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Smoking on balconies.


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I agree but this whole smoking debate brings out the stupidity in a lot of folks on here.




Have you read the ridiculous comments. So extreme plus all the conspiracy theory's




I usually only see people smoking where its allowed.




Half of these folks complaining were heavy smokers at one time now they have O2 tanks and cant take it.




The whole DSC is stupid people use that lame subject all the time. If the smoker gets fined he can offset the cost by removing the DSC....


I have never seen anyone flick a smoke overboard from there balcony. I have seen them smoke and put the but in a capped beer can they must throw them out in the trash.




I dont think a fined smoker should remove dsc but I'm sure they will


My idea is to remove dsc because you didn't get the service you were promised and that is...


If you report a balcony smoker and it's not immediately taken care of or if it recurs...then by all means get ncl attention brought to this fire hazard by removing dsc



That's the only way to hurt ncl. Other than not sailing on their ships. But removing dsc really is an immediate...right to the top of the ncl food chain way of getting their attention



It is the most powerful weapon a pax has and should be used appropriately which means not to duck out of paying dsc but to hurt ncl where it counts...if and when service is not provided as promised


You are promised a smoke free balcony so ncl had better deal with balcony smokers asap upon receiving the complaint



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I agree but this whole smoking debate brings out the stupidity in a lot of folks on here.




Have you read the ridiculous comments. So extreme plus all the conspiracy theory's




I usually only see people smoking where its allowed.




Half of these folks complaining were heavy smokers at one time now they have O2 tanks and cant take it.




The whole DSC is stupid people use that lame subject all the time. If the smoker gets fined he can offset the cost by removing the DSC....


I have never seen anyone flick a smoke overboard from there balcony. I have seen them smoke and put the but in a capped beer can they must throw them out in the trash.




Did you report these people and their potential fire hazard?


Do you agree with what they did?


If you saw them do this and did not report it you too are part of the problem


I think ncl should start fining anyone...pax...stewards...anyone who knows of a balcony smoker but continues to look the other way or as in your case actually defend them because that's what you are doing by saying you saw them use a beer can. That's defending the action and insinuating that what they did was acceptable



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I dont think a fined smoker should remove dsc but I'm sure they will


My idea is to remove dsc because you didn't get the service you were promised and that is...


If you report a balcony smoker and it's not immediately taken care of or if it recurs...then by all means get ncl attention brought to this fire hazard by removing dsc



That's the only way to hurt ncl. Other than not sailing on their ships. But removing dsc really is an immediate...right to the top of the ncl food chain way of getting their attention



It is the most powerful weapon a pax has and should be used appropriately which means not to duck out of paying dsc but to hurt ncl where it counts...if and when service is not provided as promised


You are promised a smoke free balcony so ncl had better deal with balcony smokers asap upon receiving the complaint



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The group that should be addressing any smoking infactions is Security. You keep insisting that its those who receive the DSC, which are the waiters and the cabin stewards.


The only people you are proposing to hurt is them, not NCL. Its not a very effective idea IMHO.

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Now I'm waiting for a balcony smoker to chime in that they are very careful where they dispose of the butts....of course if someone does chime in here their comments are nonsense and hold zero credibility...because they are balcony smokers that blatantly break rules!!!!!! They have no credibility!!!!

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So you have never blatantly broken the rules ? Never looked at a Speed limit sign that said 60 MPH and did not care you were going 65? If you have by your own perverse logic you should really stop posting here as you have zero credibility

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So you have never blatantly broken the rules ? Never looked at a Speed limit sign that said 60 MPH and did not care you were going 65? If you have by your own perverse logic you should really stop posting here as you have zero credibility




I've never blatantly done anything to cause a fire hazard

And if you think I should stop posting here because I want to inform others of the fire hazard and that's not a credible reason...well no sense in trying to change your mind



Sorry to have gotten under your skin



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Did you miss that I said "if"?


My actions are hypothetical as I'm not on a ship with balcony smokers ...


However...if...a smoker is present....if..it's nots corrected immediately after I report it...yes I will remove dsc...if...it is not corrected


Got it. Good



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No, I didn't miss the "if"........... Your intention is to penalize staff that have no control over the problem IF you don't get what you want and that's just plain wrong!


As I stated earlier, I don't believe one person (out of the thousands) removing the DSC is going to get NCL's attention.


I can't stop you and, obviously, nothing anyone here says is going to change your mind so I'll just move on.................

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No, I didn't miss the "if"........... Your intention is to penalize staff that have no control over the problem IF you don't get what you want and that's just plain wrong!




As I stated earlier, I don't believe one person (out of the thousands) removing the DSC is going to get NCL's attention.




