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NCL Switched our Cabin assignment for June!

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I don't doubt the original Posters post at all. I am a Travel Agent with a very large chain in Canada. We are so sick and tired with dealing with NCL customer service that we don't tend to recommond NCL much anymore. Even our sales rep can't help us much when we complain. Not that we don't like the product, we are very fond of the product. Just not fond of the service that one gets, even as a TA. I hope everything works out for the OP though... you would think they could upgrade them somehow... gesh...


You probably have different service reps? Even if you do, I am sure that none of them would speak like this one did.


They may not get your problem "fixed" but I hope they are professional.:)

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I don't doubt the original Posters post at all. I am a Travel Agent with a very large chain in Canada. We are so sick and tired with dealing with NCL customer service that we don't tend to recommond NCL much anymore. Even our sales rep can't help us much when we complain. Not that we don't like the product, we are very fond of the product. Just not fond of the service that one gets, even as a TA. I hope everything works out for the OP though... you would think they could upgrade them somehow... gesh...


I don't think anyone doubts the OP but I think the whole situation is odd.

Cabins switched around. TA is not informed or does not notice. Customer unforunately does not notice immediately. Customer realizes cabins have been changed and informs the TA! TA says NCL will not fix it and has customer listen in on an interesting phone call to NCL. TA seems to show little enthusiasm for pursuing the matter to higher levels at NCL .

I mean there are reasons to have a TA and not deal directly with the cruiseline - having an enthusiastic customer advocate when a problem arises is one of them. My TA ALWAYS checks cabin assignments on any documentation received from NCL and when we did have an issue over a cruise credit, she pursued it with NCL until it was fixed and she certainly did not just "accept" what the first customer service rep told her.

NCL customer service may indeed be totally to blame here but there is also something very odd and passive about the way the TA is handling it.

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One more time - got a problem fix it. In time we have debated this situation here it could and should have been resolved. I don't care who's mistake it is.


You TA calling a CSR several different times is a total waste of time. They are only going to give the same answer. One NO and up until there is no more up is the rule of resolution.


Compose a brief email send to someone who is in a position to make a discision that can corect or at least provide some compensation for the "mistake"


Be reasonable and clear an what you think is fair. I would just like my original booking restored"


I would include the The name , date, and time along with your tranascript above.


One thing that we will find out is


a. That person never worked here and we have no record of the call




b. That person no longer works here and we are working to restore your booking.


Having your TA and the President of the Agency call a CSR is foolish and a waste of everyones time.


Rule number one of complainig - Never complain to anyone who can't fix the problem.


This message board can not fix the problem, a front line CSR can not fix this problem, A first line supervisor can not fix this problem.



When my booking got dropped the intinial answer I got was sorry nothing we can do. I ended up in the same cabin on the same day and everything was resolved in less time this thread as been here.

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But shoreguy, you do have some amazing contacts at NCL :) your "situation" probably got escaled to the right decision makers pretty fast!



Nevertheless, I agree, the OP ought to send a well written letter via fax, email and registered mail to Mr. Veitch's office. I'd even mention that her situation is the subject of significant interest on CC and include the URL of the thread.

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Trina and Shoreguy: I am in the process of writing a letter right now. I wanted to at least attempt to solve this problem through the TA before writing to the top. But now that it appears all options at the local level are exhausted, we move up the ladder. I do not think having the TA call NCL (I'm not sure who they talked to there however), was a logical step. Why burden higher ups with something that perhaps could be solved at the lower level. People have been criticized on here for going right to the top and not attempting to fix it at lower levels, now I am being criticized for not going right to Mr. Veitch??


I am still VERY bothered by the rudeness shown by the NCL person on the other end. I work in job where I have to deal with people from time to time who can be very upset and if I had been as rude as this person, I would be long fired. It is sometimes difficult to deal with people who want something that you cannot or will not give, but you can still be polite. No one at our end ever rose their voice. (and most importantly, profanity should never be allowed or tolerated!)


(oh, and I really do want to meet these people who NCL bent over backward to move us for!)

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(oh, and I really do want to meet these people who NCL bent over backward to move us for!)
I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have some stranger in their face ranting about something they probably know nothing about. Great way to start a vacation! :rolleyes: Let us know how that goes and if anyone is brought to tears. Thanks. ;)
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Keystone, you did the right thing trying to resolve locally imo.


My advice, "let go" of your issues over *who* has your original cabins. At this point, it could simply be the crib/space problem which I would think is your TAs fault. Or it could be any number of things. I sincerely doubt it is a VIP taking over "your" cabin - so again, you'll be happier with your cruise if you just focus on trying to get comparable accomodations.


Also, keep an open mind on fault - you don't know where it lies (or who lies, for that matter!!)


I think that putting anyone on an open speaker without identifying who was listening in is a HORRIBLE business practice. Shame on your TA for not introducing you and trying to keep this constructive. (Shame also on NCL if in fact that was an NCL rep.)


