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Royal Champions


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Ahhhh...that is where RCL gets our screen names! Didn't think of that but yes you must give it to register for the M & M. I had been a little bothered because people on CC, (not necessarily the RCL Boards) were talking about how when they were on board and met an officer or other employee, the employee mentioned so you are.......(screen name here). And they were a little taken aback that that employee knew them by their screen name after hearing their given name. I was concerned here as it seemed to be a bit too "Big Brother" to me.


Employees onboard will often read the message boards to see what people are saying about the ship, and what people may be saying about them or to find out what future cruisers on their ship are thinking. I do the same thing with the Voyager. The only difference is that people onboard are not allowed to respond. It's not a big brother conspiracy, just onboard staff paying attention to their passengers. It's inevitable that they will run into people that they recognize from the boards and they like to acknowledge that.


I'm not saying that they don't get marketing info from M&M registrations, just that employee recognition is because employees like to see what people are saying about them and troll the boards, not because corporate pinpoints members.

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Actually, that is not true at all. Not that this really means much but RCI has ALL the info on anyone who has registered for a meet and mingle, as you must put your CC screen name on the registration along with your reservation info. A solid link to all the info. they would require. I am however, assuming that anyone who was asked to be an RC has registered for a meet and mingle.


pretty interesting deduction. They have my screen name, and that is linked to my reservation which has my real name and real address and what not. You are a smart cookie -- so where does this leave us? I don't think in a very good place.

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If you were going to contact a group of people by email, would you rely on nformation collected over a period of time during which they might have moved and/or changed their email address? Even if they signed up for a M&M within the last couple months, that could be true.


I doubt it. You would go to someone you knew to have the current email addresses of everyone you wanted to contact.


What say you?


Not directed to me, but my server changed over a year ago, and I don't think I have ever updated my addy here. My address, which can be determined from my reservations, hasn't changed in over 10 years -- snail mail? When they had the little problem about 2 years ago with the breach of security with identity info and had to contact all of us about giving us a free subscription to credit monitoring because of it, they used snail mail. Those of us who had our identity info compromised had all filled out one of their post cruise surveys -- ;) beware RC's.

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Except that NO one is asking to know who you work for and all of you're affiliations. Where are you getting that from?


Some folks that have never sailed on RCI are attacking our integrity. They want us to have the fact that we are RCs in our signatures which I have done since 2007.


My request is to show it works both ways, Why are these folks coming out of the woodwork now. Is someone paying them to post negative comments? Are they a writer trying to stir up a story? They're attacking us without any disclosure on their part. Who are they and where did they come from?


Did that answer your question?

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pretty interesting deduction. They have my screen name, and that is linked to my reservation which has my real name and real address and what not. You are a smart cookie -- so where does this leave us? I don't think in a very good place.

As much as I would love to be a smart cookie,this has come up before in a different context, so its not exactly an original concept of mine. But this same type of thing is used everywhere. Your Costco card can tell Charmin that you use their bathroom tissue. They are all pretty basic database concepts, linking like data, etc.

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As much as I would love to be a smart cookie,this has come up before in a different context, so its not exactly an original concept of mine. But this same type of thing is used everywhere. Your Costco card can tell Charmin that you use their bathroom tissue. They are all pretty basic database concepts, linking like data, etc.


gotchya! So when the insurance company learns I like Ben and Jerry's and I have high cholesterol (not really, because it's not high), I'm cancelled. The place this leaves us in this instance is that RCCL didn't ever have to go through CC, but they did, so why? What's the rest of the story?

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Well, when I sign up for stuff, like message boards, registration to news sites, etc, including CC, I have a junk email account I use. Then all the garbage they send out (or if they happen to sell email addys) goes directly to the junk address. I just go in once in a while to purge it.

On the other hand, for more 'legitimate' businesses, such as RCI, where I expect emails back that I want to see, I use a 'good' email addy, that I do actually check. But thats just me.


