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Letter to Diamond Members (Merged Threads)

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maybe they would not have this problem if they actually only allowed the diamond, diamond+ and suite guests in the lounge. on my last cruise, it was clear that there were people in the lounges that did not belong but the staff was afraid to ask them to leave because they did not want anyone upset.


on departure day, the diamond departure lounge had no seats available, no coffee, juice, breakfast, nothing left, it was just empty trays and dispensers because again, there was a big group of first time cruisers traveling together with a travel agent that was a diamond member. i know this because i heard them talking among themselves. i'm sure there were others that did not belong in there too!.


it just seems ridiculous to penalize the diamonds because RCCL cannot enforce it's own policies! p.s. the coupon for the free wine in the coupon booklet is only la terre so it is safe to assume that the free wine in the new diamond lounge will be la terre or worse. la terre is undrinkable unless you like headaches!


I have read here on many cruises there have been 200-700 D and D+ members on one ship. How ya'll fitting in that one CL?

The overflow lounges may not have as many sliding in now because the drinks are not exactly free anymore.

I'll also bet that one special event per sailing will have a guard at the door.

Does anyone possibly think the new revised diamond coupon book may actually be something that would be really good this go around?


Why do so may feel suite guests don't deserve the same perks a D member gets? They sure are paying a hefty price tag. How do you all know the suite guests aren't returning cruise after cruise?? Many talk about suite guests like they only cruise once in a lifetime. I'm sure RCCL wants to keep suite guests thrilled so they keep booking those suites.


I really cann't belive so many cann't let this go. I'm so glad I won't be sailing until 2010. Hate to have a bunch of grumpy faces on my vacation!:p

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Can someone tell me whether the diamond party will be held one night with drinks and the 25% discount on anything other than champagne and wine or every night of the cruise?


also, what ships will offer this? I wasn't quite sure after readinf the email that it was made very clear.



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sculptress- you are a joke. you sound like veruca salt. you are so spoiled that this sounds like the biggest concern in your life right now. you are a diamond member, meaning you have had the pleasure of boarding many a cruise ship. some people in the world don't even have food to eat, and you are complaining about free drinks and other diamond benefits that you lost. boo hoo. its obvious that you can afford a bar tab, since you can afford so many cruises. GET OVER IT, there are more important things, although you certainly try to make it seem like there isn't.

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I may not be impressed with RCI management, but I must say I'm in awe of their shipbuilders. Frankly I'm amazed that they will be able to add another lounge to 20 ships by Sept. 1. Surely that must be Goldstein's new plan...because he already told us the issue is overcrowding and it's impossible to use current space as an overflow diamond lounge. Gosh, now I really feel appreciated...even after spending millions on this new construction, RCI is going to discount my drinks, too!



...they just don't get it! they just don't get it!!!

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It is a negotiation tactic, no doubt about it. You always ask for the most you would like and if you need to give a little back, you do it.


But I am looking at it this way. IF RCCL had come the first time with these changes, would it have been satisfactory with me? The answer is yes. I wouldn't have been thrilled, but understanding. In addition, I really do wish they would stop with the overcrowding excuse. We all know it was a revenue issue, otherwise they would have given back free drinks, not 25% off.


Those minor issues aside, I am OK with the changes and am happy there was something given back. As I stated in the other thread, this particular issue has opened up my eyes to my loyalty and why I had it in the first place. I am no longer going to be loyal because of this program. It helps and it is appreciated, but it isn't the correct reason. I am anxious to go try other lines and see for myself if RCCL is my preference. And if I do determine RCCL is the cream of my crop and if they ever do need to raise the bar again on the C&A benefits, next time I won't mind. Because I'll know I love RCCL cruises for the right reasons.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Thank You!

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RCI didn't please the Diamond members with their second letter!


I just received Mr. Goldstein's email today regarding the updated changes for the Diamond Members. He must think we are all children and are trying to hand us a cream donut with no cream in it!!!! By giving us 25% off on drinks during a special cocktail hour and serving wine and cheese each day, you obviously don’t get it!


One of the most wonderful things about Royal Caribbean is that after you reach the status of becoming a Diamond Member you look forward to every cruise with them....the wonderful concierge service, you can have an espresso, cappuccino, coffee, watch t.v. in your own lounge, mingle with fellow diamond members because you have alot more in common with Diamond Members then you do with suite owners.


The Diamond Members have been around alot longer, know alot more, and appreciate the cruise line more than the cruisline obviously knows. And because of that this is what Royal Caribbean fails to understand.


We have been loyal, we have been the backbone, and at one time you did appreciate us by giving us concierge service, and of course, the cocktail hour from 5 to 8 every night of the cruise. Also, a lot of diamond members don't even drink, they shared sodas and talked about past cruises and new cruises. This is what you’re screwing around with. It has nothing to do with wine and cheese tasting and 25% off cocktails. It has to deal with good loyal people who have come back year after year. If these people were smart, they would do what I'm doing, by staying far away from a cruise line whose only thought is the bottom line.


