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Updated vac/testing guidelines are now available


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1 hour ago, Mr. Click said:

Feeling really good right now, that I did not already book that Caribbean cruise for Feb out of FLL.   Going back to plan B to wait to see what the next round of vaccines offer in the  way of coverage for newer variants, especially if they are going to allow totally unvaxxed onboard.....Yep time to put it all back on hold.

The upcoming vaccine for Omicron is designed for original Omicron not the current variant.  We are now where we have been with the flu shots--always chasing variants with out of date shots.  

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The influx I see is people in general.  While sailings were being done at around 35% of capacity people were still getting sick, getting quarantined and that is not fun.  With larger passenger loads coming it means less space to maintain some distancing so it is a concern for me. We are all different in our needs, our concerns.  The harsh reality for me is I am well into my 70s, I am a  type 2 diabetic and 8 years ago I dodged what have been a very nasty heart attack.  All of that puts me in a high risk category so I am more careful that some others.  The first thing I need to see is what the fall brings in the way of new vaccines and what new protections they offer.  I still do travel domesticly but for now it is more outdoor stuff, more masking on airplanes and in general just being careful.  I have had two near death experiences in my life, it makes me stop and think a bit more now about the risks in what I do.  My life, my choices. 

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2 minutes ago, basenji56 said:

The upcoming vaccine for Omicron is designed for original Omicron not the current variant.  We are now where we have been with the flu shots--always chasing variants with out of date shots.  

Says?  I agree that it is becoming a chase but I have yet to see any data from the the FDA or the pharma on any of this.  

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Click said:

Says?  I agree that it is becoming a chase but I have yet to see any data from the the FDA or the pharma on any of this.  

Look at the timeline.  They started work on the Omicron vaccine early in this year.  That was when original omicron was circulating.  They cannot make vaccines within a month to catch the current variant.  If natural immunity to original omicron doesn't protect you from this week's variant, why would we believe that vaccination to original omicron protects you from this week's variant?


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The only things that are going to put an end to Covid are:  fully Vax, testing, masks. Until we all do this the cruising industry and so many other businesses are going to continue to struggle. 

With these relaxed rules, we are just going to see cases go way up again and then we start this terrible cycle all over again. 

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4 minutes ago, MrBill923 said:

The only things that are going to put an end to Covid are:  fully Vax, testing, masks. Until we all do this the cruising industry and so many other businesses are going to continue to struggle. 

With these relaxed rules, we are just going to see cases go way up again and then we start this terrible cycle all over again. 

The cruise industry will cease to exist if that is the supposed solution. They are bleeding money. The rest of society is easing restrictions, and the cruise industry has to do the same to have any hope of surviving. I'm honestly surprised they aren't moving quicker (like NCL) on rolling back the restrictions.

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16 minutes ago, MrBill923 said:

The only things that are going to put an end to Covid are:  fully Vax, testing, masks. Until we all do this the cruising industry and so many other businesses are going to continue to struggle. 

With these relaxed rules, we are just going to see cases go way up again and then we start this terrible cycle all over again. 

Quite the opposite actually. 


The cruise industry will get back on their feet properly once vaccination mandates, testing and masks have completely disappeared. 


Covid is never going away. Like the common cold and flu.


The rules haven't been relaxed enough, unfortunately because a handful of countries are being obstinate. I welcome the day when you can get on a cruise ship with the same covid related rules as going to the shops, cinema, staying in a hotel or getting on a plane...ie no rules whatsoever. 

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36 minutes ago, MrBill923 said:

The only things that are going to put an end to Covid are:  fully Vax, testing, masks. Until we all do this the cruising industry and so many other businesses are going to continue to struggle. 

In perpetuity?  No reason to believe at this time that it will ever be eliminated - any more than other airborne coronavirus ever has been. 

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The industry's costs have gone up for many reasons, not just Covid related. Customers want to sail again and would gladly fill up the ships. But until Covid cases fall off to a "cold type" virus, it's just going to continue to affect everyone's lives and businesses and keep people away. 

Obstinate countries? Countries that have way more problems than Covid, have to keep up stringent rules or they are in even more trouble. 

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1 minute ago, MrBill923 said:


Obstinate countries? Countries that have way more problems than Covid, have to keep up stringent rules or they are in even more trouble. 


Yes, obstinate. Can you give me any scientific or logical reason for Greece requiring all passengers to have a supervised covid test before boarding a ship in Italy, even though they won't be stepping foot on Greek soil for another 6 days? While at the same time not requiring anyone flying into the country to test at all. 


Also yes, customers DO want to sail again, but many can't be bothered with all the constantly changing hassle involved or fear of being locked in a room for 10 days because they had a slightly runny nose for 24 hours. 

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19 minutes ago, MrBill923 said:

The industry's costs have gone up for many reasons, not just Covid related. Customers want to sail again and would gladly fill up the ships. But until Covid cases fall off to a "cold type" virus, it's just going to continue to affect everyone's lives and businesses and keep people away. 

Did you miss the RCG press release?  Load factors based upon bookings for Fall 2022 and for 2023 are in great shape.


I think you may be projecting your own worries upon a cruising public that doesn't share them.



Edited by canderson
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13 minutes ago, MrBill923 said:

The industry's costs have gone up for many reasons, not just Covid related. Customers want to sail again and would gladly fill up the ships. But until Covid cases fall off to a "cold type" virus, it's just going to continue to affect everyone's lives and businesses and keep people away. 

Obstinate countries? Countries that have way more problems than Covid, have to keep up stringent rules or they are in even more trouble. 

