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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. Has anyone here in Oz received benefits? A couple of days ago I registered as a veteran with HAL and was approved but unsure what to do next. I have one cruise already booked for Jan 2023 and hope to be booking another for Jun 3023.
  2. Here's an example the entertainment at a place where we had dinner under the stars by the Garonne Canal in France. Couldn't help but get to our feet and boogie. https://www.facebook.com/100063486224992/videos/pcb.506527388140131/1150463039186259
  3. I have only recently noticed mention in this forum of Club Orange so it is new to me. I looked at the benefits and was wondering if it is worth it. In my case I booked a 16 day cruise (Sydney/Singapore) some time ago so that equates to $15pdpp. My thought was if I applied now (cruise is Jan 23) would an upgrade cabin be available? Are some held aside? I suspect my cruise is heavily booked already. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  4. HAL have just made a change to Sydney/Singapore cruise 3/1/2023. They have deleted Newcastle (no loss for me as a local but others may be disappointed) and substituted Moreton Island which I now know will be a tender port for Brisbane. Does anyone know where the tenders drop off? (Flat earthers don't have to answer this).
  5. A lot can depend on the chef in charge. I'd rate X and HAL ahead of Royal but have had no complaint with Royal food. My two cruise favorites are X and HAL. Hal is ahead on itineraries and X just pips HAL with food.
  6. Not really a problem but sometimes it's an minor annoyance. e.g. An announcement in German all the Germans go quiet to listen. The following announcement in English, for excample, all the Germans start up up talking again and drown out the English. When introductions are being made at the start of a show, same thing, but it seems to drag on when, IIRC, there are six languages to get through. Other than public announcements it's not a problem.
  7. I've never seen a ship bathroom with less than at least two towel hangers.
  8. I've never really understood why we need a "turn down" service. Is it really that hard to get into a bed? Daily fresh towels? Don't do it at home so why on a cruise? I'lI hang my towel up after use or leave it on the floor if, as suggested, I want it replaced.
  9. I think my GP mentioned something about 74 year olds, ladders and rooves but I can't remember what it was.🙄
  10. Somewhere on this board I mentioned that I crashed a mountain bike (about 5 weeks ago) while in France. Someone asked how my shoulder was as I had mentioned it was stil sore. Last week I went to my GP and was sent to a radiologist for an ultra sound and x-ray. Result is I have a couple of lingering issues. "Bicep tendinosis with sheaf effusion. Subcromial bursitis. 4mm partial thickness tear of supraspinatus tendon." Roughly translated it means I have a sore shoulder. Shoulder aches when using my computer mouse and find it hard to raise my arm higher than my shoulder without support. Being a glutton for punishment I didn't help things yesterday by indulging in some much overdue home maintenance like climbing around on the roof removing rusty guttering and replacing some (veranda) gutter hangers that were sagging under the weight of all the rainwater we've been getting lately. The rust from the guttering has stained the non-slip paving paint around my pool (which was also starting to peel/flake so it needs re-doing which meant I had to remove the potted cordylines around the pool and also cut back the lilli-pilli privacy hedge and while at it remove aged and warped decking that partially covered the painted concrete and after that I hit the old paint with my Karcher water blaster pressure cleaner. No such thing a a simple job around my place. And, while I'm at it I have rusted guttering on my garage that also needs replacing. Been home a week and mowed the lawn twice. I think I'll give the shoulder a rest today.
  11. Does your itinerary include Conflict Islands? I hope it does as this island group has the best snorkelling I've ever experienced. It was included in a Sydney/New Guinea cruise we did on Noordam Jan 2019 IIRC.
  12. There are many brands. One example. https://www.billabong.com.au/mens-rash-vests/
  13. https://www.choice.com.au/health-and-body/beauty-and-personal-care/skin-care-and-cosmetics/articles/sunscreen-test#test Worth a look especially in view of this quote. "The US regulator, the Food and Drug Administration, recommends that samples of sunscreens with an SPF claim higher than 50 are tested at multiple laboratories using the same test method – something we'd like to see Australian manufacturers do."
  14. The sun is fierce during summer so I'd also recommend a broad brimmed hat and a rashie shirt if swimming or snokelling.
  15. There are many to choose from. Recommended is SPF50. Do not use spray ons, they are not as effective and are overpriced. Use a seperate moisteriser of your choice after sun exposure.
  16. Could it have been when they built the new airport, opened in 2014. The Hyatt Regency used to be the airport hotel right next to the old runways but it's now 10 minutes away - depending on traffic.
  17. That doesn't sound like Doha to me. I've been through there many times with my wife and BF. Have also transited there in Business Class. Have never been bussed to or from any aircraft at Doha but have experienced that at Dubai. Perhaps it was Dubai or Abu Dhabi? I have no problem with the personal information as it was only about COVID testing and vaccination status - they already have your Passport info.
  18. My BF and I had suitcases weighing 16kg each for our 6 week getaway in Europe. I'm sure others on the tour had almost twice that and had trouble lugging them into and out of hotels. Our cases weigh about the same, 16kg or less, for cruises.
  19. An alert to anyone transiting Doha involving leaving the airport. On my recent trip to Europe I had to transit in Doha (Sydney/Doha/Barcelona). As there was only a couple of hours between flights there was no need to leave the airport. However, on return, I had a 20 hour stop over due to timing of conecting flights (Morocco/Doha/Sydney).My TA had booked a hotel (Hyatt Regency Oryx Rotana) including transfers from return to airport (private Camry taxi). While in Morocco we (our tour group who were doing the 20 hour stopover) were told we would require a PCR test 48 hours or less before entering Qatar. This had quite a few of us concerned as there had been more than a bit of coughing going on in the final days of our tour. PCR test was 50 Euros or equivalent - in cash - and was done at our hotel in Casablanca. Much to my surprise, everyone tested negative. Hmm. So, we all clear to enter Qatar. What some didn't realise was that there was an extra formality to go through before entering Qatar, the compulsory installation of Qatar's EHTERAZ app on our phones. For most of us we could not, for various reasons, get the app to run on our phones, not very user friendly. So, when we arrived at immigration in Doha, we had to go though a different gate where immigration staff (about 5) assisted us in installing the app. nMysel and BF were assisted by a very nice, friendly, young lady who, using our supplied info, including COVID PCR status, set the app on her (or her work) phone. When she had finished she instructed us to take a photo, using my phone, of the relevant app page she had set up for us. Withj this done we were allowed through. We were also informed that we may have to show the app photo at some places like hotel, entering stores or offices etc. while in Doah. We later discovered one or two of the immigration staff were not as nice as the young lady we had. So, if you're going to Qatar ensure you have the app to avoid delays if you are visiting or stopping over.This will be important for anyone going there for the upcoming World Cup. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.moi.covid19&hl=en_AU&gl=US
  20. It was listed as a Japanese made (MIJ) Coronet however I have since done some research and found it to be (about) a 1968 Silvertone 1445 Mosrite. It was not unusual for a maker, in this case Teisco, to make guitars for other brands. In this case the Silvertone version (made by Teisco) was sold through Sears stores in the US but as Coronet in Australia. Teiesco was taken over by Kawai (keyboard makers) at about that time - 1968/69 IIRC.
  21. The aching was getting to me so this morning I went to the doc. Was sent to radiologist for an ultra sound. They weren't particularly happy with it so contacted my GP to issue referral for an x-ray. I go back to GP on Friday for results. I'll fill in tomorrow with a trip down to Avalon to pick up a guitar I bought off Ebay while I was away. Looking forward to that.
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