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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. That's the only thing my wife drinks so when there's a sale I stock up. We usually have at least 10 cases on hand regardless of weather, lol. I went to Publix earlier (routine trip) and just about every cart I saw had water in it.
  2. I won't go into my hurricane life story. Short version... Being so landlocked here near Disney, the hurricanes really aren't a huge deal, but our house has water intrusion issues due to poor construction and we haven't been able to solve the problem after 20 years. (There was a class action suit the builder settled after the multiple 2004 hurricanes but I would have gladly traded the payment for a waterproof house). I might need more than my D voucher drinks on our 10/24 Indy cruise!
  3. The track as of this morning has it coming straight through FL now. Can and will likely change in the next few days as we know but not pretty for central FL right now.
  4. Check-in section of the app doesn't load for me (not that I need to check-in). I get an error message.
  5. Asking them when it will be fixed is an exercise in futility (IMO). I would put zero faith in any answer you get. Eventually it will be back up, just have to wait unfortunately.
  6. Their IT is so prone to glitches and outages, I'm not concerned. It will be back up... eventually.
  7. One reason to check-in early is if you want to grab the earliest arrival time. You can do that via the app and then do the rest later. If not important to you, no reason to rush that I can think of. Can't think of any benefit to waiting either though.
  8. I'd try calling again if you feel like it. It's common to get different answers from different phone reps. When I called about a block in June (never got the request form when I passed 140 on the ship) they took my info over the phone and it arrived 3 months later.
  9. Same here, can't login to my account. RC IT is the best! 🤣
  10. Congrats! No luck for me in any browser. Firefox is my main one.
  11. 1. From the app, add your set sail pass to your Apple wallet if an iPhone user (scan the bar code if Android). 2. Numbers will appear under the barcode. The numbers to the right of the dash are your cabin. (Occasionally you will see “GTY” in which case it truly hasn’t been assigned yet but it’s much more common to get your cabin number.)
  12. And next week there will likely be one somewhere in the gulf. Just hoping it doesn't curve and cross over central Florida (from a selfish perspective).
  13. FWIW, issue persists for my 10/24 sailing. Waiting to check on my GTY cabin is annoying the crap out of me.
  14. It should be for the ship on which you hit 140, yes, not the next one. Calling can't hurt... will it help? Depends who answers along with other random factors. If you'd rather have Jewel, try calling.
  15. It will begin 30 minutes before early seating in the MDR and last for 3 hours. It's usually either 5-8pm or 4:30-7:30pm.
  16. You earn your first at 140 points & then every 70 points thereafter.
  17. Yes, it's a proven hack. On rare occasions people have reported that their cabin changed once officially assigned but it's definitely uncommon.
  18. I agree there "shouldn't" but I can also see a server/bartender telling someone they can't use them without even checking. Kind of like getting 2 completely different answers if you call customer service twice with the same question. 🙃
  19. Or varies by the server or venue or... I agree, that's why I'll worry about it when I'm actually onboard.
  20. Well said. While not a huge deal, I enjoy getting things for free as well as knowing if I am no longer entitled to them. Given how these sort of policies work with RC, I'll likely ask the DL concierge next month while onboard regardless.
  21. First I've heard of it. We also used ours on disembarkation day on Indy in July (it was actually turn around day of a B2B but same difference). Not a giant deal for me, personally, but I was looking forward to getting some more free iced coffee drinks at Cafe Promenade next month before heading home.
  22. Could be. You'd know far better than I would. This is my first cruise ever not in June/July other than one spring break cruise. I didn't give any thought to any of the logistics, I was just thrilled to finally be able to sail without paying the summer premium prices I'm used to. We really did want to do another B2B but the weekend prices are lousy compared to the Going, Going, Gone price we paid for the M-F 4-nighter (at least 2X as much for one less night) and we're too frugal for that. If my wife's schedule allowed, we probably would have done more of the 4-nighters between the price and our recently formed Indy/Cococay routine but I'm not complaining.
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