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8-6-20 Thursday Weigh-In...1st Weigh-In of August


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Summer is going so fast

And our vacations didn't last


We try to lose weight for cruises and holidays

None were to be had.. so we had to find reasons to diet in our own way


Some weeks we really do good

Other weeks we're taken over by food


How was this week for you....did you do good or did food win 

Hope good won and you feel thin


Know this time in the world we have our up and down days

But coming in here on Thursday you will get smiles no matter what you say


Let's say this month..On August 26th last weigh-in of the month in here

That we all will try to have a loss's for the 8th month of the year










S...Speak up..( if you need help on anything in your life)




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Good morning all 🙂 


I had a small gain of .4 lb this week, but wasn't surprised.  It has been a very stressful week: cousin passed; Dad was having mild COVID symptoms (much better now, but still getting tested) so he can't make the services; DD had a minor medical emergency Tuesday and we have follow-up on Friday with a specialist so we can't make services either.  I still have 2 children getting ready to start school in a few weeks (with DD being 9 hours away) and probably have some TOM bloat (sorry if TMI).


Nutrition hasn't been as on point as it should be and DH and I enjoyed some adult beverages over the weekend before most of the craziness started 😉 


I think I'll count a small gain as a win this weekend and refocus on strong nutrition going forward.

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Belle for starting our week. 


I stayed the same. Can't feel too bad about that, went out for fast food lunch twice this week. As usual though I order a child size item and hubbby eats most of our fries. 


Pacruise, small gain. What a crazy week you are having. Stressful too with your kids about to start school.


Jan, glad you can have your family over. Too risky for us in CA.


Take care, Diana

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Hi all!


Belle ~ nice start to the thread. Hope we all are losers this month.😉


pacruise804 ~ yikes you have had a rough week! Hope things improve soon. I was just reading a review over on the Carnival boards & saw you were there too.


Diana ~ are you talking about a Happy Meal? That's what I have sometimes & find there are a lot of fries & only 4 nuggets.


Jan ~ salads sound great, I love them just don't like all the getting them together! In the summer we have green bean salad a lot.


I've been having a recurring sore throat so called my doctor. He called me back Saturday & will give me an antibiotic but suggested I get the Covid test which I did yesterday so have to wait 48 hours for the result.

I had intended to go to the library, bank, grocery shopping & pick up the prescription when I went to Town but the nurse said from the time of my phone call making the appointment I had to self isolate, just come for the test & go straight home!! Sure hope the test is negative as I still have to do those chores!


Oh btw I'm down 0.2 lbs, not much but at least a step in the right direction!


Take care & stay safe!!


~ Jo ~ 😊

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@pacruise804 I'm trying your suggestion of upping water. To get the 0.5 oz per pound I'd have to drink almost a gallon (I think ..... no scale) so that's not happening but I'm drinking more. Strange thing :: as I drink more water I eat less sweets. Tuesday I made the grandkids cookie bars and kept 3 for me. I still have 2!!


@retiring soon 🤞you didn't catch 'it'


Jan, Happy Birthday 🎂 to your youngest!


Diana, I cannot avoid those fries!! Kudos on doing so


Belle, I've been focusing on a new rhythm  ..... 


As to my 'progress:' I think I'm down but haven't hit a new routine yet. I think I'm going to try having my main meal midday as S will be back from Mendocino next week and his cooking has a lot of salt. And he insists on making me lunch every day. I can do this

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Ombud, we have switched to a large mid-day meal too - I've read several things that indicate it is the healthier option.  Great job with the water increase, glad it is helping with the sweets craving.


Jo, congrats on your small loss.  Prayers for a quick recovery and negative test.  Try to rest when you can, gargling with warm salt water can ease throat pain too (as long as not contraindicated by your doctor).  Can the errands be done on-line or through the mail?  Dad had his test this morning but it will take 10 days for results.  He didn't realize how hard isolating would be either.  We live 4 hours away so I can't help much, but he does have a nearby friend that can do some porch drop off if necessary.


Diana, good job being intentional with your fast food choices.  I haven't had fries in quite a while but was tempted the other day.  Good thing we have a policy of not eating in our cars - makes it easier to not pull in to drive through when running errands 😉 


Jan, have a great celebration with family.  

