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Message Board Etiquette? Your Opinion ....


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Do you think it rude if someone posts often and to lots of different threads?


Do you think it rude to criticize someone who does that?


I always thought everyone was free to post as often and to as many threads as they wished but I have recently seen several digs made to people who post often and on many threads.


What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?

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As long as the poster has something significant to say in response to the OP's query or comment, I think one can post to as many threads as they like and have time for. What's it to anyone anyways.

The only time when I get annoyed is when someone hijacks the thread for their own purpose.

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Do you think it rude if someone posts often and to lots of different threads?


Do you think it rude to criticize someone who does that?


I always thought everyone was free to post as often and to as many threads as they wished but I have recently seen several digs made to people who post often and on many threads.


What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?


Hi Sail. I have only about 240 posts in 3 1/2 years, so I post infrequently. But for those who do post a lot, well we all live in countries with free speech, and the Internet is the epitome of free speech. So like they say about voting in Chicago, "post early, post often", (if that's what you want to do.)

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Do you think it rude if someone posts often and to lots of different threads? I sure don;t think it is rude to help as many people as possible....


Do you think it rude to criticize someone who does that? YES... they are only trying to help the cruise comminuity and may be answering a question that many have !


I always thought everyone was free to post as often and to as many threads as they wished but I have recently seen several digs made to people who post often and on many threads.Can;t say I have seen that too much....


What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?

I will keep on posting, given my right to do so with hopes to either help someone out or just to add my 2 cents, and if someone does not like what I have to say.... let them just pass over my addition to any thread !

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Do you think it rude if someone posts often and to lots of different threads?


Do you think it rude to criticize someone who does that?


I always thought everyone was free to post as often and to as many threads as they wished but I have recently seen several digs made to people who post often and on many threads.


What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?


Well, I don't have a problem with that at all. But as long as we're discussing message board etiquette, I do have a couple of pet peeves of my own:


I get annoyed at people who, when posting in a multi-page thread, start off by stating that they haven't read through the earlier posts, but then provide their response. What that says to me is that they feel that their time and their opinion is more important that yours. In other words, they don't have the time to read what has been written by others, but want you to read their posts. And they don't care whether their answer duplicates other sentiments expressed earlier.


My other pet peeve also pertains to multi-page threads or simply a thread that already has several responses. Rather than adding their response to the current thread, they start a new thread so that their response is at the top. Once again, they are implicitly stating that their opinion is too important to be posted in the current thread, and should stand apart from anything else that has been written on the subject.


But to answer your original questions again, no, I don't have a problem with people who post a lot. They can post on every single thread on every single board, and it wouldn't bother me. (


As long as they read the earlier posts in the thread first, of course. :D

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I agree with ed2zed ... if the poster has something significant to say, have at it. We're not required to join this community, nor to post, and my feeling is that those with experience and knowledge are benefitting the readers.


What doesn't frost my flakes, though, is a poster who posts repeatedly in the same thread saying the same thing...


And I admire the patience of long-term posters who generously answer, time after time, the same question from a series of people....

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I get annoyed at people who, when posting in a multi-page thread, start off by stating that they haven't read through the earlier posts, but then provide their response. What that says to me is that they feel that their time and their opinion is more important that yours. In other words, they don't have the time to read what has been written by others, but want you to read their posts. And they don't care whether their answer duplicates other sentiments expressed earlier.



I have noticed this quite a bit too, and had the same thoughts. :rolleyes:


Sail as for your questions, I think the only persons who are rude are those who criticize other posters. Anyone should be able to post as often as he/she cares to, wherever!

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I get annoyed at people who, when posting in a multi-page thread, start off by stating that they haven't read through the earlier posts, but then provide their response. What that says to me is that they feel that their time and their opinion is more important that yours. In other words, they don't have the time to read what has been written by others, but want you to read their posts. And they don't care whether their answer duplicates other sentiments expressed earlier.



