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8-15-19 Thursday Weigh In


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Hey y'all! Not sure where our lovely @Belle is today. I know my opening is WAY less poetic. 


I had a tough week with walking only in the gym and trying to figure out the no lectin and anti-inflammatory foods thing. I am the same, which I'm thrilled about. 36 days to my quick Bahamas getaway and 142 days until my first vacation longer than 4 days in YEARS. I am hoping you all had wonderful weeks and can't wait to read your posts 🙂

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I'm new here.  I figured out some of the things I was doing wrong on my 21 day fix diet and fixed them, so I've been on it seriously for a week.  I've done it before a few years ago and it worked well then.  I lost 2 lbs this week, but normally I lose the most the first week of the 21 day fix, then less after that.  I'll take it.  I have almost three months till my cruise in November, and I want to lose at least 7 more lbs by then.  I've been trying to walk at least 9,000 steps a day, and preferably over 10,000.  I've started walking the 8 flights up to my office once a day.  I'm going to the gym at least 4 times a week, but I only stay for 30-40 minutes and either use the treadmill or the weight machines on alternating days.  I'm 62 and want to keep my muscles in shape.  But I tell you, the older you get, the harder it is.  If I'd worked this hard when I was younger, I'd have been too thin.  And now I'm struggling to lose the flab and it's going way too slowly.  

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Hi all!


Jenny ~ thanks for starting the thread. Guess I'll be the first "gainer" to post, I'm up 0.4 lbs.


CG2010 ~ welcome to the thread! You're doing great. I'm 10 years older than you & have the same problem, got a lot of flab to lose.😢 I'm about at my highest weight ever so will smarten up soon, I hope!!


See the rest of you later whatever the scale said.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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@JennyB1977 - Thanks for starting the thread! Staying the same is good! Hoping you are feeling less pain. This time next week, your count down will be less than a month! Yay!


@CarolinaGirl2010 - Great start! Congratulations. I've been curious about the 21 Day fix... heard a bit about it.. It's a diet and exercise plan isn't it? Sound like you are pretty active. Way to go!


@retiring soon - Sorry to hear about your gain. Hopefully it will come off easily. 


I was not too sure how this weight was going to pan out - as I mentioned yesterday, I hurt my thumb/wrist on Monday so that put a stop to my Jillian Michael's workouts... and I was just getting back to them after a week of fun in the sun (and too many treats) at the lake. Watched my food intake for the most part this week (recorded everything on MFP), walked the dog for 40-45 mins a day and I'm happy to report, I'm down 1 Pound for a total of 6 since I started with all you lovely people about 4 weeks ago. While 6 pounds down may not seem like a lot, looking back through MFP, I haven't been this weight since December 2017 so I'm pretty pleased. 2 more pounds and I'll hit a weight I haven't been since 2016. Really loving this group and the support and accountability factor. 



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On 6/9/2018 at 7:15 PM, IsaSweden69 said:




On 8/8/2019 at 6:26 PM, Jan_In_Maine said:



33 minutes ago, RobinCruiser said:



@CarolinaGirl2010 - Great start! Congratulations. I've been curious about the 21 Day fix... heard a bit about it.. It's a diet and exercise plan isn't it? Sound like you are pretty active. Way to go!




Thanks.  I do the 21 day fix, but I kind of cheated.  I bought the containers at Walmart on the As Seen on TV section.  They are different colors than the Fix, but still work.  And then I went around the internet and found all the charts and info I needed for it.  No way I'm going to put out the kind of money that they want.  And then I do my own exercises.  I love Jillian Michaels!  (Sorry about those extra quotes, not sure where they came from and I can't get rid of them.)

Edited by CarolinaGirl2010
Not sure what happened with all those quotes.
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I am new to this thread. I was at my highest weight in Feb/Mar of this year. 215! I worked hard and got down to 200 but i have gained 4 back. Right now I am stuck at 204 and have been for months. I am starting back with Beachbody on demand and the 21 day fix. I bought all of the stuff years ago and it worked great. I don't do the shakes but I will start back with counting the containers and doing the workouts. (and making sure I eat enough calories!)


Now that school is back in session it is hard to get to a gym or go workout since we home school but I am hoping these workouts work like they did years ago.


My goals are: to be under 200 for my November cruise and be under 150 for my 10 year anniversary cruise June 2020.


I look forward to getting to know everyone!

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Really happy with the 2lb weight loss this week.  I see others of you doing your weights in tenths of pounds and am wondering if I should start.  I usually just round up no matter if it is 1/10th of a pound. 


