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6-25-20 Thursday Weigh-In...Last Weigh-IN Of June


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Trying to lose weight these six months of the year

Is your goal any where near


Of that we had four months we've had to stay home everyday

So know it's hard to lose this way


To much emotions to deal with each week

Have to much food around and sometimes we get weak


We try to eat what is healthy and good

But sometimes we eat different kinds of food


Our world is changing not for the best

Each day we're really going thru lot's of tests


We're doing pretty good I think as a group so we shouldn't whine

We've had some loss's..stay the same and small gains at this time


Some who haven't been aware say they have gained weight

Coming on here has kept us pretty straight


We just have to keep trying to get healthy and slimmer

Just have to watch what we eat for Breakfast..Lunch and Dinner



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I maintained this week, but also had fairly salty foods yesterday so not too surprised.  Clothes are fitting looser so I'll take the non-scale victory 🙂 


Today's weight is 198.4 (so still under 200) and January had a high weight of 208.6 😮 While it isn't the 1# a week loss I originally was hoping for, a 10# loss considering what these 6 months have looked like isn't too bad.

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Thanks @Belle! @pacruise804 holding steady after a not so great week is fantastic!


I am down 5.8 from my last CC weigh-in. That was back on 4/2. In a time where I could have just gone off the rails, I'll take it. My clothes are fitting great and I'm feeling better in my skin. Hoping to keep it up.


My new favorite breakfast is about 60g of Whole Milk Plain Greek Yogurt, 2tbls Heavy Cream, 30g Protein Powder (I love Rule One Fruity Cereal), and 10g NonFat Greek Vanilla Yogurt. Easy and yummy with my coffee 🙂Yields about 30g Protein, 10g Fat, 5g carbs = 230 calories


My new plan is protein heavy at least 50% of my calories. Fat is daily around 55g and Carbs are 20-30g per day. Total calories are 1200-1300. I started on May 18 so we'll see. Giving it until the end of August. At that point if I'm not down a total of 15 I'm going to see an endocrinologist.

Edited by JennyB1977
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I stayed the same. Ok. 


Belle, thanks for the poem. And when I read it, my stomach sank at the part where you said we've been home 4 months. That seems so shocking to me. Who would have thought our lives would be this way. So sad.


Pacruise, maintaining is good. 10 lb. total loss so far is great.


Jenny, Your down a good amount in the past few months. Congrats.


Take care and stay healthy, Diana

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Good morning! 


Belle, thank you for starting us off. I too read and then re-read the line that we've been home for 4 of our 6 months and yes, it's true but shocking at the same time. Kind of scary to think of what the next few months will bring with the resurgence of cases in some places. 


I'm actually up .2  from where I was when I weighed on Monday. My current weight is 157.4 and my goal is to get to 135. I'm only 5'2" so the weight really shows on me. But I'm not giving up. I'm back to walking right now, as my back is feeling better but I don't want to go crazy with weights and re-injure myself again, and focusing on lower carb meals, lots of water and cutting back on wine time. 


Congratulations pacruise on your maintanance and NSV - looser clothes is always a good indication that you are losing weight or at least inches. And your 10#  loss is a great acheivement for the year. 


Jenny, congrats on your great loss. That's pretty decent for these crazy times. Your breakfast sounds really good! I might have to give it a try. 


Diana, congratulations on maintaining - may not be what you were hoping for but better by far than a gain. 🙂 


Have a great day everyone!


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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the thread & your thought provoking message.


pacruise804 ~ looser clothes is a good feeling.👍


JennyB ~ nice loss in those few months!


Diana ~ I'm with you, stayed the same, actually these last 3 Thursdays. I should be heading down but staying the same is better than going up.


Robin ~ I'm a little shorter than you but about 15 lbs heavier so you can imagine how I look, especially when DH is a foot taller & a couple of pounds heavier than me!! I was 147 for almost 20 years until I retired & that's where I'd like to be again.


