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At sea with Covid: a positive report about a positive test result


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3 minutes ago, dog said:

Your posts make me smile- first post you talk about your devoted husband joining you in isolation & in a couple of other posts you have that handsome boyfriend with you on the balcony. Lucky!!

Hope you are all feeling better soon!

Same guy. Not ready to jump in the throuple pool. But boy howdy if the Rock ever becomes available…

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12 minutes ago, MichiganFisherman said:

So every person aboard should call medical center if they get a sniffle, sneeze, a slight cough aboard is what you're suggesting ? It's almost December and I assure you that Princess wants the opposite of what some are suggesting. They don't want you to come to medical because all that does is make things worse for them if 2000 people shown up at medical on every ship because they sneezed. 

Also, Princess DOES want exactly what we said. They told us so, almost in those exact words, at the CC M&G. Call the med center with anything that seems off, even if you just start sniffing a little or your throat suddenly feels a little scratchy. That’s from the source. They’d rather catch it early and nip it than have the ship turn into Dawn of the People Who Wouldn’t Think of Anything Other Than Their Own Selfish Momentary Pleasure So That Now Everyone Is Hacking Up A Lung And No One At All Is Having A Good Time.  You know. THOSE people. Don’t be THOSE people.

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9 minutes ago, bnickle said:

Also, Princess DOES want exactly what we said. They told us so, almost in those exact words, at the CC M&G. Call the med center with anything that seems off, even if you just start sniffing a little or your throat suddenly feels a little scratchy. That’s from the source. 

I agree that is what they said at M&G.

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2 minutes ago, DrSch said:

If you get a sniffle.. no.  


If you get a scratchy throat, feel a little out of sorts, tired possibly.


If you get  a fever absolutely.  Fever is going to be covid or flu this time of year, both are highly contagious.


Princess (and all of Carnival's lines) are going back to requiring masks.. so that should help control it


I've had to learn to pay attention to very subtle signs that would indicate that I am actually sick because fever is not a reliable indicator for me. I also have severe allergies so I am congested and sneezing almost daily.  Thankfully, my allergies tend to improve at sea🙂 I do pay attention to a cough, scratchy throat, swollen glands; basically any changes to what is normal for me and I would not go out in public if I noticed those sorts of symptoms.


Fever is most often an indicator of contagious illness but not always. I had a very serious bout of COVID in March 2020; I ended up with long COVID. For nearly two full years, I spiked a fever every single afternoon that usually would last through the evening and until my body could rest for the night. It happened every single day! My body could not properly regulate temperature and as the day went on it would get harder and harder for my body to keep up and the fever would arrive. I could feel totally fine and still have a fever of 102°F. This is no longer a daily occurrence but it does still happen on occasion. The first 9+ months I didn't know what to do, my doctor assured me over and over again that I was not contagious but I was scared to go out anywhere because if there were temperature checks people would assume that I was sick. Eventually, I had to accept my doctor's promise that I wasn't contagious and her strong suggestion that I not worry about anybody else getting mad if they found out I had a fever and to live my life. She even suggested that I take fever suppressing medication if I knew that there was going to be a temperature check for something important (obviously, only as long as I had no other indications that I might be unwell). I did continue to wear a mask in public for the two years that I dealt with this daily and would still do so if I needed to go somewhere on the less frequent afternoons/evenings that I now deal with this. I do that just in case I am missing another sign but I can't be expected to stay home for the rest of my life. I would not go to the medical center for a fever alone (unless it was higher than is normal for me) but my husband definitely would (because it isn't normal for him).


I share this because we need to try to stop judging people when we just don't know enough to understand a person's, possibly unique, circumstances.

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3 hours ago, bnickle said:

Welp, it’s been a voyage. Highs and lows of waves, temperatures, and enough phlegm to keep the CDC busy for decades to come. 


We’re on the Emerald (comin’ at ya LIVE, ya’ll!) headed from Southampton to Ft. Lauderdale.  We had sipped our way through Bordeaux, enjoyed the Cherbourg Countryside, sampled tapas in Spain, and enjoyed Portuguese pixtos and wine. We were looking forward to relaxing, enjoying some sea days, and heading home after a delightful finish to a long retirement tour. Then….sniff sniff. Cough cough. 


I had a sore throat and congested head suddenly one evening. Next morning, called the medical center. They were at the door promptly, and gave each of us a test. I had several self test kits with us, and we had tested every three days since we had left home several weeks before. The last test, taken two days before, had been negative, and we had no symptoms, so when my test was positive I was surprised. And probably a little curt with the poor Princess med tech. “Are you **** kidding me” was probably not a shining moment for me, but there it was.


