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River Cruisers: How Are Things Where YOU Are?

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8 minutes ago, jpalbny said:


Very doable. Chris and I have done three land trips through these areas.


The first time was 2013 when our River Cruise was canceled due to the crazy flooding of the Danube in June of that year. We went anyway, since we had bought our own air tickets. But suddenly we had nothing planned for the better part of two weeks! So we spent the time using trains and rental cars, and made it up on the fly. It was one of the most fun trips we've done.


In 2014 and 2015, we went back with Audi, through their European Delivery program. We bought the cars in the US, then went to the factory in Ingolstadt to pick them up. We drove them around wherever we wanted for a week then dropped them off in Frankfurt and flew home.


I did blogs on all of these trips but the website went defunct and I haven't bothered to transfer them to my new blog site. I am gradually working on that...one way to cope with the lack of travel is to reminisce about old trips. We would go back for another trip like those in a heartbeat. So many great places to visit.


I hope you get to make such a trip and that you enjoy it as much as we have.

Sounds amazing! A friend did the Volvo program a year ago (Sweden). 


I am not sure if I feel comfortable driving but the train system is so good..... Darn COVID.

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53 minutes ago, franski said:




This will be the first time in 4 years we have not been in Germany in December via river cruise or land trip, very SAD!


A lot of "first times" this year...  My best friend lives in Louisville Ky...  This is the 1st time - in almost 40 years! - that I haven't been down to see her.


We were supposed to be flying to Bucharest next week for our Avalon cruise. Very sad when it was cancelled, but completely understandable.  I support the measures put in place to try and get this dreaded virus under control.  But, this is the 1st time in over 10 years that we haven't had a river cruise booked "next year".  Hard to plan for "next year" when we have no idea what it will look like.  I am hoping (but not confident) that we may be able to travel next fall - but wouldn't bet money on that. 


I keep in touch with my travel buddies - as we do talk about what we might do (from a travel perspective) when things improve.



I will enjoy my nutcrackers and smokers from Germany and have hopes for future travel. This is the first time in over 25 years we have not had a least two planned vacations. Two canceled this year no surprise.


Second seating




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Second seating, what a cute display. Even for me there is a first time: the first time I have not been to the UK in Summer for over twenty years. It is sad but bearable emotionally. The fact that I might not go to England before Christmas for a short shopping trip and to see some dear people, either because the UK puts Germany on the quarantine list or the cases in the UK rise too much for me to dare go, is a difficult thought I find hard to put up with. It is a long time till December but the prospect of things getting worse in Germany and Europe is very real in my mind.


But back to Würzburg. @ural guy I have happily read your story about happy times in the Würzburg area. In better times, what fun it would be to meet up, us Würzburg fans, I will try and get my friend over from Charlotte, he would love it, jpalbny shall arrive in style in an Audi - perhaps pick up Coral at Frankfurt airport along the way? Show her the Main river countryside and then we can all have a drink on the Alte Mainbrücke.


Ach, we schön das wäre...

Oh, how lovely that would be...




P.S. The list of people above is not complete, other Würzburg fans for an unofficial river cruisecritic meet welcome! Dreaming but half serious...


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Second seating, love the nutcrackers & smokers.  My parents have collected a lot over the years, so when we went on our Rhine cruise, we had to bring them one home.  I collect old world Santa's, unfortuantely, couldn't find one I liked while there, but if (and hopefully when) we get back, I am definetly going to be looking again.  This is my mantle collection...there are more spread around the house.  🙂  


To keep "on topic", the province has cut down our gatherings for indoors to 10...we have 11 in our family, and Mother wanted to have an early Thanksgiving dinner (our Thanksgiving is in Oct) as my nephew will be moving across the province to teach....so 9 made it in the house, and my husband & I "window visited".  We did enjoy the dinner though as she gave us some to take home.  We don't do "normal" food, dinner was Spätzle, Rotkohl, Hungarian Goulash, butterzopf...and just to bring some Cdn food in, pumpkin pie for desert!  


