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1-9-20 Thursday Weigh-In....January 20 Is Our Year Of Weight Loss


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Here we go on the year of weight loss

We're going to stand up and show who's boss


The candy and chips won't call our name you hear

If we don't buy it... it won't be here


Salads, veggies and meat are pretty neat

Those are foods we can eat


Water is good for our body

Better than a hot toddy


Exercise is good we know as many say

Be nice if we did some each day


So January is the start of our losing year

Let's see loss's each month so we can cheer 


So let's get on the scale in rain or snow

Let's start the weight loss show

Edited by Belle
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7 hours ago, Belle said:

Water is good for our body

Better than a hot toddy


I don't know...some days the toddy is better! 🤪


This was a great week for me, and I'm down 3.4 lbs! Just sitting here I feel like I'm almost back to 100%, but still have a few sniffles. I was able to walk 30 minutes this morning before having to stop; I can still feel the congestion in my chest when I get moving. Hopefully I will be back to normal in a couple days. I have just over 4 weeks to go until we take my MIL on her first cruise! I need to lose 4 more pounds to be what I was on our September cruise, so I should hit that no problem. I started pulling clothes out for the kids to try on, and fortunately they have shorts that still fit. DS needed a new dress shirt, and I found him a one yesterday, but it changes the dress I'm going to wear on formal night to one I haven't put on in a while. I may have to get the dress I'm now thinking of taken in!   



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Good morning all - Thanks for the poem Belle.  


Melmar - congratulations on the loss!


I didn't gain ... so am still up from our November cruise, but happy that even with the M&M's I stayed the same .... hopefully I can get out of this "blah" mood and back into losing!  


Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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Thanks for the start Belle!  Great loss, Melmar - glad you are feeling better. Jan & Diana, maintain is better than a gain.


I'm up this week (3.6# from Dec 19) - which I expected I would be (just not quite so much).  Hopefully next week shows the results of this week's work.  I still managed my 10K steps yesterday, but had to really work for it.  I have almost 4 miles this morning, but feeling very tired.  DH is home sleeping and I might join him for a nap if I don't snap out of it.


I'm going to post my new starting numbers for accountability.  Maybe as I start rocking the weight loss (🤞) it will be an encouragement for others that they can do it too.


Start: 208.6

Goal 5/14 (next cruise): 20# loss

Goal 10/22 (just after 25th anniversary): another 25# loss

Goal end of year: finish weight of 155#

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Belle, nice poem.

melmar, good loss.  Congratulations.

Jan and Diana, staying the same is good.

pacruise, I'm sure you will show a loss next week.  

I am down 1.4 lbs.  Which still puts me up 4 lbs over the holiday.   I need to get that off to get back to maintaining my goal weight.



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Hey everyone!


Belle - I've missed your fun poems. 


Melmar - congrats on your great loss. Dress shopping sounds fun. 😉 


Jan and Diana - no loss is better than no gain. Keep at it!


PACruise - sorry for your gain but at least you had an excuse, the holidays are just so much more enjoyable with treats! I like your idea of posting your goals for accountability. I'm going to do the same.


Rose - congrats on  your loss, keep at it and you'll be back to maintaining in no time!


I'm back and getting on track after the holidays and fun times at the lake. Been working out daily, watching the diet and am down 3.2 pounds since my last weigh in. 🙂 Only 107 days till my next cruise! 


Not sure if anyone is interested in Jillian Michael's workouts - I thought someone on here was. There is a really great Facebook group called Jillian Michael's workout junkies. It's a whole bunch of really supportive women who help keep each other accountable for workouts and provide support. I love it and have found checking in daily to report my workouts are keeping me motivated. That and I'm documenting everything I eat, drink and do for exercise on MFP again. 


Ladies, we got this!! 2020 is going to be awesome. 


2020 Goals 

SW 158.6

04/22 - 140 - Cruise!

09/09 - 128 - 25th Anniversary and Goal Weight



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Welcome, Broopa!  I like your avatar, the sheep makes me 🙂 Holidays kept me away the last few weigh-in's too. 


Over 4 miles so far today, and I have 7 days food tracking and met my step goal everyday starting Monday.  We have a quizzing tournament at the church this weekend, so I will have to make an extra effort to get steps in since I am officiating.  It's a lot of fun though so a worthwhile trade-off.


Have a great weekend everyone!

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Did you notice that we are Featured Forum : Lose Before You Cruise..It's at the top of the page.

Don't know for how long.  Hope others will notice and come in and visit and stay if they need

help in losing.  Welcome All Who Are Reading!


Broopa..Welcome to this group.


Mel,Jan, Diana, Pac, Rose and Robin Glad to see you coming in each week..it pays off.

You think about it, having to weigh-in, having to eat better..So YOU do better than if you weren't thinking 

about coming in here.