Once you test positive, things move quickly. We were given the choice of my husband staying in the cabin, enjoying some freedom of movement around the ship, and being monitored by testing every few days, or he could come with me to the isolation deck and he would also be completely isolated.  He said there was no choice; he was coming with me. Which was sweet of him (and I already think the sun shines because he lets it) but I have worried the entire time we’ve been in our iso digs that he’d get sick. Anyway…the decision was made, belongings were randomly thrown into suitcases, and we were taken up to the Aloha deck to our new palace on the sea.  


That was Tuesday, Nov 15, and we are still in our comfy cozy quarters, awaiting tomorrow morning’s test, which will determine if we stay longer or go back to our original quarters.


Things to know:

- I need to write a letter of apology (I was angry and felt crappy and took it out on people who were simply following policy) and of gratitude to Princess. The staff has, without exception, been kind and understanding and patient. All the things I try to be, but failed at this last week. 

- Once you test positive, Princess works hard to soften the sharp edges of a bad situation. The medical staff was in continual contact with us, patiently answering questions. Guest services checked on us a couple of times each day, ensuring that all our needs were met. The room service team was kind and patient and always offered a cheerful query as to how we were feeling. 

- You can order anything off of any of the menus (Supplemental charges still apply for premium restaurants), and Princess does it’s best to see that your choices are varied as if you’re sitting at a table in the Main Dining Room.

- The crew that works the iso floor, delivering food, messages, drinks, laundry, and just random stuff that you suddenly need right now because YOU ARE SICK, DANG IT simply does not get paid enough for the patience and kindness they show in their front-line duties. We are appreciative of their sunny smiles and cheerful tolerance of my sick-bed grumpiness. 

- My outlook improved tremendously when I realized that I may be ill, and feeling crappy, but I’m still sitting on a balcony in 74 degree weather, looking out over a calm ocean, sitting beside my handsome boyfriend and sipping down all the cold water I can get my hands on. Life is still good. 

- Lastly, I did not know the human body could produce so much phlegm. Seriously. TMI, I totally get, but…dude. I’m expecting a call from Ripley’s Believe it or Not any day now. 


Any questions, drop ‘em here. Happy to answer ‘em. In the meantime, wash your hands. Then wash them again. And, like we were told at our CC Meet and Greet, if you have the slightest indication something is not quite right, call the med center. That is all. 

So, how many days are you in now?

Is your test now on day 6?  How about your DBF?  Is he negative?  If he shows positive, do you start your 5 days again?


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1 minute ago, PacnGoNow said:

So, they test at day 5 and if you’re negative you are free. Are you saying it can easily be 10 days that you show positive?




Well... assuming you didn't get exposed again on day 4, you should be fine.  You will think you have it on day 3, and know you have it on day 4.  10 days from day 0, so if you don't show positive until day 3, it's about a week that the tests come back positive.  I think after 5 or 6 days they say you can go back into public (with a mask and being careful).  I took the antivirals when I got it, and felt better by day 6.  My brother did too, but he rebounded, which seems to be one of the problems with being on the antivirals.  But its also different for everyone.. these are just approximate dates based on my and some other people I know having it back in August. 


I did a cruise in September, the ship was half empty, I still wore a mask when indoors in crowds except at dinner(and all the ship personnel were always wearing them as well) and had no issues.


There is a new variant since then. so all bets are off.

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6 minutes ago, PacnGoNow said:

So, how many days are you in now?

Is your test now on day 6?  How about your DBF?  Is he negative?  If he shows positive, do you start your 5 days again?



This is just my understanding, but if I test neg starting tomorrow, I get the boot back to my original cabin. They’ve been monitoring my handsome boyfriend, and he’s negative so far. If he tests positive I think that yes, his clock then starts ticking. We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. 

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Do you know if someone does test positive and did want paxlovid if it is something they offer?  If they did I’m curious what the cost might be or if the passenger had princess insurance if that might cover it.  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  

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1 minute ago, stive1 said:

Do you know if someone does test positive and did want paxlovid if it is something they offer?  If they did I’m curious what the cost might be or if the passenger had princess insurance if that might cover it.  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  

not sure if the ships offer it.  In the USA, it's not an approved medicine, so many Doctors can't prescribe it. However there are online Doctors that can, and a pharmacist can prescribe it to you as well.. it was free when I got it, and I have an extra one on hand for when I travel should I ever need it.

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1 minute ago, stive1 said:

Do you know if someone does test positive and did want paxlovid if it is something they offer?  If they did I’m curious what the cost might be or if the passenger had princess insurance if that might cover it.  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  

Ok, coming at you from my own perspective, which is a of a case of covid likened to a bad head cold, treated with over the counter drugs and requiring no further intervention. That is, I was never at a point where ventilation or hospitalization should be considered. Paxlovid had been recommended for me to look into by another passenger, and I did. What I learned from my research is that it’s approved by the FDA on an emergency basis, and that long term side effects are not known. It’s recommended that Paxlovid be introduced to the patient if the patient is in imminent danger of mechanical intervention or whose body is defying other treatments. Also, it needs to be used within a certain number of days of being diagnosed. It’s better for patients already suffering from chronic auto-immune illnesses or with chronic respiratory issues. 


