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***Live from the Pacific Princess***


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Good morning from a dull and overcast and sticky Vietnam. We are just heading down the delta making our way to the port of Phu My in approx 2.5 hours time. The weather looks to be crap here today if you can see on the cruise cam. The seas last night were very calm and I didn't feel a thing either. This morning is very quiet on the ship but then again it's 6:40am.I am planning on getting some breakfast pretty soon and then head to teh gym for sure this morning during the boat drills they have scheduled at 9:45am and then head into Vung Tau just after 11:00am when the crew will be finished there exercise.We leave today at 6:00pm from Phu My and make our way to Singapore tomorrow morning at 9:00am. It is a very quick run from Phu My to Singapore and usually the seas are very calm as well. I am expecting later in a couple of days once we leave Kuala Lumpur and cross over to India the seas should be very different.OK, just a quick one this morning gotta run to get a couple of shots of espresso in me before I turn into the Tazmanian Devil!More to follow later this morning from the Pacific Princess.Tony

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Just got back from breakfast now and going to go back to the cabin and drop off a ton of laundry for my cabin steward and then head up to the gym. The weather seems to be very gloomy this morning and muggy. There were soem light rain showers about 1 hour ago from what I could tell.


We appear to be stationary at the moment so either we have arrived or we are stopped for some reason.


Today looks to be a very easy going day which not much planned.


More to follow later today from the Pacific Princess.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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we'll looks like the reason we are stopped is because we have arrived! they haven't cleared teh ship as of yet and there are a lot of little boats alongside us just waiting for people to throw items from there balconies into the water for them to retrieve....very poor people taht live on these boats which are there homes.Tony

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we'll looks like the reason we are stopped is because we have arrived! they haven't cleared the ship as of yet and there are a lot of little boats alongside us just waiting for people to throw items from there balconies into the water for them to retrieve....very poor people that live on these boats which are there homes.Tony


Tony, The Weather(Overcast & Sticky) & the People(Very Poor) haven't changed a bit in almost 40 years:( Good Morning Viet Nam!:) Have a Great day in "The Nam"! Bill



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Stacey...Most probably I will do the New Orleans to Rio but will join in Aruba or Gran Cayman as I will be coming straight back from Tahiti...WOW your cruise is now dirt cheap from the pricing that I just looked up!


Yes Tom, Lorraine and Dee and John are all great people and we will have a great time together.



:cool: :eek: :cool:


Yes the NO to Rio cruise is a bargain. I noticed that a few weeks ago and managed to get our price reduced. Now I'm watching our other cruises for reductions but they seem to be selling out faster so I'm not holding out much hope:rolleyes: .

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:D :D :D :D

We'll came back from the gym now...probably burned off last nights bread basket! going to shower and then hopefully trek into vung Tau with some crew members once there emergency drill exercise is over with. We currently have auditors onboard from Carnival conducting a multitude of safety drills for some reason. We also get a Fleet Manager for Casino Operations with joins in Singapore....will probably bend her ear on some issues!On a seperate note, we are over 73 elite pax's on this cruise and me with 478 days isn't enough to break into the top three...imagine that! Also, no one is spending onboard as well except for wine in the Dinning Room. If you can imagine the only sale of Veuve last night was ME! Also I was told that 75 people already have removed the gratuity on this cruise which I find just disgusting....if you can't afford $270.00 per person for gratuities IMHO STAY HOME if taht makes it or breaks it! On these exotic long cruises, there are so many sea days, so many black card carrying people like me and special orders that they certainly deserve the tips IMHO. One nice touch is that they have now decided 3 years later to open the Panorama Buffet for a Dinner Buffet from 5:30pm until 9:00pm and then convert to the Bistro menu which is very smart for those who are too tired after a long tour or day or just don't feel like dressing up.Looking forward to a great seafood luncheon in Vung Tau.More to follow later today from the Pacific Princess.Tony

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Yes the NO to Rio cruise is a bargain. I noticed that a few weeks ago and managed to get our price reduced. Now I'm watching our other cruises for reductions but they seem to be selling out faster so I'm not holding out much hope:rolleyes: .

Stacey I probably won't make a final decision on that New Orleans to Rio de Janeiro cruise until well past November when I get off the Golden from Egypt/Agean cruise....but there's hope ...I think I might just pull it off and do it!Tony

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OOOPS!...amde a little boo boo...we are at sea tomorrow and then in Singapore at 9:00am the following day. I will post our full itinerary later today so people can watch our progress and follow along from port to port.Tony

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We'll came back from the gym now...probably burned off last nights bread basket!


On a seperate note, we are over 73 elite pax's on this cruise and me with 478 days isn't enough to break into the top three...imagine that!


