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Everything posted by ozdevil

  1. Just from a search i have done for shuttles Ready to Go https://www.redy2go.com.au/ Go Sydney Shuttle https://www.gosydneyshuttle.com.au/ depending on where your coming from will depend on cost
  2. i was just thinking how goods that.. hopefully in september you will find out for us all
  3. that is a great idea to have , dropping ya bag off to have transported , while you make ya way to the airport however you wish and do they check these bags into your flight or do you need to pick these up on arrival at airport?
  4. Bonza is another airline to look at however they are reasonably new and dont fly the convential routes also if your planning on hiring a vehicle you can can some very good cheap rentals that wont cost you an arm an a leg . if you can snag a vehicle relocation to an area you want to see in the area your in and to the destination your heading this could even save you airfare costs for example you may get a small hatch back from sydney airport to brisbane 4 days free and after that $25/day with 2000km +1 free tank of fuel +road tolls in Sydney and Brisbane include and only a $500 dollar bond https://www.transfercar.com.au/search?sort_col=extras&view_by=list&page=3 Even camper van relocations can be done as well
  5. not Swans related but very well Afl related thou Former captain of Fitzroy lions (not many youngsters would remember Fitzroy but they merged with the Brisbane bears now brisbane lions) and former Adelaide Crows recruiter Matthew Rendell has passed away at the age of 64 After having a massive cardiac arrest on Sunday The guy was legend on and off the field in AFL May Matt Rendell Rest in Peace
  6. well theres that saying if you dont test you dont have it
  7. Well another Person has fell over board just a week after the Quatum of the Seas The Spirit Of Tasmania left Geelong and about 8:50pm a Body of a Cheltenham man was found in Port Philip bay . The spirit had to return back to Geelong According to Herald Sun
  8. some people want robots to do the work for them i dont dislike chatgpt but its something i wouldn't live by , but some think it is gospel
  9. its impressive stuff , but we are doing ourselves out of jobs if your not highly skilled in the future what hope do you have
  10. seriously there is already places that dont employ humans and the only time these places see humans is the office staff , maintenance and the truck drivers There is 3 cold storage places in Derrimut, Victoria that are like this trucks back up to dock robotic forky takes load off truck then another robot stores it in the shelves and re picks and then robotic forky puts back on truck this place only sees about 6 humans and the truck drivers Think about how clever we are getting for our own good look at coles and woolworths, who would have thought ya could get rid of the checkout person , when you can get the customers to checkout there goods for free saving these coles and Woolworth ceo's money . Some coles and woolies stores dont have checkout people anymore , they rely on you going through the self serve checkouts under camera and 1 person its the way we are headed
  11. we humans are a stupid breed on this planet robots doing the work of humans how does a human expect to make a living and home for his family in the future when you chat robots doing the work
  12. Rest in Piece Barry Humphries are true Aussie icon with his great mind and wit not many young would remember Barry humphries let alone his characters he had played with his wit and charm He always stated he was in the cheering up career and simply it was the best job beeing in the cheering up business Rest In Peace Barry Humphries i am sure you are making people laugh up in the pearly white gates already
  13. i thought i seen somewhere they was doing a cruise from nz up to the south pacific , maybe i was look at another cruise line my mistake and apologies
  14. Also have you thought About Virgin resilient lady you might be able to pick up a cruise from N.Z to do the south Pacific Virgins Cruises are Adults only so wont be no screaming kids and maybe more relaxed and getting a balcony or a suite just for those moments for your self
  15. There is alot of charm to these boats and cruising along a small canal or waterway . They look cosy and warm and the view can change every morning . i could easily live on one of these boats
  16. you would be much better finding the bottle versions and to be honest with you some of these styles are better bottled conditioned then the draught pulled version. yes it it would be expensive owning a narrowboat but the fun of just pottering down a canal , i often watch youtube on narrow boats . its amazing some of the history of the rivers and how these boats get around the canals and the winding channels if i was a single i reckon i would head over and do it
  17. you can get the hobgoblin in Australia just did a quick search but beer cartel has some of Wychwood Hobgoblins beers. Wouldnt mind Trying the Ruby beer Also i reckon Narrowboating would be fun way to travel and Live , I have often thought of heading to the UK buying a Narrowboat to live on and brewing a craft beer on some of the canals however i cant see my lady who must be obeyed wanting to to do that as a permenant way of life but she would do it for a holiday Love to get to some of the old English style Pubs
  18. we are sailing from Sydney so the Lord nelson will be a place i will be checking out as i plan to get to Sydney 2 days prior and check a few craft beer places out
  19. interesting i guess there isn't a whole lot of choice to beers on the floating cities we have in Australia unless they have it basic craft beers . guess when i come to 1st cruise i'll have to enjoy what beer is on offer or smuggle my own on board lol (i know i know this wont be allowed) arrrgh well. i'll still have a beer whatever they have long as its not vb
  20. hey guys and Gals i brew beer for a hobby and i am pretty good at it so some tell me i love beer but i dont drink vb,, great northern . crown lager actually i am beer snob so to speak do cruises seek out craft beers to have on board
  21. i think no one will ever work the logic in how big business do things yes i hear it can i have heaps of friends and family do them but never myself and i hope i get hooked line and sinker
  22. So why is it then it annoys you that 1st time cruisers get an upgrade is it because those loyal returning cruisers deserve it more. i would think upgrade options should be open to all customers that can afford to upgrade to better cabin I do believe rewarding loyal customers as well. your right it is good business sense but i also see it good business sense to 1st time cruiser by pampering them a little and make them feel they are important and we want you to be that loyal customer I'm looking at this from a 1st time cruiser and i have to wait 12 months before i go on my 1st maybe i am reading into your comment to much
  23. bit of a contradiction there isn't it you was once a 1st time cruiser and if you was offered a upgrade you would think of taking it wouldn't you to me that is one way of getting 1st timers returning for a 2nd cruise maybe 100's more Good on them if they get a upgrade . what make you special over a 1st time cruiser is it just the fact that you maybe a returning cruiser i just cant see the reason why you would be annoyed
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