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Belle, thanks as always for getting us started.


pacruise, I'm so sorry about your cousin.   I hope your dad is ok.  And also your DD.


Jan, enjoy your DD's birthday dinner.


Diana, staying the same after eating fast food is great.  I always gain.


Jo, prayers that you are negative.   Keep us posted.


Ombud, fingers crossed for a loss.


I am down 3 lbs.  I think I was retaining water before because that is a big loss for me.   


Have a great weekend, everyone.



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Jo, hope you test negative. Yes, I usually get something like a happy meal.


Ombud, more water is always good. 


Pacruise, sorry you'll miss the service. My husband attended a memorial service for a friend on Zoom recently. That worked out well. Everyone was so grateful to be together....but apart. Hope your father tests negative.


Rose, congrats on the loss, really good. 


Have a good everyone, Diana

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Hi everyone!


I'm up .4 this week. Like PAcruise, I've had a stressful week as well... my 73 year old dad tested positive for Covid over the weekend. Seems to be doing better and was not hospitalized but had us worried for a while there - he was averaging about 20 hours sleep a day and was very foggy, mild fever and light cough. No shortness of breath though so they felt he should self isolate at home. 


Belle, thanks for your delightful poem. I'm ready for a moth of loss!


PAcruise, I'm sorry for your loss and hope your dad will be negative! Hoping your daughter has a full recovery and your kids aren't too stressed about going back to class. 


Jan, Happy birthday to your daughter! Enjoy time with family.


Diana, congrats on staying the same. I'd count that as a success!


Jo, Best wishes on your test, hoping it will negative!


Ombud, good luck for losses with your new routine.


Rose, congrats on your great loss! Way to go!


Have a great weekend everyone!





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Good Afternoon All


I lost a 1 lb this week. Will really try to lose more this month. Would be nice to have a total of

more than a lb on Aug. 26th weigh-in.


Pac...Sorry your having so many worries with your family.  Hope your father and daughter are fine.

Sorry about your cousin passing.


Jan...Have a good time with the birthday dinner with your "baby".  wishing you a no gain tomorrow.


Diana...Glad you didn't have a gain that you can control your eating of french fries.


Jo..Nice you had a loss but sorry your sick. Hope the test is negative


Ombud...Sounds like your doing good, drinking more water and eating less sweets. Yes you can do it.


Rose...Great loss whether water or not. It's gone.  How are you feeling?




Robin...So sorry about your father but glad he is doing better. That's a small gain for the stress of worrying.


Everyone have a good evening and Friday.  Take care and be careful out there. The virus counts still rising everywhere.

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Belle - congrats on your loss.

Robin - I'm glad your dad is doing better.  Mine is 78 and is doing much better now - I think he was being extra cautious since he has friends at risk (doesn't realize he's in an at risk group too) and a friend who works in the hospital system.  Should get results next week but really think negative.  

Rose - great loss, agree that much in one week is probably some water but I'm guessing you still feel a little better either way.  DD seems fine now, as if nothing happened, but we will see what the neurologist says.


Our governor announced yesterday that he strongly recommends no high school sports until Jan 1, 2021 💔 I know we need to slow the spread, but safe measures were in place and approved and this is really a shock to the students and families.  Really hoping this get reversed - there are some safe ways to function.  If the thought is we really can't safely have outdoor sports with no spectators without a risk I don't see how in person school instruction can be considered safe. 

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Wow - this has been a crazy week for some of us ... I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers ... 


Had a wonderful day yesterday ..... I weighed myself this morning and I am down 0.8#  I'll take it! 


Hope everyone has a good week .... Jan

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Hello All


Sad day for me and my daughter...were suppose to be on a plane today flying to Europe to cruise

for two weeks. I had been to most of the ports but a few were new. Daughter has only been to

France so everything was new to her. Was a new ship everything included and was a great price.

You know when you have a great deal whether you take it or not, you never get that price again.


Pac and Robin hope everyone is doing ok today.


My opinion only the way the world is now with this virus, no matter what precautions that are taken...

any group, sports, work, school, ect and we know it seems always someone has the virus and it gets passed along.