I can't stop you and, obviously, nothing anyone here says is going to change your mind so I'll just move on.................




Again...if the steward knows the pax is smoking (because let's face it the stewards are quite aware what the pax do) but does nothing about it regardless of being told about it because it's his job to enforce rules...then yes the steward needs to be penalized.



Not sure why you think I advocating removing the entire dsc but in the case of the steward not reporting a smoking pax I think perhaps $6 per day per person per cabin reduction is in order and the reason being..."I reported it to the steward and he did not do anything about it"


As far as security...well yes, they should be the ones notified by either the infringed upon pax or by the steward that the pax reported it to or by guest services if that is who was notified so if ncl crew does not get it to the proper channel to stop the smoker then yes they too deserve to be penalized simply because they aren't doing their job


Btw guest services apparently shares in the dsc per the posters here who seem to have this knowledge...that said...is it such a stretch to think security also shares in dsc? Apparently everyone on the ship shares dsc or so it's been posted here



So glad I'm not a bleeding heart





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If they still allowed us to bring on cases of water, we could use it to douse all of the fires caused by cigarettes. I simply would never extinguish a fire with tap water. Adding this only to further obviscate the issue as has occurred via tying DSC removal to balcony smoking. Relax people.



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In their FAQ, NCL says if you are caught smoking in the cabin or balcony you will have a $250 cleaning fee added to your bill!




I'm talking about consistent balcony smokers that ncl ignores and therefore disrupt your cruise



From what I can tell from these boards it appears lots of balcony smokers are not reported or caught or if reported still not caught



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Dang. Reading this thread is exhausting. Maybe I need a cig. I have not touched one in 44 years, when I tried one in the alley.


I live in a 25 story high rise in Dallas. Management prefers smokers NOT smoke inside but on their balconies so the smoke moves out. If they smoke indoors it goes through the ventilation to other apartments. Yes, my building is 57 years old.


Dallas has a lot of wind and I think it could be a fire hazard outside but what management is doing is compromising.


Us non smokers have complained about neighbors smoking on ships for years. First, they disallowed it in cabins. I definately think it was the damage from Discoloring of walls and burned linens more than everything.


So next, balconies. I do think the main reason is not fire prevention but again, the comfort of the majority of pax, the non smokers.


I have had smokers right next door on Carnival right after they eliminated balcony smoking, who ignored the rule. It did hamper our enjoyment. In the past we would have had to tolerate it. People may not agree with how we resolved it but it worked for us.


We told the couple next to us that if we were on our balcony and they came out to smoke that they would stop. Likewise we told them that if they were out on their balcony smoking and we came out they needed to stop. In other words when we were there we expected a smoke free balcony. We told them there would be lots of times would be out doing other things and when we weren't there we didn't care what they did. I guess they figured that way they did not totally lose out. We got to enjoy our balcony and I expect they did too, to some extent.



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I understand what you are saying but it still needed to be reported for the exact reason you state....it was a moving ship


I would report it as follows..


" I'm in cabin # whatever and from my balcony I can smell cigarette smoke and I know this is a potential fire hazard and against ncl rules so could you please find out where it's coming from and stop it as the ship is moving and it's breezy out and should the smoker throw the butt overboard a fire could start"


Ncl must take this complaint seriously!!! Also any pax who doesn't report smoking smell from is responsible should a fire start.


Bottom line is if you can smell cigarette smoke coming from a balcony you MUST report it. You are NOT the bad guy by reporting it but you ARE the bad guy if you don't report it.



Food for thought..


What exactly does a balcony smoker do with the cig butt?


Do they flick it overboard to destroy the evidence?




Do they take the time to put it out in a wet glass?


Then try to destroy the evidence?


So the steward doesn't find it?


So do they flush it?


Do they leave the glass on the balcony floor?


Do they walk the refuse to a garbage spot in a smoking area?


Or do they tip the steward at beginning/middle AND end of trip to look the other way?


My guess is


They flick and they overtip


Flicking is a fire hazard


Overtipping is a bribe and if it's my steward as well it shows me he's not doing his job or watching out for his pax safety and doesn't deserve my dsc. Period




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You will never know

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I have had smokers right next door on Carnival right after they eliminated balcony smoking, who ignored the rule. It did hamper our enjoyment. In the past we would have had to tolerate it. People may not agree with how we resolved it but it worked for us.


We told the couple next to us that if we were on our balcony and they came out to smoke that they would stop. Likewise we told them that if they were out on their balcony smoking and we came out they needed to stop. In other words when we were there we expected a smoke free balcony. We told them there would be lots of times would be out doing other things and when we weren't there we didn't care what they did. I guess they figured that way they did not totally lose out. We got to enjoy our balcony and I expect they did too, to some extent.

