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Melandria was awarded the badge 'Great Review'

We boarded on 4-7

I will start with the good, which was overwhelmingly positive.   Then I will get into the not so good.  

The embarkation process was lovely.    Smooth and fast.   

The room was perfect, SO much space. 

Our butler, Roselyn, introduced herself and while she was rather rushed (she had a lot of rooms to deal with) she was lovely and attentive.     Our Junior Butler was Michael.   Throughout the entire cruise there was rarely a time we couldn’t locate him if we needed to. He was always at hand and always attentive.   

The food- 10+/10

We had breakfast and lunches on deck 20 at the YC buffet.    The food was simply spectacular.   The deck 20 staff was brilliant.     I never waited more than 2 minutes for a latte (SO good) or a drink.   They were great at helping me find new drinks to try. The deck 20 bartenders were better than the full sail bartenders on deck 16.  They didn’t pour as heavy making drinks more enjoyable. (My personal opinion which is why I specified why I liked 20 better!!)

We had dinners in the YC MDR.   The staff was EXCELLENT.   The food was superior.    The quality of the food amazed me, especially after all the bad food reviews I heard.   I *can* see why Americans complain- there’s not a lot of fried high carb garbage.    There was a lot of Mediterranean style cooking and everything was fresh and really very tasty.   My 6’7 son (17 years old) was not hungry the entire time because the food was very good and very plentiful (anyone who’s tried to keep a refrigerator stocked for a 17 year old boy who plays football and lacrosse knows how impressive this is) 

My husband decided he wanted to see why people complained about the food so he went to the main buffet for the ship (NON yacht club).  He said the food there was the exact same as what was on deck 20, but with more variety.    (Deck 16 main buffet)   There was a pizza area there that was unreal.   Brick oven pizza in any variety you could ask for.   

NO ONE does cheese, wine, or pasta like the Italians.     They were a highlight.   

On top of coming home without carb cravings, I actually lost 3 lbs on the cruise.  NOT bc the food was bad.    But because the protein options were FANTASTIC.   There just wasn’t a lot of high carb options Americans are used to.   

Entertainment on the ship was a 7/10.   The comedian was SO funny.   He gets a 10/10.  The dueling pianos was great- the guy playing could play that piano like a BOSS, but when he sang he was utterly tone deaf (which was in a way its own kind of entertainment 🤣

The casino-  5/10.  

For the entire cruise they had ONE blackjack table with a 10$ buy in.    One.   There was never a seat available.     There was a 50$ and a 75$ buy in table that never had anyone there.    That was a bit of a disappointment.   

The shopping 8/10 
The typical onboard shopping was very average.   

The pros: 
At NO point did anyone try to sell me a photo package or a piece of crappy art.    I LOVED not having that nonsense pushed every single day.   

The staff in the YC was overwhelming lovely (with one exception mentioned below).    Taking that person out- 10+/10.     Leaving him in- 7/10.  

The ugly: 

Now I’d like to preface this by saying I’m in a wheelchair.     After 10 years of being in it exclusively, I had a surgery last October and I’ve been working VERY hard and I can now walk, with a cane, up to 25 feet on my own.   This for me has been a major win.     But it caused a complication.    As I was previously exclusively in the chair, I have a VERY nice one.   It elevates to the height of my husband, and it’s a bit wider than the average chair to maintain stability at height. 

At our stop in grand cayman, it was a tender deembarkation.  (You get off the ship onto a smaller tender boat and that boat takes you to the dock).     My husband and son left early in the morning for their excursion and my plan was to meet them for some shopping after their return to port.   

In the morning I went to the concierge desk to inquire if I needed to make arrangements in advance (accessible tender boat..?).   Mr William Singleton advised me that because of the width and weight of my chair, it would “be impossible madam”.  That tracked so I didn’t think much of it.    “But you’re not bound to the chair” he said.   I was a little taken aback but I explained that I simply couldn’t manage walking a port shopping area without it.  I hated missing the port but you come to accept some of life’s little inconveniences after so long.  He wasn’t rude, but he was firm.  It simply couldn’t happen.   Other chair were able to because they’re not as large, he explained.    It made sense.      I enjoyed my day on deck 20 with the staff.    It gave me a lot of opportunity to chat with them, and that was lovely.    