We're in stage 2 here so allowed a bigger group, Church, outdoor patio eating & hairdresser appts. I couldn't get one 'til 2 weeks today so look forward to that! Hey, I wonder how much this extra hair adds to one's weight?!!😉


Have a good week & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Happy Thursday everyone!  I thought this morning that today is the mondayist thursday ever!  I'm ready for this week to be done!  I happen to be down like 3 lbs though, but its all water weight from pmsing last week.  CW 165.2 GW 150

We are now required to wear our masks while working (I run a property management office) and I feel like I can't breathe all day, but I do what is right.


Great job, Jenny on being down. Even that amount since April is great!  

Pac, Wine, and Jo, staying the same is awesome!  And Robin, I think you stayed the same too... that tiny amount is just a big poo waiting to happen. 🤣

Thanks for the great poem, as always, Belle.  I love the way your brain works.


I can't believe this is our last June weigh in!  I swear, didn't we just have Easter?


Keep it up, ladies.  You are amazing!

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5 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:

Thanks @Belle! @pacruise804 holding steady after a not so great week is fantastic!


I am down 5.8 from my last CC weigh-in. That was back on 4/2. In a time where I could have just gone off the rails, I'll take it. My clothes are fitting great and I'm feeling better in my skin. Hoping to keep it up.


My new favorite breakfast is about 60g of Whole Milk Plain Greek Yogurt, 2tbls Heavy Cream, 30g Protein Powder (I love Rule One Fruity Cereal), and 10g NonFat Greek Vanilla Yogurt. Easy and yummy with my coffee 🙂Yields about 30g Protein, 10g Fat, 5g carbs = 230 calories


My new plan is protein heavy at least 50% of my calories. Fat is daily around 55g and Carbs are 20-30g per day. Total calories are 1200-1300. I started on May 18 so we'll see. Giving it until the end of August. At that point if I'm not down a total of 15 I'm going to see an endocrinologist.

Nice loss, Jenny!


One of my go-to breakfasts is a serving of plain low-fat Greek yogurt topped with 3/4 serving Grape nuts and 100 grams of berries.  Protein, fiber, and a little sweet 🙂 


The plan I am doing now focuses on fueling your body with what it needs and visual ratios more than calorie/macro counting, with the assumption that if you focus on the proper ratios and healthy foods the calories take care of themselves.  It is veggie heavy and a lot of water (but I drank a lot before), lean proteins preferred, and minimal carbs - ideally full-fiber carbs (FFC).  Timing of meals matters too: breakfast is 50% protein, 50% FFC with vegetables as "extra credit"; lunch is 50% veg, 25% FFC and 25% protein; dinner is 75% vegetable and 25% protein.  Most fats and sugars are "accessories" and to be used sparingly (but I find I want/need a lot less than I used to use).  Veggies to get you full, protein to keep you full, and carbs for energy - with the thought that we don't need much energy in the evening so no FFC with dinner.


With fruits, most starchy vegetables, and whole grains (including corn & rice) being FFC's, it's a challenge sometimes to keep the ratios in check.  Indulgences are allowed though, and nothing is off limits - even "silly" carbs like wine or ice cream, just realizing that a steady diet of them won't fuel my body well or give me the results I want 🙂 

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Hello All...Having a good Thursday I hope..Almost the weekend..guess that's only good for people

working in here..the rest of us the weekend is everyday.


Pac...Stay the same is good better then a gain with water weight. Congrats on the weight loss for the 6 months


Jenny...Congrats on your loss since April.  You could of gained but kept at it.


Diana...Glad you didn't gain. Sure you drink more when so hot there. I know 4 months, doesn't seem real.


Robin...That's a small gain, you'll get off soon.  Yes be careful of your back Yes will be scary the next few months.


Jo...Yes staying the same for 3 weeks is better then gaining those weeks.


Mai...Great loss even if water weight..it's gone. Thanks for wearing a mask, helps you and others.


Me...Drum roll.. I lost 3 lbs. I tried really hard this week. Water weight or just less food I'll take it and hope

it stays off. Thank Jo and Mai for the kind words.