Also I was told that 75 people already have removed the gratuity on this cruise which I find just disgusting....if you can't afford $270.00 per person for gratuities IMHO STAY HOME if taht makes it or breaks it! On these exotic long cruises, there are so many sea days, so many black card carrying people like me and special orders that they certainly deserve the tips IMHO.


One nice touch is that they have now decided 3 years later to open the Panorama Buffet for a Dinner Buffet from 5:30pm until 9:00pm and then convert to the Bistro menu which is very smart for those who are too tired after a long tour or day or just don't feel like dressing up.Tony


The bread basket? Didn't you say you were resisting the bread? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? Better make sure you get to treadmill #1 tomorrow morning. :p


With all the Elites on board, the laundry will certainly be working over time.

As for the tip removal, I agree with you totally. No further comment.

As to the evening buffet..........HOORAY! We would have loved to have had another option other than the Bistro. Happy to hear it.

Have a good day in Vung Tau. Almost bedtime for us here.


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.....................................Also I was told that 75 people already have removed the gratuity on this cruise which I find just disgusting....if you can't afford $270.00 per person for gratuities IMHO STAY HOME if that makes it or breaks it! On these exotic long cruises, there are so many sea days, so many black card carrying people like me and special orders that they certainly deserve the tips IMHO. ......................................Tony



It is possible, with that longer 27 Day Leg & Ship(& per your noted # of elites), that the Crowd is Much Older on Average :confused: & therefore set in the Old Ways of Cash in Money Envelopes(& not charges to the account);) I sure hope so for the sake of the Hard Working Crew:o Bill

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Bill...... having spent 36 days on this ship in '04 and another 46 in 2005, yes.....the passengers tend to be older. I would love to give them the benefit of the doubt as to being "set in their ways," however, I'm sorry to say that I don't think it's true. People just don't want to tip all that $$$, even though they've received the services. It isn't a question of being able to afford it (as Tony mentioned), it's just not wanting to spend so much on tipping. Somehow 7/10 days for $70/100 doesn't feel the same as 28 days at $280. Enough pontificating; going to bed!



P.S. Just noticed your dual address. Do you snowbird in Delray? Where?

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It is possible, with that longer 27 Day Leg & Ship(& per your noted # of elites), that the Crowd is Much Older on Average :confused: & therefore set in the Old Ways of Cash in Money Envelopes(& not charges to the account);) I sure hope so for the sake of the Hard Working Crew:o Bill

YES to the older crowd...I believe the average age is 63 on this cruise! I don't think your analogy applies but I could be wrong! I just believe that my own personal experience is taht on these longer cruises people find that for example a couple travelling on this cruise together would fork over $540.00 in gratuities which some find exorbitant and can't seem to understand that people work on here for a living and send all or most of there money back home to there families. No polite way of saying...just cheap buggers on here thats all and they feel taht they have paid well over $7500.00 for two people and thats enough why should they have to tip since they have shelled out so much money on this cruise!TonyTony

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Bill...... having spent 36 days on this ship in '04 and another 46 in 2005, yes.....the passengers tend to be older. I would love to give them the benefit of the doubt as to being "set in their ways," however, I'm sorry to say that I don't think it's true. People just don't want to tip all that $$$, even though they've received the services. It isn't a question of being able to afford it (as Tony mentioned), it's just not wanting to spend so much on tipping. Somehow 7/10 days for $70/100 doesn't feel the same as 28 days at $280. Enough pontificating; going to bed!



I agree with you a 150% on this one!...OK go to bed now and see you in the morning on here!...night night!Tony

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Bill...... having spent 36 days on this ship in '04 and another 46 in 2005, yes.....the passengers tend to be older. I would love to give them the benefit of the doubt as to being "set in their ways," however, I'm sorry to say that I don't think it's true. People just don't want to tip all that $$$, even though they've received the services. It isn't a question of being able to afford it (as Tony mentioned), it's just not wanting to spend so much on tipping. Somehow 7/10 days for $70/100 doesn't feel the same as 28 days at $280. Enough pontificating; going to bed!



Arlene, That's a Real Shame(on them!):mad: Bill

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The bread basket? Didn't you say you were resisting the bread? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? Better make sure you get to treadmill #1 tomorrow morning. :p


With all the Elites on board, the laundry will certainly be working over time.


As for the tip removal, I agree with you totally. No further comment.


As to the evening buffet..........HOORAY! We would have loved to have had another option other than the Bistro. Happy to hear it.


Have a good day in Vung Tau. Almost bedtime for us here.



