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Everything posted by PacnGoNow

  1. You would be AFTER the dry dock, which is in October. Assuming the issues are corrected?
  2. My DH did that too, but it kept falling out of his khakis. 😂
  3. We will hope for smooth seas. You just never know. We’ve had some pretty rough weather between UK and the Azores on the Regal. Captain put the stabilizers out to help and slowed it down. An ex Navy guy showed me how to walk like a sailor! Lol I went to the middle and low until I felt better. Be prepared. However, it does get a little warmer after we get to Southern Europe, Portugal, Azores and on in to FLL.
  4. That’s like a roller coaster! Well if you like vibration and noise..,you’re in for a treat on the Crown! 😂 seriously, hope it's fixed by then.
  5. You will get a free lanyard when you order it on the App. There are accessories to buy at the same time or on the ship. We used fitbit bracelets back in 2018 and 2019. But, we bought the rubber ones on PCL this year. We got tired of the lanyard so prefer the bracelets. The ones they sell fit better than the fitbit ones. I also have the bangle gold bracelet and that is okay, looks nice anyway. And the gold necklace, but that is not easy to scan, you have to pop it out to use it. I like the PCL recycled material bracelet because it’s waterproof and it’s easy to scan off and on the ship at ports, etc. It’s just a matter of choice.
  6. I think there are a lot of problems with the dry dock companies these days. Seems like a lot of changing around with dates, shifting earlier or later than was scheduled. I’ve read about staffing shortages, covid spread and of course the supply chain for parts. I don’t believe the cruise lines have a lot of control over this. I don’t like it either, but we are able to adjust our schedules again. Some can’t adjust theirs so easily.
  7. Sorry about that. Just in the fact it is getting done a lot quicker than ours. Our TA had to call to get it done, after waiting a month for them to do it. No EZAIR protections and no OBC for us. None of us are lucky. You’re right.
  8. And get a covered or partially covered balcony. Either side.
  9. There are a lot of dry dock issues, with the facilities. They have staff issues also, it’s not just the cruise lines. You’re lucky that you are getting your adjustments, OBC or refunds quickly. There have been other cruises changed because of dry dock, shortened by 2 days also. Still waiting for EZAIR options and our TA had to call for adjustment to fare and port fees.
  10. It’s a 10day California coast on the Crown. Not Alaska, but important to show the September ones still available to sell.
  11. They usually don’t open until Jan. Every year. This year for 2022 bookings, it was Jan 7, 2022.
  12. No problem. You might check your roll call, as some may have this question also. Someone may post when it has been loaded on the App.
  13. It won’t show until they have finished all the Regal changes. I reported it and they are aware. Thousands of records to update. Anyway, you could do the web version on the cruise personalizer if you want to work on DMW. It won’t work for me, but you could try it. LMK if it works for you.
  14. It may have not been updated yet for the App display, if it was the Regal 2023? Regal was all rebooked from the cancelled itineraries to the Baltic and that was done about a month ago. I have one of the voyage deployments also on the Regal for 2023 and it has not been updated yet on the App, since June 14th. So, don’t worry about it, they should get to it soon. If it’s not the Regal, then I don’t know. Take a look at the cancellations for PCL on the top of the website for the Regal and you’ll see what I mean.
  15. Princess rep or your TA should be able to book it or find one that will work for you. It really varies what they are showing available. Did you try to just book 2 people in the cabin? Then if that works book the connecting for the 3. My DD does that often with her family, 3 in one cabin and 2 in the other connecting. Her TA calls PCL to do it sometimes.
  16. 😂 You’re right! I haven’t been in a big storm since the restart. Will have to rethink my strategy! 🤣
  17. Yes it is. So far, it has not changed until they check you in at the port, if even then. Maybe a future feature?
  18. My go to place is Midship 5 during the storms. IC is a good place to gang out. lol
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