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8-20-20 Thursday Weigh-In...Stressful 2020 And Losing Weight


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Stress is really real this year I know so much is going on and we don't what to do or say  (at times)

So many things to think about and deciding what's right to do...we just want to say..2020 Go Away


We're human and dieting is the right thing to do to be healthy and try not to have any pain

Trouble is "comfort foods" seem to make us feel better when we eat them but we can gain


All we can do is our best.. we've all had good and bad days because of the virus and no end in sight

Now with heat, fires and storms will it ever again be right.........YES


We are strong and we keep fighting to lose weight and we will no matter how long it takes

Ups and downs we will have..one day veggies...one day cake


Besides a healthy body we want a healthy, calm mind these days

So do what is best for you at the time of stress and then back on track in your own way


So on the scale we go..a loss..stay the same..maybe a gain..but we're all here.:classic_smile:

We've won already..we're aware..taking it a day at a time.  The loss's are near


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Belle, thanks for words. 


Jan, sorry you gained. 


I'm the same. 


Our county was taken off the "bad" list yesterday. Virus numbers much better, hospitalizations down. If we stay that way for 2 weeks they will allow some activities. Governor supposed to issue new guidelines next week.


Hope everyone has a good day.




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Belle, thanks for getting us started.


Jan, sorry for the gain.


Diana, glad your county numbers have gone down.


Mainsheets, I think it would be creepy to be on an empty ship right now. Without the music, announcements, casino bells, and the general din of the guests, I think the normal ship noises would be weird to hear. I can't wait to get back onboard...I just want other people there too. 


I'm up .8# this week, which is really disappointing since I've worked out every day and been really good with food the last 2 weeks. According to my scale, it's not muscle or water. 😔 I'm going to stick with the workouts, but I'm going to switch up my meal plan and go back to intermittent fasting. We'll see how that goes. Since I turned 40 last September, I seem to be stuck. 

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for getting the thread started & your thoughts.


Jan ~ how disappointing to be up when you thought you'd have a loss.


Diana ~ let's hope you all are good & some restrictions will be lifted.


melmar02 ~ that would be disappointing to put in the work with no reward.


I thought I might be up because I've be trying new things like fried green tomatoes, roasted veggies with olive oil, oh & some chocolate. DH loves After Eights, do you know them? Well we have several boxes & I often take one when I go to the fridge. That being said, I am down 0.2 lbs so that's good. I want to get into the 160's, it'll feel much closer to 150 then 171 does!!😉


I've been watching the reports on the MSC ship sailing now & sure hope all goes well so maybe cruising can start again over here.


Have a nice weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Thanks for getting us started Belle! I really do want 2020 to be over but am kind of worried about what 2021 will bring. Hoping and praying it will be better. 


Jan - Sorry to hear you had a gain. 


Diana - Glad your numbers are getting better and things might start to open up again for you. It makes things seem just a little more normal!


Melmar - Sorry to hear of your gain after all your hard work. 


Jo - congrats on your loss. I love After Eights! Haven't had one in a long time. They are really good cold aren't they?


My workouts and diet seem to be working for me. I'm down 2.8 this week. I got tired of Jillian Michael's workouts which are very repetitive after I discovered Sydney Cummings. She posts a brand new workout on YouTube every single day. So I've been doing her Summertime Fine 2.0 series. That and watching carbs, cutting back on alcohol and limiting late night snacking is working.


Wishing you all a great weekend! 

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Belle, thank you for the inspiring words.  Yes its hard when the routine is disrupted unexpectedly 


Jan & Mel, 😔bet it'll be more than expected next time. 


Mel, great idea on the bean in wet paper towel!! As long as she can see the roots I can take it from there. She should get some growth as its warm here through October 


Diana, staying cool over there I hope (SF?)


Jo, roasted veggies sound soo good! Almost as good as After Eights mints (but they're small)


Robin, wow!! 2.8! IMHO switching anything (workout, hiking trail, foods) is good for the overall loss!


I can zip up the straight skirt. I don't think I'm just rearranging the pounds. I think they're gone. 

Edited by Ombud
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Hello..Glad you still like me starting the weigh-in.


Jan..Sorry you have a gain especially when you thought you had a loss. Hope your doing




Diana...Nice no gain. Glad your county is getting better with the virus counts. Be careful when it opens

up again.