Glad I don't have to make a decision what to or not to with my kids.

  Pac and others know it has to be very hard to decide what to do for the safety of your children.


Jan nice you had a loss after a Birthday dinner with the family. Glad you had a wonderful day.


Hope everyone has a good day.  Please take care.

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Belle ... I understand how you are feeling .... today would be 7 days before our big family cruise that I have been looking forward for more than 2 years ... 6 days from now we could have been in Boston enjoying it ....I'm having a difficult time trying to be really upbeat about life .... but I will try to look forward to 1 year and 1 week from now.  It is on my bucket list for Europe ... I was hoping for 2021 or 2022, but think it needs to wait until at leas 2023.  Life keeps going on, but my years are catching up!!!d  Jan

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Jan sorry about the family cruise. I know all the planning you did then it's out the window.

The one's planned for next year..Will they sail? Will I feel safe to go?  My 1st one is in 7 months.


I hear you about not being upbeat.  I am not upbeat about anything right now.  So many things I

meed to do in the house, don't want to. Why? I'm alone, not having company only see the "kids" a

few times. Plus somethings I could hire someone, not now with virus counts really going up.

You just don't know who's safe because they can have the virus and not know it.


I'm trying, yesterday started (well trying to start) to clean den/junk room.  Shredding tons of papers.

Why did we keep everything. Especially these days with everything on computers. Still think should

keep at least the last 3 years.


OK will stop ranting and maybe fix something to eat, something light not really that hungry. Guess

because of all the "ranting".:classic_laugh:

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Belle - I totally hear you.  You are right about keeping paperwork for the last 3 years.  This virus has everything upside down/and around the mulberry bush .... 7 months until your cruise sounds doable .... It is so difficult not being able to plan .... right now I have 6 cruises booked, but only know that there is a possibility of 5 actually going .... but perhaps only 4.  perhaps/maybe.


Belle, if ever you need someone to vent for I would be glad to share my email address with you.  I do believe we have "known" each other for 17 years.


So, Belle, are you planning birthday posts for September .... I really think you need to do it ... I need a few dancing men in my life .... take care, Jan

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Belle and Jan, bummer you are missing your cruises. I hope your cruises sail next year.


It's difficult not to feel down at this time or about the future.


Yesterday was busy in the yard trimming things. Nice to be outside in the sun.


Take care, Diana



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I'm late to the party again - was up .6 on Thursday, and I've been mad at the scale, so I put it in quarantine. Haven't been back on it since. 🤣


It's been a busy few days. I had an open house I was getting ready for in the later part of the week - making a new display (fake) cake and samples - all individually packaged. I usually slice cake for the couples while they are at the open house because it's more interactive, but not with covid. Didn't want to risk food sitting out in the open air. We met with two pool companies on Friday, and it was 99 degrees. We were in the shade, drinking lots of water, and there was a breeze, but 4 hours out in the heat zapped us for a good part of the afternoon. Yesterday was the open house - it was purposely kept small. There were only 29 people instead of the 100-150 that usually come. Everyone wore their masks the whole time, and I think I'll get two or three orders out of it. Today I'm dropping off samples with a bride at noon. Picking up salads on the way home for lunch. Then it is back to a usual week tomorrow. No orders though so it will be nice to get a little break and catch up on house stuff.


Pacruise - hope your dad is feeling better and you daughter is ok. It's hard to be the 'sandwich' generation taking care of parents and kids. 


Jan - congrats on the loss!


Diana - you have better will power than me...I eat all my fries and then whatever the kids don't eat!


Jo - congrats on the loss! I hope you are feeling better and your test was negative.


Ombud - great job with the water! That's something I need to work on too.


Rose - 3 pounds! Wow!


Robin - I hope your dad is feeling better too. It's so hard when parents are far away. Both my parents are gone, and my FIL passed away a couple years ago. My MIL is still 7 hours away, but she's starting to look at apartments near us now. It would certainly be nice to be able to check on her in person or help run some errands for her instead of just phone or video chats.


Belle - sorry about your cruise, but great job on the loss!

