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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. I loved it on Celebrity. It brings in so much more daylight than a standard balcony, making the room seem bigger. And if you close the window, the space becomes part of the room, making the room actually even bigger.
  2. You are wanting to know the cost of the two flights. Have you asked the company(s) that performed the flights? It seems like they would be the ones that would know.
  3. Lower quality food (in many people's opinion). Less menu choices for dinner. Once a day room steward service.
  4. Be careful...travel agents are not to be discussed on Cruise Critic.
  5. Just enter *67 before dialing. It blocks your number from being displayed.
  6. Sometimes there's a metal bar at the edge of the bed that is lower than the rest of the underneath space. You might try lifting the edge of the bed then slide your suitcase underneath.
  7. Isn't that the truth! If they would put half as much effort (and better ingredients) into making the desserts taste good as they do in how they look, they would be so much better!
  8. It should be easy. You have to be off of the first ship by around 9:00 a.m. and you probably can't even board the second ship until 11:00 a.m. or so. Your biggest issue will probably be figuring out how to kill the time between the two cruises.
  9. They typically have some sports channels. Not sure if it would include what you want or not.
  10. It looks like your questions are going to go unanswered.
  11. Same here. Just push the steward's stuff toward the wall and you should have plenty of room.
  12. Same here. Pools and hot tubs don't bother me at all.
  13. Which Houston airport? That makes a difference. Also, when I saw your thread title, I thought, "that would be a short flight!"
  14. Why not? If they are in the normal bags, they are little different than a duffle bag.
  15. The beach, Ron Jon's surf shop, the space center (although that's probably not that interesting for a 4-year old).
  16. It could be that they have never had an account. It's possible to search these forums without having one. I know I've seen in the past where someone says they are a "longtime lurker" but first time poster.
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