JennyB1977 sorry no weight loss, but staying the same is great.


CarolinaGirl2010 2lb is a great way to start.  Good luck on the 21 day fix.  Let us know how it goes.


retiring soon you'll get it this next week.  Keep at it.


RobinCruiser one pound is good for a week where you aren't exercise like you planned.  Think it's great you are able to look back and see what you've done / weighed in the past.  Bet it helps.


Jan_In_Maine staying the same is so much better than gaining.  


JessandLevi I know most of us here understand how disheartening a plateau can be.  That's some pretty hefty goals you have there.  I'm wishing you nothing but the best of luck.



Would still love to be under 200lb by Sept 29th cruise, but with trip to my brothers a few weeks ago, I don't think I'll make it.  Going to give it my best, but even if I loose 2lb each and every week (which we all know is hard) I'll fall 14lb short.  Why oh why did I go to my brother's.  Oh yea, to enjoy myself.


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1 hour ago, Jasonmom said:

Really happy with the 2lb weight loss this week.  I see others of you doing your weights in tenths of pounds and am wondering if I should start.  I usually just round up no matter if it is 1/10th of a pound. 





@Jasonmom Congrats!! 2 Pounds is awesome!! I only quote 1/10th of a pound as my scale shows this, it's a digital scale. Otherwise, I would be going by full pounds as well.


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Hi, Ladies,  I'm still trying to get on track.  I had gained 5 pounds of (mostly) water weight after posting here a couple weeks ago, but since Monday I'm down 4.  211.5 this morning.  Sigh.  But, got my sister doing it with me, and we both always do better when encouraging each other.  Tracking everything religiously in MFP.   Oh, and found a great use for my air fryer oven - it does a great job on salmon filets without much fuss.  And keeps the fishy smell contained.  My new go-to quick meal!


@JennyB1977 thanks for opening the thread!


@CarolinaGirl2010 I've just recently got a BeachBody workout subscription and one of the workouts is called 21 Day Fix.  Is that what you have done?  I haven't tried it yet (the subscription doesn't come with the meal plans, but I think I've got that side covered).  I haven't tried it yet - been messing around with the Country Heat workouts.


@retiring soon at least you showed up to report your .4 gain - rather than just staying away like I've been doing when I don't have something good to report! 


@JessandLevi that's a great goal!  I don't really have a hard target for my next cruise in December (111 days, but who's counting?) except that I want to be more comfortable on the plane (9 hour flight).  But for next June's graduation cruise for my son, I want to be below 150.


@Jasonmom congrats on your loss, and don't sweat enjoying yourself!


@RobinCruiser  6 pounds is a lot to be proud of!  Congratulations!


@Jan_In_Maine steady-as-she-goes!!


Have a great week, everyone!!!








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@AndyB I think it is awesome that you have your sister doing it with you! I don't have family near me just my son. My husband works out of town for 12 days at a time and then is home for 2 days. He is my biggest downfall to my diet as he is a late night snacker and always wants me to snack with him. I'm hoping with our new schedule that I can finally be rid of unhealthy snacking. Sounds like we have similar weight loss goals! Also Country Heat used to be a good go to for me a couple of years ago as well as the PiYo.


@Jasonmom 54 pounds and 10 months. I know it will be hard but I am motivated and determined! My goal weight is 110-120.

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Thanks Jenny for starting the Thursday Weigh-In. Was gone till late last night and then today busy.

I'm up a pound but think it will go off fast, gone all day Wed. and drank a lot of water, been having days

in the 100's. Drank more today. Suppose be cooler by Sat. I leave on my cruise in 4 weeks from today.

Hope to lose some weight my then, take what I can get. Won't set a goal, sometimes makes it harder.

Be happy with what I lose.


Welcome ...

Carolina...Your sure doing good with all the walking and going to the gym. 2 lb loss is good.

Jess...You did good on losing bet you'll start losing more now that you have a plan.


Jenny...I hope you get the "food thing" figured out and you feel better. No gain is good.

Jo...Come on you can get your small gain off quick. No night snacks. (this is from one too, need to follow my own advice):classic_rolleyes:

Robin...Hope your feeling better. Nice loss and getting to a old number is great.

Jan...Not a gain that's the main thing. Aren't you at goal or very close to it? Harder to lose at that point.

Jasonmom...Good loss this week. Remember whatever you lose by your cruise you'll weigh less than if you didn't try.

Andy...Good job getting the gain off. Nice your sister is losing weight with you. Can make it easier at times.

