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LIVE – Explorer Transatlantic – 11/23 – 12/7/2019


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56 minutes ago, Hambagahle said:

It is a BIG mistake to "assume" anything.  The demographics on Regent tend to the "older" people.  Who might or might not use computers or might or might not be comfortable with them.  WHO took the decision to make the Guest Survey ONLY online?  That is silly if you want to get high participation.  And WHO decided that it had to be completed before disembarkation - especially with bad internet connectivity on board ??


Seems that Mike Moore, in Corporate IT, needs to look into this...

Another reason companies like online surveys is that many do not allow you to go to the next section unless you answer ALL the questions in the previous section - I agree, this was a very poor marketing decision.


We stopped answering our surveys years ago - I would put a great deal of thought and detail into my final survey and check the box that I would like to hear back - never once did I ever get so much as a peep, so I stopped wasting my time.


If I was on a cruise with connectivity issues, I would be more concerned about using available connections to do important stuff, not worry about a survey.



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I personally, HATE the on board survey. I feel "punished" for having to do it within 24 hours of leaving the ship. Why can't I do this online and at home? I would be more than happy to complete it within a week or even a few days.. I felt rushed when I did it on the Navigator as there were many folks waiting for a computer to do theirs. I did appreciate that there were "helpers" to aid with speeding the process along, although there were bugs that needed a "helper" to overcome. To be honest, it's not a pleasant project  to be working on, on the last or next to last day of your cruise. We take the survey (this one or any one) very seriously and hate to rush thru these, but that's pretty much what we did. I understand and laud the idea of reducing paper waste and the ideal of speeding things along, but from what I could tell many people, like myself, were trying to hurry through, so we could enjoy what was left of our trip....ok, rant over.

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 After I was "in a stew" about the initiation of an on-line Survey during our cruise on the Explorer in September, I gave this some thought.

I see no evidence of real value to ME or to Regent from the On-Board Survey whether written or electronic. It seems to me to be primarily a weak "marketing tool". I wouldn't mind trying to provide feedback if it was quick, easy and germane. BUT:


If I have a problem on the ship (not often), I either call the cabin attendant or Reception or. I waltz down and discuss it with the GM (I accept the always open door as an invitation). I tell Reception about any VERY GOOD and/or any REALLY BAD excursions. I tell the GM about special efforts by the crew and sending Kudos is the ONLY reason that I'll continue to fill out the Survey , either paper or on-line.

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Agree that the on-line survey is a pain.  However, for whatever reason, it loads and works faster than when you are on another website.


It is important to me to name the crew members that were special - especially the "top" performers.  Agree with Mudhen that we take this survey very seriously and wish that others did the same.  Promotions, etc. are partly based on customer comments.  This is similar to passengers that do not develop a relationship with the crew.  So many times the crew ask you if you had a nice day and whether there is anything that they can do for you.  However, how many of you ask how their day was - whether or not they went ashore, how they slept and about their families?  Can you imagine working a job where no one ever asks about you?  Something to think about.  On this topic, I also agree with DeepFreeze63.  IMO, it is a bit selfish to only think about your needs/requirements and not spend 2 minutes to ask about how the crew is doing.  It makes a huge difference to them and your onboard experience


For every cruise, we name a "Rising Star".  For this cruise, it was difficult.  The person that we wanted to give that title to already was employee of the month and receives many accolades from passengers (Anna is LV).  So, I decided that the Rising Star of this cruise is Cecelia from Mexico (a bartender that works in the Meridian Lounge).  She is delightful and a wonderful bartender..


Okay - enough preaching.  Dinner in P7 was wonderful (only exceeded by the service of of Abraham and Vishnu.  Interestingly, Vishnu has a twin in Chartreuse (Shambu).  The service that they provide is extraordinary.


I'm a about 60% packed.  Some people think that I packed too early but I would rather pack early and not think about what I need to do tomorrow than to be over-thinking it,


Can't wait to get home to our kitties but am also anxious to post things that I was unable to post on the ship.  NOTE: The internet has been quite good today but I do not have the energy to try to post photos (when I know how quickly that I can do it at home).


I really appreciate the number of CC'ers that have followed my blog.  I'm not sure that I would have had the patience that some of you do.  It felt to me that I was failing at most things that I tried.


My love for this ship has not diminished at all.  While we look forward to our March Splendor cruise, nothing can surpass our experiences  on Explorer.  BTW, i took photos of Explorer's La Veranda and will post them for those that have yet to sail on Explorer. 


Bye for now.







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Packed? Wow I never pack until the afternoon before.  Enjoyed your post and look forward to seeing the photos and any last minute happenings/forgotten to write things.  On the survey part, I agree about why---but if they waited until you got home they would only get about 5% return at best, so that's why they want it before you leave the ship.  I also list a 1 or 2 people that really did an outstanding job.  If something when wrong I remind them about it on the form, but always say something to get it fixed at the time it happens.  We'll be boarding the Splendor for 30 days when you're getting off in Miami.  Have a save trip home, enjoy the time left on the ship---and look forward to the next cruise


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Jackie - I learnt a long time ago never to say never...  who knows?  Splendor could steal your heart!


