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Everything posted by ORV

  1. Well, from information on a new thread today it looks like this COULD be the daily grats.
  2. Oceania called it a cutting board, good enough for me.
  3. Sorry to hear of your infections. Lots of that going around. It’s hard to shake.
  4. I look at mine almost everyday and it's interesting to see the interplay between pending and posted. Sometimes they completely disappear for a few days then reappear. I've had hotels charge me the hold amount, then credit it back. There's a local casino hotel we go to occasionally that always does it that way.
  5. I have 3 words for people like that. Get........ Over........Yourself!
  6. If it was not money you expected back what do you want them to do? Obviously it's just an accounting blur between them and the credit card processor. Unless they are charging you for something you didn't spend I don't see the issue. If I understand correctly you are going to call them because the $100 credit you were not expecting has now disappeared? Or am I missing something?
  7. I'm pretty sure I could put this in the front pouch of my carryon, yes it would add weight, but no one has ever questioned the weight of my carryon, the size yes, the weight no. It would also fit in the laptop section of my backpack, which is my personal item. I could get it home if I was on a ship and wanted to get it home.
  8. Just because someone posts it on Cruise Critic or another site for cruising doesn't mean that it's true. Over the years I've seen tons of misinformation here. One thing I've noticed is that people do get things wrong. At times it like the old party game of gossip or telephone. It would be great if it did happen, but until I see some more official confirmation I'd wait to plan on it.
  9. That's why I find it good to move every 10 years or so, cut down on that kind of stuff.
  10. Sounds like FF was right about it being a hold on the card, although it might have shown credited. I recently had an issue at a hotel, where I was charged for a room that was paid with points. I had to dispute the charge. When it all shook out I was a little over $100 ahead. I'm waiting to see if they ever figure it out.
  11. Thanks for your report. Were you a first time Oceania cruiser? Did you have a balance on your seaboard account?
  12. Didn't they just leave? I just if there was an embarkation there was a disembarkation. DUH, silly me.
  13. A friend of ours has the same name as the guy that put a bomb in his shoes a few years ago on a plane. Coming back from a cruise he got pulled aside by Customs because of his name and was searched and questioned.
  14. DO you have your camera in B & W mode? Thanks for the pictures.
  15. That's a nice view, you should be able to see the Riviera in the morning, if they're going to be at Terminal J. I think that's where that ship in the picture is docked at. Enjoy your cruise, looking forward to your report. I was supposed to get on when you're getting off, but it'll be March before I make it.
  16. We got this also and was wondering if it's 10% off the AI price or if it's 10% off the cruise only price with the drinks, wifi and tips no charge. Would make a difference. The interesting thing is the choices are some of the same ones they were offering for free before, with some in May thrown in. I do see two in the Med.
  17. Perhaps they have a different perception than you do. Dark cabin halls have nothing to do with needing refurbished, that is the design of the ship, and has been that way since it was new. Same as the dark wood in Martinis on the R ships, it's a preference, doesn't make it worn out. Is it outdated? Once again, that's a style preference, some people like that, some people prefer all the greige and blacks that's been the rage for the past few years. Some like the sterile white environment or the pastels that RCl has had for 15 or 20 years. All a matter of taste. On the other hand, worn out carpet with holes and torn curtains is nothing thing altogether. I'm not saying Marina has that, but those would be reasons for updating.
  18. You can smell the smoke if you come in on the port side and up the stairs. Cigar smoking is not allowed in this area. Some of the ships have doors and some don't, I can't remember which. Horizons is an observation lounge. If you come in on the starboard side and sit over there or upfront you would probably never know there is a smoking area there, unless you're super sensitive.
  19. That's right, I don't remember how long they've been offered in the Planner, it's been a few years. But a few years ago the option to book them wasn't there. I think you could do it while booking, if you wre booking online, but not once you made a booking. You still can't upgrade it in the planner, nor through your TA or calling in, only onboard.
  20. To the best of my knowledge the drinks package has never shown on the Cruise Planner when you take that as your Olife choice.
  21. I'm disappointed, don't you guys read my posts? I answered this above.
  22. This can be purchased separately from any drink package. If you were buying the drink package that already includes grats why would you need to purchase them separately? More than anything I'm just curious about this as I've never seen anyone bring this up on the board. Wondering if it's some type of glitch or actually has a purpose. In case it isn't clear, this is a 10 day cruise. I can see what FF is saying, it actually makes sense. If a person bought an $80 bottle of wine and and 3 or 4 cocktails they would be ahead of the game by prepaying their tips. Of course you would have to do that everyday. On the other hand I've never seen this mentioned or offered as an option.
  23. I was just looking through my booked cruise and under drink packages I found this. Specifically, what is the Prepaid Gratuities? Is this where you can pay for your daily grats? The problem with that is I'm in a standard room, and unless they've gone up while I wasn't paying attention, I think they're $16 a day, per person, not $18 a day. At least that's what the FAQ's say. Are they going up? I have to admit that I haven't paid grats in a long time so wasn't even aware this was on the website. But it really makes no sense that it's in with beverages. It is good to know that gratuity is included when you buy the gratuities. 🙃
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