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13 hours ago, AndyB said:


@CarolinaGirl2010 I've just recently got a BeachBody workout subscription and one of the workouts is called 21 Day Fix.  Is that what you have done?  I haven't tried it yet (the subscription doesn't come with the meal plans, but I think I've got that side covered).  I haven't tried it yet - been messing around with the Country Heat workouts.



@AndyB      Yes, the 21 Day fix is the Beachbody program.  I never paid for the program, just figured out how to do it on my own.  The Shakes are so expensive so I don't use them.  I bought the food containers at Walmart.com.   The colors are different but that didn't matter.  I've attached a chart I made to keep track of the food containers, and a chart with the kind of foods you can eat if you want.  I do whatever exercises I want to.  

21 Day fix.xlsx 21-Day-Fix-Food-List-Reference-Guide.pdf

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Hi ladies,

Congrats to everyone who lost this week!


My husband was out of town part of this week for work, and Wednesday I didn't feel like cooking for just me and the kids. So I cheated and took the kids to a Mexican food restaurant that's just around the corner. Two baskets of chips and a margarita later my Thursday morning weigh in wasn't exactly where I wanted it to be. Surely the kids ate one of those baskets, right? 😏 It could have been a whole lot worse though. I was still down 1.6 pounds for the week, 26.8 pounds total (started at 202, currently 175.2). 16 days until Liberty of the Seas! I wanted to be at 170, and I will be close if I stay on track. To be honest, I'm really happy with what I've done in the last few months. We're taking my mother in law on her first cruise for her birthday in February, so I would like to keep up this pace. If I do, I should be about 140 then - my final goal is 130 which should get my short 5'1" body into a size 6 - at least it did back when I was 25 and before I had a couple kids. I've stuck with it long enough now (low carb/ketoish and one to two meals a day), that it feels normal. We have a cheat meal, and I get back on the very next meal instead of before where that one cheat dinner would turn into biscuits for breakfast, picking up hamburgers for lunch, and ordering pizza for dinner the next day. Now to just keep going!


@JessandLevi We home school too. I agree, it can be really hard to squeeze it all in, and I'm sure it's just as hot in GA as it is here in TX, so getting outside for a quick walk when everyone needs a break just doesn't happen in the summer! We started back the week after July 4. I try to walk around the house 30 minutes before the kids get up, but it doesn't always happen - my walk tends to turn into stopping to start laundry, stopping to unload the dishwasher, stopping to lesson plan, etc. I hope your year goes well, and you and your kids have an easy transition back into school.

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15 hours ago, RobinCruiser said:


@Jasonmom Congrats!! 2 Pounds is awesome!! I only quote 1/10th of a pound as my scale shows this, it's a digital scale. Otherwise, I would be going by full pounds as well.



I have a digital scale and think I will start looking at the 1/10ths.  It was always sad when I would weigh something like 226.1 and would document it at 227lb.


14 hours ago, AndyB said:

Hi, Ladies,  I'm still trying to get on track.  I had gained 5 pounds of (mostly) water weight after posting here a couple weeks ago, but since Monday I'm down 4.  211.5 this morning.  Sigh.  But, got my sister doing it with me, and we both always do better when encouraging each other.  Tracking everything religiously in MFP.   Oh, and found a great use for my air fryer oven - it does a great job on salmon filets without much fuss.  And keeps the fishy smell contained.  My new go-to quick meal!


@Jasonmom congrats on your loss, and don't sweat enjoying yourself!





Glad you have someone close to you that you can work with. Down 4lb since Monday?  WOW.  What is this MFP?  Care to share your recipe for the salmon filets in the air fryer?



11 hours ago, JessandLevi said:


@Jasonmom 54 pounds and 10 months. I know it will be hard but I am motivated and determined! My goal weight is 110-120.



I don't think I weighed 120lb since elementary school.  I was 5'7" by 6th grade and I'm large boned.  Even when I was in the US Army I was considered "overweight" by the standard scale.  I had to be tape tested and passed with flying colors.  I think my goal is 159lb.


5 hours ago, Belle said:


Jasonmom...Good loss this week. Remember whatever you lose by your cruise you'll weigh less than if you didn't try.



You are exactly right.  I need to remember this.  If I wouldn't have lost any weight before this cruise / gone on it at my heaviest, then I'd have a new heaviest when I got home.  I'm still hoping to be under 200lb by time of cruise (Sept 29th).  I know I'll gain while on cruise.  It's a given, my plan is to just get back here with this group of others trying to loose, who support each other, and loose more before my next cruise (whenever that will be).  I do think I've been on here before other cruises, I just never come back after I get back from cruise.

