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4-8-21 Thursday Weigh-In--Second Weigh-In Of April


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This month has 5 weigh-ins you know 

Is that good or a no-no


Does it make it more Thursdays to lose- not gain

Or does it give us one more Thursday and it's a pain


Lets get it straight

Still 30 days to lose our weight


Still Spring but summer is going to be here

Are those words you don't want to hear


June is coming fast

Hope your dieting will last


Are you going to be thinner 

That will make you a winner


Any pounds lost is good

So go easy on the food


Remember to much food through the lips💋

Lands on the -- tummy, butt, legs, face, neck, arms and hips😮


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Good morning everyone.  I seriously can’t commit to a wt today the scales are all over the place.  Going to say I the same.  Still in the high 150’s  happy for that.  

nothing going on.  Temps high 50’s this am.  Dog sitting Tate.  In the picture Jazzper is on the left Tate on the right.  They met at the dog park  the month they were both adopted 9 years ago.


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Izena - love the picture of the dogs - they are so sweet.  I can't imagine not having a dog in my life!!! 


I did not weigh myself this morning - was up with the birds (6 am) was waiting for a delivery - It arrived at 8:00 am.  My mom's secretary that she gave to me.  Only took 21 years to finally get it from my sister's house in Virginia to Maine.  Its been an emotional morning.


I got my second shot yesterday - my arm is sore - no swelling or redness.  I'm going to assume that I won't have any type of reaction if nothing has happened in the last 24 hours.  I am glad that I got it - now just have to keep safe for about 14 days.


I will weigh myself tomorrow - but, am going to assume that I might be up a little.  I ate chocolate one day - when I start I can't stop ... my stomach didn't really like it.  I think its been a few years since I've binged on candy.  Ick - I'll remember that in the future.


Hope everyone has a good week.  Belle thanks for the poem -- and yes the weight lands in different places - the last time I ended up with "fat pads" on the insides of my knees ---- go figure!!   Jan



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Good that you finally got the furniture,  Jan.


Cute dog pj's, Izena. I'd take anywhere in the 150s or 160s


Belle, we have a responsible approach to gun ownership

1. Tighten restrictions on ghost guns

2. Restrict pistol-stabilizing braces

3. Background checks upped

4. National red flag laws (suicides)

5. ATF Director

Anyone who passes background checks to buy a legal gun can


I'm still not having any side effects from the shot and my card is neatly tucked away in my passport. I seriously considered a road trip. 1 problem. I hate driving. Now if Biden would just tell the CDC to be reasonable 

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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for the poem. Wonder what 5 Thursdays in April will bring!


Izena ~ cute picture of the dogs.


Jan ~ great you finally got your secretary & also your 2nd shot.


Ombud ~ yes, let's hope the CDC sees fit to let cruising start again. I should have been doing my Getaway TA on Sunday.


I had a little chocolate & some chips but still managed to lose .06 lbs. I'm trying to still snack but not as much as before.


I watched "Let Them All Talk", a movie filmed on a Cunard QM2 crossing & it made me even more excited to cruise. I sure hope my MSC cruise at the end of October is a go!! I'm cancelling my bus trip around Poland in Sept as I don't think it'll go or that this achy old body will be capable of doing it. Cruising is so much more relaxing.


Have a great day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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I just bought a lot more CCL so I'm sure the stock will go down ⬇️🤑


Jan, I bought and ate a candy bar. It wasn't as good as I remembered so no idea why I couldn't toss it out


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I'm down .9 this week, and I'll take it! With the stress of the car and our trip to my MIL's, I was sure that I was going to be way up!


Belle - it's certainly starting to feel like late spring/early summer here. We're going to hit 85° today.


Izena - love the picture! 50's and 60's is nice - it will be the 80's in the mornings before we know it.


Jan - glad you received your 2nd dose, and you are feeling ok. 


Ombud - I need to move my card to my passport. It's still sitting in my purse which isn't a good location for it. I wonder if Florida's lawsuit against the CDC will make a difference?