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4 hours ago, notamermaid said:



But back to Würzburg. @ural guy I have happily read your story about happy times in the Würzburg area. In better times, what fun it would be to meet up, us Würzburg fans, I will try and get my friend over from Charlotte, he would love it, jpalbny shall arrive in style in an Audi - perhaps pick up Coral at Frankfurt airport along the way? Show her the Main river countryside and then we can all have a drink on the Alte Mainbrücke.


OMG - sounds like fun. Count me in!

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5 hours ago, notamermaid said:

Second seating, what a cute display. Even for me there is a first time: the first time I have not been to the UK in Summer for over twenty years. It is sad but bearable emotionally. The fact that I might not go to England before Christmas for a short shopping trip and to see some dear people, either because the UK puts Germany on the quarantine list or the cases in the UK rise too much for me to dare go, is a difficult thought I find hard to put up with. It is a long time till December but the prospect of things getting worse in Germany and Europe is very real in my mind.


But back to Würzburg. @ural guy I have happily read your story about happy times in the Würzburg area. In better times, what fun it would be to meet up, us Würzburg fans, I will try and get my friend over from Charlotte, he would love it, jpalbny shall arrive in style in an Audi - perhaps pick up Coral at Frankfurt airport along the way? Show her the Main river countryside and then we can all have a drink on the Alte Mainbrücke.


Ach, we schön das wäre...

Oh, how lovely that would be...




P.S. The list of people above is not complete, other Würzburg fans for an unofficial river cruisecritic meet welcome! Dreaming but half serious...

Add two more to your count!

We did stop in in Wurzburg while on a river cruise, but short stops like that just start the itch that needs to be scratched.  Relief from the itch comes when you return.

My story of Wurzburg is different. My parents spent many, many months there in a DP camp. Today that would be referred to as a refugee camp.  There is nothing there that we could find that remains as a reminder of that time in history.  The outcome is good.  All family members were relocated around the world , became citizens of their new countries and retained their customs and language to pass on to future generations.

Back to how things are where we live...

We live in a smaller urban centre (<100,000) and after many weeks of no new cases, or just one or two per week, we are back to numbers from early in the spring.  Luckily, for now, all are recovering at home, none of the cases need to be hospitalized. 


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We always go into the Christmas shop in Reginsburg the last time two years ago my husband chatting away and trying to remember his German with one of the staff got asked why we didn’t go to their new shop in York, really where’s the fun in that, no river cruising involved.

Fingers crossed we all keep well and everyone follows the recommendations as well as they can. There used to be a racehorse in the U.K. named ‘Comply or Die ‘ I heard it mentioned on the radio, hopefully it won’t happen to anyone. CA

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7 hours ago, jpalbny said:

Yes! Wine on the Alte Mainbrücke! We're in! Cheers to that.



I'm in!

We were fortunate enough to be able to travel to San Francisco over Labor Day to visit our son. While there, we made a quick trip to Sausalito and had lunch (and exchanged beer, of course) with a dear pediatric colleague. Masked and distanced, of course. I can't tell you what a boost it was to see a colleague, in person, after so many months of Zoom meetings.



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So, it is agreed, we are meeting on Alte Mainbrücke in Würzburg! Lovely. I am looking forward to it. This year is out, I was thinking of a May weekend. But that may be too ambitious to accomplish. Not sure but I favour the second week of September next year. Might that be agreeable? I will seriously consider it. Land trip or cruise, I will go back to Würzburg, no doubt about it. :classic_smile: 


By the way, wine, grape harvest has started. And believe it or not, the Christmas biscuits and gingerbread are already on sale in the supermarkets.




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The mind boggles...


At least mine does, as I am not really a computer tech person. I had not even heard about such a thing as Petaflops until a while ago. If you had asked me what that is I would have answered: "the latest Summer sandals trend?" So I was amazed that such a huge processing power computer exists and that this particular one is at Mainz University (on the Rhine). It is called Mogon2 - after the Roman name for Mainz "Mogontiacum". https://hpc-en.uni-mainz.de/


I do not really understand it, but I was happy to read in May that they had used the computer to analyse huge pharmaceutical data and find potential medications for Covid-19. Their findings made them come up with three hepatitis ones and one herbal remedy. The one now used - Remdesevir - one medical person said in an interview was "middle range" in the data. The findings were even published on the WHO website. I had not heard anything further since. So, when the WHO encouraged studying plant based remedies last week (I think), I wondered "what happened to that analytical study in Mainz?" Cannot find out if clinical studies have resulted from their study.