On the last day, I went to the concierge desk and inquired about getting my port fees back for that day.   (I had only brought 500 for tips and frankly I wanted to tip a lot more.    I wanted to use it as extra tips!! 🤣). 

First- he tried gaslighting.  “Madame you didn’t want to exit at that port” (umm, yes I did.   That was my whole purpose of going to the desk).    He then flatly refused “it’s not possible Madame”.     I am a pretty passive person so I just left.    

Almost immediately I ran into the YC director Melania.      I told her what had happened.    She looked shocked.    “Of course we could have managed your chair in grand cayman!!!”  I was perplexed.    He was very clear that I couldn’t.   

She said she would check with him and get back to me at dinner time.    Which she did.    She advised that “he never said that.   It was a miscommunication”.     I assure you it was not.    He was very clear, and I did not appreciate being called a liar (or an idiot who can’t understand basic information).       She DID refund the port fees so I left it.      That night trying to sleep I got angry.    How dare he call me a liar.    Do you think I’d jeopardize my integrity for a 50$ port fee when I’d just tipped more than 10x’s that?    

Mr William Singleton was the ONLY part of my cruise that wasn’t spectacular.    (From MSCs standpoint.      We also had a catastrophe of an excursion that was in no way MSCs fault and we got scammed in Mexico at a duty free shop.    Happy to answer any questions about that in the comments) 

Overall- WOULD 100% do again.    Any cruise is what you make of it.     This one was particularly fantastic outside of ONE bad employee who is NOT fit for leadership in such a great organization.     

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OMG< Totally agree!! Had the SAME interaction with Concierge William in February.  He literally lied to me outright!!  One the 2nd day of the cruise I asked him why I did not have pringles/toblerone/etc in mini bar.  (Yes, it's minor but I Love it).  He lied and said that "Corporate would not be providing anymore."  I asked when this happened and he said "as of yesterday when you boarded."  It was 100% BS.  I did get it squared out with Melania who is lovely but he needs to go!!

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Posted (edited)

I am always one to "help improve" service on a ship. And I am never shy about going directly to the Hotel Director should their be an issue such as the "miscommunication". I would have asked the YC Director for a meeting with the Hotel Director immediately. And if they did not comply (you gave them a chance) go directly to the Hotel Director. 


I would add that we are MSC Diamond, Royal Caribbean Diamond, NCL Diamond, and Cunard Platinum level. So, we do a fair amount of cruising (6-7 cruises a year). And don't want to go home angry. 

Edited by BirdTravels
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5 minutes ago, BirdTravels said:

I am always one to "help improve" service on a ship. And I am never shy about going directly to the Hotel Director should their be an issue such as the "miscommunication". I would have asked the YC Director for a meeting with the Hotel Director immediately. And if they did not comply (you gave them a chance) go directly to the Hotel Director. 

I wished I’d done that.   Honestly I do.    I’m not sure if he’s lazy, or just makes a game out of how many times he can tell a passenger no, or just woefully misinformed.   Based on the comment above this one, I doubt it’s the latter.    

MSC would have gotten a 10+++++/10 if it weren’t for him.  

still hands down the best cruise we have ever taken.    But he left a bad taste on the last day.   

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A sidetrack.

You said you had the port fees cancelled because you didn't leave the ship? I haven't left the ship in Nassau, Cozumel, etc for a long time... Is it a gauranty you get your money back or only a request? I knew you get them back if you are a no show at embarkment but i figured once you walk on the ship you bought it if you go off the ship in port or not.

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37 minutes ago, If_this_is_tuesday said:

A sidetrack.

You said you had the port fees cancelled because you didn't leave the ship? I haven't left the ship in Nassau, Cozumel, etc for a long time... Is it a gauranty you get your money back or only a request? I knew you get them back if you are a no show at embarkment but i figured once you walk on the ship you bought it if you go off the ship in port or not.

