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ON FOS Now - Help with AO PLEASE!

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As I mentioned my daughter was 2 on our sailing in March. She will be 3 in May. They would not let her participate in OA. She is even fully potty trained and they said even if she turned 3 during our cruise she would not be allowed. They have to be 3 at the time of sailing.

As far as the retro fitted swim area. I am the one who posted this on an earlier post. When I spoke to the Freedom security pool guy, he told me by the April 7th sailing it should be complete. I haven't heard if it has actually been completed yet.

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My son's first time in AO was when he was 3 years and 2 months. He got 1 strike (for not listening) the first time we picked him up. I was devestated like you are. We sat him down and explained to him that he needed to listen to the counsellors and do what he was told. All their actiivites are in 15 min blocks so it keeps the kids busy. Nick never got another strike. I have nothing but positive things to say about AO. I hope that the issues with you dd have been resolved. No 3 year old is "bad" and no child is "perfect"

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Actually, I think ADA DOES apply. Believe that happened a couple years ago. I remember reading that the cruise lines all had to make sure they were ADA compliant as long as they were doing business in the US.


I'm really sorry about the troubles you're having. I don't have children of my own, but even I know that kids color on the tables. I have washables at my place for when the nieces & nephews come over. Don't let one bad apple ruin your cruise.


Let us know how things end up.

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We're sailing on the FOS next March and after reading this I'm getting nervous. DS will be 5 when we sail, and he's not a bad kid either, but he's an active little boy.


With their "three strikes and you're out" policy, I'm surprised they have anyone left in AO by the end of the week!

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It is always hard to hear anyting negative about your child. When my twins were 4 the other parents at daycare didn't want them to come anymore. I cryed all day. So don't let this hurt your fun or your feelings. Just keep her with you and hire a babysitter for the evening.

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Okay - you know what really is annoying...the fact that they are picking on this little girl yet they allow Chair Hogs and other "rule" breakers run rampant on a cruise!


I hope you are able to get a resolution to this so you and your daughter can enjoy the cruise. It is unfortunate that such opinions can be formed without any real substance to them.


If staff can put up with drunken passengers, then the counselors should be trained and equipped to deal with children who need special care or attention (at least moderately).

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If you care so much about her, and it seems that you do, then why leave her there? Take her out of AO and spend time with her yourselves! She is obviously not ready for the program. That doesn't mean she's a bad kid or a wild kid, she's just not ready. Try not to take it personally.


My youngest son wasn't ready for the program until he was 7. Every kid is different and you should be willing to roll with the punches. If this is truly a family vacation, then spend it with family. JMHO.

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There's something odd going on here. In my experience, 3 yr olds very rarely do as their told and often can't sit still for 15 minute activities if they don't find them really interesting. The drawing on tables is totally normal (I just spent the weekend painting over some artwork my kids put on our walls at that age). Everything described is typical 3 year old behavior.


So either the counselors aren't coming clean about what's going on or they're trying to lighten their workload by ousting any kids with spirit. It just doesn't make sense -- the behavior described will be exhibited by 60% of kids, at least.

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If you care so much about her, and it seems that you do, then why leave her there? Take her out of AO and spend time with her yourselves! She is obviously not ready for the program. That doesn't mean she's a bad kid or a wild kid, she's just not ready. Try not to take it personally.


Which, I'm sure is exactly what she is doing. Cruisnmama has cruised with both of her little girls in the past, even when they were smaller and not eligible for kids clubs. I've read lots of her posts, and they do plenty of activities together as a family, including the dining room!!! More than a lot of other folks do. I hope I can experience all that with my son in February.


This was a special cruise because the youngest just turned 3, and I'm sure prior to the cruise, there was all sorts of hype to help her get excited about it. And now she's told she'll get kicked out because her marker went off the paper onto the table, and she wanted to slide instead of listen to a story? Seems a little excessive to me.

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Oh, you're not the only one in tears over this. The poor little thing! What qualifications do they have to make such a snap judgement? I could see YS having the same problems at that age. Some kids take longer to warm up to new situations.


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Which, I'm sure is exactly what she is doing. Cruisnmama has cruised with both of her little girls in the past, even when they were smaller and not eligible for kids clubs. I've read lots of her posts, and they do plenty of activities together as a family, including the dining room!!! More than a lot of other folks do. I hope I can experience all that with my son in February.


This was a special cruise because the youngest just turned 3, and I'm sure prior to the cruise, there was all sorts of hype to help her get excited about it. And now she's told she'll get kicked out because her marker went off the paper onto the table, and she wanted to slide instead of listen to a story? Seems a little excessive to me.