I think you'd be surprised how many people have colds when boarding a cruise ship. We just don't track the numbers to death like we do with COVID. I understand the cruise industry appearing to approach things in a level-headed manner, but the logical side of justifying the reason for restrictions doesn't seem to make much sense any longer. I really think we're at a point that is opposite what you are thinking. People want to travel on cruises, but the restrictions are keeping them away. Why would I gamble an entire week+ off from work in the off chance that I test positive for a virus that I either show no symptoms for or never do? If someone is truly wanting to enjoy cruising without any risk of contracting an illness, they have chosen the wrong form of travel. You can travel the world in much "safer" ways.

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So much of this back and forth is over taking a monitored test that takes 15min and costs ~$25 and take a self-test that takes 15min and costs either free or ~$10 or so?


And if you think you shouldn’t be tested prior to boarding when the Greek port is 6 days or whatever later, and the requirement would then be to test 2 days prior On the ship of a few thousand….and when tested and you havent had any symptoms (or hiding them) and test positive and end up being quarantined is a much better option? And No, the option Isn’t telling a country to just do what you wish because….when you have No idea what their COIVD conditions are and even if its low, they may very well not want us bring in more.


So cancel a cruise because you dont want to do a monitored test. That’s the real option. 



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18 minutes ago, Denny01 said:

So much of this back and forth is over taking a monitored test that takes 15min and costs ~$25 and take a self-test that takes 15min and costs either free or ~$10 or so?


And if you think you shouldn’t be tested prior to boarding when the Greek port is 6 days or whatever later, and the requirement would then be to test 2 days prior On the ship of a few thousand….and when tested and you havent had any symptoms (or hiding them) and test positive and end up being quarantined is a much better option? And No, the option Isn’t telling a country to just do what you wish because….when you have No idea what their COIVD conditions are and even if its low, they may very well not want us bring in more.


So cancel a cruise because you dont want to do a monitored test. That’s the real option. 



I think people are never going to agree on this lol


The issue is nothing at all to do with spending £30 or whatever it is for a test. 


The issue is all of us finally managing to organise 2 weeks off work at the same time for an expensive holiday to be told at the very last minute no, you can't go on your holiday because, well not because you're at deaths door but because even tho you have no symptoms whatsoever, you have covid which may or may not be passed to someone else who may or may get a runny nose for a couple of days. And why can't we go on our holiday...because a country you'll be setting foot in for a few hours in 6 days says so. Oh, but if you want to get on a plane and go visit that country right now without testing and stay for a few weeks, thats just fine. If you can't see that that's utter nonsense then I don't even know anymore lol. 


If Greece was that concerned about covid "being brought into the country" (its already there btw) why not test the hundreds of thousands of tourists who are flying into the country this summer and spending a week or more there? Why just pick on those who will be on a Greek island for 6 hours after stepping off a cruise ship? 


Not everyone who cruises is retired. Its very difficult for those in our travelling party (and I'm sure the same for most people who work) to organise 2 weeks off at the same time. If one of us tests positive before the cruise we can't just shrug it off and say oh well, we'll rebook it in a month or so. It'll be at least another year before we would be able to all get the same time off again. 

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The crux of the matter isn't with the tests. It's the fact that the cruise industry is actively keeping people away from using it as a means to travel. You wonder why they're bleeding money...they literally will go under if they keep testing and vax restrictions in place.


Just think about it -- a family has a choice to travel to a resort without any testing or vaccine requirements for 5 days, or they can take a 5-day cruise in which they can be denied boarding and have their entire vacation ruined by testing positive for a virus that they may not have known they had otherwise because they didn't show symptoms and have been vaccinated already. Cost of doing business? Sounds like one is making an unwise business decision to me. But so long as people...feel...safe, I guess?

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19 hours ago, thethreeofus said:

Where do you see that we vacant use any test and not a proctored one?  You are the second person to state that and I don’t see it anywhere.

Somebody posted on another social media site something from Celebrity that said it did not need to be supervised. I have no idea where they got that and this may be leading to some confusion. What on earth would be the point of an unsupervised test because as was mentioned you could just take a picture of any one's negative test and use it for yourself.

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I believe that the majority of us  vaccinated or not will come down with Covid at some point if we haven't already.

Just like at one time most of us have had the flu, some severe some mild.  We can chose to lessen the risk of severe illness and get vaccinated or choose not to either way its  time to get back to enjoying life.

If a country wants to require testing for cruisers, that is their right and we have a choice to take a cruise from that country or find another itinerary.  


I'm glad the the restrictions and testing requirements are being reduced.


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4 minutes ago, Peteymil said:

Somebody posted on another social media site something from Celebrity that said it did not need to be supervised. I have no idea where they got that and this may be leading to some confusion. What on earth would be the point of an unsupervised test because as was mentioned you could just take a picture of any one's negative test and use it for yourself.

It is in some of the testing requirements for 9/5 and beyond.  One I am familiar with is the requirements for sailing from Barcelona.  Under Sailing Testing Requirements it reads. "Tests do no have to be monitored or proctored.  Test results can be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test."


If you want to check for yourself go the the X website and work your way to Barcelona departures,  then check the link for departures after 9/4.

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Here is an example that I’m tracking for departures from Italy (not including calling on Greek ports) that lists non-monitored pre-testing:


Sailing Testing Requirements:

All guests ages 2 and older must present a negative COVID-19 test result to board their sailing. A negative test result from any commercially available test, including self-tests, will be accepted. Tests do not have to be monitored or proctored. Test results may be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test.

Pre-Arrival/Embarkation Covid-19 Test

  • Vaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 2 days prior to sailing.
  • Unvaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 1 day of sailing.


No idea how the discipline of allowing non-monitored testing can be expected since there are soooo many options to work around that type of thing.



Edited by Denny01
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4 minutes ago, RichYak said:

There is none, yet here we are, with another senseless covid protocol.

At least it isn't costing us anything.  Got a bunch of free tests and no proctor charge.  It best paying to be tested.

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