Mel...Sorry for your gain with all the exercise. Just remember as women our weight goes up and down everyday.

I hope the cruises will be some what normal when they come back. I'll wear a mask and don't need to get off in port.

Just want to cruise!


Jo...A loss is a loss. After Eights, remember them. Did you see a couple got kicked off the 1st MSC cruise. 

Didn't follow the rules.  What were they thinking..that they were special?


Robin...Oh 2021 has to be better!  What a great loss.  Your doing good with eating and exercise.  They say mixing

up exercise is good.  Working for you.


Ombud...Good job on zipping up the skirt.  Yes means your losing weight.  You can tell by your clothes if

don't have a scale. Glad you came back.


Me...Stayed the same.  Have some water weight so I'm glad I didn't gain. Need to exercise.

My daughter's Birthday is today.  Have to celebrate at a later date when the weather cools down

as we eat outside and she's not working.  Did talk to her today.


So enjoy your Friday and weekend.  Are you just as tired as I am that the days and weekends are

just days that run into each other?  I guess if your working the weekend is different for you.


Take care  Be safe

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Jo, Robin, Ombud - Congrats!


Belle - Happy birthday to your daughter!


We can tell the difference in the days because of school, but we're taking next week off. It helps when I have orders too because usually everyone wants their cakes on the weekends, and my process keeps me on a schedule. It's usually shop Monday, prep boards Tues., make icing and maybe bake Wed., bake and fill Thurs., stack/decorate Friday, deliver Saturday. I have two small weddings this weekend - only 115 servings of cake between the two of them, but 5 different kinds of cookies for the one today. The groom is from Ohio, and he said they have cookie dessert tables at every party up there. I had to dust off some recipes for their order since we don't really do cookie displays here. Except for chocolate chip, I usually only make them around Christmas.  Sorry - we're probably all thinking about cookies now. 

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Hi all!


 Belle ~ I did see that about the MSC family. Glad they were reprimanded, some people just don't think the rules apply to them!! Hope that cruise is successful & we can get back to cruising too.


After Eights are good room temp, from the fridge or the freezer IMO!😉 Usually they were only available up here at Christmas but one pharmacy in Town seems to be keeping them all year round, at a higher price, around $8.29 a box, so I go on Seniors' Tuesdays & get them at a discount.


Have a great weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hello this Friday.


Remember all the yard work I did on Wednesday? Well, now, my wrist hurts. I think it was from using the saw to cut branches. I should have let hubby do it but he was being lazy. Next time he gets to do it. Been taking ibuprofen and icing it, a little better every day.


Mel, eventhough not the loss on the scale you wanted you are sticking to the workouts which is great. Keep up the good work!


Jo, nice to lose when you think you might have a gain. Know the mints well. Yummy.


Robin, awesome loss. Congrats.


Ombud, congrats on zipping the skirt. So nice. We are near Sacramento so not cool........


Our air quality has been bad the past couple of days and today is deemed hazardous. We must stay indoors. 


Stay safe and healthy, Diana



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Afternoon All


Mel..I want a cookie!:classic_laugh:

.Nice you have a schedule with your kids schooling and cake baking. My so called schedule has gone

out the window. Glad your getting more business.


Jo..I hope cruising will be back soon nice and safe. Yes some people don't have a clue on right and wrong.

Haven't had After Eights in years. The truth is "any chocolate" is good cold or warm!:classic_love:


Diana..Sorry your wrist is sore.  Hope it feels better each day.   You must be getting lots of smoke from

the fire in Vacaville and around. Stay indoors and be safe.:classic_smile:


Hope everyone else in here are well and having a good day besides the three above.

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No one talking today.  Have you been a "busy bee" or a "resting bug"?

I guess  I;m been a little of both.  More of a "resting bug" than a "busy bee"

But have got some things done and haven't eaten much. Drank water as

it is still hot weather.


Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

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Good Morning - Yesterday was a busy day ... Not sure what I did, but it was busy.  Our daughter came over yesterday afternoon with her husband and stayed long enough that we ordered take out (Chinese) ... was wonderful, but know it won't help the weight this week.


Today will be chores around the house ... I probably should clean (I hate cleaning).  Have a great day all.  Jan

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Been a tough weekend. The smoke from the the CA fires is horrible. Sky was a little better this morning, we could see some blue but this afternoon the sky is all covered up again with smoke. I can't be outside in my garden. Makes me sad. Air quality still very unhealthy. 


