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Everything posted by terrierjohn

  1. Your TA should check that an evacuation chair is available before they accept your booking, but it depends how experienced the agent is, as to whether they will.
  2. It can be annoying for new cruisers, however all private excursion operators know the port times from the port authority, so they tailor their excursions to them, and will know if there is a planned change.
  3. My car will be 10 yrs old in October, but we are only doing about 2000-3000 miles a year mostly to Southampton for cruises, and we are trying the coach for our next cruise so it could be a lot less in future, and it's a diesel so only £20pa road tax and only done about 26,000 miles, so only just run in. So really a no brainer to keep it as long as it is still running.
  4. Keep away from the scales, and any more food for a few days.
  5. Totally agree,I tried it once and it was diabolical, the tap water in your own bottle then chilled in the fridge is fine. All this social media rubbish about it tasting salty and causing your feet to swell is rubbish, it tastes OK once it's chilled.
  6. And why is it necessary to fly out studio news presenters to cover overseas events, just to stand in front of a recognisable feature and do exactly what they could have done just as well, if not better, back in the UK studio.
  7. Even though I don't bother with Eurovision, the fact that it gets such good viewing figures is probably why the Beeb continue to highlight it.
  8. Saga own Titan, but they currently seem to operate both brands separately.
  9. You might want to check Cruise Mummy, that site had good info.
  10. According to Moley, Maleth were the only bidder, it was either accept them or cancel a large chunk of bookings.
  11. We had one box well inside the use by date, but some of the test liquid vials had virtually dried out.
  12. Did you use a new test kit, or an old one from the pandemic era. We have some old ones left but I wonder if they are still accurate?
  13. That is the difference, my last 2 P&O cruises I chose P4C, but because I wanted to ensure I could cancel and get a refund, the P4C price was, from memory, £135, meaning I could have saved £15 by giving up £120 OBC. But I still felt it was worth paying the extra to ensure I could drive straight in to the drop off lane, and not have to wait in a CPS waiting lane.
  14. Maybe you could check with other insurers to see what they would charge for the extra day(s), you might find one cheaper than SS.
  15. I have to admit that for 14nt cruises, which is what we normally do, there is now very little financial benefit to opt for P4C, but we have had so many boarding delays with CPS waiting in rows for the chauffeur vans to return, that the speedy arrivals process with P4C is worth even paying a slight premium.
  16. It has often been said that CPS beat P4C on the shorter cruises, but lose badly on the longer cruises.
  17. All monies paid via my TA goes straight to P&O, so exactly the same thing would apply now if my TA went bust, with no worries at all to me.
  18. Depends on your TA, mine only asks for 7 days more, but gives me a discount, and saves me the hassle of having to ring P&O for any minor problem.
  19. There are 2 or 3 other regular parking companies that offer a similar experience, but I have no idea of their prices or reliability.
  20. But if you don't know about it, you won't be looking for any links, hence you won't find it.
  21. TBH MB, this is the only place I see this issue, and I imagine for most people this will also be the case. So any rumbling on is likely to have a limited impact on potential P&O passengers.
  22. We have had the same problem, I just put it down to the usual P&O IT inadequacies.
  23. Sounds credible, but experience tells me that PR comes quite a long way down the importance list for P&O, and it seems to have served them very well over the last 20 years.
  24. If they are filling their ships,despite the Maleth problems, then why would they feel the need?
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