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Everything posted by GonzoWCS

  1. Well just called the BCC folks and talked with a very nice lad (Miguel) and he set us up! Very easy, efficient, and almost free 🙂. Here we go folks! Cheers
  2. We love Winemaker's too! Cheers
  3. We just got an offer and submitted. We shall see what happens. Cheers
  4. Watching closely here as we pay off our Christmas/New Year next week. Thanks for everyone's information here! Cheers
  5. Thanks for the information here! Cheers
  6. Thanks for the information here. Cheers
  7. Good information here so far. Please keep it coming! Cheers
  8. Thanks for taking the time for this great review and answering all of the questions! Cheers
  9. Good information here. To the OP dag nab it that sux! Cheers
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