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Should Cunard allow large 'Private Group' bookings

Solent Richard

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22 minutes ago, ballroom-cruisers said:

BklynBoy8: The experience we had as 'normal ballroom dancers' on that one QM2 cruise some years ago was sufficiently impacted that we have made sure we are not on the ship at the same time as such a group ever again, so continue to plan to avoid them on any voyage we take in the future. The group concerned on that occasion not only 'took over' the floor in the Queen's Room every evening, but also block booked G32 in the daytime for their private use - one afternoon I went in to G32 to use the normally empty floor for a bit of my own dance practice, and although nobody else was on the floor either, one of the 'group members' was in the room with a laptop and told me directly that the room was booked for the use of 'group members' only as a private reserved area!   In addition upon arriving in the Queens Room in the evening around 7.30pm an array of tables nearest the dance floor had jackets, sweatshirts, and glasses of drinks placed to 'reserve' those tables for group members, some of whom then were in dinner until up to two hours later to take their reserved chairs, which meant no normal passenger could then sit there whilst it was unoccupied - when this was brought to the attention of crew, no action was taken.  I am also sorry for any other normal dance passengers who experience these kinds of issues, and hope you can work out something for your planned July cruise. Although it is against forum rules to name the groups concerned or give any details, perhaps one of the Facebook private groups can share that information if anyone can't find it by searching on the net.


Dear Ball-Cruiser,

First Respectfully, you do have my sympathy of what you experienced and it is not right.


Sounds like My DW and I would be interested in watching you with you partner dance and even speak with you. As I am a traditional normal dancer enjoying slow dancing with my DW of 46 years, it's important to get away on a trip especially on the QM2 have that personal time to enjoy.


I really don't understand why the staff don't address this. How many other passengers feel like this. Sailing with Cunard since 1987, we never experienced this on our love, Queen Elizabeth's 2 Ball Room either in the Queen Room or Theater before the Evening Show. What times we enjoyed. Can the staff set rules over the evenings for fairness for all passengers use. I forgot what year we first noticed this. Think is was around 2017. I don't think it was in 2013 when on board.


I do hope this problem can be corrected in the future. I will try to remember to see if I can address this with the Entertainment Director in July just to see what he/she would say.


Till then enjoy you talent. I was once a Professional Ethnic Folk Dancer and know how rewarding dancing can be. 


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The Planetarium shows, if not available, will not cause me any concern.   My understanding is the shows have not changed since the QM2 was launched and we have seen the same ones on six different trips.    Some of the chair are still broken.    I will be interested in some of the literary presentations but won’t miss seeing them in the planetarium, there are much better venues on the QM2.


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41 minutes ago, Covepointcruiser said:

The Planetarium shows, if not available, will not cause me any concern.   My understanding is the shows have not changed since the QM2 was launched and we have seen the same ones on six different trips.    Some of the chair are still broken.    I will be interested in some of the literary presentations but won’t miss seeing them in the planetarium, there are much better venues on the QM2.


Although I agree that the planetarium definitely needs a refurbishment (broken chairs and others in poor shape), the shows I saw were fantastic and one of the highlights of the trip.  During the almost one month on board (October 25 to November 20), there were 6 different programs offered (some only offered twice and others offered more frequently).  Unfortunately, due to high demand, I was only able to see two of the 6 programs offered.  The reservations went quickly, and even waiting to see if there were any no shows didn’t work.  So if the literary festival takes over the venue, it will be very disappointing to me.

My other concern with the literary festival is whether all of the Insights lectures will be literary oriented?  One of the great aspects of the lectures on my last voyage was the diversity of topics - everything from science (oceanography and astronomy) to history (the Anglo Zulu war) to theater to cooking to British palaces,etc. While not all topics were of interest, there was something for just about everyone.  Even though both crossings on my last trip had a theme (Anthony Ingles Eastbound and Greatest Generation Westbound), neither dominated the offerings.  Furthermore, it seems that the literary festival will be taking over public spaces strictly for the those that booked through the literary group.  That just doesn’t seem right to me.