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Great job all!  Whether you lost, maintained, or even a small gain you are here and trying 🙂 


Sorry I didn't make it in yesterday.  Son had soccer in the morning and I finished school shopping with daughter, then daughter and I volunteered for our school at Little League World Series (we get to help run some of the food stands as a fundraiser). Five hours on my feet serving BBQ and I was beat!  Still tired today but it is a lot of fun and get to meet so many different people 🙂 


I forgot to weigh until after the shopping (and having breakfast), but I maintained from last weigh-in.  Still on track to be under 200 for our cruise next month (30 days), but it likely won't be much more than that.  Still pleased I didn't gain though.

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Jasonmom, I can't believe you would round up from .1 to the next pound, LOL!  My scale shows half pounds and I used to round those up, but not any more.  A half pound may be the margin of error, but it's still motivating!


Melmar02, high five for losing after Mexican food!


Pacruise804, sounds like you had a long week, so a "maintain" is a WIN!


I'm trying to get my macro percentages back to 65% fat, 20% protein, 15% carb.  It sure is tough for me - even making a concerted effort today to up the fat, I'm still only at 60%.  Oh well, either I'll slowly get there, or will decide 60% is enough.  I don't really care about getting into ketosis, but this range does seem to work to keep my blood sugar down where it should be.  And to lose weight.  Equal goals for me.



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@melmar02 Congrats on your loss! You should be very pleased with your accomplishments so far. I'm sure you'll make your goal by cruise date. I'm 5'2. My goal weight used to be 125 (what I was before kids) but I'd be happy with anything up to 135. I'll be 50 in January and I tell you, this baby weight is sure stubborn. (lol - my youngest will be 19 in NOV).


@Jasonmom Definitely don't round up unless you are .6 or higher. And MFP is My Fitness Pal. A good place to track your calories.


@pacruise804 - Congrats on maintaining... and surviving! You sure were busy!


I'm pretty pleased with myself... went grocery shopping and really, really, really wanted to buy a treat.. Cinnamon buns or Wine Gums (they are my weakness)… but the Cinnamon buns were ridiculously overpriced and I managed to talk myself out of Wine Gums at the till so no treats came home with me. Whew!!



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Good Afternoon on this Sat.  Hope you are doing well.  Out of our 100's today. nice day in the 80's.

You feel like doing more and not craving ice cream!:classic_laugh:


Sounds like everyone is busy and really trying hard to lose weight for cruises and to get healthy.

Good Luck to us all.


Everyone have a good weekend.

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Melmar and Bolt good loss's.  "weigh to go"!


Good afternoon all.  Hope everyone keeping on track. Anyone exercising?

On weekends do you exercise or take it off. Just get exercise by running errands, or 

going out and having fun? 


Main question do you exercise at all? Know some of you do but do all of us.

I confess I don't do to much. I really do get more on cruises..really walk a lot on them.

So I need to cruise 24/7!:classic_biggrin:


Enjoy your Sunday what ever your doing!

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Hi, Belle, and everybody - hope everyone's weekend is going well.


I went a little overboard on calories yesterday, but not too bad - at least kept the carbs in check.  On track today so far, and pre-tracked through dinner (that usually helps me).  Sunday is often my cooking day.  Today I made a pot of cauliflower soup, but otherwise just prepped things for the week.  Got smoothie ingredients together and ready for mornings, made some tahini sauce for my veggies, made some peanut butter.  Ready for the week.


I have not been exercising lately, beyond getting my steps/miles in.  I aim for 60 active minutes a day on Fitbit, and it's all walking.  I know I need to do more cardio and strength, but since I'm just getting back into an eating plan I want to focus on that first, as that gives more of a boost to the weight loss.  And I'm still trying to figure out how to work the gym into my new job schedule.  I am going to try the 21 day fix workouts this week in the mornings before work.  Hopefully I'll have a few under my belt to report on Thursday!




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Andrea your doing the best thing planning your meals ahead and having things around to eat.

I think we lose the best that way but we don't always do it. Great Job!


They say at first just diet first, exercise later on. How true who knows?  Everyone does it their

own way. Just do what you feel.

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Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I had 3 picnics, but all were fairly healthy. We went to a rail trail Saturday and I got several miles walking done - not too sore yesterday 😉 


Weight training tonight and lots of business this week with back to school and sending daughter to college.  This coming weekend will be a challenge with all the hours in the car (no cardio) and so many meals out (including Carver's at daughter's request).  Aiming for salads or light meals when possible.

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