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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. Illegal or against the rules? In what part(s) of the world. OP hasn't stated where they are cruising from. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying they should do it.
  2. What part of the world would you be cruising in?
  3. I also agree that the experience is declining. And sadly, the prices are also increasing.
  4. You can often find free wifi in various ports.
  5. Just be sure you don't carry it in your carry-on bags if you are flying after the cruise.
  6. Same here. As for those that say that twice a day service is not needed, I would contend that there are lots of things on a cruise that aren't needed. I don't need a rock climbing wall, shows, swimming pools, music, decorations, etc. But they do make the cruise a lot more enjoyable.
  7. An upcharge for steak in an already-upcharged steak house? I wouldn't be a fan.
  8. I can see a couple of minor issues with this: 1. On embarkation day, there will be people that are not familiar with such a system. They will probably just hop on an elevator and get confused as to why there are no floor buttons. This really wouldn't affect the people for whom the elevator was serving, other than potentially filling up the elevator with people. 2. Sometimes people change their mind about where they want to go after they have gotten on the elevator. They will have to just ride to whatever floor they had originally selected, then get off and summon another elevator to go to the floor they (now) want. Both are minor issues, but they are considerations.
  9. Lol I completely misinterpreted your subject line.
  10. You don't keep the same table throughout the cruise? That stinks.
  11. Very true! And there are other things included with Celebrity that I did not mention.
  12. Depends on what you like in a beach. I love big waves. Some people don't.
  13. I agree. As I said above, I was merely correcting the person that said that the only benefit was a free bag of laundry. There are quite a few other benefits that are also provided.
  14. I was just correcting the person that stated that the only thing you get on Celebrity with the status match is the free bag of laundry. This is incorrect. There are other benefits, even beyond the ones I mentioned.
  15. You also get free drinks on Celebrity during their happy hours, 90 minutes of internet, priority tendering, and several other things, once you reach diamond on Royal.
  16. What's the itinerary for each of the ships?
  17. Lol I was thinking (hoping?) that the Tap Factory was a microbrewery.
  18. What part of the world are you cruising in? What time is your ship scheduled to dock?
  19. I don't disagree. I was simply asking a poster how they knew that more people were using passports now than in the past.
  20. It really depends on how interested in the space program you are. Some (including me) could easily spend all day there, and 4 hours or so wouldn't be nearly enough. Others, less so.
  21. I'm not arguing about it. In fact, I agree that having a passport is important. I have one. I was only asking how you knew that more and more people have them.
  22. I'm thinking the same thing. A ship is no place for a dog.
  23. Yes this is a serious question. You stated it as though it were fact: "But this is why most of people now do get passports." I was curious to know how you knew this. I figured you had some statistics to back it up. Or is it just your opinion? I don't think being in "cruise groups" and "seeing a reaction" proves anything.
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