I am like Milt...I love the breads and homemade ice creams what can I say?And yes the little minons in the laundry I am sure can't wait for all of us to get off this ship with our laundry!...poor people down there....Tony

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Arlene, That's a Real Shame(on them!):mad: Bill

Bill it's the honest for sake truth and you will see it first hand next April when you are onboard for your extended cruises....it is a shame and it disgusts me to no end when I see these same individuals DEMAND certain things in the Dinning Room and make them do donuts around there tables....Tony

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We'll we just finsihed the drill onboard which was for exercise; however it was a very important drill as we have onboard an auditor from Bermuda to re-certify the ships certificate to carry paasengers onboard...if we didn't pass this drill which was well over an hour theoretically the ship could not leave Phu My!...Imagine that!


OK, getting ready to go ashore in 15 minutes time and having a Vietnamese seafood luncheon which is always the best and so inexpensive!


More to follow later today from the Pacific Princess.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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YES to the older crowd...I believe the average age is 63 on this cruise! I don't think your analogy applies but I could be wrong! I just believe that my own personal experience is taht on these longer cruises people find that for example a couple travelling on this cruise together would fork over $540.00 in gratuities which some find exorbitant and can't seem to understand that people work on here for a living and send all or most of there money back home to there families. No polite way of saying...just cheap buggers on here thats all and they feel taht they have paid well over $7500.00 for two people and thats enough why should they have to tip since they have shelled out so much money on this cruise!TonyTony


Travelling single I pay nearly as the same price as a couple but I still keep the Princess $10 per day on my account plus give additional tips to Cabin Steward,Dining Room.......Room Service. All out of fixed pensions that I crimp and save ...so that I can have an wonderful cruise....and help those less fortunate than I...it gives me a good feeling.:)

YOu are a good guy Tony.:)

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We'll we just came back from Vung Tau and had a great lunch at a restaurant on the ocean. We ordered fresh grilled prawns...4 plates of it and two plates of grilled fresh fired grouper and some Vietnamese spicy rice and I can't count the number of Tiger beers we had either (and I don;t drink beer!)...all in all for 5 people it approx $70.00 US which was so dirt cheap. The ride into Vung Tau took us approx 40 minutes in each direction and we had negotiated $60.00 US roundtrip and the driver would wait for us as well. We tipped him $10.00 US and he was so happy. The weather here today was very overcast and humid and sticky all day. It currently looks like it could rain any minute or so.I plan on making a pit stop at the Panorama Buffet to get some baked cookies as an emergency snack for my cabin late at night.Since I have no switched to late seating (table 57) I might take a quick nap before we set sail at 6:00pm for Singapore. Tomorrow as I mentioned we are at sea all day before arriving into Singapore the following day at 9:00am until 6:00pm.I had lunch today with Rafaele, the Assistant Maitre'd, the Maitre'd Giusseppe and his wife Janet and the Night Manager Lottie. Was a great liquid lunch this afternoon by the sea and was most enjoyable since Rafaele is leaving us to go back home in Singapore.More to follow later today from the Pacific Princess.Tony

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We just left the Uniflour Terminal in Phu My approx. 20 minutes ago...about 20 minutes late for who knows what reason. It became dark very fast here this evening, I guess we are getting close to the end of daylight savings time. Also, the weather looks a little menacing almost as if we are headed into a storm.


I've been invited to Dee and John's for a pre-dinner drink at 7:30pm and then going to dinner. Not really that hungry since I had such a big lunch and a late lunch as well.


If you are looking at the cruise cam currently, the lights are very pretty in the Vietnamese skyline as we are making our way slowly out of the river.


Don't know whether or not I'll go to the "Office" tonight....I guess we'll play that one by ear. Don't have the foggiest idea what the pasenger entertainment is this evening. What I do know that on a 27 day run, they only have scheduled 5 shows if you can believe it. And as usual there is a magician, piano player etc... to fill in the blanks along the way.


I know trivia is very popular on this sailing as there were so many people the other day they had to hold it in the Cabaret Lounge.


More to follow later tonight after dinner on the Pacific Princess.



:cool: :eek: :cool:

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Good morning from hot, humid and slightly overcast South Florida. Pretty much like Viet Nam, huh? Sounds like you had a good time in Vung Tau. Tiger beer - love it!

No appetite for dinner? Those cookies will do it every time! :) I do have faith in you though. Wait until the bread basket arrives. :D

Hi to Dee and John; have they started accumulating the trivia stuff? If I never see another water bottle................................


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Good morning from hot, humid and slightly overcast South Florida. Pretty much like Viet Nam, huh? Sounds like you had a good time in Vung Tau. Tiger beer - love it!


No appetite for dinner? Those cookies will do it every time! :) I do have faith in you though. Wait until the bread basket arrives. :D


Hi to Dee and John; have they started accumulating the trivia stuff? If I never see another water bottle................................



I haven't touched the cookies yet!...those are for an "emergency" only late night snack.....I haven't asked John and Dee yet about the trivia stuff and if they are working on tokens or not just yet...will ask.Tony

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