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Everything posted by BND

  1. For evening/dinner I wear everything twice so I take enough for 7 nights but I do take enough of daytime outfits for everyday. So, a few dresses and a couple pairs of capris and tops. We go out of Baltimore a lot and drive there in just over an hour. For Europe, we would pack differently. Heck, for NE/Canada we packed differently because we could wear some clothes more than once. Jeans and tops I wore over insulated ones. On a 9 night CA/NE, I had two pairs of jeans. On a 13 night Caribbean I need 13 pairs of shorts. For the World cruise, I'm sure I'd probably take 2-3 weeks worth of clothes at least so I wasn't doing laundry every week.
  2. We just got back three weeks ago from three weeks on vacation (FL and b2b 13 night cruise). We stayed in Bartow for one night and at the Radisson in PC for 4 nights. On the day before the cruise, we did a load of laundry while we ate breakfast and hung by the pool. I packed enough clothes for the 13 night cruise and what we wore in FL, we washed and repacked it. On longer cruises, we do utilize the free bag of laundry for underwear and t-shirts. I've also been known to handwash my swimsuits and a couple of other small articles using shampoo (works great as detergent) and roll them in a towel and hang in the bathroom. It all dries overnight so not a big deal. Of course, we always take the Auto Train to FL so not really limited. I can't imagine doing a world cruise without laundry facilities.
  3. I don't use the coffee machine and DH rarely does. I don't like just milk and sugar in coffee. When I do specialty it needs to be mocha or another flavor. I hate the taste of milk and don't like the strong coffee lol. But, when we were onboard, we were in the DL several mornings after we had breakfast in the MDR (we like to sit in the DL in the VCL and read some days) and there was always a line for the machine. We get coffee from Cafe Lattetudes and use one of our 5 free drinks. At least one trip (I think on GR) the DL coffee machine wasn't working so they gave everyone a free specialty coffee from Cafe Lattetudes each day. That was several years ago.
  4. We were on Jewel Nov 6 and 13 (b2b) and the letter said no CL for us D+. DL was pretty busy until about 6-615 and then it got a bit quieter. On Jewel, Pinns share the same space as DL overflow with a few seats and tables reserved for Pinns only.
  5. You don't think if you read his post that he states that "DIAMOND" will no longer have access to the DL that maybe he was told incorrectly? Diamonds have not had access to the CL since we made D years ago. We just missed out. But, this type of post is common on here and FB. Instead of asking, they post on here as if something is gospel to a bunch of people who could easily answer the question correctly.
  6. DH has a $30 Casio digital watch that we use as an alarm and clock.
  7. Only ships we've had CL as D+ access were Vision class (EN and GR specifically). It was never offered on other ships, not that it really mattered. We preferred it on GR because it was in the VCL and had great views. Doesn't really take anything from any D+. CL's are identical to DL's in terms of what they offer. Location was the only difference.
  8. Nope. Someone posted this on FB also. Just incorrect. Couldn't exactly continue calling it the Diamond Lounge if Diamond's weren't allowed, now could they lol? Logic and reading comprehension elude some people. Sad when it's those that are supposed to know the answers like, you know, when you call Royal.
  9. It really doesn't matter why it's not allowed. The fact is, it's not.
  10. Our experience has been that VIsion class is the only ships we've been allowed in the CL. So, while the other ships have CL's, they never let D+ in them anyway.
  11. By "dark" I don't mean from natural light. I've been in the DL on HOTS. I'm talking the interior of the Jazz club appears dark. It wasn't created to be a bright lounge. Several Pinns said they didn't like using the Jazz club.
  12. Last Nov/Dec on HOTS, we went to the DL most nights and walked right by the Jazz club which was reserved for Pinns. Most of the Pinns were in the DLwith us and not the dark Jazz club.
  13. On smaller ships that don't have snacks available, the DL and CL provide that. We do late dining and it's nice to have a snack with a drink at 6 pm. Vision class and Radiance class really have no options short of going to the WJ. At least in the DL and CL you can grab a small plate.
  14. No, it doesn't, but we prefer the space and the people. It's also open over the VCL, not as isolated. OMG, on FB, people are losing their minds. Someone posted that D had lost access to the DL. That one got deleted quickly after several people called the poster out. Others are talking about the "Suite Concierge Lounge" as if they weren't two separate lounges. It's a comedy of errors. Apparently reading comprehension is becoming even more a lost art. I thought the email was pretty clear.
  15. Our EN cruises in April (b2b) and July, as D+, we had access to the CL. We didn't use it. It's much smaller and the view is of the top of the solarium.
  16. We got the email around 1 pm today. We had access asD+ on EN this past year, but on Jewel in Nov we did not. Honestly, we just go to the DL regardless of what ship. Funny thing is, we've met more Pinns in the DL than in the CL.
  17. How hard can it be? My phone alerts me to everything under the sun. We'll see how well it works when a lot of people are trying to use it at the same time.
  18. You mean, like everyone will be walking around with their phone in their face texting each other? LOL. Will it at least have an alert now for when you get a message?
  19. That's a bit petty considering the word requests also means "asks" which is what they do. They ask that guests bring wine in their carryon.
  20. Royal requests wine be brought onboard in your carryon so those things don't happen.
  21. They x-ray all luggage and plenty of people have been caught with liquor in their luggage and have had to go claim the bag in the naughty room where they give you a receipt while they hold the contraband for pickup at the end of the cruise. Everything guests and crew bring onboard gets x-rayed. You just got lucky.
  22. The "free" D+ drinks also have tips already included for staff. I never said we tip $1 per coffee drink when we bought the card. I just said we tip $1 per coffee drink. Why does this bother you so much? You do you.
  23. Well, some can think what they want. We also tip on every D+ drink we get.
  24. When you cancel onboard all they can do is give you obc, but that goes against your onboard bill so it's still a refund.
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