Take the approach "the facts are unclear, I just want my situation resolved."


Good luck - and please have fun/put this behind you even if the result is not what you hope - not worth ruining your vacation for!!

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But shoreguy, you do have some amazing contacts at NCL :) your "situation" probably got escaled to the right decision makers pretty fast!





The only contacts I have in Miami came from these boards. My first contacts were to try and resolve issues. They were not escalated to the right person but delegate to the right person:)

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I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have some stranger in their face ranting about something they probably know nothing about. Great way to start a vacation! :rolleyes: Let us know how that goes and if anyone is brought to tears. Thanks. ;)


Well said Cecilia.


Keystone, it is absurd that you want to take out your anger on the occupants of the suites. Remember, you didn't get bumped out of the Garden Villa, or the Owner's Suite....it was an aF....about 12 categories down from the top. That's not where "VIPs" are put.


These are probably other cruisers looking to enjoy their vacation.


Hey...what's the actual cabin number in question? Maybe it'll be another CC member and you can ruin their vacation BEFORE it starts!

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I'm sure they'll be thrilled to have some stranger in their face ranting about something they probably know nothing about. Great way to start a vacation! :rolleyes: Let us know how that goes and if anyone is brought to tears. Thanks. ;)


Turn around is fair play - more irony - OP is successful in getting the original cabins back - those moved hunt him down to get in his face and ruin the cruise:eek: :D


just not a good idea either way

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I agree totally with Vegas Green on all points. (You really know the NCL system)


Shame on your TA for not announcing you as the guest on the speaker phone and double shame for your TA for not asking for a supervisor immediately after those comments by the NCL rep! It makes me think there is more here something the TA is not owning up to???


Have you asked your TA how he/she made the reservation?

Did he/she book them by calling NCL direct? Or through her booking engine like Apollo, Amadeus ? The reason I ask is if she called NCL direct there is no way the baby could be booked in a cabin for 2, it MUST be in a triple cabin with a crib request, just as VegasGreen said.


You'll catch more fly's with honey than vinegar! :D I wouldn't confront the other passengers, they are just as Innocent as you are. Neither one of you did anything wrong. It will get resolved, but don't let it ruin your vacation.

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I feel really bad that your cabins were switched Keystone. Too bad you didn't catch it before you paid your final bill. I double and triple check everything but maybe I'm just a negative person. Having said that however, I don't believe we have a God given right to the cabins we book. Somebody, whether your travel agent or NCL made a mistake. S$%# happens!! It is very unfortunate but I'm afraid your vacation is already ruined by your attitude. When life gives you lemons make lemonade, don't squirt the lemon juice in your own eyes. I know its tough and certainly a disappointment. I know I'd be upset too but I don't think its worth ruining an entire vacation , not just for yourself but for the rest of your family. No flaming please...I'm entitled to my opinion just like everyone else.

By the way, I think the behaviors of your travel agent seem a little suspicious. Seems to me they need to spend a do a little more advocating for your point and a little less time trying to put the blame in NCL. Incidentially, I'm really a RCCL fan, we just are cruising NCL next month because its convenient so I'm not a vested NCL groupie but I do think your travel agent may be at fault here.

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No flames from me. I think you said it right. What he needs to to is check his attitude because his trip is already ruined in his eyes and he intends to ruin the vacation of some people who are probably oblivious to the situation.


We all sympathize with the situation and hope it can be resolved, but if not, try to enjoy the vacation and don't ruin it for others.

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BUT you were switched around without your consent and knowledge. However I have one thing to suggest - INSIST that your TA REALLY push NCL to rectify this. .


When our cabins are switched, to an upgrade, the cruise line notified our TA, not us. You may have been notified through your TA and they are not fessing up. I would check with NCL.

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When our cabins are switched, to an upgrade, the cruise line notified our TA, not us. You may have been notified through your TA and they are not fessing up. I would check with NCL.


NCL or any cruise line can't help any guest directly when booked with a TA. General information, yes, but nothing as complex as this reservation!

So I agree that the TA is not fessing up to something here. :eek:

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NCL or any cruise line can't help any guest directly when booked with a TA. General information, yes, but nothing as complex as this reservation!

So I agree that the TA is not fessing up to something here. :eek:


Strange, but that is exactly what OP stated in his original post - that NCL had contacted his SIL regarding switching the cabins.


That goes directly against everything which is being stated back and forth here - that when booked through a TA, the cruiseline never contacts the customer directly, or vise-versa.


Unless the OP contacts NCL personally, and insists that he desires to speak with other than a representative, the same results are likely to continue. Supervisor, Manager, CEO, President - Vice President; anyone other than a representative.

It certainly does not seem to be expedient to try to solve this directly through the TA, as something just does not add up here.


Good Luck -

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Sailaways: The contact to my sister in law came from the TA who had been contacted by NCL. We have never talked to NCL directly in this situation.