If the diamond members would stay away even for one cruise, I think Royal Caribbean would then see the light and surely reverse itself from its petty ways that are going to be taken place in September 2009.


Why doesn't Royal Caribbean GET IT! It seems they don't even realize there are more competitive cruiselines and pricing out there then ever before!


Even though I feel these postings on CC are helpful, I think it would be more beneficial if we write directy to Mr. Goldstein with our remarks on how we feel. Below is the information where you can send your information to him and reach RCI.:cool:


Adam Goldstein (President and CEO of Royal Caribbean International)

Royal Caribbean International

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132-2096







"If these people were smart, they would do what I'm doing, by staying far away from a cruise line whose only thought is the bottom line. " Nope, it's not what you're doing! Your continuously coming back for something of which there is no more!

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Wow, I must really be easy. But I feel like this is great news. I get my happy hour back and I never drink anything but wine mostly. And their house wine Terre is excellent, IMHO only of course.:rolleyes: I think it's a concession, but a good one and I would like the 25% off cocktails...better than full price.:o And a party every day is better than the one party. I'm pleased. But I agree with Tex...some of em all the time, some of em sometime, but never everybody all the time. O Well!:cool:


I agree with you. I cannot figure out why there are so many sour grapes flying around on this subject! We've known for MONTHS that changes were coming, and then....what a coincidence.....they CHANGED it!!!


So, now Diamonds still get free drinks in the evening (and I'll bet there will be some munchies, too), but somehow this is "getting nothing"??????


I guess I'm just a permanent "glass is half full" type of person: if you were going to lose something and you got a lot of it back, then be happy with the half full glass. :D

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But some people kept clicking on them even when they know what is being written, if you don't like it, DON'T CLICK ON IT.



First of all = this poster posted this letter twice - the first time the moderators combined it here - then she posted it again -

Please think before you decide that my remarks are out of line - sometimes it is not what it appears.


When the moderators pulled her thread, she just posted it again - thats what I was talking about.


And why I think I have to justify myself to you is beyond me - I have never seen so many argumenative people in one spot.


You might want to check the thread - I have never commented on this particular subject. Because the next two RCL ships I am sailing have diamond lounges. I have nothing to complain about.

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Can someone tell me whether the diamond party will be held one night with drinks and the 25% discount on anything other than champagne and wine or every night of the cruise?


also, what ships will offer this? I wasn't quite sure after readinf the email that it was made very clear.



Every night and all ships including the Sovereign Class ships and Vision class ships that don't have a CL. The text of emails from Adam Goldstein addressing both of these issues are contained in the threads on this board and both issues have been discussed in detail.:rolleyes:

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Just what the boards need another thoughtless ramble. It's not Royal Caribbean that does not get it.


Well stated, Puff! Royal Caribbean is NOT taking away our ability to visit with other Diamond members. By dedicating one of the other lounges on board, the visits will continue. In effect, they are creating a Diamond lounge (with limited hours) in another lounge on board. The 'express' concierge service for 2 hours every morning should be more than enough for us to arrange our ice show tickets and the like.


Just read the letter. Well done, Adam. Thanks for listening!



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Well, not exactly. You are conveniently forgetting that if the 300 cruisers didn't get their free drinks they just might buy them in a ship's bar. Two drinks at $7.50 each times seven days times 300 cruisers come out to be $31,500. It's not the cost of the free drinks, it's also the cost of the lost revenue. Using your numbers, that could be a total cost of $33,600, It mounts up over a year, like over $1.5M.


Surprising how on the original, now closed, post, many people claimed that they enjoyed the CL for the atmosphere and the opportunity to share a glass of wine or champagne with fellow cruisers. Now it's just pig swill wine and rot gut champagne. I guess you can't please everyone.


But wasn't the reason the free drinks were stopped was because of over crowding in the lounge? I did not receive an email so I can't quote the reason why, other than what is on the website. I feel the reason for the change was for money reasons and money alone. I wonder how many people will drink the wine or the champagne? Most people that I've seen in the CL were drinking hard liquor. I won't be drinking the wine or the champagne, or buying a drink, just searching for a good cup of coffee in the morning. If the cruise line is charging $5.63 a drink ($7.50 less 25%) they will be making $3,378 every night for a profit of $3,078 for a Diamond happy hour, or $21,546 per cruise. This is based on two drinks a night for the 300 cruisers. I picked the 300 number out of the air because some have posted that is why the CL was over crowded on their sailing. I think the number could easily be higher or lower. Either way RCCL will make a tidy sum on the change, I would think more than their welcome back party that they had planned for just one night charging for drinks.