And I certainly couldn't disagree but I think the poster was saying that maybe AO, which could be very different from the Carnival program is much more structured which this 3 year old may or may not be accustomed to. Yes I think it difficult for any 3 year old to keep their attention span for any period of time. The only hope you can have is that the decison making is based on relativity to other 3 year olds in the program. If it is not, if it is a matter of singling some 3 year old out, which is hard to imagine why they would but..., then yes it should be addressed. But again, how does a parent who is not there 100% of the time gauge it. I commend mom for going back and checking up, which is the best I think she can do, but she's not there 100% of the time. Trust me I'm not taking sides, and I can feel for her and her emotions. I just don't know how you can get your arms around whether any child fits in to a given program without trusting those around.


My only suggestion mom, go to the other people in the program that you have talked to and ask if they have witnessed any of the "disruptive" behavior the one counselor points out and is this behavior out of the ordinary and worth a "strike". If the answer is no, I think it wise to have a conference with all the counselors knowledgable about your child's behavior. However one note, it's too easy to let emotion run your conversation. Keep it together and if it is still fishy from any unattached point of view, crank it up a notch to guest relations armed with the conflicting info you have from the other counselers. GLTY.

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Is there a place you can observe her without her seeing you? When I worked in a preschool setting I would advice parents to do this so that they could see that their child was adjusting (you know, they cry their eyes out while Mom and Dad are there and 2 minutes after they leave, they are fine). I think if you observe her and she is acting appropriately, then you have more ammunition to talk with RCL about. I cannot believe they really have 3 strikes you're out rule. There are so many times that 3 year olds act up for a minute or two and then are fine. You can't judge them by a few events...it's ridiculous.


Please let us know how this turns out and good luck.

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I teach 3 year olds over the summer at a dance studio, and I have had my share of bad ones. One child last year pulled girls hair, spit in one other girls face, and always tried to touch the other kids (and they made it clear they did not want to be touched). It was a short program so I let her stay, and I kept her next to me the entire time.


Gabriella does not sound like a problem at all, and I feel like this counselor just pegged her out as the "bad" kid and now every little thing that your daughter does will be "bad". I say go and complain right away, and continue to bring your daugther if she wants to go. All the other counselors are saying how great she is and I would make sure to point that out when complaining.

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If guest relations is not helpful, go to the cruise director. I don't know who the AO folks work for but it seems to be the captain, hotel director and the cruise director that make up the top management of the ship. I know guest relations reports to the purser but it sure can't hurt to check with the CD.

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How many kids are on board? It almost sounds like they are looking for a reason to lighten their load. I'm wondering if FOS is just a little too big for its own good. We took our kids to AO one time when we were on FOS and most kids were playing video games. It was quickly decided that AO wasn't going to be an option for us.


This is a little depressing. I was just wondering if my kids would be getting too old for Disney at age 8, 10 so we should do FOS or something similar instead. If AO didn't work for your kids at that age, I'm wondering if sticking with Disney makes since until maybe they are 12,14 and doing more of the sports activities.

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Ok - here's my suggestion. I know you are angry and I would be as well.....you can fight the fight (and I've done it so I understand) but in the end do you want to leave your daughter with people who are now angry with you. Just for now - try to salvage the situation. Speak with the person in charge and let them know that your daughter might not be hearing well etc. See if you can work this out....


If not then go for it! documenting every step of the way.


I really hope this works out for you.


Good Luck we're all behind you.

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I cannot believe that! I am so infuriated for you. I agree that her behavior is age completely appropriate. In my opinion, if a child does not want to participate in the scheduled activity, there should be at least one other option for her, especially if it is as structured as they say - it's the children's vacation too and if they want to slide instead of listening to a story, as long as they are not impeding the ability of others to listen to the story and not endangering themselves or others, why is that "Bad" behavior? it sounds like they have a poor transition from one activity to the next and that the children were not adequately prepared ("OK - everyone gets one more turn on the slide and then it's story time") since she was "one of the children" who wasn't ready. That says to me that there were also other children who were not ready.


I always try to see both sides of the story, and I can see a three strikes policy as necessary to keep the camp safe for all the participants, but that's just it - these are not safety issues. If a child were hitting or biting or otherwise engaging in dangerous or destructive actions, then the child should be warned that further behavior like that would lead to an inability to return from camp.


But accidentally coloring on a table? Wanting to continue the activity that the camp was previously engaged in? Those don't sound like dangerous or destructive behaviors to me.

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I can't believe that woman's reason for the strikes! That is normal behavior for a 3 y.o.


It could just be a case of the counselor and the child mixing like oil and water. If you are a conuselor you are not going to like every child you come across, some will rub you the wrong way. But as a counselor she is a professional and should recognize that and solve the problem. The woman needs to either remove herself from your child's group and have someone else run that group or the woman should just suck it up and be a grown up.


If she is not the one in charge of AO definately speak to whomever is and get any resolution in writing.