Jo - nice job being down with the chocolate and chips. We watched Like Father a few weeks ago which was filmed on one of Royal Caribbean's Oasis class ships. It was cute.

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Good Afternoon All


Izena---Staying the same is good. What "cuties" the dogs are in their outfits.

Both 9, they seem to get along well. Nice of you to dog sit.


Jan---Hope you won't be up tomorrow. Glad you got your 2nd shot. Why 21 years

on the Secretary that you were suppose to have? Sorry just wondering, you don't

have to answer.


Ombud---Think you must have me mixed up with someone else, never asked you

about guns. Yes just wish the CDC  would get off their high horse and treat cruises fairly

like their doing every other business, like airplanes ect. (can you believe they never had rules)


Jo---Glad you had a loss after choc and chips. Bet you had portion control. Have you or anyone else watched The Last Cruise on HBO MAX? Thought it would be worse then it was. The only thing

wish they would of  done was state the fact know one knew what was going on with the virus

or what it could do. They had to deal with head office and the ports for information on what

to do. No one knew. They learned. Was better on the Grand.


Mel---Good loss with the stress you were going though. Some wonder if Florida sues will

it make it worse. Do any of you watch youtube?  Watch Don. Tony or Morgan? They give

information. Morgan is in Germany and has cruised 4 cruises already in Europe , gives

reviews, in fact was on CBS this morning with RCI cruise line head Fain talking about cruising

in the USA. Or why aren't we cruising? We can do it safely.


Me---I lost a1/2 lb. I still like to say pounds instead of point something. Been trying to

book a couple of cruises for next year though the casino. Can't get though on phone they say

e-mail. I did twice so far. Their not e-mailing or calling me back. Need that to know

their working on that plus something else I need fixed for another cruise.  I hate it when you

can't talk to a person right away. Know they have less people working and are busy but at least

send an e-mail and say I receive it, they use to. OK no more venting.


Hope everyone is enjoying their day.

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Belle - I guess I always thought that one of my siblings kids would decide to put the secretary in a truck and haul it up here - Or that someone in my neck of the woods would go to Virginia and bring it back here.  I had checked out pricing and really thought that I could get someone to bring it my way ..... after 21 years I decided it was never going to get here.  The shipping was $2,000 ... which is a lot .... and the value of the furniture wasn't even close to that amount.  But, it was the only thing that my mom listed in her will that she wanted me to have.  I finally decided that it was time to bring it here.  $2,000 later it is in my house.  I've cried because it reminds me of my mom, cried as it is something that my mom wanted me to have, and I've cried that because it is here that it really means my mom is gone.  I'm sure most everyone can relate to how difficult it is to come to terms with a family member being gone is big time loss.  Jan

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Jan not bad considering your stress.    $2000 sound like a bargain.    

Had a nice walk this morning. Then worked in the flowers beds for awhile.  Had long conversation with friend in Montana.   Worked on some travel plans.  We need to get on list to go to Yellowstone.  She lives close to a creek so we’re going to kayak ( I don’t know how but recently have had the itch to try).  I can swim and am  what they call a floater— I’m very buoyant which was was a problem when I scuba dived.   Kayaking  should be fun.  
decided not to go to glacier park (8 hour drive one way on switch back roads which creep me out) 

everyone have a safe weekend

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Afternoon All


Jan---I now it's a happy and sad time for you with getting the secretary

finally. I understand the emotions. Cleaning out stuff in the house, coming

across things my parents gave me, notes and letters from my husband.

Good memories but sad at the same time.

Sorry your up a little, you'll get it off soon.


Ombud---No problem. Hard to remember when on different sites who said

what sometimes.


Izena---You do so good in your walking.  Isn't it fun planning trips, then taking them.

Just watched a youtube people visiting Yellowstone now. Less people but cold.

I've been and it's beautiful.


