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World Cruise - Solo


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If your finances said yes, would you do a world cruise, travelling solo? The longest i have done solo on a cruise is 21 days. I was just looking at a well known site (sea scxxxxx) and window shopping some of their prices. Oceania have a 180 day world cruise for just 50,000euros, and that's in a balcony. Costa 30,000euros in a balcony, for their world cruise. And many more cheaper options if travelling solo in a inside cabin. The prices, although bank busting seems to me to be very reasonable. 

Has anybody done a world cruise, travelling solo?


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17 hours ago, gerryuk said:

Has anybody done a world cruise, travelling solo?


I have not but I would not hesitate doing so when my personal situation allows.  I live with and care for my 93 year old mother.  That prevents me from doing any trips more than maybe 10 days for now.


I knew a British couple who did a 100-day cruise about 15 years ago from Southampton to Recife and then all the way down and around South America through the Panama Canal, multiple Caribbean islands and eventually back to Southampton.  There were multi-day stops in Rio, BA, Lima, and elsewhere.  I was living in Chile at the time so I met them at the port in Valparaiso and we had a long lunch with many pisco sours at a fine seaside restaurant.  They were loving their cruise.  Ever since then, I've wanted to do a truly long World Cruise.  


I've travelled solo for many years and would have no problem doing it for a really long cruise.  I look forward to it.  I say go for it if your personal situation allows.

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22 hours ago, gerryuk said:

If your finances said yes, would you do a world cruise, travelling solo? The longest i have done solo on a cruise is 21 days. I was just looking at a well known site (sea scxxxxx) and window shopping some of their prices. Oceania have a 180 day world cruise for just 50,000euros, and that's in a balcony. Costa 30,000euros in a balcony, for their world cruise. And many more cheaper options if travelling solo in a inside cabin. The prices, although bank busting seems to me to be very reasonable. 

Has anybody done a world cruise, travelling solo?



I have to agree with the others: I'd do a solo world cruise if I could afford it.  I am hoping to do so in a few years.

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The first thing I would buy if I won the lottery is a ticket for a world cruise. This is my dream.


As I have at least 20 years until retirement, it is otherwise a long way away for me. I couldn't take that much time off of work, and I wouldn't want to miss ports by having to stay onboard and work, assuming that internet at sea becomes good enough to feel confident that I could work. Or stay up all night taking calls and then sight see all day- I need my beauty sleep. LOL.


But it's still wonderful to dream. 🙂

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I have sailed a world cruise as a solo.  113 days, Grand World Voyage in 2008 on the Amsterdam and was not ready to disembark when we returned to Fort Lauderdale.  How did I pay for this cruise?  Savings and making good investment decisions along with living, not frugally, but well within my income on a daily basis was the key.  Having my mortgage paid and no car payments helped.  My "seed money" for this trip was a refund that I received from a cruise line as well as a travel insurance payment for an expensive shorter cruise that had to be cancelled in the cancellation penalty stage due to a medical issue.  That money was placed into a savings account that paid the best possible interest at that time and, as I said, was the "seed money" that served as the basis for the rest of the cost for my cruise.  


I had a standard outside stateroom on Dolphin Deck, mid-ships.  I'd strongly recommend not booking an inside stateroom on a cruise that long.  I need sunlight and a window!  

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1 hour ago, CarelessAndConfused said:

It might not be a bad idea even if you can't afford it.  You only live once.  You folks can quote me on that.


As for Costa, that cruise line looks like a serious below budget operation but maybe I'm jumping to conclusions as I have never sailed them.

Ok...I will quote you🙂 You might only live once you I would need to have a home to come back to........certainly don't want to go in debt for a sailing.  And what happens when you have a specialty medicine you need to take and are not allowed to order multiple refills ahead of time? (that would be me).

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I would love to do a solo world cruise!  I have the impression from reading stories from other world cruisers that they do tend to bond.  Since you are with the same people for such an extended period of time, I suspect you'd make friends.


Disclaimer - the longest cruise I've done solo is 2 weeks...

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10 hours ago, CarelessAndConfused said:


Look, if you're going to sit there and worry about trivial things like a roof over your head, medicines or food in your belly, you're beyond my help.

I didn't ask for your help.......you were the one who told us to quote you😉

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In a heartbeat. 

I've done 3 Antarctica expeditions that were 30+ days. Then when I did a 24 day one it felt rushed and too short. I know I am fine splitting my time between sightseeing, resting, sea days, meeting people, or just doing my own thing when I need space. 

Whenever friends and I are talking about what we would do with a big lotto win - multiple round the world cruises are always at the top of our lists. 