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Ok - here's my suggestion. I know you are angry and I would be as well.....you can fight the fight (and I've done it so I understand) but in the end do you want to leave your daughter with people who are now angry with you. Just for now - try to salvage the situation. Speak with the person in charge and let them know that your daughter might not be hearing well etc. See if you can work this out....


If not then go for it! documenting every step of the way.


I really hope this works out for you.


Good Luck we're all behind you.


I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! - I have a 3 yo granddaughter and it makes me so angry. Gab sounds a typical 3 yo to me, In fact I would worry if my granddaughter didnt draw on the table occasionally or not want to stop doing something she was enjoying!!!


If all else fails, speak to other parents as someone else suggested and get their names if they have witnessed anything. Make sure you comments are noted to guest relations for future reference and then.... Please try and enjoy the rest of your cruise with Gab and then LET IT HIT THE FAN when you get home XX


Chubbas XX

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A lot of the advice given would be good in an ongoing program, but this is a one week cruise. I say let it go now, complain later.


Anyway, I wouldn't want my child with anyone who didn't want them to be there, regardless of who is right.

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First of all, tubes in the ears preventing speech and having a delay is not disabled. Pls do not throw that term around for anything. It is a condition no less. Our child also had tubes and more tubes leaving some scarring. This caused us to always have to tell the teachers to place her in the front. The point i am making is you need to explain that counselors may have to get her attention by bending down to her level and speaking gently to her. They should not expect a general announcement made in a room to resonate with Gab. A little more TLC is needed for her. I thought these AO counselors were all qualified with degrees in child psych or something for teaching. I am shocked that this is what is being told to you. A 3 is old is that...3. They color outside the lines and sometimes even on the table top. Either put down newspaper or use washable markers. This is quite a difference from a child who writes on table tops on purpose. It seems like Gab is just being 3. I would go to the supervisor of the AO right away and calmly present what is happening. The most explosive bit of info here was that the Ao counselor actually told you that Gab would be getting her third strike if you brought her back. Isn't that just prejudging a child before? This is not acceptable at all. I would get them to do something right away if you still have time on the cruise. When I got back home I would also write to RCI president and tell them of all this too. I think you documented it well here, copy your letters. Do not put them on the defensive. Do not say other lines are better since then they know they lost you so why bother doing anything for you. good luck and let us know what happens.

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I feel so badly for your experience. I know how much you were looking forward to this cruise. I am hoping that by now you have talked to the hotel director or someone in authority to correct the situation.


I don't think the coloring on the table is atypical of any 3 year old. I also feel the slide incident was typical, especially if she doesn't have a slide to use at home.


I wouldn't necessarily send Gab back there until I talked to someone in authority. The counsellor in there might just be mean enough to take it out on Gabriella. It might hurt Gabriella in the long run if you send her back and she has more trouble with the counsellor.


I was really excited and thinking about taking my grand on a RCI cruise next year when she is 3, but now I am wondering if she will enjoy the time or if the counsellor might decide that my grand is a problem because she thinks for herself at times.


I do hope you let us know how things work out and I pray that all of you will enjoy your cruise and that Gabriella especially has a wonderful time.




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Be sure and get first and last names of everyone you spoke to. In fact, just walk up to them and ask them what their name is, write it down, then walk away. That should at least strike up a little fear in them for what will hopefully happen later as a result of your complaints!

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Which, I'm sure is exactly what she is doing. Cruisnmama has cruised with both of her little girls in the past, even when they were smaller and not eligible for kids clubs. I've read lots of her posts, and they do plenty of activities together as a family, including the dining room!!! More than a lot of other folks do. I hope I can experience all that with my son in February.


This was a special cruise because the youngest just turned 3, and I'm sure prior to the cruise, there was all sorts of hype to help her get excited about it. And now she's told she'll get kicked out because her marker went off the paper onto the table, and she wanted to slide instead of listen to a story? Seems a little excessive to me.


I agree. It does seem very strange though and frankly, I don't think it's worth ruining a vacation over. I think she should take the daughter out of the program, enjoy the rest of the cruise and write a letter to RCI later.

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I don't know when, or even if, cruisinmama will be able to get back online, but here's my bit thrown into the responses.


I never cruised with my kids when they were young enough to be in AO, but I have talked with PLENTY of parents who used the facility, and virtually every one has praised the counselors and the programs to the high heavens.


I think that occasionally there is a person in a position where she doesn't belong. People have said that there is a Loyalty Ambassador on the Rhapsody who hates her job, and it shows. Maybe this woman does not belong in AO, and you were unfortunate enough to sail with her.


Please don't let this ruin your cruise. Yes, try to get someone in management to sit down with you and husband to discuss the situation. Yes, try to observe Gabriella in AO yourself.


But bottom line: enjoy yourselves. Let Gabriella know that she is loved and cared for and a wonderful child; don't let this woman/counselor define her cruise experience for all of you.



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