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Everything posted by time4u2go

  1. The funny thing is, with a true chef's table, it could easily change day-to-day or week-to-week.
  2. I've never really understood the appeal of these photos at the dinner table. I realize a lot of people enjoy them, but to me, it's a poor backdrop, and there's often dishes or at least part of the table in the picture. If I wanted nice photos of me and my traveling companions, I would want a nicer setting for those photos. But maybe it's just me.
  3. I could be wrong but I think they might be talking about flights returning home after the cruise.
  4. I definitely agree with this. It is very annoying and is not a good way to start a cruise.
  5. Thank you for coming back and setting the record straight, and for responding to those that had accused you of lying.
  6. Where did they say that they were the only ones?
  7. Not any more. Not for a few years.
  8. I'm curious...do cruise lines provide counseling or other mental health services for crew members? It's something I've never really thought about.
  9. Cruise Ship Worker Took Own Life After Not Being Allowed to Leave: Report (msn.com)
  10. Same here. I have been on numerous cruises out of numerous ports (including Florida) where ship time was changed to match port time. They typically put a little notification card on your pillow telling you to set your clock forward or backward as needed.
  11. ...if you are only going for 2 weeks.
  12. You should be OK.
  13. I agree. It's easy for people to say, "just don't go if you don't like it", but that's one less major event to attend for many that are tired of it. RC had the chance to come up with a completely different experience, but sadly, they didn't.
  14. I wonder if getting the child vaccinated that day was an option.
  15. One would hope so, since that obviously matters.
  16. I've never gotten any. And they do have my correct email address. Royal's IT at its finest!
  17. Interesting. I don't think I've ever received such emails.
  18. The comments on this thread have been based on the presumption that the original story is true as stated. Is it possible that some or all of it is false? Sure. But really that's beside the point, as the discussion is basically, if this story is true, who was at fault?
  19. What??? Hearsay from a poster? It's what the OP experienced. It's the reason for this thread. You think they are making it up?
  20. The cruise line did provide the information. The problem is, the information they provided was incorrect. The consumer DID act accordingly to the provided (incorrect) information. There was no reason for confusion, as the consumer was provided the same incorrect information 3 times.
  21. That is true. I guess they had no reason to think that the information they were given by the phone agent would be incorrect.
  22. From the first post: "I booked back in July and called 3 times between booking and sail date to clarify the requirements."
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