Medications - simple - would just ask my doctor for whatever I need in bulk. I do that for all lengthy travels. And since my city has been in lockdown 6 times for over 260 days we have adapted procedures for meds now. All our prescriptions are now electronic - straight to my phone by SMS, then forward SMS to pharmacist who then posts it (or hand delivers) the same day.

So if there was a medication that could only be prescribed in small volume (Aus is more relaxed about it for travellers so it's never been an issue) I would just pick a future destination on my dream itinerary and have it sent there to an address suggested by the cruise line. 

Years ago I wrote a packing list for a year long cruise based on various blogs I had read here on CC. And a friend did a 4 month one (2 ships) a few years ago and I helped her plan it and then we rejigged our lists based on her experience afterwards. So I'm ready to go as soon as I win lotto !!! 🚢💰💰💰💰💰

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1 hour ago, PerfectlyPerth said:

In a heartbeat. 

I've done 3 Antarctica expeditions that were 30+ days. Then when I did a 24 day one it felt rushed and too short. I know I am fine splitting my time between sightseeing, resting, sea days, meeting people, or just doing my own thing when I need space. 

Whenever friends and I are talking about what we would do with a big lotto win - multiple round the world cruises are always at the top of our lists. 

Medications - simple - would just ask my doctor for whatever I need in bulk. I do that for all lengthy travels. And since my city has been in lockdown 6 times for over 260 days we have adapted procedures for meds now. All our prescriptions are now electronic - straight to my phone by SMS, then forward SMS to pharmacist who then posts it (or hand delivers) the same day.

So if there was a medication that could only be prescribed in small volume (Aus is more relaxed about it for travellers so it's never been an issue) I would just pick a future destination on my dream itinerary and have it sent there to an address suggested by the cruise line. 

Years ago I wrote a packing list for a year long cruise based on various blogs I had read here on CC. And a friend did a 4 month one (2 ships) a few years ago and I helped her plan it and then we rejigged our lists based on her experience afterwards. So I'm ready to go as soon as I win lotto !!! 🚢💰💰💰💰💰

It all sounds wonderful really. 😃 As for those meds? Here in the states insurance has much more to say about meds than the actual Dr.   Some medicines you can order "in bulk" but specialty medications (for different types of cancer for example) can only be ordered 1 month at a time......(in my case anyway).   At this point this thread is only a "What IF"........If it was all doable without any issues? Yes, I would go......but now I do what I can........I have been very lucky and fortunate to sail as much as I have........just got back from my 3rd cruise in the last 4 months🙂 and going again in December for 15 nights.


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23 hours ago, Lois R said:

certainly don't want to go in debt for a sailing.  And what happens when you have a specialty medicine you need to take and are not allowed to order multiple refills ahead of time? (that would be me)


Regarding your first point in your post:  I don't understand the thinking of those who book a cruise and pay for it on some kind of budget plan.  If one cannot afford the cost of a cruise when it is booked, then one is not financially ready to be a cruiser, in my opinion.


Your second point:  the need to obtain more than the usual supply of my medicines was an initial issue for me.  But, with persistence, I was able to get far enough up in the "food chain" of the PBM to get approval.  (I realize that your situation may be more difficult than mine.)  


18 hours ago, califsealion said:

I have the impression from reading stories from other world cruisers that they do tend to bond.  Since you are with the same people for such an extended period of time, I suspect you'd make friends.


You do with some fellow guests as well as with some crew.  One may also encounter fellow guests that after spending a lengthy time with them one hopes you will never cruise with them again!  (And, they may even feel that way about me.)  


5 hours ago, PerfectlyPerth said:

 I would just pick a future destination on my dream itinerary and have it sent there to an address suggested by the cruise line. 


Is a good idea as long as the post office/delivery service works as expected.  I have a .500 batting average on this issue.  Two cruises that I sailed were during election years.  Requested an absentee ballot to be sent to the Port Agent as recommended by HAL.  Both were in Hong Kong.  First time, the ballot was waiting for me when the ship arrived.  Completed the ballot, mailed it, and it was received by my Board of Elections.  The second time:  no ballot had arrived.  


4 hours ago, Lois R said:

but now I do what I can........I have been very lucky and fortunate to sail as much as I have


We are of the same mind set.  I feel exactly as you do!  

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My partner and I always said we would do the World Cruise when I retired but sadly he died before then (at only 57 years old) and I really don't think I fancy doing such a long cruise solo. I had booked 39 nights from San Francisco to Hong Kong for earlier this year, which obviously got cancelled. I felt that was quite a good length of cruise for me and meant I could see some of Australia and New Zealand without having to suffer a really long-haul flight.