Princess will cover all other meds and treatments, but not Paxlovid, and the cost of the first three treatment regimen is $700. That last bit I got from the med office on board the ship.

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My husband self-tested five days ago, and was quarantined based on his self-reporting. He has NOT yet been tested by the medical staff, and will not be tested by them until tomorrow morning, which is our 6th day in quarantine. As his close contact (I voluntarily entered quarantine with him), I was tested on Day 3 (negative) and Day 5 (positive).

I just received a letter from the Emerald medical team confirming that I tested pos and will be taken off the ship at 10 am on disembarkation day, the 23rd. 



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4 minutes ago, LidoLiz said:

My husband self-tested five days ago, and was quarantined based on his self-reporting. He has NOT yet been tested by the medical staff, and will not be tested by them until tomorrow morning, which is our 6th day in quarantine. As his close contact (I voluntarily entered quarantine with him), I was tested on Day 3 (negative) and Day 5 (positive).

I just received a letter from the Emerald medical team confirming that I tested pos and will be taken off the ship at 10 am on disembarkation day, the 23rd. 



I am guessing they are doing PCR tests?  What is the turn around time on them?

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1 hour ago, stive1 said:

Do you know if someone does test positive and did want paxlovid if it is something they offer?  If they did I’m curious what the cost might be or if the passenger had princess insurance if that might cover it.  So sorry you are having to deal with this.  

We got Paxlovid on board in August on the Royal. Pills cost $750 but the are also blood tests to rule out kidney issues and doctors fee. I paid just over $1,000. My health care provider reimbursed me when I returned

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1 hour ago, DrSch said:

I am guessing they are doing PCR tests?  What is the turn around time on them?

It looked like the same rapid test we are using, but it could have been a PCR. They will only call you if you test positive, and my call came within a couple of hours. 
Guest Services has been calling twice a day asking how we are feeling and if we need anything. I ordered a kettle today so I can make my own hot tea.

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4 hours ago, Coral said:

I agree that is what they said at M&G.

   Sorry you and your wife have had to go thru this ordeal. We will be boarding this ship when you get off of it.  If you should still test positive will Princess transport you to a Fort Lauderdale hotel for five days or what ? 

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@minabruuke:  I'm sorry you've come down with long COVID.  Life has to have been especially rough for you.  


@LidoLiz:  I'm sorry you caught this nasty little bug.  Get well soon. 🙏


@bnickle:  As our OP, I'd like to thank you for this thread and your updates.  I'm sorry you and your S.O. caught it.  I'm glad you seem to be treated well.  I'm glad that Paxlovid is available for those that want or need it.  I wish you well on your tests.  Get well soon. 🙏 #covidstillexists

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27 minutes ago, jc foster said:

   Sorry you and your wife have had to go thru this ordeal. We will be boarding this ship when you get off of it.  If you should still test positive will Princess transport you to a Fort Lauderdale hotel for five days or what ? 

Friends a few month ago on NCL were escorted off the ship by the hazmat crew after everyone else left and then they took them to the taxi line. Since they were the last ones, it was a long line and much harder when you are sick with covid.

There is no testing requirement for flying in the US.

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6 hours ago, DrSch said:

not sure if the ships offer it.  In the USA, it's not an approved medicine, so many Doctors can't prescribe it. However there are online Doctors that can, and a pharmacist can prescribe it to you as well.. it was free when I got it, and I have an extra one on hand for when I travel should I ever need it.

I had the ‘rona a couple weeks ago (husband had it and passed it to me) and my doctor (in USA) prescribed paxlovid to me. Picked it up at CVS. I have had some pretty good bouts with bronchitis in the past. My ONLY ‘rona symptom was a runny nose. No fever, no low oxygen, no chills, no body aches, nothing. In fact there was no charge for it.

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7 hours ago, DrSch said:



Princess (and all of Carnival's lines) are going back to requiring masks.. so that should help control it

Source? I've seen nothing about this anywhere. On a few random ships but not for the entire line and certainly not for all of the Carnival Corp ships.

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9 hours ago, memoak said:

This is way different from my experience on the Royal where we never heard from medical once we tested positive. Thrown into isolation with hundreds of others, Pilates of dishes pile up for days outside the cabin etc. probably due to how many were quarantined. There were so many of us that when we disembarked the line wound all the way around prom deck

When were you on the Royal?

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2 hours ago, LMADAMS91 said:

Source? I've seen nothing about this anywhere. On a few random ships but not for the entire line and certainly not for all of the Carnival Corp ships.


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