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19 hours ago, majortom10 said:

There were rooms on the ship where you were not allowed if you were not part of the Literature Festival.


Depends how often regular passengers were excluded and at what times as to how intrusive I'd find it. However, for a cruise  to evolve into a part charter AFTER bookings have been taken for the ''regular'' cruise though, isn't on in my opinion, however discreet the charter group is.

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11 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:


Dear Ball-Cruiser,

First Respectfully, you do have my sympathy of what you experienced and it is not right.




I do hope this problem can be corrected in the future. I will try to remember to see if I can address this with the Entertainment Director in July just to see what he/she would say.



Having spoken to the Entertainment Director on board on this kind of occasion, sadly it would appear that they are more sympathetic to the ensuing income from those groups who are 'more valuable' than one couple, than the request from one or even two individuals to help with their loss of amenity on the dance floor.


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19 hours ago, babs135 said:

The group's website is not difficult to find and is showing a crossing departing from Southampton on May 18th.  What stands out is a comment which states that unless you have booked with them you will be turned away from any of the venues. There will be 5+ private parties and 1 cocktail party.  Apparently regular passengers will be jealous of how they are dressed and envious of the fun they will be experiencing !!!  

How patronising.

I do understand that Cunard is a business and in these troubled times they don't want to turn custom away, but I'm glad I won't be on board.

 It's advertising blurb and a marketing tool souping up to impress.


I haven't read anything about these charters but if what you post is correct, it doesn't impress me one bit and I won't comment further with my thoughts on the attempt to imply any superiority over the regular passengers other than to say it's hilarious and  don't you just love it! 😄


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3 minutes ago, ballroom-cruisers said:


Having spoken to the Entertainment Director on board on this kind of occasion, sadly it would appear that they are more sympathetic to the ensuing income from those groups who are 'more valuable' than one couple, than the request from one or even two individuals to help with their loss of amenity on the dance floor.


In that case, if a large/intrusive charter is accepted by Cunard AFTER folk have booked, the booked passengers should be given the right to cancel/transfer without penalty.

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15 hours ago, ballroom-cruisers said:

I agree though whether Cunard would agree to it is a different matter!



To go off topic for a bit, this subject also reminds me of the Sundeck and Pool Deck "chair cheaters" when on a warm weather and Caribbean cruise.


Seeing passengers putting books, towels and personal goods on the lounges and going to breakfast or lunch and leaving stuff behind. And then coming back. Other passengers could have used those loungers for that time. 


I know some other lines will after certain amount of time remove the items and storage them for the owners to return to pick them up. Can't do that in the Qx Rm dancers.


The plain matter is courtesy to fellow passengers. But during the day I just thought the to subjects were close to each other in a matter of speaking.

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Well, I was booked on a Princess European cruise, and there was a private group soliciting travelers, and in the end, Princess kicked all of us independent travelers off the cruise and said it had been converted to a whole ship charter!  Thank goodness I had not yet booked my airfare.


I sailed on the QM2 to New England this past Summer, and I see that an affinity group is already advertising to book travelers on the same cruise for next Summer.  I agree I do not enjoy cruising with a big group unless I am a part of that group (ha ha)!

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10 hours ago, LibertyBella said:

Well, I was booked on a Princess European cruise, and there was a private group soliciting travelers, and in the end, Princess kicked all of us independent travelers off the cruise and said it had been converted to a whole ship charter!  Thank goodness I had not yet booked my airfare.


I sailed on the QM2 to New England this past Summer, and I see that an affinity group is already advertising to book travelers on the same cruise for next Summer.  I agree I do not enjoy cruising with a big group unless I am a part of that group (ha ha)!


Hi LibertyBella,

Are you trying to tell me something earlier.....ha ha ha ? ? ? (Our 4th July sailing)


We don't let it totally ruin our total sailing. Only know it's really in the Qx Rm more than the G32 Disco.