Some did great with loss's, others stayed the same.  Even those who had gains know

  if wasn't watching some.. gains could of been a higher... right?

Holidays over now so this week should be a good start for everyone like Mel said.


Keep up the hard work ( eating healthy and exercising)  and wish us all a loss on Thursday.



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Hi all!


Belle ~ nice poem as usual.


Broopa ~ welcome to the thread.


Nice to see some people setting goals & posting starting weights. I'm not that goal oriented more just take it as it comes, off, I hope!

I was surprised but happy to see I'm down 2.2 lbs from last week! I'm doing some Wii Fit when I'm not going out at the usual time & using MFP to count calories. I have 21 lbs to lose to be what I want to be which is 147, a weight I was for over 20 years until I retired coming up 13 years ago next month.


Have a nice weekend & see you next weigh in.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hey, everyone! I'm Deanna (pronounced 'deena'). I saw this listed as the featured forum, and since I've been working on my weight for the past year, I thought I'd take a look. It's always nice to meet people who are working towards the same goal. Congratulations on your successes! :)


As previously mentioned, I've been working on my weight for a year now. I was in the hospital for two weeks in December 2018 (17th - 31st) with double pneumonia that was to the point of respiratory failure (I've made a full recovery!). While I was there, my pulmonologist happened to be a big fan of the keto diet and gave me a lot of information about it. During my hospital stay, I lost about 20 pounds, which was a great jump start that motivated me to see if I could keep it going after I got home.


I have now lost 125 pounds and gone from size 26 jeans to size 16 jeans. I still have a ways to go to my goal weight, but I am both shocked and proud by how far I've come so far. While all of my friends, family, and coworkers have witnessed my transformation, I've never told anyone what my actual starting weight was or what my weight is now. Until now.


Highest Weight: 340

Current Weight: 215

Goal Weight: 150


For my height, I'm supposed to be 115-125, but I'll be content with 150. Heck, I'm pretty thrilled with where I'm at now, but I'm still going to keep going. lol


I'm going on a cruise at the end of March 2020. I can't wait to see how different the experience is at my smaller size, considering that I am below the weight limit for all of the fun stuff now (water slides, zip lines, etc). And to top it off, I'm going with my sister, who lives on the other side of the country (she's in WA, I'm in SC) and hasn't seen me since June 2018!


Anyway, I'm glad to have found this forum. Sorry for the super long post. lol

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Dreamr/Deena..Glad your joining us.  Sorry you were sick, main thing you got well and started

on a new way of eating. GREAT LOSS!  You can give us lots of tips and tell us how your eating doing Keto. 

A post is never to long. Can talk all you want..giving information or if you just want to vent. Come in often

just not Thursday. Do you exercise too or just do Keto?


Jo a good loss this week. You doing good at trying not to have snacks at night? I'm trying not

to have that "little sweet" at night or any other 'little snack"


Everyone have a good Sunday..  

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Welcome Dreamr and thank you for sharing 🙂 I'm glad you are fully recovered.


I think the "recommended" BMI weights are often too low for healthy/sustainable weight.  There are too many factors, like bone density or muscle vs. fat to incorporate.  I felt much healthier at 155 in my early 40's than 135 in my teens.


I was shocked yesterday with my calorie tracking.  We had quizzing over the weekend and I thought the numbers would be way over with concession stand food but I was actually under.  Snacking really makes a difference.  My body is rebelling today though from the "junk" food - I slept almost 11 hours last night and still don't feel good 😞 

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Dreamr, welcome. Wow, what an awesome loss. Glad you recovered well. Your story is very inspiring. On a goal weight....I think most important is a weight you can maintain and be happy with. 


Great you have a cruise soon. Oh what fun you'll have.







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14 hours ago, Belle said:

Dreamr/Deena..Glad your joining us.  Sorry you were sick, main thing you got well and started

on a new way of eating. GREAT LOSS!  You can give us lots of tips and tell us how your eating doing Keto. 

A post is never to long. Can talk all you want..giving information or if you just want to vent. Come in often

just not Thursday. Do you exercise too or just do Keto?


Jo a good loss this week. You doing good at trying not to have snacks at night? I'm trying not

to have that "little sweet" at night or any other 'little snack"


Everyone have a good Sunday..  