On a good note my wrist is much better. Hoping in a few days I can be outside doing my gardening.


This afternoon hubby made me a drink: orange juice, fruit punch and rum. Ah, nice to have my personal drink waiter. 


Belle, good to stay busy although that's difficult to do sometimes.


Jan, nice you had dinner with your daughter and her husband. 


Have a good evening everyone, Diana



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Diana - Glad you wrist is feeling better. I hope the fires clear up soon!


Jan - Chinese food sounds so good. Glad you had a nice visit.


Belle - We watched a lot of movies this weekend. Not a lot else.


We meet with the 2 pool companies to see their designs tomorrow and Tuesday. DH is taking  a few days off work. Hopefully we can eat well since he's in 'vacation mode'.

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Hi everyone!! Good news. My daughter was able to go home. The deer fire isn't near homes now. Diana hope your air clears soon. IMHO this isn't the week to be in the garden. I will at least get delta breezes soon which might help clear mine but does Sacramento get those?


Jan, I also hate cleaning. Especially with the ash from fires. I can't really see that it does any good


Jo, I roasted veggies outside yesterday. I love them and the smokes so thick I didn't think the BBQ would hurt (probably thought wrong but at least I don't have to cook for a few days).


I painted a picture today .... nothing much. Just a huge rainbow & cultural symbols. Bored. Can't hike due to poor air quality 

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Greetings all!  Congrats to those who lost, but also to those who are being intentional with their health even if not having results yet.  Sorry for being MIA - crazy few days getting DD back to school and getting ready for DS to start.


I had another gain Thursday but it is starting to come off.  DD and I finished our boxing workout just before she left and took measurements: even though I gained 2.4# in 3 weeks I lost 2 inches.


DH has an Aunt that married into an Italian family - cookies seemed big at his cousins weddings (also a friends' wedding where the bride was Italian heritage).  Aunt made us cookies for our wedding as part of her wedding gift to us.


I will try to keep dropping in, but suspect I won't be as active now that school is getting underway.  Stay safe and stay healthy everyone!

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Mel, hope you get a nice design for your pool. 


Ombud, yes, we do get those Delta breezes. I noticed the air today was much better than yesterday. We could see see sun today. Roasted veggies are so good. 


Jan, hope you're having a good day too.


Pac, glad you've lost inches. Congrats on that. That is such an important part of weight loss.


Today hubby and I got out of the house. Fast food lunch in the car, grocery shopping. Was nice to get out. Hardly any people at the grocery store, was great.


Tomorrow we're going to a different store. We are trying to follow the guidelines that say don't go to too many places in one day. Plus, gives us a reason to get out again. 


Was pleased to read in the news that cases are going down. Now, if we can keep that momentum going....


Have a good day.









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Sorry I've been MIA . Been really sick since Sat. night (both ways, you know what I mean)

Had to be tainted meat. All I had that day.  So with that and not eating, wish I could weigh today.

Just hope I can keep of it off (know some will come back after eating and drinking more)

I think when your that sick "they" should let you keep some of the weigh loss.On top of that not

sleeping, so hope to be back to normal or semi normal tomorrow.


Mel hope you get none of the storm that is coming  Think your in a different part of the state.

Hope everyone else is doing alright. Fires doing better.  Weather better and your health better than mine

at the moment.  Take care

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Ombud - glad you daughter was able to go home! I wish I had drawing / painting talent. 


Pa - hope you daughter is settling in. Congrats on the measurements!


Diana - Isn't funny how a little errand feels like a treat now? Designs look good - we're tweaking them and trying to decide which company to go with. 


DH has been taking vacation time since Friday, and he goes back tomorrow. We kind of treated it like a vacation and have not been very good with eating or exercising. 


Belle - hope you're feeling better! I'm north of Dallas about a 5 hour drive from Houston/Galveston. We only have a 40% chance of rain from the storm - it will be a good bit to the east of us by the time it make it this far inland. I grew up just north of Houston though and have several friends that are still down there. Fortunately they won't get the brunt of it, not that I would wish it to land anywhere else either. The good news - with cruises shut down, it will be easier to make any storm damage repairs to the cruise terminal. 

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