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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. You said what I didn't say very succinctly and accurately.
  2. Considering it is Mrs. Schmoopie's idea, I'd say she's more than fine with it. Look, we know our friends better than anyone on this board. We know they would be thrilled (as the first couple was). We're sure the second couple will be, too. As I said, they originally invited us...and that was very recently as they only booked the cruise a week or so ago. And...the husband of the couple was recently diagnosed with dementia, so this will probably be our last opportunity to take a memorable vacation with them. For those of you who prefer to cruise alone...more power to you. But that's why they make more than one ice cream flavor...more than one model of car...more than one pizza topping, etc. Not everyone likes the same things or thinks alike. As they famously say on CC...YMMV.
  3. You must have missed the fact that the second couple DID ask us to go along...as mentioned in post 5 (above). And I failed to mention that when the first couple books a cruise (which they do several times per year), they send us the itinerary in hopes we will join them.
  4. Our Cruise Director on Prima in February was Simon...and I would say he was the best and most personable Cruise Director we ever had. Wonder what happened to him...in less than a year it's now Alvin. I just realized, if the next Cruise Director is Theodore, they would have covered all of the Chipmunks.
  5. Love "Jersey Boys". We've seen it a couple of times...once on the Bliss and once on dry land. We also saw the real Frankie Valli in concert a few months ago on his 89th birthday. Still fantastic...
  6. If you know the people well, it's not a risk. At all. The first couple we have cruised with a few times and have been lifelong friends. The second couple were our neighbors and we know them and their extended family (and mutual friends) extremely well. We have taken other (non-cruise) trips with them in the past. Granted, this plan might not work out in all cases, but in ours, no worries.
  7. In the first instance, they were going with two other couples (who we also know). They were all surprised to see us. In the second instance, they actually asked us to go along but we never showed an interest in going. So, no worries about wanting to be "alone" in either case.
  8. Earlier this year, friends of ours had booked the Prima. We decided we would join them...but not tell them. Right after they embarked they told us they were having their first drink in the Local bar. Immediately after boarding...about 10 minutes later...we rushed to the Local. Imagine their surprise when they turned around to see us. Fast forward to two months from now. Former neighbors of ours who we haven't seen in two years booked the Jade for February. Guess what we're doing...can hardly wait. (I'd say I can't wait...but I have to wait).
  9. We're on the Jade in two months and they have Jasmine Garden, a complimentary Asian restaurant. Is this Jade's version of Shanghai...i.e, essentially the same thing with a different name?
  10. Speaking of cruise ship sculptures, here’s one from La Cucina on the Escape. It reminds me of Marie’s sculpture on “Everybody Lives Raymond”…for those of you who remember that classic episode.
  11. When we booked our most recent cruise a few weeks ago, it was discovered that Mrs. Schmoopie had three (or was it four?) different Latitudes numbers. The odd thing is that she had a couple of different ones a year ago that were subsequently "supposed" melded into one to fix the problem. Luckily, her Latitudes points somehow miraculously remained intact. I guess we'll see how many numbers she will have when we book our next cruise. At NCL, you're not just a name...you're a number. In some cases, multiple numbers.
  12. The sign says "Ice Cream". But if it's from a machine, something tells me it's ice milk. Hope not...
  13. Currently sitting at $17.41. We bought at $12.90. Not bad for a "fun" investment.
  14. I'm confused...you get two specialty restaurants but were able to book three?
  15. I will be following this report with interest. Mrs. Schmoopie broke her leg pretty severely a couple months ago and continues to have mobility issues. We may need to bring a wheelchair onboard, so will be particularly interested in your comments.
  16. For that amount, you better get hash browns and twice a day cabin service.
  17. NCL has deposits of $250, which are fully refundable until final payment. As an "older" couple who changes their mind (a lot), that's huge for us. Also, NCL has a 10% Veteran's discount...also huge. Plus, anytime dining, no "formal" nights, stockholder OBC, etc. Until Royal or other other lines can match all of those things, we'll stick with NCL
  18. So do I. I love when more than one person does a "live" from the same cruise to get different perspectives,
  19. Let us know if you run into @BirdTravels. He's doing a simultaneous live report from the Viva.
  20. Oh, yeah...Viva, the quicker picker-upper. Oh, wait...that's Bounty. Viva was the cheaper picker-upper. Never mind...the beer is just starting to kick in. Looking forward to your live report.
  21. How is it possible to recreate a supermarket on a cruise ship stage? Running around with shopping carts up and down aisles? I don't see it. Maybe this version of Supermarket Sweep will have a set resembling the backdrop of a Safeway and all of the contestants get brooms to see who can do the best clean-up on Aisle 6.
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