I guess what I am tryng to say, is that for fairly frequent cruisers, and longtime CC members, email addys used in the meet and mingle would likely be more valid and current then one used to sign up for a message board, possibly years ago. I duuno, maybe you'd end up with similar results using either.


We do the same thing. The one I post here is my junk msil address. Once I get an email from someone on the boaed, I send them my real address.


In the last 2 years, I changed ISPs 2 times and I don't always remember to update everyone. I do update CC because I'm on it every day. Something to do being retired.

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Oh you gals! I'm so sorry to hear about Rick, Peggy. I hope everything is OK. Congrats on getting an invite to the one night. We're just jealous. :D:):D


And congratulations Colleen & Doug on 25 years of marriage. I hope we get to sail on Mariner soon too. But I don't know when it will be, we already have 3 weeks of vacations booked this year...it's that work interfering with vacation thing again. Have a great cruise!


And one of these years Peggy!



Patti :)


Hi Patti,


Doug and I kind of booked last minute for 5/24 sailing. We are like you, all our vacation time is now booked. Being a stay at home Mom/Grandma for over 23 years now, when Doug has vacation time, I want to travel................!!!!!!!!!


We did the Mariner itinerary on the Vision of the Seas in March, 2007 and we really liked it. Looking forward to no kids along this time. Say hi to Bill from both Doug and I.

Take care,


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gotchya! So when the insurance company learns I like Ben and Jerry's and I have high cholesterol (not really, because it's not high), I'm cancelled. The place this leaves us in this instance is that RCCL didn't ever have to go through CC, but they did, so why? What's the rest of the story?



You obviously didn't read my response to horrorfan.

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Oh there is nothing to feel icky do about. You did nothing wrong nor anything anyone else would not do. It is not a personal thing about you.


As far as cliques on CC, yes, there definitely are cliques on CC. But there is a big difference between a clique between posters/friends with common interests, cruises together, etc. and a group selected professionally by an advertiser on cruise critic to help influence other members of CC to try/prefer their product. RCL has admitted this is the reason for the program. CC has admitted they assisted RCL in contacting members to become a part of this program.




I know it's not a personal thing about me - that's not what I meant. And honestly, if RCI's marketing geniuses picked me to do that, they screwed up big time.


I would submit that the RC clique shares a love of cruising.:) As for common interests, I imagine that those who are still posting on the pre-inaugural thread (I'm not one) have found SOMETHING else to talk about by now...


Well for starters, I heard today that the original RCer's were not picked because of there "favorable post" towards RCCL and that no compensation or gifts were offered. I heard that they did not know that a marketing company was involved.


However, years ago it was pointed out by may RC'ers that they knew they were picked because of thier posting habits and that they fully understood they were part of a new marketing strategy. I do conider a free 2-day cruise with free drinks as compensation for accepting the RC banner.



PLEASE LISTEN TO (LOOK AT) ME! (yep, shouting) The first time we even heard or saw the "Royal Champion" moniker was after we boarded the ship. So the free cruise was not "compensation" for anything. Perhaps they forgot to schedule the session where we were to be told of our obligations.


It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it was some kind of marketing program. But it was not disclosed to us that anybody other than RCI was involved, although IME corporations outsource most of their advertising/customer survey (struggling for the proper terminology) type work, so it's logical to assume that somebody else actually ran the program.


I would, however, love to see any followup study of all of our posts, as opposed to the usual monitoring of CC that goes on in Miami. I can't imagine that it's been a resounding success for them.


This is a serious question- what did those of you who are RCers imagine that you were contacted for? Many of you say you had no idea what it was about. RCCL HAD to have said something- otherwise why would you have sent them your information?


Please don't say "I don't know." I get emails every day from people and groups asking for my information- if I don't have some pretty good idea of why the sender would need or want it- I wouldn't give it a moments notice.


When I got my email from Laura S I thought it was an identity theft scam - really, who would ask for all of my personal information like that - a Nigerian prince with impounded oil money? I even posted here on CC about it and several people agreed that it was a very strange thing. So I emailed Laura (not using "reply" but finding the email address here because that's what they say to do so you're not walking into the spider's web) and she confirmed the legitimacy of the email. I'm afraid I didn't save that email exchange. All of the initial contact was from Cruise Critic, NOT RCI. I later got a telephone call from Jonathan (I think that was his name), from C&A in Witchita (?), confirming my attendance.