This makes perfect sense to me, and I'm sure it did to your smoking neighbors.


What doesn't make sense to me is all of the entitled arguments on this topic (and the "able-bodied people booking accessible staterooms" topic!) - on BOTH sides of the fence.


What ever happened to common courtesy?? I no longer smoke as a necessity due to serious health issues (not caused by smoking btw) - but I smoked for 30+ years and thoroughly enjoyed it. And I wasn't just a "social" smoker - I was one of those where my family and friends frequently commented "are you seriously lighting ANOTHER one so soon!??" smokers! While it's not my proudest statement, I probably would not have quit if I didn't HAVE to. That said, in all my 30+ years of smoking, I honestly never lit a cigarette in the vicinity of non-smokers/smokers alike when I didn't say "Do you mind if I smoke?" And if they said "yes", I didn't smoke there or went somewhere else (including if I was in a casino.) Not because it was prohibited, forbidden, there were threats of fines, etc. - but simply because I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable making someone else uncomfortable. Even if it was legal and within my "rights."


What has happened to this world? :eek:

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Dang. Reading this thread is exhausting. Maybe I need a cig. I have not touched one in 44 years, when I tried one in the alley.


I live in a 25 story high rise in Dallas. Management prefers smokers NOT smoke inside but on their balconies so the smoke moves out. If they smoke indoors it goes through the ventilation to other apartments. Yes, my building is 57 years old.


Dallas has a lot of wind and I think it could be a fire hazard outside but what management is doing is compromising.


Us non smokers have complained about neighbors smoking on ships for years. First, they disallowed it in cabins. I definately think it was the damage from Discoloring of walls and burned linens more than everything.


So next, balconies. I do think the main reason is not fire prevention but again, the comfort of the majority of pax, the non smokers.


I have had smokers right next door on Carnival right after they eliminated balcony smoking, who ignored the rule. It did hamper our enjoyment. In the past we would have had to tolerate it. People may not agree with how we resolved it but it worked for us.


We told the couple next to us that if we were on our balcony and they came out to smoke that they would stop. Likewise we told them that if they were out on their balcony smoking and we came out they needed to stop. In other words when we were there we expected a smoke free balcony. We told them there would be lots of times would be out doing other things and when we weren't there we didn't care what they did. I guess they figured that way they did not totally lose out. We got to enjoy our balcony and I expect they did too, to some extent.



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So you basically gave them your blessing to smoke on their balcony when you weren't around?


Sorry but you are part of the problem only you don't realize it


The cruise lines should start fining pax who are blatantly aware of balcony smokers and don't report them.


And no...I don't think pax who are away of chair hoggers and buffet line cutters should be reported so don't go there ok


And um no it's not tattling nor anything else you want to call it...it is however reporting a dangerous situation that the cruise line doesn't allow



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The cruise lines should start fining pax who are blatantly aware of balcony smokers and don't report them.


And no...I don't think pax who are away of chair hoggers and buffet line cutters should be reported so don't go there ok


And um no it's not tattling nor anything else you want to call it...



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The cruise lines should start fining pax who are blatantly aware of balcony smokers and don't report them.

Absolutely the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on CC



And no...I don't think pax who are away of chair hoggers and buffet line cutters should be reported so don't go there ok

And yes....they should, I guess you are one of those people so it must be ok.



And um no it's not tattling nor anything else you want to call it...

And yes it is....and I call it having cheese hanging from your mouth

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I still think that smoking should be banned outright on cruises to/from/within the USA much like it is banned on flights to/from/within the USA.

I am surprised Uncle Sam has not passed legislation to this effect yet.

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I still think that smoking should be banned outright on cruises to/from/within the USA much like it is banned on flights to/from/within the USA.

I am surprised Uncle Sam has not passed legislation to this effect yet.


Ill bet there is a big difference being on an enclosed narrow tube with that idea.

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Ill bet there is a big difference being on an enclosed narrow tube with that idea.


I bet there is, however, having said that I think that on every form of public transportation that I can think of within the US smoking is not allowed. I could be wrong and I am sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong.

Just to be clear, I have nothing against smokers....I've been there, used to go thru 3 CARTONS every single week!

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Sorry I would report smoking on the balcony in a heart beat. NCL use to allow smoking on the balcony and we have had a cruise where we could not use a balcony we paid for due to that smoking. We asked to be moved, but the cruise was completely booked so we couldn't move. So yeah I would report...(as many times I needed to until it was managed.)