Anyway, I thought it might be of interest. In the mad race to find a vaccine, info on medication has been a bit scarce, I find. They are busy people there in Mainz, no time to sit around and watch the river cruise ships sailing past! Weekend work awaits me tomorrow, so need to stop blathering and get some tidying up done.


Have a great weekend.




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Coral-  Your mother must have seen some fascinating things during her time in Germany, reconstruction still going on, Cold War hot and heavy.  Good that she was able to share her warm memories with you, and instilling that desire to travel. 


For a meeting on the Mainbrücke, how about under St Kilian?




Here is what led local Bishop Kilian to lose his head and become St Kilian back in 689 :


"Kilian told the Duke that he was in violation of sacred scripture by being married to his brother's widow, Geilana. When Geilana, whom Kilian had failed to convert to Christianity, heard of Kilian's words against her marriage, she was so angry that, in the absence of the duke, she had her soldiers sent to the main square of Würzburg, where Kilian and his colleagues were preaching, and had him beheaded, along with two of his companions, Colmán and Totnan."


That guy's story should be a good conversation starter before the weinstubbe.


Thanks all for giving me a reason to dig out this picture!  



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Okay I work with history and our archives strap line is - Recording the Past for the Future - and cruising through Europe brings it all to life, did Blondel really find Richard Cour de Lion with a song, it’s a wonderful thought. Think of the Romans working on the Ponte du Guard. Our heritage is our history however old or young our countries are and cruising is a superb way of experiencing it. Thought for the day CA

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Good story, ural guy. But scripture can be inconsistent. In the Old Testament, when a man died without an heir, it was the brother's sacred duty to take on that task with the widow (levirate marriage). In fact, Onan was killed because he wouldn't do that. (Genesis, I believe)


Weird how religion would consider levirate marriage acceptable, but taboo if the widow had already produced an heir. No wonder Geilana got mad! Shouldn't it be her choice?

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meeting at St. Kilian's statue sounds good. What a story. Wikipedia also says he was Irish. He is the patron saint of Würzburg (and Franconia). Extensive German wikipedia article with much background information. Thank you for mentioning him and the photo you have posted.




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Yesterday we passed that dreaded figure. CNN paid tribute to just one of the many, many, far too many victims standing for all the others the world has lost. And I watched the video of the tribute of the 10-year-old Belgian boy to his wonderful grandad he lost. Despairing. Yesterday was also the big video conference of our chancellor and the heads of state. Consensus instead of conflict, it was good, but a big warning to the public. Ahead of the meeting a figure was published: 19,200. That is the amount of daily cases (a projection this is) we will see at Christmas if we do not stick to the rules. Onward, this is the figure to beat, i.e. stay under. New restrictions and fines should help. The situation is serious in Germany, we are told. I will do everything to help stay under that figure. Today is no better day for me personally, but I have a goal. Will cancel a meeting that is planned for the week after next. Perhaps shout at the next person who puts on his mask after he has entered the building. Why do people not understand that the mask sign is on the outside of the door for a reason?? Will try and get through the boring grey Autumn days without crawling into a hole mentally. And look forward to Christmas markets. "Stop the weddings and partying - save our Christmas markets" could be a slogan in these weeks.


Plans for the Christmas markets are still going ahead in many places. Nuremberg has published what they will do - if cases do not rise that is: mask-wearing in between the stalls, one way walking system, market spread out for space over several squares.


Keep safe. Want to read about your wonderful river cruise experiences next year. And see you in Würzburg. :classic_smile:




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For some people and countries it is "not just raining, but it is pouring down". I of course include the US in that, but quite literally the South of France has had devastating downpours of rain, with destruction and loss of life. Apart from the Coronavirus being quite prevalent in France. In Germany, well, light drizzle in comparison although our cases are overall rising as well. Our new traffic light warning has been in place for a few days now. Yellow from 20, orange from 35, red from 50 (incidence rate per capita). Berlin has been hit quite a lot, but manages to be on orange for this weekend. It has made the government very cautious and the celebrations for "Tag Der Deutschen Einheit", our national holiday, are a muted affair, as Deutsche Welle put it. It is the 30th anniversary of reunification. As I said, light drizzle: https://m.dw.com/en/coronavirus-mutes-german-unity-day-celebrations/a-55142870


Stay safe.