Can you believe next weigh-in will be in July but at least before the 4th of July if have plans to eat...buy then have to weigh the Thursday after that!:classic_rolleyes:


Every please take care..the virus counts keep going up. Read today they expect more then they thought before.

Masks and distance is the answer now..Why do people ignore it. Selfish.. can pass to others if you have it and

don't know it. So hard for us to plan to do anything. Do I/you really want to go out.  OK off my soap box.


Try to have a good weekend everyone.

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Big loss, Belle!  The weekend is still different for me since I spend more time with DH then ❤️ 


DS's soccer went well last night.  As usual they have very few boys out, plus it is outside so minimal contact.  One of the coaches was checking everyone's temperature too and there is no longer a shared large jug (5-10 gallon type) to refill waters so they are taking precautions.  


We plan to visit my in-laws next weekend so I suspect the weigh-in after the 4th might have a gain 😉 It will be nice to see family though and their county has an even lower count than ours.

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Hi all. I'm down 1.4# this week; not quite caught up from last week's gain. It's a wedding day though, and my Fitbit has already tracked 117 minutes as I've been running around the kitchen this morning. I hope everyone has a good week!

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Good evening. Know we have different time zones but think we're all in the evening hours now or almost.

Happy my weight loss stayed off today. Now to keep it off all week. Nothing planned until Tuesday.

Son and daughter coming over for lunch. Take out on patio at a distance since daughter is a manager at a market.

She wants to keep me and my son safe if she came in contact with someone who was sick.

Don't know what we will eat but will have apple pie and ice cream. Celebrating 4th of July while together.

I hate it that have to make appointments to see my kids, eat outside and can't hug or kiss.

One reason their coming over is my son did my taxes (not due this year till July 15th this year)  Why pay earlier

if don't have too.

  As you know I love to cruise and gamble. Like table and slots. Well last year won big on two different cruises

on the slots...bad thing the wins and only those wins put me in a different tax bracket.  So have to pay more this year.

Only thing about staying home and no more cruises this year..no wins so should go back to normal


Jan..Your right there's next week and can get some of it off.

Mel..Congrats on your loss..remember a loss is a loss. Good exercise  on Wedding cake day.


Everyone have a good weekend. Stay safe. Virus counts going up everywhere..all states.  Know different

county's have lower counts than others...Hope Your All In the Lower Count County Of Your State.:classic_love:


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Hello, Saturday Morning,


Yesterday after reading the news about virus increases, sad, really sad. Our peak in CA is Oct. 1st or later. Ugh. 


Our heat wave will ease today. Today's temp only 90. Yesterday was 106.


Robin, glad the back is better. Know you can reach your goal.


Jo, no gain is good. 


Liz, 3 lbs.is a great loss no matter what from!


Belle and Mel, good losses. 


Jan, sorry you gained.


Stay healthy, Diana

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Afternoon all


Diana I know just sad and scary about this virus. Why won't people wear masks? Is it that hard? NO

Glad it's cooler for you today.  Hope your having a good day.


I hope your all are having a good weekend.  Having good weather..not to hot or cold. Just right.:classic_smile:

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No talkers in here today beside Diana.  I like it when I see "lots of people" here each day.


So how did you do eating wise and exercise today.

Me...Food...Good.........Exercise...Not Good

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Hi Belle and everyone,


Food eating pretty good. Exercise good. Going to the gym today. Still only handful of people during senior hour and all staying away from others. Working well. 


Not too much to report. Not doing too much today. 


Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. 











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Hello on this Sunday afternoon.


Nobody wants to talk?  I guess ok to talk to myself but they say if I answer myself I'm in trouble.


Hi Diana just saw that you posted. I'm glad the gym is working for you with less people going and

making it safe for you.


Still eating alright but no exercise to speak of.  Not there yet.


Everyone take care.