As for pleasing everyone, I think they were happy before the change. Most people become creatures of habit. They get used to something, like it and they return. Make changes and they start paying closer attention to the details. I think everyone, including lower C & A levels, are paying attention to the details. Some have made reference to sheep, maybe they are correct maybe not. Time will tell, still want my coffee and my cruise booked under the old guidelines grandfathered.

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Only one post on this thread for me. Must admit I am pooped with all of the recent banter.


I, for one, am glad that RCCL heard the concerns of its C&A members and have made some alterations to their plans. The original changes didn't upset me as much as it made me think that I could check out other cruise lines.


At least for my bride and I the whole discussion about the CL and free drinks were meaningless. It was nice and a good perk...but it was not the whole reason for our cruising. Meeting great folks and enjoying the sunshine is why we cruise.


So, we are happy with the compromises and thank RCCL for making them.


Trust me...last time for us on this topic. Bring on the Mariner in 3 weeks.

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But some people kept clicking on them even when they know what is being written, if you don't like it, DON'T CLICK ON IT.


Exactly. Plus, it was the Admin that locked the previously merged thread and started this one!

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I agree it's not all about the free drink but it's a nice perk. So RCL changed their mind about having one diamond night and are giving us every night with wine and champagne. I don't understand what the problem is if they are sending us to a different location. If we sail on Freedom or Oasis class ships we have a diamond lounge we free drinks.



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Exactly. Plus, it was the Admin that locked the previously merged thread and started this one!



Again look at what I previously posted - or do you read selectively -

the poster merged this thread about an hour ago and when the poster put it back up on the regualar board - the ADMIN merged it again. I was replying to something that was not part of this thread.

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After keeping quiet on this thread, but reading the hundreds of posts (on this thread and the one that was locked), I have got to comment on this most recent post.


This poster said, "This has nothing to do with free drinks! It has to do with being treated special after many many cruises with the same cruise line. It's about getting up in the morning and getting a cup of coffee or cappuccino and a continental breakfast in a small quite area. It's about being taken care of for the length of your cruise .... being treated a little above the rest of the cruisers. It has really nothing to do with free drinks."


I'm sorry, but methinks thee doth protest too much about the free drinks! Because when I look at the rest of what you said, it doesn't make a lot of sense.


You state, "it has to do with being treated special..." I really thought that ALL guests on the cruise line were treated special - silly me. I am just a lowly Platinum member, and yet I always walked away from a cruise feeling very special. That was what brought me back again and again. I didn't realize that Diamond members were being treated even EXTRA special - I didn't realize that the cruise staff knew that someone was Diamond, someone was D+, and some were just (horrors) Gold...and based their treatment of said passenger accordingly.


You then go on and say, "It's about getting up in the morning and getting a cup of coffee or cappuccino and a continental breakfast in a small quite area." I thought you are still getting a continental breakfast? Yes, the location has changed - but what's wrong with that? And you probably will still be able to get coffee - I can't imagine any continental breakfast that would be served without coffee...so I guess I don't understand this complaint. And, as other posters have said, the breakfast in the Windjammer or MDR is usually better anyway - and I'm sure there are MANY quiet places to take such breakfast and enjoy.


Your next statement, "It's about being taken care of for the length of your cruise", again, falls flat with me. I will repeat - I believe that the cruise staff makes every effort to make ALL passengers feel taken care of for the length of their cruise - regardless of their status. If they did not do this, then no one would come back. Your implication is that only Diamond or above passengers are taken care of - and speaking as a Platinum, I can irrefutably state that that is not the case.


And your last comment, "being treated a little above the rest of the cruisers", is elitist and snobby, in my opinion. Perhaps this is the crux of your problem...if that's the case, than sorry - can't help you with that. With this argument, you are asking the cruise staff to begin treating the passengers differently based on their C&A membership....and that is just not right, IMHO.


So - my one and only post on this - and sorry if it is long...but come on, accept the changes, enjoy your cruises, or move on.

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I am just a lowly Platinum member, and yet I always walked away from a cruise feeling very special.


Heck-I'm lower then dirt and only a gold member and still-always found a cup of coffee in the AM.

Even got breakfast every morning and could always find a nice quiet place to enjoy it.

Always treated wonderful. And the entire cruise none the less.


some people......................

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After keeping quiet on this thread, but reading the hundreds of posts (on this thread and the one that was locked), I have got to comment on this most recent post.


This poster said, "This has nothing to do with free drinks! It has to do with being treated special after many many cruises with the same cruise line. It's about getting up in the morning and getting a cup of coffee or cappuccino and a continental breakfast in a small quite area. It's about being taken care of for the length of your cruise .... being treated a little above the rest of the cruisers. It has really nothing to do with free drinks."


I'm sorry, but methinks thee doth protest too much about the free drinks! Because when I look at the rest of what you said, it doesn't make a lot of sense.