Seriously - thank you for all the time you have taken out of your holiday to write so much interesting information in this thread.  I shall be looking forward to seeing the photos you could not add when onboard.  And travel safely home!


See you in "ONLY" 99 days!!


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I can’t believe travelcat2 and crew are still on board the ship - this has been a great board/blog - really getting us excited for our trip in a few weeks - can’t wait for the pics from Vancouver (a photo of those precious kitties welcoming you home would be great) - thx for all the posts over the past few weeks - enjoy your sea day today and I hope everyone’s travel home is safe and timely - wow - when I think back on everything that has happened to us - Work, Thanksgiving, beginning of  holiday parties more work travel - since you boarded on November 23 - just crazy - thx for getting us excited for our trip!

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11 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:

...how many of you ask how their day was - whether or not they went ashore, how they slept and about their families?  Can you imagine working a job where no one ever asks about you? 


I really appreciate the number of CC'ers that have followed my blog.  I'm not sure that I would have had the patience that some of you do.  It felt to me that I was failing at most things that I tried.









My wife always asks crew members about their day, if they went ashore, and their families.  We both enjoy learning about their homelands.  We have learned that crew members really do feel appreciated when passengers care about them. 


As for your blog.  I usually don't enjoy simple regurgitation of a cruise without pictures. Your blog, however is not like that at all.  I really enjoy your personal comments and views, as well as your description of your cruise.  I look forward to seeing the  pictures, but I assure you, for me at least, following your blog was both informative and enjoyable.  Thanks for taking us along!  

Have a great trip home! 


Edited by papaflamingo
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The reason why they have gone to the electronic survey format is two fold.  One, they are cheaper.  Two, they get more responses, particularly the critical ones.


I worked for a major airline.  They would provide a packet of surveys to pass out to particular seats aboard the airplane.  These were completed by customers and returned to the packet.  That should have been the end of the story.  But, we would go through the paper responses and remove the ones that affected our personal performance.  That's human nature.


If you aren't able to complete the survey, send a personal letter.  I bet you get a much more personalized response to a real letter than you ever will to an electronic survey.

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Papaflamingo - good to hear that you enjoy the crew as much as we do.  Just while we have been having breakfast in LV, several crew members have stopped by to say hi - see how we are, etc.  We also ask about how they slept, how their day is going, etc.    Glad that my blog hasn’t been too boring.  I also like posting photos but it became too difficult.  My blog on Splendor in March will hopefully have photos and there should be quite a few posters.


Regarding the Questionnaire...... it is so important in terms crew promotions, etc. to fill this out (just as it is important to let the GM know if something is not going right.  Reading about it after the cruise does not allow them to fix the issue.  IMHO, this is the least that we can do for the crew that takes care of us so well on all of our Regent cruises.  


Rick - I typically pack the last day as well.  However, I thought that it would be nice to make a big “dent” in the packing so that I wasn’t thinking about all of the packing that I have to do “tomorrow”.  Now it is tomorrow and I know that I have everything under control (1 large suitcase packed) and can just enjoy the day.


Before I forget, Canyon Ranch Spa closes this afternoon (or, it could have been yesterday afternoon - the days are melting together).  Tomorrow afternoon it probably will open as the new spa (whose name I cannot remember).   


As is typical for this time of year, quite a few passengers are coughing (colds - nothing terrible) so we continue to take our vitamins and are experimenting with taking zinc twice a day.  Typically we don’t take it until we have a sore throat.  I wondered if taking them before we became sick would prevent becoming sick.  Will report back on that as we will be taking them until 3 days after we arrive home.  Just a hint for those of you that tend to get sick onboard.  Also, in La Veranda on Explorer, there are two sinks to wash hands and multiple hand sanitizing areas.  We not only sanitize our hands upon entering the restaurant but after using utensils on the buffet.


Hoping to have a relaxing day at sea and will put up with the horrendous flights home tomorrow.



Edited by Travelcat2
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21 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:

... Also, in La Veranda on Explorer, there are two sinks to wash hands and multiple hand sanitizing areas.  We not only sanitize our hands upon entering the restaurant but after using utensils on the buffet....





That makes GREAT sense Jackie.  Because people are allowed to serve themselves their "microbes" will be all over the serving spoons etc.  What would make even more sense is to have waiters serve people - as they do on Oceania.  But I doubt that will happen.  It IS more sanitary though.

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3 hours ago, Hambagahle said:

That makes GREAT sense Jackie.  Because people are allowed to serve themselves their "microbes" will be all over the serving spoons etc.  What would make even more sense is to have waiters serve people - as they do on Oceania.  But I doubt that will happen.  It IS more sanitary though.


