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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. Would you be checking luggage at the airport? Do you have TSA precheck? What day of the week would this be? What time is the ship scheduled to dock?
  2. That is so true! Many of them look amazing, but they just have little or no flavor. If only they would put as much effort into how they taste as they do in how they look!
  3. No I wasn't onboard. I was referring to others that were, that expressed their displeasure in this thread.
  4. You sound like exactly what RC probably had in mind as they've cut the quality of the MDR...someone that has gotten fed up (pardon the pun) enough that they are now paying for the extra-charge restaurants.
  5. I completely agree. I think the food has definitely gone downhill in recent years.
  6. What's the address of the store? Also consider leaving one person at the dock with the luggage while sending the other one to get the wine.
  7. I thought a ship is considered to be in a country when it is within 12 nautical miles of that country.
  8. Not sure what you mean by "proposal". Did you mean "disposal"? Or maybe "propulsion"?
  9. I'm guessing the $190 is for more than one person. OP did say "we" in the original post.
  10. I hope not. I don't want to carry a phone around on a cruise.
  11. If that's the case, it seems like his way of doing this was very cruel to his family. They will forever worry and wonder. It would have been much more considerate to do this in a way where they knew what became of him, and had closure.
  12. Why can't they each just use their own card?
  13. What I said is still true. They get paid their agreed-upon compensation whether or not people pay the automatic gratuity.
  14. They get paid their agreed-upon compensation whether people pay the automatic gratuity or not.
  15. I agree. If we concern ourselves with the person that washes the dishes, then do we also worry about the person that fixes the dishwashing equipment, the person that cooks the food that feeds the person that fixes the dishwashing equipment, etc? Where does it end? Those things should be built in to the cruise fare.
  16. Agreed. I'm sure that there are some new cruisers that don't even know about the gratuities being added on later. They only see that $1000 price and it looks better to them.
  17. Agreed. They certainly aren't going to let people know that they don't like it. They are going to pretend to like it even if they don't.
  18. I'm always confused and a bit disturbed when these activities include guests twirling their napkins around in the air...the same napkins that people have been wiping food from around their mouths onto.
  19. Not if you want your dessert and they haven't served it to you yet.
  20. These are both great points. If nothing else, it disrupts the flow of the meal.
  21. Do Galveston hotels still require a 2-night stay?
  22. I'm not suggesting that they don't do their jobs. I'm suggesting that there is no need to make them do extra work by doing this silly performance.
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