All of you who are looking to defend NCL at any costs by blaming our TA can just stop. We have had previous dealings with NCL and I put the blame firmly in their hands. My family has been lied to personally by NCL on other occasions and we have dealt with NCL's customer service in the past. (my father waited on hold for over 90 minutes one day a few years ago because they kept putting him on hold and not coming back. So he put the phone on speaker phone on day and read a book. Finally when someone from NCL came back on, they were shocked that he was still there and then the person he was wanting to speak to had conveinently "gone to lunch.") I trust the TA completely and know they are doing everything they can to help. It is NCL corporate at fault here, bottom line.


This story just keeps getting funnier and funnier as NCL continues to try and hide. NCL told our TA that there were NO other connecting cabins left on the ship in any balcony or suite catagory. Our TA relayed this info to me and I went to work using NCL's website Voyages and Pricing link. Although I did not find any connecting cabins in catagories BC and up into the A's. I did find three AB's that connected with AF's. (I know they are not two in our catagory, but they are connecting.) Called the TA with the cabin numbers of two connectings. (not requesting them for ourselves because again, I am not looking for compensation) She called NCL to inquire about what price difference there would be to switch us there. NCL informed her that the website must have been wrong as they didn't show that AB or AF being open.


I go back on the website, and wah-la, that AB is no longer there. (this combination had been open for months and all of a sudden it disappears three hours after we ask about it -- this was Tuesday night) Now to have some fun..... Called the TA back and gave her the numbers of another AB connecting to AF. On Wednesday, she called back and said that NCL said that wasn't open. Go to website...now it is gone too!! Called back one more time with the final AB and its connecting AF. Now lets see if it disappears too...................


and you guys seriously want me to believe that my TA has this kind of power in order to cover up their mistake??? Please..............

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I certainly hope that you get your situtation with NCL resolved to your satisfaction. However, I think for you to even entertain the thought of confronting the passengers who are booked in your previous staterooms shows a serious lack of judgement on your part. Why do you assume that they have knowledge of this at all? Why do you assume malicious intent in their part? Seems like a bunch of BIG assumptions to me.

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I remember your problems now from before and I am surprised that you want to sail NCL again.


Why would I want to defend NCL against a TA:confused: I AM a TA and to me it looks suspicious (as others in the industry have implied)


Inventory appears and disappears ALL of the time........do you think that you are the only one "looking" at the inventory and holding it:confused:


I see paranoia setting in on your part.


Have a great cruise and I feel sorry for the poor passengers that "stole" your cabins:rolleyes:

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i agree with the others that have posted though too... i think confronting poor unsuspecting passengers might not be a good plan. As for inventory... yes it can come and go very quickly. I have seen that happen with any cruiseline. Look on the bright side... you still are going on the cruise. Hopefully in the end all will work out.

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Doesn't the Dawn have interconnecting doors/gates on the balconies?


That should solve your interconnecting cabin situtation. Just tell them to connect the balconies by opening the gate.


Cribs do cause problems with interconnecting cabins. The most likely place to put the crib is near the interconnecting door, opposite side of the cabin with the queen size bed and couch, or in the area just in front of the couch. If you are also using the couch for a bed at night, there isn't much room left for the crib and still have the interconnecting door open.


Even with this bad luck, put it behind you, and enjoy your cruise.


Here's an overhead view of a Dawn mini-suite.




;) the balcony's do open up in between cabins...let your steward know and he will see to it that it's done....hope you have a great cruise and all of this is resloved before you go.....

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Sailaways: The contact to my sister in law came from the TA who had been contacted by NCL. We have never talked to NCL directly in this situation....


In paragraph 4 of your original post, it does state that NCL called your SIL in January, so apparently at that time, your SIL was contacted personally by an NCL employee. But, that is now beside the point.


I don't believe that any of the posters are defending NCL, or TA's as far as that goes. It is simply a very confusing set of circumstances, and even more so since your last post.


How very frustrating for you.


It appears that all any of the CC members are hoping for is that you are able to come to some resolution soon, and have a happy cruise.

Good Luck Again!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the latest follow-up as promised:


As suggested by many on here, I sent a letter to NCL President Mr. Veitch. (email and snail mail for good measure) I was not rude nor demanding. Simply stated the whole story and expressed my displeasure at the whole situation. The only resolution that I requested was that NCL improve their customer service department to cut out the obvious lying, rudeness and avoidance. My suggestion was that if they cannot help a customer or if the request by the customer is not possible, then say so and not try to hide things.


I told him that while I still enjoy NCL cruises and will continue to use my experiences to help others, it will be hard for me to reccommend NCL cruises to family and friends due to their poor customer service standards.


I wrote this letter about 10 days ago.


Thanks for all of the support I have received. I doubt there will be any further changes in this situation, so this most likely will be the last update. (until my review of the cruise afterwards and although I most likely will mention this situation, it will not factor into my evaluation of the cruise itself as I have found that NCL's ships and ship crews are their best feature!)

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