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A few years back a lady was smoking below us on our Alaska cruise... we yelled down and she ignored us. We called to complain, to find many already had. Then she yelled to those around her it wasn't her and she didn't smoke... saw her later than night in the casino with a cigarette and I said, thought you didn't smoke! She didn't smoke again on the balcony that cruise. I am a cancer survivor and didn't appreciate it. The smoke smell was awful.

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So you basically gave them your blessing to smoke on their balcony when you weren't around?


Sorry but you are part of the problem only you don't realize it


The cruise lines should start fining pax who are blatantly aware of balcony smokers and don't report them.


And no...I don't think pax who are away of chair hoggers and buffet line cutters should be reported so don't go there ok


And um no it's not tattling nor anything else you want to call it...it is however reporting a dangerous situation that the cruise line doesn't allow



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Actually, you were not there and I gave you the condensed version. Based on our first interaction and discussion this was the best solution. I have no doubt if we had strong-armed and this man he would have made it his mission in life to make our entire cruise miserable.


After a few hours of our suffering I first offered our deal to the man and he refused. He slammed the door and then made a ruckus we heard through the paper-thin walls. Ten minutes later he came back out on the balcony and told us he changed his mind. Or his wife changed it for him.


These were veteran cruisers who I am sure loved sitting out on their aft balcony puffing away. But that was taken away from them. I am sure they were resentful. They very much had a cruise routine as we saw them in their dressy clothes. He was in a tux and she a very fancy dress.


Sometimes in life you have to pick your battles. And I chose mine. Your statement that I should be fined is ridiculous. We discussed it with our steward, Ardita, who is our FB friend to this day. So, yeah, I reported it. But I was not going to sit on my balcony 24/7 as their personal smoking police.


FYI, I told the man if they tried to smoke while we were there I was going to video them with my phone and take it up a level from the steward to the HD.


THIS GUY WAS A JERK. My sister likes to have her coffee on the balcony in her pjs and he tried to poke his head around and talk to her. She told him not to and he said it was not anything he had seen before.



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Actually, you were not there and I gave you the condensed version. Based on our first interaction and discussion this was the best solution. I have no doubt if we had strong-armed and this man he would have made it his mission in life to make our entire cruise miserable.


After a few hours of our suffering I first offered our deal to the man and he refused. He slammed the door and then made a ruckus we heard through the paper-thin walls. Ten minutes later he came back out on the balcony and told us he changed his mind. Or his wife changed it for him.


These were veteran cruisers who I am sure loved sitting out on their aft balcony puffing away. But that was taken away from them. I am sure they were resentful. They very much had a cruise routine as we saw them in their dressy clothes. He was in a tux and she a very fancy dress.


Sometimes in life you have to pick your battles. And I chose mine. Your statement that I should be fined is ridiculous. We discussed it with our steward, Ardita, who is our FB friend to this day. So, yeah, I reported it. But I was not going to sit on my balcony 24/7 as their personal smoking police.


FYI, I told the man if they tried to smoke while we were there I was going to video them with my phone and take it up a level from the steward to the HD.


THIS GUY WAS A JERK. My sister likes to have her coffee on the balcony in her pjs and he tried to poke his head around and talk to her. She told him not to and he said it was not anything he had seen before.



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Sorry but I still think you made it worse than needed by even interacting at all


It's actually a simple process...


As you can't condone or allow balcony smoking to continue once you know about it...no pax can btw or they too become a culprit..thus my suggestion to fine them as well..


All you ever needed to do is report it to


HD period


Some here suggest it's a security issue


Some..like myself said report to guest services


Some say report to steward but I think he is in a difficult position here due to possibility of losing a cash tip


I think if I smell smoke from my balcony on my cruise I will just say to them "oh I did nt realize smoking was still allowed on balconies?"


That's if I even have to interact at all and it can't be avoided


I have found that smoking culprits actually all know when they are breaking the rules and usually stop once caught however using my approach makes it difficult for them to tell if you are on their side or not so they usually react ok ....then they realize they look like idiots and stop smoking.



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Sorry but I still think you made it worse than needed by even interacting at all


It's actually a simple process...


As you can't condone or allow balcony smoking to continue once you know about it...no pax can btw or they too become a culprit..thus my suggestion to fine them as well..


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Using your version of ahem....wisdom, what you are saying is if you see someone lay down their beach towels on the lounge chairs next to you, YOU should be reported. You know....the whole you saw them break the rules and did nothing about it rule you want implemented.

The more I think about your comments, the more it reminds me of the worst show ever on tv, a whiny-a.. grown man who got arrested on the last episode for not following the Good Samaritan law.


If you were my neighbor you wouldn’t have to worry about smoke making your trip ruined, there are plenty of other ways to annoy people that are just within reason that any phone call to guest services would be met with a big oh hum yawn from them.

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