I honestly didn't care why they'd picked me. I was at 30-something cruise credits by then and just missed the cut for selection as a Diamond Plus, so I was happy just to be invited.

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The recent controversy over Royal Caribbean’s “Royal Champions” program has certainly inspired debate on Cruise Critic and elsewhere over the past week. Offering answers and clarity is Bill Hayden, Royal Caribbean’s associate vice president of marketing, who talked with Cruise Critic Editor in Chief, Carolyn Brown, on Tuesday.

Question: What are the Royal Champions?


Bill Hayden: The idea that inspired Royal Champions came as we were brainstorming ideas for the launch of Liberty of the Seas. We went through the usual list of people who attend our ship unveilings – travel agents, cruise writers, high-level Crown & Anchor members – and thought about expanding outreach to a small group of travelers who were particularly passionate about and prolific in sharing information about cruising.


Question: How are Royal Champions selected?


Hayden: We engaged a company called Nielsen Buzz Metrics to go out and, using a general profile (with criteria that, as already noted, included being passionate about cruising in general), but that also included experienced Royal Caribbean travelers, and, in general, people who were helpful in sharing online their experiences, insights and advice with fellow passengers. Nielsen Buzz Metrics came back with a list. The list was not limited to Cruise Critic by any stretch; it included folks who post frequently in other communities and who write blogs. We didn’t pick Cruise Critic -- the data showed us where to go. Other sites included TripAdvisor and various Usenet boards.


What we did then with the various communities was, in respect for peoples’ privacy, ask community managers if they’d mind asking the posters and bloggers that were discovered by Nielsen Buzz Metrics if we could contact them.



Question: What do Royal Champions do?


Hayden: This group, which started out with about 50 participants and now has grown to 75, is involved on several levels. First, they engage in passionate discourse on all-things cruising, just as they have always done. As well, they’re definitely part of an informal focus network – we run information and ideas by them, ask for feedback. A couple of examples: we asked some Royal Champions to give us input as we were designing our new “nation of why not” website. We invited some Royal Champions to attend an Oasis of the Seas event in New York (in June, 2008, we showcased developments such as the boardwalk, royal promenade, Central Park and the loft suites). Some traveled to New York, Los Angeles or Miami for two-night pre-inaugural cruises.


When we were testing out an early version of a social networking site of our own, we invited the Royal Champions to log in, take a look at it and send comments, and we’ve really taken the input to heart. It’s important to note that when travel is involved, Royal Champions pay their own costs for transportation and hotel.


Question: Can Royal Champions be removed from the program if posts are negative or infrequent?


Hayden: Categorically -- never. After we have an event, we look at various places where Royal Champions might be writing and blogging to see what we can learn from them. To learn if we need to make changes. We have never, ever contacted anyone about anything that they’ve posted and we never will. We have identified them as enthusiastic but they are more than welcome to say anything they want and that won’t affect their ongoing status. I feel very comfortable saying never.

Question: Do you pay Cruise Critic for its participation in the Royal Champions program?


Hayden: We have not in any way compensated Cruise Critic for its participation in this program. And let me make this clear: Cruise Critic didn’t actually really participate in the program other than to pass on a message from us and obtain permission for Royal Caribbean to contact the members that were identified via our research project. This approach applies to the other web sites and blog sites that we reached out to.


******End of Q&A With Bill Hayden of RCI**************


Note from Cruise Critic Community Manager:


In light of questions over messages deleted from Royal Champion’s-oriented threads, please take a reminder look at our community guidelines (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm). This should clear up any issues, specifically, about why some posts were removed yesterday. As Cecilia mentioned, and I later confirmed, posts were removed because they contained large blocks of copyrighted material lifted from other sites (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm#9). In addition, the threads contained harassment, flaming and posts created to humiliate and/or cast members in a less than favorable light were too numerous to clear out (http://www.cruisecritic.com/community/guide.cfm#6).