I don't think they even do this during Tea in the Queens because most of the ship attack that area early on and Tea dance is only once a sailing.


It a shame that other rooms on board aren't avail to dance. Pub and Chart is really only leisure listening.



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According to the TA's website:


Matt Tolentino & His Singapore Slingers will be on the 26th May 2023 - 2nd June 2023 crossing.

Alex Mendhem and his Orchestra will be on the 14th - 21st July 2023 crossing.

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12 hours ago, nadge said:

According to the TA's website:


Matt Tolentino & His Singapore Slingers will be on the 26th May 2023 - 2nd June 2023 crossing.

Alex Mendhem and his Orchestra will be on the 14th - 21st July 2023 crossing.


We were mentioning these private dancing groups not those that are entertainment.

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On 12/8/2022 at 11:45 PM, BklynBoy8 said:


We were mentioning these private dancing groups not those that are entertainment.

I think you may have misunderstood.
The crossings I mentioned above with the performers are the dates and bands for the private dancing groups.

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30 minutes ago, nadge said:

I think you may have misunderstood.
The crossings I mentioned above with the performers are the dates and bands for the private dancing groups.


To understand better your postings of bands traveling on board for private dancing groups, are these band exclusive for those groups alone and taking over a room like the Queens Room during an evening?


I would like to understand your posting as well as others that have been discussing groups that are not finding space in the Queen Room. And not able to enjoy the dance floor also due to the influx of a particular program. Anything in the Queens Room especially in the evenings are suppose to be open to the entire ship. 

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Some further info about the experience of being on Cunard ships with dance groups (based on my time sailing with one of those groups - never again!! and my multiple experiences being on the ship when they are on board):


Types of dance groups:  I've experience two types:  (1) a ballroom dance club from Baltimore, MD who have anywhere from 20-40 members on the ship, couples and singles.  They are not a business and do not make money from having their members sail on the ship - they may negotiate some kind of group discount from Cunard based on the number of cabins but there is no profit involved.  They do bring 1-2 of their own hosts who only dance with their members (assume that the amount each member pays is increased to cover the cost of the hosts' cabin).  This group is respectful of other passengers and do not monopolize the floor or do "showy", space intensive moves (such as traveling movements or large arm styling).  In the Queen's room, they tend to sit in the area to the right of the band; if you're facing the band, they sit directly to the right of the stage, so not in the front of the room as you enter.  The ship's hosts dance with their members and some of their club's male members (solos or husbands) will ask other, non-club women to dance.  This  group is fine and does not impede on the enjoyment of other dancers. 


The type which causes problems for many dancers are what I call the "for profit companies".  I sailed with one of the them once and have been on voyages with them, but I now check their web sites to avoid any ship they're on.  All the for profit dancing at sea companies seem to act the same way on board, which makes sense since they are selling their customers on dance, dance, dance. I won't re-state the issues noted in the posts above such as taking over huge, "prime" seating areas for the group; monopolizing the dance floor with choreographed dances; not adjusting their dance style for the number and ability of other dancers on the floor; etc.  At times, they tend to be vocal about their presumed dance skills versus the other people on the floor who are "in their way".


Ship locations used by dance groups:  Certainly, their prime reason for being on the ship is the Queens Room; they typically take advantage of the nightly taped ballroom music sessions in Queens Room (usually around 7-7:45).  They don't continue the evening in G32 or the Yacht Club.  During the day, they will sometimes reserve the Yacht Club (QV or QE) for a private event where they play their own music and dance.  I have NEVER seen them in the Queens Room during the day.  On the QE, I had a single cabin behind the casino and was bemused to see that the "for profit" hosts were using the marble floor area at the foot of the staircase (between the casino and the pub) to give their customers dance lessons.  It wasn't obtrusive but struck me as odd - as a student, I certainly wouldn't want to take a lesson there!  There were times during the day that I noticed a couple in the Yacht Club either practicing or perhaps having a lesson but the YC wasn't closed to others.