You state, "it has to do with being treated special..." I really thought that ALL guests on the cruise line were treated special - silly me. I am just a lowly Platinum member, and yet I always walked away from a cruise feeling very special. That was what brought me back again and again. I didn't realize that Diamond members were being treated even EXTRA special - I didn't realize that the cruise staff knew that someone was Diamond, someone was D+, and some were just (horrors) Gold...and based their treatment of said passenger accordingly.


You then go on and say, "It's about getting up in the morning and getting a cup of coffee or cappuccino and a continental breakfast in a small quite area." I thought you are still getting a continental breakfast? Yes, the location has changed - but what's wrong with that? And you probably will still be able to get coffee - I can't imagine any continental breakfast that would be served without coffee...so I guess I don't understand this complaint. And, as other posters have said, the breakfast in the Windjammer or MDR is usually better anyway - and I'm sure there are MANY quiet places to take such breakfast and enjoy.


Your next statement, "It's about being taken care of for the length of your cruise", again, falls flat with me. I will repeat - I believe that the cruise staff makes every effort to make ALL passengers feel taken care of for the length of their cruise - regardless of their status. If they did not do this, then no one would come back. Your implication is that only Diamond or above passengers are taken care of - and speaking as a Platinum, I can irrefutably state that that is not the case.


And your last comment, "being treated a little above the rest of the cruisers", is elitist and snobby, in my opinion. Perhaps this is the crux of your problem...if that's the case, than sorry - can't help you with that. With this argument, you are asking the cruise staff to begin treating the passengers differently based on their C&A membership....and that is just not right, IMHO.


So - my one and only post on this - and sorry if it is long...but come on, accept the changes, enjoy your cruises, or move on.



WOW!!! (man I wish I could write like that!!! Very nice!)


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Again look at what I previously posted - or do you read selectively -

the poster merged this thread about an hour ago and when the poster put it back up on the regualar board - the ADMIN merged it again. I was replying to something that was not part of this thread.



My reading is fine, thanks for your concern. I was responding to tugboat. :rolleyes: Some folks here need to take a chill pill and relax a bit.

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I have sailed on all of the major lines and some that are no longer sailing. I have sailed inside, outside, balcony, JR suites and suites. I have sailed on 49 cruises. Loved everyone of them. I go for the cruise. Some ships and lines offer perks and others do not. I am a Diamond member with RCI. RCI is the only line that I can sail on and receive special perks and not book a suite.


I just recently sailed on The Voyager with 11 family members. I was in a suite so I was able to use the CL. I could not use it because it was too crowded. It was only too crowded when the drinks were free. I went up to the Diamond Lounge and it was crowded as well. Here again the drinks were free. I feel that by having to pay for some of the cost these lounges will no longer be too crowded to use.


From my experience I would say that 99 percent of the people who go into these lounges go to meet people and share their experiences. There is that 1 percent that go in there to do nothing but get a free drink. So I am happy that Diamond members still have a place to go and mingle and have a social drink and I'm also happy that the suite people will get their place to do the same.


So thank-you RCI for listening to your devoted past passengers.



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have copied this of a previous contributor. the last is the most inportant to myself


No more newspapers

No more mints

no more late night buffet

No more shipshape / vitality program

No more stock dividend

No more daily lunches in the MDR (sea days only)

No more daily or gala midnight buffets

Johnny Rockets fee increase

Late nite room service fee

No more in-cabin liquor purchase w/ fee

No more bringing wine onboard

No more morning ice service

No in-room beach towel service

New fee for drinks at the Captain’s “cocktail” reception

No more C&A welcome back party

Beer and wine (only) at the new Diamond reception

Cutbacks in food quality

Dinnig Room steak fee

No more free photo coupon

No C&A gifts below D+

No combining stockholder / diamond discounts, even though one has absolutely nothing to do with the other

no overflow Diamond bar (see below)

Of course, last but not least: No CL access for diamonds



There will be a Diamond bar but ONLY on there largest ships.( This has changed)


IN OTHER WORDS Diamond members are not wanted anymore on the other ships as we were cluttering up the Concierge Lounge.


I used to visit the CL for a coffee after the casino closed.







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Heck-I'm lower then dirt and only a gold member and still-always found a cup of coffee in the AM.

Even got breakfast every morning and could always find a nice quiet place to enjoy it.

Always treated wonderful. And the entire cruise none the less.


some people......................


In the lounges they have a coffee machine that makes Expresso and Capachino. Not just coffee but fancy coffee. I have become quite fond of going to the lounge at all times of the day to get such. It is a lot better than what you get in the Windjammer. I will miss that.


Really once you get used to a perk like the lounge it becomes an expectation. Something to look forward too. Having it taken away is a loss. Since I have never experienced crowded lounges, they were always nice and sociable it is a bummer.

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