This is one of a few areas where we disagree (so nice to disagree respectfully and still like each other).  Perhaps if/when Regent has a many “Code Red” days as Oceania, it may be something to think about (however, it will not work on Explorer’s or Splendor’s La Veranda as you will learn in 98 or so days).  There are about 4 stations in the middle of the food area with no one to stand in the middle serving guests.  My photos will show this.


Speaking of photos, when someone asks about our kitties, I can’t resist trying to post their photos.  I’ll give it a try and won’t mind if it takes an hour because I’m finishing up the packing.






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That worked so fast that I have to post La Veranda (note:  the kitty in the top photo is “Twiggy”, the second in my boy - “Whiskey” and the last is “Bella” and Whiskey. )


Just realized that my La Veranda photos are on the other iPad (and they are not communicating with each other).  So, I’ll change iPads but in the meantime, below are the prayer wheels that will not be on Splendor due to their extreme weight.  I find them beautiful and they give Pacific Rim a spiritual feeling (The humans are our Butler Ravi and Dennis).





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Not great photos but I do have some food photos (note:  there is a man onboard with a large camera and told me that his iPhone 11 takes better photos.  May try to take some photos with mine (I prefer the iPad because I have a keyboard/case.)


These are photos from the wonderful Sunday brunch.







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3 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:


This is one of a few areas where we disagree (so nice to disagree respectfully and still like each other).  Perhaps if/when Regent has a many “Code Red” days as Oceania, it may be something to think about (however, it will not work on Explorer’s or Splendor’s La Veranda as you will learn in 98 or so days).  There are about 4 stations in the middle of the food area with no one to stand in the middle serving guests.  My photos will show this.


Speaking of photos, when someone asks about our kitties, I can’t resist trying to post their photos.  I’ll give it a try and won’t mind if it takes an hour because I’m finishing up the packing.






absolutely gorgeous  animals. Thx for sharing!!!

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Thank you all for your wonderful posts and photos.  Hope you'll continue posting for a bit with 'post cruise afterthoughts'.


One question...Perhaps I missed it in this thread, but were there any refurbishments done in the suites besides recarpeting?  We sailed on the last cruise before dry dock and will be back on the Explorer again in March. Can't wait!  And, as always, thank you for taking us all with you on this journey!

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Jackie: you have definitely outdone yourself on this thread. As always, you are a Regent encyclopedia. Thanks for taking us with you. 

Bebop: we are also on the Explorer in March, sailing from Miami on the second. Is this your cruise also?  Can’t wait to get it rolling. 

Z and TB

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Greetings from LAX - our 5 over layover before we fly to Vancouver and then drive back across the border to our home (approx. 1 hour).  We’ll arrive home around midnight which is 3:00 a.m. in Miami.


Disembarkation was the easiest that we have had in the U.S.  They began calling luggage colors at 7:30 a.m.  We asked for a pick-up at 8:45 a.m. but could have gone earlier.  It is just as well since MIA is a zoo (so many passengers flying home from their cruises ....... quite a few ships in port.  It was nice to sit and relax on the ship.


bebop bonnie - apparently there were severe weather issues when Explorer was in dry dock and they were surprised that they were able to do as much as they did.  They had hoped to accomplish more.  As mentioned, the carpeting in the suites and throughout the ship was changed.  Not sure if they are trying to lighten up the palette of the ship but they put cream colored carpeting on the stairs going from deck 5 to deck 4.  Wondering how that will work out in terms of keeping it clean.


The outdoor portion of the Coffee Connection was added but we still sat inside due to weather (either too hot or too windy).  A rather interesting change was the Business Center.  They put in a glass wall - perhaps so that passengers could see in.  The result is that it was very difficult to get one of the 4 computers — they are typically busy (especially with some people working from the ship for a few hours at a time).  


They apparently polished some (not all) of the marble/granite countertops in the bathrooms.  If I think of anything else, I’ll post about it.  The ship looks beautiful and refreshed.


Yesterday, Canyon Ranch Spa packed up and will reopen on Monday as the new spa (only on Explorer) Canyon Ranch items were still on the menu as of yesterday - it will be interesting to see what is offered on the menu when the new spa becomes operational.


”Z” - thank you for your comments.  I really did enjoy learning as much about Regent as possible and sharing it with others.  It was a passion.


I did hear a rumor but don’t want to spread rumors.  Let’s just say that Regent’s next ship may be different (not a fraternal twin of Explorer or Splendor).  I believe the ship will launch in 2022 (but it could be 2023 - not sure).


Will still post photos and do a review within the next 2-3 days.


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P.S.  I’ve been wanting to respond to boblerm about the group playing in the Explorer Lounge but kept forgetting.  They are really good.  When they started playing it was just the man and the strange instrument that they designed (one of a kind).  It is sort of like a big keyboard that is worn around the neck and is held a bit like a guitar.  It was perfect before dinner music.  The singer is excellent but a bit loud. We find the Explorer Lounge to small and too crowded so we returned to the Meridian Lounge after half an hour or so.  Sorry that it took so long to respond.

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