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Everything posted by GUT2407

  1. It seems today Formal can mean almost anything, t9 me it is Dinner Suit, to s9m3 it seems to mean Jeans without rips. I’d go a suit in the case you outline.
  2. Happybirthday for Tuesday and hey any excuse will do for the right tucker
  3. As you leave the gun will be fired by a raffle winner from my old home town, I haven’t yet heard who wo it though.
  4. I think Canon learnt a big lesson from the change fr9m FD to Autofocus.
  5. Which terminal are you leaving from? We have a couple of go tos The Old Holiday Inn (now something else Rydges Maybe) at the Rocks is a 5 minute walk (or less) to the Overseas Passenger Terminal. We love the old World charm of the Grace, more in the centre of town close to shops trains etc. Or the Ibis World square for a lower $$$ alternate
  6. Now I need a wheelchair, not keen on too many tender Ports, before that I was fine with them.
  7. I suspect they may have zapped them to thaw and then into the warmer.
  8. It was at the Burger grill we got them and they had a real pie warmer.
  9. Yeah 33 days on Diamond Princess a few years back, think I got through about 66 Mrs Mac pies they had a different one each day, in fact that was how we celebrated Mrs Gut’s birthday
  10. Wow, you’d be handy on a ship. When my ancestor got out of the Navy he came to Aus, and advertised a private school (never seems to have got real far with it) offered usual, for the time, subjects plus knot tying, navigation and map making.
  11. I would largely agree. Save to say that as things stand now, Auto focus, I was late moving to it, is great as my site fails, but there as still time I move to manual focus, usually to make best of DoF when lighting limits my f.Stops. This happens way less with digital where I can manipulate the ISO. Auto exposure is another where knowing that while the Camera is giving me a “Grey Card” reading that may not be ideal for the shot When I started in photography as a serious hobby, with my first SLR, my mentor insisted I Be able to guess the exposure even when not shooting. A skill that stood by me for many a year. your comment about shooting off multiple shots and creating the composition also cries out a massive plus and minus of digital, you can shoot as many shots as you like.
  12. Yep, things keep changing in the world of photography, sometimes the changes are slow, sometimes fast, some changes last, others fade as fast as they come. When I look back on my life in photography so much has changed, but the essentials remain, composition, focus and exposure.
  13. They have always returned mine to the credit card on record. Not that I have had much back, after all I do have a Mrs Gut to absorb it.
  14. Hmmm back in the late 70s I had one,
  15. One girl ambo seems to come frequently “hello Maxy I’ll take care of him now, you just keep an eye on me” he then watches closely to make sure they don’t hurt me.
  16. Or once you book accomodation see if your hotel offers a shuttle from the airport, some do. But yea Taxi is my first pick and often costs less than a shuttle if there are a couple of you. How long are you in Sydney? Darling harbour is great for one or two nights, but the extra on a cab to White Bay, would be worth it to me if it is any longer to stay more in the city. It is worth looking at the whole deal, price of accommodation and taxi fare and location for other things
  17. Thanks all. I consider myself lucky, just over a year ago I spent a week in the Stroke ward, and OMG some of those poor buggers. Mine are nothing in comparison and if not for the falls and having to give up work wouldn’t even register as a blip. Biggest problem is between the mini strokes and the spine I fall a few times a week which causes more spinal damage and as the strokes are caused by a buggered up spine it is a viscious circle.
  18. Poor ambos would have had no hope on their own. They were going to call a couple of extra ambulances and then realised the fire station is just around the corner. Not the most I’ve had come at once, a few months back they rapid response paramedics were first, then three ambulances, ambulance rescue truck, and two fire trucks. Meanwhile Mrs G got home and said “We don’t need all you,” she got the wheelchair, once I was sitting I could get in the chair “One of you grab the ramps and set them at the front door” done and dusted. But we do have some experience at it.
  19. Because I can’t type. Fireies to help the ambos get me out of the small room I’d collapsed in, Mrs G was impressed by how well the6 did it, though I still say, had it been her, I’d have gently picked her up and put her to bed, but did she do the same for me, Nooooooooo
  20. It’s the butcher not the baker, not even the candle stick maker,
  21. Yes Uncle Les, Dr said unless or until we get these strokes and falls 7nder control it is a big fat NO and as I had a team of ambos and fairies here yesterday it’s not exactly looking good. Booked for March 2024 with fingers crossed.
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