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20 hours ago, Britboys said:

My partner and I always said we would do the World Cruise when I retired but sadly he died before then (at only 57 years old) and I really don't think I fancy doing such a long cruise solo. I had booked 39 nights from San Francisco to Hong Kong for earlier this year, which obviously got cancelled. I felt that was quite a good length of cruise for me and meant I could see some of Australia and New Zealand without having to suffer a really long-haul flight.


Try to sail another long cruise like the one you had booked.  If you find that to be pleasant and enjoyable, then maybe consider a still longer one.  Easing into a world cruise is not a bad idea.  

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On 10/22/2021 at 5:55 PM, gerryuk said:

If your finances said yes, would you do a world cruise, travelling solo? The longest i have done solo on a cruise is 21 days. I was just looking at a well known site (sea scxxxxx) and window shopping some of their prices. Oceania have a 180 day world cruise for just 50,000euros, and that's in a balcony. Costa 30,000euros in a balcony, for their world cruise. And many more cheaper options if travelling solo in a inside cabin. The prices, although bank busting seems to me to be very reasonable. 

Has anybody done a world cruise, travelling solo?


 Yes. In 2017 I did a 38 day cruise to northern Europe with holland America. My husband stayed home with the cat. I was about 68 then and I had a wonderful time. It was fabulous. It was only my second cruise by myself And it was for a long period of time but i was so glad i did it!

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  • 1 month later...

I read you helped another person with an extended cruise. I’m going on a transatlantic cruise for 14 days then land time for another 14-21 days. Could you give me an idea of what I’ll need. Never been on a ship that long so I’m not 100% sure. Thanks. 

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52 minutes ago, Nvstg8 said:

I read you helped another person with an extended cruise. I’m going on a transatlantic cruise for 14 days then land time for another 14-21 days. Could you give me an idea of what I’ll need. Never been on a ship that long so I’m not 100% sure. Thanks. 

Honestly, just take what you usually take. You can wash clothes on the ship. On the port that you visit there's going to be small stores there so if you need something like toothpaste anything like that you can always buy it while you're in port. I did watch YouTube That said you should take a dental repair kit. Which I thought was very interesting. And I will do that, I'm going on a trip 25 days next year and that's 1 thing that I will take. I'm wondering where you're going?

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On 12/22/2021 at 9:07 AM, Nvstg8 said:

I read you helped another person with an extended cruise. I’m going on a transatlantic cruise for 14 days then land time for another 14-21 days. Could you give me an idea of what I’ll need. Never been on a ship that long so I’m not 100% sure. Thanks. 

I've been on cruises as short as 7-days and as long as 31-days plus a few days of land time. Other than consumables, I take pretty much the same things whether traveling for 5 days or for a month. As another poster mentioned, I do laundry - the line I usually cruise has a laundry service by the piece or at a per day unlimited rate and on longer cruises or higher loyalty levels the package is free. But if I have to pay for laundry, I do.


Clothing becomes more of an issue if the trip will include widely different climates. I deal with that mostly by layering but it does add some to the packing.


Consumables for me is toothpaste (a month's worth really isn't that much), sun screen (though I may also buy that as I go on longer trips) and medicine. With COVID, we are now packing enough medicine for an extra 14 days (though that may get reduced as shorter quarantine periods are becoming accepted). I always packed enough medicine for 5 extra days. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/31/2021 at 9:01 AM, PerfectlyPerth said:

In a heartbeat. 

I've done 3 Antarctica expeditions that were 30+ days. Then when I did a 24 day one it felt rushed and too short. I know I am fine splitting my time between sightseeing, resting, sea days, meeting people, or just doing my own thing when I need space. 

Whenever friends and I are talking about what we would do with a big lotto win - multiple round the world cruises are always at the top of our lists. 

Medications - simple - would just ask my doctor for whatever I need in bulk. I do that for all lengthy travels. And since my city has been in lockdown 6 times for over 260 days we have adapted procedures for meds now. All our prescriptions are now electronic - straight to my phone by SMS, then forward SMS to pharmacist who then posts it (or hand delivers) the same day.

So if there was a medication that could only be prescribed in small volume (Aus is more relaxed about it for travellers so it's never been an issue) I would just pick a future destination on my dream itinerary and have it sent there to an address suggested by the cruise line. 

Years ago I wrote a packing list for a year long cruise based on various blogs I had read here on CC. And a friend did a 4 month one (2 ships) a few years ago and I helped her plan it and then we rejigged our lists based on her experience afterwards. So I'm ready to go as soon as I win lotto !!! 🚢💰💰💰💰💰

I would love to see that list! 


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