It appears to us that some believe that Cruise Critic removes negative postings from the boards when asked to do so by a cruise line. This couldn't be farther from the truth. And, you can all rest assured that we have never once entertained a request of this nature. We do, however, as noted above, remove postings that do not abide by our community guidelines and at times entire threads if they contain too many community guideline violations.


Finally, our message board policies have never been open to discussion on the cruise forums. This has been in place since the day we opened our doors here on the "web"; and is also clearly stated in our guidelines. We have always asked that you contact us for information, and we will continue to do so in the future.


One more piece of information I was asked to share with you all comes directly from the PR Department, verbatim, at Royal Caribbean:

"..the only thing I would like to add is that it would be very helpful to reiterate that this is totally separate from our loyalty program and that being a Royal Champion is in no way tied to the number of Royal Caribbean cruises a person has taken."

Good night,


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Employees onboard will often read the message boards to see what people are saying about the ship, and what people may be saying about them or to find out what future cruisers on their ship are thinking. I do the same thing with the Voyager. The only difference is that people onboard are not allowed to respond. It's not a big brother conspiracy, just onboard staff paying attention to their passengers. It's inevitable that they will run into people that they recognize from the boards and they like to acknowledge that.


I'm not saying that they don't get marketing info from M&M registrations, just that employee recognition is because employees like to see what people are saying about them and troll the boards, not because corporate pinpoints members.



Hi Cruiseloverandagent,


Well, plus you gotta admit this....these boards can be addicting and just because someone works for RCL doesn't mean they are immune from the addiction, LOL!!!!!


Still hope to meet up with you in Galveston next time we cruise Voyager.


Oh....and to the RCL folks reading this thread.....can there be a focus group from Texas that lets you know we NEED a full time ship out of Galveston???? I promise that I will write really, really nice posts from now on if you just Give Texas a full time RCL ship, please???? (Just kidding, but it is nice to be able to drive to a port.)

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We've been posting here on CC for many, many years. We've received tremendous help from fellow members with questions we have asked.

We have enjoyed helping others with info that they need. Many have thanked us for our help. It is nice to hear from them, even many months later.

We have really enjoyed the back and forth here on CC and have made many friends over the years thanks to CC. We continue to cruise with our new friends as much as possible. Just off Voyager with friends, made more new friends there. Oasis next. Then Mariner.

We have cruised on most of the major cruise lines. Sea our sig below.

We are Diamond Plus and Royal Champions. We are getting tired of the back and forth on this thread. It is getting old.

We just wanna cruise on RCL, have a good time, help others, and yes . . . promote our favorite cruise line. We did this prior to being RC's, and will continue on. As of now, have not received a nickle in payment from anyone.

Oh, one more thing. Can we all learn how to spell "JUDGMENT"?

Rick and Deirdra

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When I got my email from Laura S I thought it was an identity theft scam - really, who would ask for all of my personal information like that - a Nigerian prince with impounded oil money? I even posted here on CC about it and several people agreed that it was a very strange thing. So I emailed Laura (not using "reply" but finding the email address here because that's what they say to do so you're not walking into the spider's web) and she confirmed the legitimacy of the email. I'm afraid I didn't save that email exchange. All of the initial contact was from Cruise Critic, NOT RCI. I later got a telephone call from Jonathan (I think that was his name), from C&A in Witchita (?), confirming my attendance.


I honestly didn't care why they'd picked me. I was at 30-something cruise credits by then and just missed the cut for selection as a Diamond Plus, so I was happy just to be invited.


Thanks for the reply. It is interesting-so, the original contact was CC. Ok.

But, hopefully not starting a different round- what is a Diamond Plus? Isn't that recognition that you have sailed X number of cruises? (Oh please let it be that- please! I hope I hope I hope!)