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The US is being particularly troubled right now, especially Washington. Borders, hmmm. Europe is struggling to keep any country in a half decent state of being without closing borders. Iceland that had done so well and has a troubling amount of cases now. Czech Republic in a state of emergency. Our neighbours France almost entirely a risk zone, Luxembourg completely, etc. Poland on alert - already a risk zone by UK rules.


The president of the European commission Ursula von Leyen is in quarantine until tomorrow evening, the president of the European Council was in quarantine. A person in the circle of Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz has tested positive. News as regards the chancellor and vice chancellor to follow in the course of this evening, news say.


The world has lost Kenzo Takada - and many more lovely people that have no fame or fortune.


Here in Germany, cases are rising slowly. Local outbreaks, Berlin still troubled. In the Bundestag (our parliament) masks are now required at all times in all rooms - except when speaking at the podium.


There is the rumour going round here that in the UK pubs could be shut again. Not sure what is happening with that. The situation is certainly looking increasingly worse, seeing that Germany has put many parts of the UK on the risk zone list.


And my hope that I can dare to make a quick dash (last toilet stop Aachen in Germany then rush to Calais in France - 3 hours and 50 minutes without stopping) to England before the end of the year are dwindling. Oh well, just my small worries in a troubled, troubled world...




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My eldest daughter has just purchased a ‘bucket & Chuck it’ for their VW Californian so she doesn’t necessarily have to use on site facilities. I worked out we could actually get from England to Germany and several other European countries without touching dry land it’s a case of finding a very good friend with a boat capable of crossing the Channel and as we have several serious boating friends in the Portsmouth area this may be possible, though not to sure if my nerves are up to it. Chins up all and plan next years cruising. CA

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In Canada, our numbers are increasing as well.  Quebec and Ontario, being the most populated, have the highest number of cases, but other provinces are also getting high.  Quebec has set 3 "red-zones" with much stricter restrictions than the rest of the province, and Ontario has done the same, but not quite as strict.  They are limiting hours again in bars, decreased the capacity of restaurants, banquet halls etc, and out door events (weddings etc.).  Mind you, we are getting into colder temps, so not sure how many more outdoor events there will be.


Schools are still open, but hearing from my Niece who is a teacher, there is talk of shutting them down again.  The Premier of Ontario is doing his best to keep what he can open, but we have problems with University & College parties, and it's not helping.  Other outbreaks happened with large BBQ & picnic's outdoors, but they will be stopping soon due to weather.  We are really hoping that we won't have to shut down again.  Just seeing on our news that Quebec has finally agreed to go for the Covid app, which most of the rest of the provinces have, hopefully that will help.  Our testing centres are now appointment only, which will hopefully enable the labs to get back up to date.  Not much use lining up for a couple of hours for a test, only to be told you hae to return the next day because they have hit capacity...


Take care all,  

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A quick update: Ursula von der Leyen is out of quarantine, chancellor Kurz and the vice chancellor of Austria have tested negative.


Need to clarify: in the Bundestag you are also allowed to take the mask off when sitting at your place listening to the speaker - provided there is the required 1.5m distance to the next person.


In Vienna the university has so many students that they have a massive problem with social distancing. They now use a church as an additional teaching venue. With a toilet cubicles container in front of it. You have to provide the facilities...  @Canal archive your daughter's purchase sounds a good investment - especially as I am familiar with the big petrol stations with facilities along the motorways in Britain. They are certainly places best avoided in these times.


It is indeed possible to sail to Germany on a sailing boat provided you do not step onto land between leaving the UK and Emmerich (I think that is the first port in Germany). Nice idea for avoiding quarantine.


The Mainz company that is developing a vaccine has now started the approval process with the European institution overseeing this sort of thing, called EMA. It is a so-called "rolling review" procedure, meaning they approve as they go along evaluating the data that is coming in.


Personally, I was supposed to "help out" at an event this weekend - through work - but it had to be cancelled at the last minute. Necessary, but frustrating.




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