Everyone have a good Friday and weekend. Any exciting plans? Or does that word

not exist at this time.


Take Care--Still have to stay safe.

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Molly (my lab) had surgery this afternoon - they took out the dead tissue from her eye (she had a ulcer of the cornea).  She also had some good tissue that was moved with a knife and should help the skin from the dead tissue.  She now has a lens that will help the cornea ... I know this isn't making any sense.  She is now wearing the "cone of shame" and we have two different drops to put in her eye.  We will go back net Friday to see what is going on.  I feel so sorry for her - but the alternative was for her to go blind or to lose the eye.   She doesn't like the cone ... but hopefully this will only last until next Friday.  Jan


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Jan---I hope the surgery helps Molly. That she keeps her eyesight and eye.

I now animals look so sad and unhappy wearing the cone. They don't understand

it's to help them not touch and heal.


Hope everyone had a good Friday. I booked two cruises for next year. Thinking they should

cruise but who knows these days. Jan. to Mexico and March to Hawaii.  Least have

cruises to looked forward too if the ones this year don't go.


Kids coming over for lunch tomorrow. Daughter might wash her car. Son will do some

shredding for me. It's been nice seeing them more but sure when things get better

will see them less. That's the life of a mother!😄


Everyone have a good day..

.Rose where are you? Everything good?

Cruise42 everything going alright with you?

Diana do you come by and read once in awhile, stop by once and say Hi.

Everyone of you that's missing from here, no matter how long, come in and say

Hi too.  Love to hear from you all.😊

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Belle - nice you lost and got to see the kids. I had a wedding today. First delivery in the new car. I was bracing at every bump wondering how the cake was taking it in the back, but it was fine.


Jan - sorry you are up. In a past life, I worked at a furniture store. We always heard the horror stories of of people picking up something from the warehouse only to see it fly out of the back of their truck. Furniture and catering food delivery costs are worth every penny in my opinion. I hope Molly heals quickly and can lose the cone on Friday.


Izena - I'm glad you were able to make some plans with your friend. Kayaking sound fun to me too. I think it would be a good excursion to do with the kids. DH is so tall though, I wonder if there are height limits? I can just picture him trying to paddle with his knees in his armpits. 😆


The project manager is coming by tomorrow morning - he was supposed to be here Friday afternoon, but had to leave town for a memorial service. There hasn't been any progress in 2 1/2 weeks now. Their stone subcontractor keeps telling them "any day now" they'll be back out here. They messed up the fire pit. It's a horse shoe instead of a circle, so they are rebuilding that. They also built one of the columns that has a water feature in it facing the wrong-ish way. They should all be pointing toward the center of the pool, but one is turned about 30 degrees away from where it should...I'm not sure how they're going to fix that, but I absolutely hate it and they need to do something to make it closer to the specs. 

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hi Mel sure is quiet in here. Glad the car worked well and cake was safe.

Think you have 5 weddings this month. Nice the car can get the cakes

there safely.


On your pool sounds like the the subcontractor hired people who didn't

know what they were doing. Sorry your having problems.


Had a nice lunch with kids today. Got some shredding done, things taken to

Goodwill.  When I started with the cleaning out things and shredding was only going

to be more or less one area but once you start you keep going. Doing it slowly

but will get each room done. Didn't realize how much I didn't do when taking

care of my parents and husband.

Got a new printer today that you can also scan and make copies.


Sat. has gone by, hope it was a good day and Sun. will be to.

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Good Morning on the 11th day of April.


A---Are you eating less today?

P---Portion Control?

R---Running or Walking?

I---Ice in a Drink instead of Ice Cream

L---Listen to the Angel👼 on your Shoulder instead of the Devil.😈

-----------------------------Don't Eat It-------------------------------------------------Yes Eat It-------


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Jan hope Molly’s eye is healing.


Mel glad your new ride works for delivery.   Sorry about contractor problems.