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So now that this has been hashed and re-hashed and the posting rules are clear...again, we can post threads on these subjects, right??? Because that's where some of the distrust comes from. People were curious, wanted answers, started a thread trusting that they could get answers here and POOF. Quicker than you could blink they all disappeared one right after the other. That's where the "Hey... wait a minute... what's going on here" got started.

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Hi Cruiseloverandagent,


Well, plus you gotta admit this....these boards can be addicting and just because someone works for RCL doesn't mean they are immune from the addiction, LOL!!!!!


Still hope to meet up with you in Galveston next time we cruise Voyager.


Oh....and to the RCL folks reading this thread.....can there be a focus group from Texas that lets you know we NEED a full time ship out of Galveston???? I promise that I will write really, really nice posts from now on if you just Give Texas a full time RCL ship, please???? (Just kidding, but it is nice to be able to drive to a port.)



If you should ever happen to want to email me it's




subject to change if I get too much spam.

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Thanks for the reply. It is interesting-so, the original contact was CC. Ok.

But, hopefully not starting a different round- what is a Diamond Plus? Isn't that recognition that you have sailed X number of cruises? (Oh please let it be that- please! I hope I hope I hope!)



Diamond Plus is the highest level in Royal Caribbean's Crown & Anchor Society.

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PLEASE LISTEN TO (LOOK AT) ME! (yep, shouting) The first time we even heard or saw the "Royal Champion" moniker was after we boarded the ship. So the free cruise was not "compensation" for anything. Perhaps they forgot to schedule the session where we were to be told of our obligations.
If you read my post c a r e f u l l y, you will see that I n e v e r said you were Royal Champions before you got your 2-day free cruise from the marketing company. Were you a RC when you got the VIP invite to NYC?


Isn't that funny... "the free cruise was not compensation".

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Diamond Plus is the highest level in Royal Caribbean's Crown & Anchor Society.


And the Crown and Anchor Society is what? (I am learning to ask and not assume I have any idea what any of this is). A frequent sailing program?

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Silly me... I always thought that the RC'ers were people that loved RC Cola.


My 2c worth? I could care less if there are RC'ers, travel agents, or service providers posting. Fact is, I think it would be interesting if some "offcial" voices were on the boards especially in the cases where true factual information is requested. For example, some of the ports of call boards could really make use of a rep of the port's tourism company to answer the usual myriad of basic questions. But I digress.


What I would like though, is for all those posters (including RC'ers) to just be very clearly identified. That's all.


The whole idea behind message boards with anonymous identities is that "truth" tends to surface. But such "truth" become suspect once there is a possible influence - intended or not. It is up to each individual reader to then weight a response's importance to them.


As far as the CC/RCL connection? That was always clear to me even when I first started here. After all, only RCL has a direct link to do M&Ms and provides official hosts on board. To my understanding, other lines aren't even able to do that in an official capacity (sure, they may occasionally send a staff member but nothing is usually officially coordinated - but I might be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time).


To the RC'ers - hey, congrats and enjoy the perks! I envy you! ;)


To the rest out there, be happy for them being able to get something out of countless posts and continue reading their - often valuable - contributions but don't overlook (but don't overstate the significance either) of there being some connection to RCL.


As far as I am concerned, I guess I won't be getting that email from RCL anytime soon since I continuously (and completely justifiably) hammer them on food taste... LOL! :cool:


Hmmm, now where's that RC Cola and is it included in the soda "card"? :rolleyes:

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Actually, that is not true at all. Not that this really means much but RCI has ALL the info on anyone who has registered for a meet and mingle, as you must put your CC screen name on the registration along with your reservation info. A solid link to all the info. they would require. I am however, assuming that anyone who was asked to be an RC has registered for a meet and mingle.


Well, if they keep records about 5 years back, then you are correct. I haven't registered for one since about 2003 or 2004.

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If you should ever happen to want to email me it's




subject to change if I get too much spam.


Got it. I don't dare publish my e-mail address online, it has my full name in it.


Oh and I see you are friends with JC. For some reason he always goes after me and tries to rile me up. But I am sure he will be so jealous to see that we are friends. Just kidding JC....see I do have a sense of humor.

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