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Everything posted by ORV

  1. It used to be $260 per person. Doubt it'll go back up. I did notice in Sept in the fine print on the bottom of the page it said Steiner. I was under the impression that NCL/O were operating it themselves.
  2. ORV


    Hey, how do you guys feel about tattoos showing at dinner? 😶
  3. Ok, I'm sure people haven't seen it before. Thankfully Njhorseman answered the question.
  4. A couple of points here. I'm pretty sure that if you are in a PH or higher you can access either lounge. If you are in Concierge you can only go to that lounge. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. Celebrity does not have a loyalty lounge, never have had one. What they did do is use a section of their version of Horizons(forget what it's called) and had free drinks for 2 hours each evening for those that are Elite and above(except for the first night). At one point on previous ships when they had less Elite's they had the function in Michael's Club, but it was open to everyone at hours other than the happy hour. Michael's was originally an indoor cigar smoking bar. They also have a continental type breakfast in one of the Specialty restaurants. They still do the Happy Hour for Elites and up, but with their Always Included concept(which they are backing away from), and drink packages, there is very little use for it. They do have a special lounge for those that are traveling in suites. What and where it is depends on class of ship. Celebrity has really gone to the whole "Retreat" concept. Royal Caribbean on the other hand does have special lounges for different loyalty levels. They have a Diamond Lounge, A Suite Lounge, a Pinnacle Lounge and maybe more, depending on your status is will depend on which ones you can access.
  5. ORV


    Yes BUT, last week we went to our friends Country Club for a private function for my wife's birthday. It is one of the more prestigious CC's in the area. We were in a private room, so I don't know how everyone was dressed, but as I was out in the hallway I saw one young couple(30ish) leaving the dining room. She looked nice, he, logoed t-shirt with a ball cap. This was on a Saturday evening. I don't know if he took the cap off during dinner as we didn't eat in that dining room. They had a leftover container, so I doubt they'd been turned away. Yes, the times they are changing. Me, I'm more amused than concerned about the whole dress code thing.
  6. Are you looking for another thread? Doesn't really seem to apply to what the OP asked.
  7. By light issues they mean you have to keep your curtains closed so your lights don't affect the visibility of the officers on the bridge at night. It's not light coming in your room.
  8. Is there a craps table? I know I've seen roulette, but don't know about craps. 4 I think no, but check with Oceania. 5. Probably not, but you never know.
  9. I guess people wearing lanyards or not has never been anything I cared about one way or the other.
  10. Interesting that they are adding the beverage carts with what appears to be early in the day drinks. Currently and historically it's almost impossible to get a Mimosa or Bloody Mary early in the day on the Oceania ships.
  11. It's not that it's a bad choice, there just is no additional benefit to it like there can be in the other two choices, depending of course on a cruisers usage. If it works for you and you understand that you are giving them money up front, then no big deal. One downside would be if a person had to cancel their cruise after final payment and you didn't have the cruise insured. Then you are going to lose that money. One thing that people need to keep in mind when they read about being able to get excursions up to $199 and being able to double their money is what actually happens in reality. In a perfect world there would be choices of tours at or very close to this price point that you would want to do. In reality that is not always the case. Sometimes tours are less than $100. On a recent cruise I was on we had one port that all the excursions were the OS-OE types that were in the $300 plus range. You definitely want to check out availability as soon as you can and get them booked. Or if they are not offering anything that would work for you change your OLife choice.
  12. A couple of things to consider. At the point you told your TA that you wanted to do the deviation you should have got an invoice showing the $175 per person charge. Your airfare should have been shown to you at the time you requested the deviation, as long as you booked less than 270 days before the cruise. Did you get an invoice at that time showing any of this? Your flights seem to be coming through at the standard 70-75 day window which is normal for non-deviated flights. I'm almost wondering if your TA might have dropped the ball and is blaming the air dept.
  13. One of the Cruise Critic editors went on the cruise, I think on the Marina where they rolled out a lot of this new information. She did a live from thread with a lot of information on this. I hope she got a Rare sticker for doing it. If you haven't seen the thread you might search for it.
  14. Well I would think it's because their clientele doesn't have germs.
  15. We have some of the tan ones, or did I mention that in a previous post on this thread. My wife prefers it, she likes things that are different, maybe why she's married to me.
  16. If they are having a shortage of the card holders maybe I'll take my box full of them on our next cruise and pass them out. Maybe I'll get some free drinks out of it. 🤣
  17. You keep putting things in that you somehow think I said that I never have in this thread. If you go back to the first time I quoted you I only pointed out one section. I don't know where you're getting half of the stuff you've come up with that you think I"ve said. If you need to be right so bad I'll say it, yeah, you're right. They never change anything or have special cases. For me personally I've always found value in listening to people that have been there done that. Life is simpler that way. I'm done with this.
  18. Yes, book a suite, comes with a Oceania cruises towel, in a nice terry cloth tote bag.
  19. I don't know why I do this, but I'll try, If you're referring to me, you couldn't be making more incorrect assumptions. I know exactly what each component of my cruise vacation costs are. You might say this is not my first rodeo with Oceania, unlike some other posters here. The only issue I've had is that you've posted a couple of things as normal policy that are not always the case, and when pointed out to you, you stubbornly seem to not accept that your conclusions might be wrong. If you stick around long enough, and book enough Oceania cruises, you'll find out that what's posted as policy, and what happens in real practice don't always align. There are many things, especially when it comes to Oceania Air becomes a "Let me find out" On the other hand yes, there are people that don't care and just want to know what the total is and when they're leaving.
  20. Most recently when we did an on board booking in Sept it is currently (or was then) $300 OBC to be used on the cruise you book it on, or for the future cruise you will be going on. Both positive additions in an industry where benefits are all too often being taken away.
  21. Not necessarily. A lot that music rocks, it may have been done that many years ago, and the musicians, if they're still alive, are in the 70's 80's & 90's, but it's still rock n roll. Perry Como, Andy Williams, String Quartets etc., more like nursing home music. There is definitely a difference. I won't argue that there are definitely some of us old fogeys out here that do like that music. I think Suemo's point is that most of that music is certainly more upbeat than what you will hear the bands on Oceania playing.
  22. Just as you've been on this subject in the past, you are still wrong. Yes, even if you go on just one cruise a year you're still better using an Oceania experienced agent than booking directly through Oceania. True that you are not going to get the same perks that a high-volume traveler is going to, but anything is better than nothing. It seems some of you guys want to figure every angle to save every dollar you can on a cruise price, yet won't do one of the simplest things you could to save money and time. Go figure.
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