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Everything posted by ORV

  1. I would suggest you all put these complaints on the end of cruise survey😈 In all seriousness, on one cruise as we were getting off on disembarkation day they were announcing the winners. My wife's name was called. We had a zero balance on our account, usually the way we like it when we are done, most of the time have to spend OBC down in the boutique or similar. I did find out that it only goes toward any balance you have on your account. Doesn't count towards a future cruise. At least we won, but if we'd known that I would have bought something else. Still waiting to win that OBC at the Future Cruise Presentation.
  2. How would you compare that to what you've had on Regent?
  3. Maybe it should be, but it's not. Knowing that information we all have to make a choice whether to cruise with them or not. They have made no efforts to really improve it and as far as I've seen have no plans to in the near future. We all have different needs, for me I might go weeks without talking to people in my family. But no children, no grandchildren.
  4. Something is not right. There is no way there is a $3000 difference. I would be comparing room categories first. But, not my monkey, not my circus, carry on.
  5. I think you hit the nail on the head. We are constantly surrounded by high speed internet everywhere we go, home, businesses, hotels, restaurants, stores, etc. The satellite internet that is on Oceania is at best along the lines of the old Dial up modem speeds, if that. Yes, I know that RCL is updating to Starlink, and from reports seems to be a much better service, but Oceania doesn't have that. For us it's an acceptable drawback.
  6. And what's up with those tiny baked potatoes?
  7. You would think so, but I've had differing experiences. Recently at San Pedro our Uber driver almost had a meltdown when I insisted he needed to turnaround and take us back to the ship. By insisted I mean multiple times. For some reason he thought we were going somewhere else. It didn't help that he didn't speak English, and I didn't speak his language. I repeatedly pointed at the ship, he kept pointing at the app. Another time in Miami we had a Spanish speaking Uber driver that was going the wrong way on a one-way street at the port. (The whole trip was a nightmare) I finally was able to get him to talk to a policeman that fortunately spoke Spanish and could get him directed to our ship. Having said that I've had many, many positive Uber experiences. Much preferable over taxi rides. Since we started using Uber we pretty much use nothing else, unless there's no other choice.
  8. I just checked my March cruise and this is not an option for it. Are you sure you're not thinking of another cruise line?
  9. Are plastic bottles ok? Seems I read somewhere that sodas should be in cans.
  10. Missing information. What is the number of excursions need to get the discount and how many do you have booked?
  11. How does that work? Does your TA charge you for booking the cruise?
  12. Odds are you won't be in your room by that time, unless you're in the Owner's, Vista or Oceania Suite.
  13. I wasn't saying you had to get a balcony to get it. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was just pointing out that $1699 is the bare bones rate in the lowest category room. We have quite a few posters here from the UK so maybe they can chime in on the ins and outs of booking from there. Definitely different from country to country. You are on the right track by seeking out the help of a TA.
  14. I'm not sure I understand your question. Yes it's genuine. BUT, the $1699 per person is the cheapest category with no air and no Olife. If you want a balcony with air included and a drink package(wine & beer at lunch and dinner) it jumps up to about $4400 per person.
  15. Apparently they are using a different graphic for each cruise. Just in case you didn't get the memo, they all used to be Blue. 😆
  16. Do you have a link for this? What Jelayne posted didn't seem to address this. A person with the Classic package has technically already purchased a drink package.
  17. Perhaps we're odd but we've never once opened the slipper package on any cruise.
  18. The one I got the other day was green, the one in Sept was brown/gold.
  19. I got it, around here we say South Merica.
  20. I'll have to take your word for it on NCL, as I've never been on that cruise line. My only experience is with Oceania and Celebrity, and an occasional RCCL cruise. They all hire third party companies. It might appear they're cruise line employees, but most of them are not. There are usually a few of the cruise line employees there though.
  21. I see you're new around these parts. Since you have an IT background I'm sure you know how to do a search. You'll find hundreds of threads about this subject. Don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon. They do put on a good cruise though.
  22. I"d much rather go here than many other places I've been in the Caribbean.
  23. Most of those folks are an outside agency and not really employees of the Cruise line.
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