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Also, since there were questions way back in these postings about the Literary Festival at Sea, I just dis-embarked from that crossing.  I specifically chose the crossing for literary aspect but many of the passengers were not aware it was happening; those that I spoke with said they were happy to have the authors on board (or else, were being polite and not complaining....)


ALL THE LECTURES, PANELS, QUIZ, READINGS, etc were open to everyone on the ship!!!  The only events which you had to register for were writing workshops held in the various Connexions conference rooms which have space constraints.  The daytime literary events were held in the Royal Court and Illuminations (planetarium), usually 3 events per day in each location.  However, there were planetarium shows scheduled for late afternoons and evenings which were highlighted in the daily newsletter.  There were Festive Readings  held in Carinthia several nights at around 5:00 or 7:00.  Note that all events were strictly kept to a 45 minute timeframe.  The literary trivia quiz was held in Carinthia at 10:00 pm.  Book signings were set up in the Deck 2 hall & lobby area on specific days, highlighted in the newsletter;  all literary events were listed in the daily newsletter so that everyone on board would know where, when, what, etc.

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1 hour ago, Queenvee said:

Also, since there were questions way back in these postings about the Literary Festival at Sea, I just dis-embarked from that crossing.  I specifically chose the crossing for literary aspect but many of the passengers were not aware it was happening; those that I spoke with said they were happy to have the authors on board (or else, were being polite and not complaining....)


ALL THE LECTURES, PANELS, QUIZ, READINGS, etc were open to everyone on the ship!!!  The only events which you had to register for were writing workshops held in the various Connexions conference rooms which have space constraints.  The daytime literary events were held in the Royal Court and Illuminations (planetarium), usually 3 events per day in each location.  However, there were planetarium shows scheduled for late afternoons and evenings which were highlighted in the daily newsletter.  There were Festive Readings  held in Carinthia several nights at around 5:00 or 7:00.  Note that all events were strictly kept to a 45 minute time frame.  The literary trivia quiz was held in Carinthia at 10:00 pm.  Book signings were set up in the Deck 2 hall & lobby area on specific days, highlighted in the newsletter;  all literary events were listed in the daily newsletter so that everyone on board would know where, when, what, etc.


Thank you for both posts.

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Where can you see a list of these groups?  If you look them up by name, what would the names be?


I still think that Cunard should make that known to people as they are booking a cruise, it would save a lot of upset and aggravation.  I think I remember reading that someone else suggested a box that you had to tick when they were notifying you that a group would be on board.

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On 12/13/2022 at 11:07 AM, ballroom-cruisers said:

Useful to see these - I guess it will always remain our own responsibility to find if any groups are booking onto a voyage of potential interest for ourselves.

I do not agree.   If Cunard accepts a large group booking after selling you passage, they should permit you to withdraw without penalty -- because they are no longer providing the accommodations you purchased.--   and, they should advise you of the modified deal.

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20 hours ago, alibabacruisers said:

Where can you see a list of these groups?  If you look them up by name, what would the names be?


I still think that Cunard should make that known to people as they are booking a cruise, it would save a lot of upset and aggravation.  I think I remember reading that someone else suggested a box that you had to tick when they were notifying you that a group would be on board.

Just do a search for vintage dance groups

To confirm dates for this particular group will be April 30th, May 26th and July 14th

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18 hours ago, babs135 said:

Just do a search for vintage dance groups

To confirm dates for this particular group will be April 30th, May 26th and July 14th

Actually, if anyone can provide better leads, that would be helpful. "Vintage dance groups" brings up a bewildering variety of folk dancers, Fred Astaire impersonators, etc. "Cruise dance groups" isn't much better. Couldn't find any reference to the group on the April 30, 2023 departure. Is it permitted to post the actual names of the groups? Or is that too close to posting travel agencies?


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