I need inside painted.  Sheet rock repair on cathedral ceiling ( seam open builder didnt use seam board -  I’m second owner home 3 years old when purchased and builder was  in bankruptcy by then).  Hate the idea of trying to get it fixed — anticipate a nightmare.     Only time I wish I had a spouse who would handle it.  

waiting for  date confirmation oldest and grandson  visit.


hope everyon3 i# having great spring weather

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Izena, we had terrible hairline cracks in the ceilings at our old house. All where the cheap seam tape they used separated. You could see all the outlines of the sheetrock in a couple rooms.


Belle, yes, 5 weddings this month plus a rehearsal dinner this Friday too. I almost told them no, but it's the venue my husband and I got married at 15 years ago. 


The Project Manager came over Sunday morning. He's not happy with the subcontractor that's doing the stone. They keep telling PM they'll be back out "any day now" to fix the firepit, finish the wall, and build the kitchen. The PM wants to get started on the deck, but he can't get that going until the kitchen is built. He's not sure there's anything they can do about the column though. It's not just the column above the water, but the curve of the gunite that it's built on. I looked at a lot of photos this weekend, and once it's finished, I don't think it will bother me quite so much. I'm not sure I have a choice about it though - it's not like I'm going to have them rip it all out and start over.

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Hello All


Izena---I have cathedral ceiling in my living room and I have notice

some problems to. Like you wish my husband was still here to deal with it.

Going to be a nightmare as you said, to get it fixed. Plus can you imagine the price.

Going to have to wait awhile on that have other problems in house to deal with

that should come first.


Mel---Sorry their not doing right by you with the pool. Not right that can't get

things you wanted right. Your paying for it. You should get some money back if column

isn't right.  Busy time for you but nice you'll have memories of husband and you at

the place where the rehearsal dinner is.


Nothing new here just dealing with a mistake really two, that someone made

and still not fixed. Better hear from them tomorrow.  Not paying money I don't owe.


Have a good Tuesday everyone.

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Good Morning this Tuesday



U---Up to you

E---Every hour or so


D---Details on your day

A---Anything, whatever you want

Y---You will make us/me happy to have something to read:classic_smile:

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It was beautiful here yesterday - low 80s and sunny. Took the kids on a bike ride, and I'm sore today. It's going to be a lot cooler and rainy the rest of the week. 


We have 4 weeks of school left before we break for summer. I think I'm more ready than the kids are!

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In the middle 50's here - but, the sun is peaking around the clouds every so often.  I've been working on one of the bedrooms upstairs (cleaning out "stuff" and getting piles to take to the salvation army).  It feels good to accomplish something.   


Think in a little while I will take the dog for a walk.  Molly had to go back to the vet yesterday as the eye didn't look good and the lens they put in had fallen out.  It was torn and they decided not to replace it.  The eye looks better today.  I'm hoping that when we go back on Friday they have some good news.  She is only wearing the "cone of shame" when she goes to bed at night - just so she doesn't paw at her eye ... Other times I'm home and can watch her.   Jan

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Afternoon Mel and Jan


Mel--- that's nice weather, this weekend we're suppose to get warmer.

Been in the 50's and 60's. I bet it does get tiring homeschooling.

Nice you do field trips, do bike rides and such.


Jan---As you know been doing the same thing, cleaning out rooms little by little.

Funny how much "stuff" gets in the rooms, where did it come from?

Glad Molly's eye looks better and on Friday you get good news.


Today dealing with a cruise I have, say I owe more money, then get a e-mail

about the air, have my daughter and I on two different flights. Crazy.

This a cruise they already change ports on us. So booked an Oct. cruise that was better.

Going to cancel the July one but was waiting to see if they did and then wouldn't

lose our deposits.  Just not not worth the hassle. Think will just cancel now and not wait.

Will take cash and hope they get it right. They already had made a mistake on something 

before this.  Never had this problem with them before.  Less people working now,

they know less about booking?  Who knows.



Hope everyone is is having a good day.

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