Thank you! :)


Believe it or not, I don't exercise at all. I do have a job where I'm on my feet for a good portion of the day, though. I work with infants, so I'm constantly picking them up, carrying them around, etc. One of my babies is 25 lbs (at 7 months old haha). I sometimes use her as a weight and lift her up and down. She loves it. I figure that helps. lol


Food wise, I am not a cook at all, so I have a very, very simple way of eating. I tend to eat things that don't need to be cooked at all (lol). I live on avocados, almonds, string cheese, olives, etc. I do occasionally eat scrambled eggs/omelets, which are pretty simple to make, of course. I've also discovered low carb tortillas and zero carb bread (just bought some at Aldi today for the first time and it's good! Yay!). I don't do any of those complicated keto recipes. Too much work for me. lol


I completely cut out pasta, potatoes, bread (except for the new zero carb bread), and as much sugar as possible. I drink water 98% of the time, but whenever I want something different, I drink a BAI drink (you can find them at pretty much any grocery store). They are sweetened with natural sweeteners, erythritol and stevia, and only have 10 calories and 1-2g carbs per bottle. My favorite flavors are Strawberry Lemonade and Pomegranate.


If I'm craving something crunchy, I will grab a few pork rinds. I don't eat them often, as they have a lot of sodium, but it works whenever you just want a crunchy snack.


If I'm craving something sweet, I eat a few squares of a Lily's Chocolate bar. Salted Almond is my favorite. There's about 8g of carbs in an entire bar, but about 1/4 of the bar is plenty for me, since the bars are big. You can find those at Publix and Earthfare. Maybe other places, too, but those two stores are where I buy mine.


Hope that helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)



5 hours ago, pacruise804 said:

Welcome Dreamr and thank you for sharing 🙂 I'm glad you are fully recovered.


I think the "recommended" BMI weights are often too low for healthy/sustainable weight.  There are too many factors, like bone density or muscle vs. fat to incorporate.  I felt much healthier at 155 in my early 40's than 135 in my teens.


I was shocked yesterday with my calorie tracking.  We had quizzing over the weekend and I thought the numbers would be way over with concession stand food but I was actually under.  Snacking really makes a difference.  My body is rebelling today though from the "junk" food - I slept almost 11 hours last night and still don't feel good 😞 


Thank you! :)


I agree about the BMI! I have a really big chest and a big booty, so I always say that those two things automatically add 30 pounds to me. The last time I was 115 pounds was in middle school, before the boobs appeared. haha


I took December off from my diet, so that I could just enjoy myself over the holidays. Every time I ate a big "normal" meal, I could definitely tell a difference from how I feel when I eat lighter. It made it a little easier to jump back onto the diet on January 1st, now knowing how much better I felt when I wasn't full of heavy foods. This year has definitely been a learning experience.


2 hours ago, winewanderer said:

Dreamr, welcome. Wow, what an awesome loss. Glad you recovered well. Your story is very inspiring. On a goal weight....I think most important is a weight you can maintain and be happy with. 


Great you have a cruise soon. Oh what fun you'll have.





Thank you! :)


I am so excited for it. Just about 75 days to go! 😄

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This looks like a group I need to be in.


I have lost 51 lbs on WW. In the last 21 months with about 30 more to go.  

Since starting my journey I have been on three cruises.  

One 14 day to Alaska gained 3lbs but lost right away.


18 day Hawaii lost 3lbs


7 day Alaska lost 1 lb


I don’t have problem keeping it under control.  All three of the cruises were on Holland America.  I either walked around the Promenade deck or walk around the inside of the ship if the weather is nasty.


i will be on the celebrity Eclipse.  I am wondering if they have a walking area on the ship


This is a13 day cruise from Vancouver to Honolulu First 5 days will be in ports, next 5 days are at Sea and the last 3 days in ports.


It is the 5 days at Sea,  I want to make sure I am getting my steps in.



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Hi guys,


I've got just about 4 months until I sail on RC Symphony for my 10th anniversary with my husband!

A few years ago I dropped down from 195lbs to 175lbs... this morning I weighed in at 197 👎. I really need to cut back on my insane dairy and carb intake lol.  I'm a writer, so my entire day is spent in front of my computer.  Little to no activity, which I want to change.


I've signed up for one of those grocery delivery subscriptions, to take some of the temptation out of meal planning and grocery shopping (to get to the produce section in my store you MUST walk past the bakery on one side or ice cream on the other - how diabolical is that??)
I also just started using Noom, like the stereotypical millennial I am. Never been on Weight Watchers, but I've heard it's similar.

My hope is that between making better food choices and exercising more, I can hit 175 again by the May 9th sail date!

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Welcome liketraveing and clumsychica to our group. Glad you joined is!


liketraveling.. Great weight loss and good you lose on cruises. Nice job! Walking is

great on cruise ships and in ports.


clumsychica..Know you can lose some pounds for your cruise by eating right.

Let us know how the food delivery goes. I've never heard of Noom but know WW.


Please come in and talk any time you want and weigh-in is on Thursdays as you know.


Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday evening and have a good coming week.

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@dreamr @liketraveling @clumsychica Welcome!


I still have the sniffles - they just won't go away! I was able to walk 6 days last week though, and I hit 40 minutes today. I stopped because I had other things I needed to get started on, but I could have kept going. If I could just get my nose to realize that the rest of my body is better now!


25 days to go!


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