeys, peacocks, some other little guinea pig type animal.....forgot the name). There are many areas for shade. I believe the only place that had A/C was a tiny gift shop at the top of the hill. However just outside the gift shop, there are fabulous views which was even better with a very icy cold beer in hand. But again it is hot. Just pace yourself if you do go ashore.


As for Barbados, yes it is more of a party boat. We did something like the best of barbadoes. Nice A/c coach with not a lot of passengers onboard. Visited fort/lookout (great views), botanical gardens, plantation, and a nice drive around Barbodoes. Lots of shade and much cooler....


Boi Bumba show. Fabulous. A/C building but yes, the closer to front you are the better view you will have of the show due to all the cameras and iPads. After the show you have a chance to go onto the stage and take pictures with performers. The costumes are just out of this world. I hope you make it.


Cheers Ellen

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Thanks so much for the Thanksgiving wishes. Would you mind if I waited to give you the information until we have taken the excursion (November 29th)? I hesitate to recommend a company that we have not used. However, if you need the information sooner, I'll be happy to provide it.


Hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


No hurry with the info and understand wanting to wait until you've done the excursion to recommend it. We have plenty of time since our cruise doesn't leave Miami until 11/25/18.


Saw this on a Social Media site posted by someone that is one your cruise. I know you're going to post your pictures and hope it's OK if I share it.



Thanks, again, for taking us along on your journey.

Edited by suzyluvs2cruise
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Hi Jackie- We are here on the mariner with you. I think you are getting special treatment in the dining room because of your status; we are only silver. Many of the dishes we have been served, including soup, have been tepid at best, never hot. It doesn't matter where we are seated in the dining room. Our table had problems in Prime 7 as well.


Funny, our overall opinion is that they are very short staffed in the dining rooms, and that the food and service was better on the Oceania Nautica.

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