Not leaving the ship because you don't want to, vs not being able to because of the ship's inability to get your chair off are two very different scenarios.     The OP did not say she got the fees refunded because she didn't leave the ship - more because they were unable to support her disembarking at a port of call.   


If you choose not to leave the ship then that's a choice and under no circumstances are you entitled to a refund.

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50 minutes ago, Djsmrs said:

Not leaving the ship because you don't want to, vs not being able to because of the ship's inability to get your chair off are two very different scenarios.     The OP did not say she got the fees refunded because she didn't leave the ship - more because they were unable to support her disembarking at a port of call.   


If you choose not to leave the ship then that's a choice and under no circumstances are you entitled to a refund.

Good. I'm glad to hear that. Maybe i didn't express myself very well. 

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10 hours ago, Morgsmom said:

OMG< Totally agree!! Had the SAME interaction with Concierge William in February.  He literally lied to me outright!!  One the 2nd day of the cruise I asked him why I did not have pringles/toblerone/etc in mini bar.  (Yes, it's minor but I Love it).  He lied and said that "Corporate would not be providing anymore."  I asked when this happened and he said "as of yesterday when you boarded."  It was 100% BS.  I did get it squared out with Melania who is lovely but he needs to go!!

I somehow expect that too was a “miscommunication”.  That guy.   Like I said above I’m not sure if he’s lazy or just makes a game out of how many passengers he can say no to.    

At the port getting to my car another lady from the YC commented.   (My son wasn’t happy and as we exited the YC with our butler for deembarkation he looked him square in the eye and said ‘no one respects someone who lies to cover their backside’.   She had heard it).  Apparently she had an issue with him as well when she asked if she was allowed to take the big blue pool towels back to the room.     (Of course you are.   Everyone does it).  He told her no also.    

Maybe it’s just the women?    No idea.    In any event, I agree.   He needs to go.  

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Thanks for your review. Sorry for your problem with the concierge. Unfortunate that there seems to be some "inadequate" personnel in YC. A recent post of a family of 4 being turned away at embarkation lunch. Along with you, later in the week the YC director became aware.

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13 hours ago, Melandria said:

I somehow expect that too was a “miscommunication”.  That guy.   Like I said above I’m not sure if he’s lazy or just makes a game out of how many passengers he can say no to.    

At the port getting to my car another lady from the YC commented.   (My son wasn’t happy and as we exited the YC with our butler for deembarkation he looked him square in the eye and said ‘no one respects someone who lies to cover their backside’.   She had heard it).  Apparently she had an issue with him as well when she asked if she was allowed to take the big blue pool towels back to the room.     (Of course you are.   Everyone does it).  He told her no also.    

Maybe it’s just the women?    No idea.    In any event, I agree.   He needs to go.  

Maybe it’s just the women?


That would be upsetting if accurate.

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Posted (edited)

I’m sorry that happened to you. I too would be fuming. Thanks for the heads up. We will be on the seashore on 5/5.If I have to interact with him and question what he tells me I will ask for the YC director immediately and if necessary the hotel director. I’m also happy about the heads up for Deck 20! I too Prefer lighter drinks. 

Edited by Mommapadraig
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Have you written to MSC explaining this problem? The guy is clearly annoying a number of customers, but if head office don't know, they can't take action. Putting it in writing has more chance of securing improvements. 

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20 minutes ago, PTC DAWG said:

I don’t see the OP being entitled to returned port fees myself..


I don't either (I didn't think any wheelchairs could go on any tenders.  How does a wheelchair manuveur that little ramp or couple of steps???)....but let's just say her port fee refund is classified under "good will"

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12 hours ago, Huntingdon1701 said:

Have you written to MSC explaining this problem? The guy is clearly annoying a number of customers, but if head office don't know, they can't take action. Putting it in writing has more chance of securing improvements. 

I did put it in the after cruise review.    Should I write to them outside of that? 

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8 minutes ago, Melandria said:

I did put it in the after cruise review.    Should I write to them outside of that? 


Given the issue was quite a big one, I would. They pull out general trends from the reviews but not always things like this. It's up to you, of course.

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