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Today my brother & sisters and all their kids and one of mine had a zoom conversation .... we talked for 1 1/2 hour ... we all live in different parts of the country (Michigan, Maine, Virginia, New Jersey, Georgia, Mississippi) ... It was great to talk with everyone ... we have a few more "tweets" to do to get our faces, sunlight through windows, etc fixed) ... It was nice to see everyone .... Its been about a year since we we have all been together.


Tried eating well this weekend (although we did stop out tonight for food) .... hard when the excitement for the week is going to the grocery store ... DH (Ken) and I go together and he gets half of the grocery list and I get the other half ... makes a short trip to the store ... and I have my own cart!  


Hope everyone had a nice weekend.   


Belle, hope you are doing ok.    Jan

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Hello All


Jan I'm fine thank you for asking. I just took the weekend off from writing and being on the

computer. Usually people aren't writing over the weekend, their busy and I was talking to my self.

  I stayed the same over the weekend, no gain. Now if I could lose something by Thursday.

The paper shredding is a big job here, remember took care of my parents (only child) kept all papers

during those years and after in case of any information or questions coming up later with trust and such.

Never got to them. Out of site out of mind. (kept the door shut):classic_laugh:


Jan glad you had a nice long zoom visit with family. Isn't something when the highlight of the week is

going out and grocery shopping!  Remember when people were joking about getting dressed up to empty

their trash because no one was leaving their houses.  It worked then, virus went down..now look!  To many

people out and about, no masks or distancing.


Mel hope your pool plans are coming along as you want. Glad you are getting cake orders and can get

them with being safe with making display cakes.


Diana glad your enjoying your yard and time in the sun.


Hope everyone doing good this Monday.  Take Care.

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Belle - I used to have a shredder, but unfortunately it broke.  Ended up taking my in-laws information to a local records management (& shredding) company ... wasn't too expensive and they were able to handle it all.   Now I just need to get through all the paperwork we have collected over the years.  I seem to have kept way to much information, but my DH used to have his own business .... so we have just stockpiled it in the attic!!!


I have seen my grandchildren (without hugging) over the summer as they have both been home, but now they will be starting school in the fall, and I don't know if I will be comfortable with that.  Our cases have gone down, (there are 387 active cases in the state) but our borders have been closed to many states and Canada.  Now more states can come in with a Covid negative test.  Unfortunately some are not waiting for the result and are visiting and have ended up having the virus.    School (for most) will be Monday & Thursday or Tuesday and Friday and then zoom on Wednesdays.  Not sure what I'm going to do about seeing my grandkids.


Went exercising today (one on one with my trainer) .... I am very sore!!!  Don't know what this week will hold for weight loss.  Jan

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Mel, small gain. The open house with a small group sounds reasonable. Hope some new business comes your way.


Jan, nice with the zoom family meeting. I would be hesitant too seeing the grandkids with them being back in school. Some states have not been doing well with that.


Belle, glad your doing well. No gain over the weekend is great. Oh I hate paper shredding. Hubby and I had to do a lot of that before we moved. Feels good though once it's done. Going to a shredding business is a great idea. They even have mobile shredding businesses. 


Busy in the yard again today, pruning various items, picking tomatoes and peaches. Giving lots of fruit to the neighbors.  I love being in our backyard. I have these tomato plants that have tiny tomatoes (tomatoes about the size of a pea). There is a grower where we used to live that called them "crack". I would have to agree, they are so addictive........


Wow, this virus, Belle, like you say things were better when we stayed home, etc. Listened a little to Gov. Newsom's update today for CA and things are a little better since gyms, dine in restaurant service, movie theaters and family entertainment closed again 1 month ago.


Hubby and I were talking today about even the little bit of normalcy (gym, go out to dinner) coming back for us. Sadly, I think it will be awhile. We closed again 1 month ago. Could be another month or 3 or 5. Who knows. Hubby's big thing is he loves to travel. I do too but I don't see it happening for months. 


Hope everyone has a good evening.













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HI all!


Just wanted to pop in to say the result of my Covid test was negative. I thought it would be but wanted to be sure. Looking forward to getting to Town tomorrow, got a few places to go, one being a local farm stand. We don't have a garden here any more.


Hope to be a little lighter Thursday!🤞


~ Jo ~ 😊

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