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So, this'll be random, I got the fitness boxing on my Nintendo Switch and that "game" has me so sore this morning!  I started on Saturday and now I can barely do my hair because my arms and back are so sore.  I assume it's a good sore, so we will see.  They have another fitness game I want to get but no one has it in stock anywhere.


Anyhoo, have a great Monday, everyone!

On 6/27/2020 at 3:29 PM, Belle said:


Diana I know just sad and scary about this virus. Why won't people wear masks? Is it that hard? NO


It is SO ridiculous!  I do HR for a company and one of our employees (been with the company for over 25 years) was ready to be  fired for not wearing a mask in the office.  She signed her Covid Practices contract saying "this goes against my personal rights".  Really?!  She ended up keeping her job and wearing a mask.  It's really NOT that big of a deal, but people are so angry that they have to.  I'm only going to the grocery store and have to wear one, ok, no problem...  UGH!  I just want this virus gone!

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After running around all day Friday, I did nothing all weekend. I felt guilty enough about sitting on the couch for two days that I walked and did a little bit of weights this morning. Hopefully I can stay motivated this week.


@INeedAMaiTai we got the kids the Ring Fit Adventure game since they aren't in any sports right now. They love it and keep telling me I should do it too. My son (he's 8 ) told me he was so sore from all the squats he did the other day. 🤣 I'm planning on getting them one of the Just Dance games next - maybe I'll do that one with them. 

Edited by melmar02
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Liz, well yes, that sore is a good sore. Bummer your co-worker is being difficult. But at least now she has seen the light.


Mel, wow, your kids are doing great with the exercise games. And seems like they're having fun. That's great. 


Belle, hope your doing well. 


On the subject of masks........our state has a mask mandate. Our local grocery store hired 1) a monitor at the front door to make sure people wear a mask into the store and 2) the local police dept who have a person outside the store and inside the store to deal with people being difficult about the masks. Oh brother. It's not that bad and we protect each other. Hubby and I have been wearing masks since March anytime we are outside our house. 


Have a good day, Diana





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9 minutes ago, melmar02 said:


@INeedAMaiTai we got the kids the Ring Fit Adventure game since they aren't in any sports right now. They love it and keep telling me I should do it too. My son (he's 8 ) told me he was so sore from all the squats he did the other day. 🤣 I'm planning on getting them one of the Just Dance games next - maybe I'll do that one with them. 

That's awesome!!!  The Ring Fit is the one I want and I can't find it anywhere (for less than $100.00).  I love that they are making games to get people moving!

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DH and I did another session of cross-fit with our trainer last night: 3 sets of 30 reps per body part with 30 second rest between the sets (2 minutes between body parts).  So.Hard. 😮 At least Thursday we go back to just plain weight lifting (5 sets of 10-15 reps, heavier weights) - will probably stick to a 3/1 routine of cross-fit vs strength training.


I was so sore over the weekend and did what probably made it worse - lazy rest vs. active rest.  It was really hot and humid so it was hard to get motivated to do much.  Liz, keeping moving (swimming, walking, biking - nothing super strenuous though) should help you recover from the soreness quicker and foam rolling might help too.


My body must be getting used to the more whole food/less sugar nutrition.  This morning I had a bowl of "healthy" cereal to keep it from going stale.  It is marketed as healthy but has more sugar than my plan prefers.  It tasted sooo sweet - like at the end of a bag of sweetened cereals where the excess sugar settles.  At least there's only about one serving left.

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Good morning everyone! Hope you all are having a good week so far. I just thought I'd pop in, read updates and see what's new. Congrats to everyone who posted a loss and to those who are working hard at achieving a loss. I have been strict with diet and exercise so we shall see. I know my jeans, straight out of the drier, were looser than usual yesterday so that's always a good sign. 😀 


I am heading to the lake today. Tomorrow is Canada Day and we will stay up there until Sunday so no weigh in for me on Thursday - no scale up there. Wanting to wish my fellow Canadian's a happy and safe Canada Day and to all my American friends - a happy and safe 4th of July. 


Belle, enjoy your lunch date with the family!

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