For me this is not a problem. The reason why is that when a post gets very long its increasingly harder for most individuals to have to go through a multi-page thread to find out whether someone has already mentioned what you want to write. After many, many pages a thread becomes extremely hard to follow and the time to wade through an entire thread can be consuming. Most people will apologetically put in a comment saying that they are sorry for repeating what may have already been said. Personally, this doesn't bother me. I don't care if someone arrives late and says what has already been said. A re-affirmation of a group consensus or a dissenting vote is not a bad thing. I don't think its discourteous at all and most people are generally joining in with good faith. So I have to disagree with this being annoying.


As for the OP's original comments, I have no problem with people posting often. Some have become good friends and well known on these boards. Some people just love to jump right in and join a group. No harm in posting.


What is annoying is allowance for one opinion only, being totally ignored especially when someone else said exactly what you say but that other person gets treated like they walked on water, or those infamous first time posters who seem to want to right a bad review to stir the pot and then disappear again. There is nothing wrong with a bad review - its just the intention of why its being done is the problem I have.


Sail7seas, you keep right on posting! Any fan of the Maasdam can't be too bad!



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I dont post as frequently as I want to, because most times as I read through the thread I see that someone else already answered about the same way I would have. But, I'm not bothered at all by how many times someone else posts. There are certain people whose posts I value more than others and will make a point to read, others might just get a glance - so I think its up to the reader to filter what they wish to read and how they wish to invest their Cruise Critic time.


The thing that DOES bother me is people who criticize other people's posts. Conflicting opinions, debates, etc are ok (and interesting to me), but I dont think people should be personally criticized.

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People should post as often as they like, as long as each post adds to the conversation as it relates to the topic at hand. People should not be criticized for their opinions.


But I do have a problem when people post things like: have a nice trip, or enjoyed your reiview, or I did not know that. These types of posts do not add to the conversation and just make reading the thread more difficult.


Just my opinion.

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What do you think? Post to fewer threads? Post less to each thread? Stop criticizing those who post often?


For the most part, I've found the people who post often are those with the best information to share, and I'm always interested. I also believe the more opinions expressed, the better. I appreciate the efforts of those who post often and to many threads. The more they share, the less I have to figure out for myself.


This is my own post number 2,000 (a milestone of sorts) and I find it fitting to use it to say "Yes, drop the criticism".

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If you think that a poster posts too much, especially when they don't really add anything useful to a topic, then there is definitely something you can do about it! Click on the link "User CP" (for Control Panel), the leftmost link on the series of links just below the "Cruise Critic" panel at the top of the page. Then click on "Edit ignore list", and you get a dialog that allows you to enter the member's name of any poster whose posts you don't want to see.


That's it, mission accomplished!:D

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For the most part, I've found the people who post often are those with the best information to share, and I'm always interested. I also believe the more opinions expressed, the better. I appreciate the efforts of those who post often and to many threads. The more they share, the less I have to figure out for myself.


This is my own post number 2,000 (a milestone of sorts) and I find it fitting to use it to say "Yes, drop the criticism".


Congraulations Donna on getting to 2000 posts!!

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I agree with a lot of what others have said here, however I have been known to read through 1 or 2 pages of a very long thread, and then post a message without reading every other word. I think we all have our pet peeves, and am not sure exactly what the OP is referring to. What I do not like is people who post numerous times on threads for various cruise lines, when they have a bone to pick with something that went on during 1 voyage, and use that as a means to rip that line apart. Each person here has had a different experience, including when we see a post about a particular ship during a specific sailing, and see that people disagree about how good or bad a time they had on it. As all the repeat cruisers can tell you, each sailing is unique. Sometimes my husband and I disagree about a sailing, and you would think we were on 2 different ships.

What I do not like is the people that use a thread on CC to criticize lawyers or doctors, something that I have seen numerous times.

What I often say about CC is that many people thing that being a critic means that you must criticize.

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If Cruise Critic or its moderators don't put limitations on the number of posts or how many forums in which members participate, then who are we to want such limitations imposed?


Pete Jackson provided the fix for those who don't like seeing the writings of a particular person or people.

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People should post as often as they like, as long as each post adds to the conversation as it relates to the topic at hand. People should not be criticized for their opinions.


But I do have a problem when people post things like: have a nice trip, or enjoyed your reiview, or I did not know that. These types of posts do not add to the conversation and just make reading the thread more difficult.


Just my opinion.


My view is that comments like that are what make up polite, civil conversation -- it's considered appropriate in real life to wish people bon voyage, to thank them for taking the time to tell you about their trip, to offer advice and information, etc. Why should a message board be any different? I like the way threads turn into "conversations" as long as it's polite and related to cruising.


I think these boards would be a much poorer place if we were somehow required to limit our posts to saying only either a) "I agree because X," or b) "I disagree because Y." If on top of that we were required to review every post on every thread before being permitted to post either of those things, in case someone else already made those points, I wouldn't bother posting here at all. How dull. :(

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I have learned so much from this forum which consists of people who take time to share their knowledge and experience of cruising.

Thanks to all of you!


Yes, please, lets not have the criticisms and comments such as


"Here we go again"


"Pass the popcorn"


One person's concern may not be another's but it is easy to pass on by

and read something else without making a big deal about it.

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I don't have a problem with those who post alot. I have learned alot from many of them & even wait for them to post.

I'm fairly new to all of this & I do have a couple of things that bother me.


I have asked questions that never got answered because there was page after page of things like I got a new dog, I'm shoveling snow, how's your mom, kids, grandkids, etc. Within 6 hours of asking a question, there were 6 pages of things that had nothing to do with the thread.


The other thing is when it goes back & forth who's right & who's wrong. Especially about smoking or smuggling booze. Some of these have been beat to death. I know I have a choice to read or not, but I'm usually looking for policies that may have changed on certain ships.


Anyhow, most of it is really good, just hope some will stay on the subject of the thread so we can get more info.:)


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And I admire the patience of long-term posters who generously answer, time after time, the same question from a series of people....


I totally agree. I mainly lurk and see the same question time after time. Some of the seasoned cruisers have the patience of Job answering the same questions over and over. This forum has saved me lots of money and made my cruise adventures the best experiences.


When I start talking cruises to people the first thing I do is to connect them to this forum. :p

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I think these two comments go together.

As long as the poster has something significant to say in response to the OP's query or comment, I think one can post to as many threads as they like and have time for. What's it to anyone anyways.

The only time when I get annoyed is when someone hijacks the thread for their own purpose.


I have learned so much from this forum which consists of people who take time to share their knowledge and experience of cruising.

Thanks to all of you!


Yes, please, lets not have the criticisms and comments such as


"Here we go again"


"Pass the popcorn"


One person's concern may not be another's but it is easy to pass on by

and read something else without making a big deal about it.


Juanita, I agree that one person's concern may not be another, but the comments you are talking to are generally in a hijacked thread - normally one of the "Hot" topics (smoking, dress code, alcohol smuggling) where the zealots on both sides post the same comments for several pages.


My own pet peave to add is the posters who start new threads on several forums every couple of weeks seeming to try to get the answer they want, even if it is not possible. They don't seem to want to believe the collective knowledge.



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This is one of those "It depends" type of questions.

If the poster is asking a factual question, to which there is only one answer, and the answer has been given, it's rude when others re-post the same, exact answer---as if the original reply doesn't exist. It's demeaning to the one who did answer.

If it's an opinion-type thread, then it's fine for anyone and everyone to join in, as long as they can disagree without being disagreeable.

It's also rude to post the same question in multiple threads simultaneously. It's not fair to someone who takes the time to consider your post and respond to it, only to find it's been posed, and answered, in several other threads.

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