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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. It was very similar to the MDR on Harmony a few months ago (my only suite experience). Anything reasonable during the day and just look presentable at night. I saw plenty of shorts & polos for men. No strict code or enforcement
  2. You wrote it; I’d hope so. I’m lost but if you don’t want to fill me in, doesn’t matter to me. Hope you win your RoyalUp. I just put one in myself for a cruise 41 days out.
  3. Yes. You are supposed to get a letter in your cabin asking if you want the block onboard, if you want it shipped to you, or if you don't want it. See the LA if you don't get that letter. Just be aware, the block may or may not be available onboard. On Harmony 5/29, I went from 115 to 143 (suite booked during covid double points). I didn't receive the letter and didn't even realize I was owed a block so I called when I got home and it was shipped (after about 3 months).
  4. Did you ask to move to an available cabin in the same category for free?
  5. Guessing how the algorithm works is pointless. No one knows some special strategy. Anything that has worked is purely anecdotal.
  6. Because they're having supply issues with a paperweight? Enjoy Virgin.
  7. The WJ cook to order station is one of the main reasons we go to the WJ. In addition to being as hot and freshly prepared as anything on the ship, my picky wife gets to design her own dish. Didn't get to eat there much on Harmony last trip as the extended family got us suites and preferred CK or MDR for most meals but the spicy stir fry noodle dish I had there for lunch one day was as good as just about anything I had that week.
  8. Food that is clearly prepared poorly is not the subjective part. The sweeping generalized opinions like "the WJ was terrible" when I, personally, have never been unable to enjoy a meal in the WJ (some are obviously better than others), are subjective.
  9. I do (as you know), lol, or at least it's a part I greatly enjoy... and I've been perfectly happy with the the food I've had on both my post-covid cruises. Some items were excellent, some good, some avergaem and some terrible... when I come across something terrible, I move on to something else. Like you said, one can always find something edible somewhere.
  10. Yes, something extremely under or overcooked isn't subjective... but the general, overall opinions are most definitely subjective. I've never not been able to enjoy a meal in the WJ, some are just more enjoyable than others. Many people feel the WJ is terrible and avoid it at all costs... that's subjective.
  11. That's because Freedom has the newer version of Giovanni's... Giovanni's Italian Kitchen. Most of the responses above refer to the original version... Giovanni's Table.
  12. Food seemed very similar to pre-covid to me on Harmony and Indy over the past few months. I've personally never thought the MDR was very good and still don't. It's fine but the portions are very small for someone who likes to eat. I'm also a WJ fan for dinner (not just for the unlimited portions), which likely puts me in the minority. Food opinions are, of course, very subjective.
  13. Our favorite specialty restaurant. Wife and I always get the filet. I'm also a big fan of the carbonara, picky wife gets plain risotto (no mushrooms) as her pasta. For an app, sometimes they are able to give me the fried calamari from the lunch menu, sometimes not, in which case I get the meat and cheese board which is also very good.
  14. It's exactly 45 days shortly after midnight, provided the app and/or website is functioning properly.
  15. Having Fish N Ships with a fee on Indy instead of El Loco Fresh for free on Freedom makes me jealous of those in Miami. That said, I will happily sail and have a great time on her next month just as did on my July B2B.
  16. Programs like this are ever-evolving. It has/had been common practice to receive nothing until you got the "sorry, you didn't win" e-mail sometime on night one. Perhaps they have changed that for the better. I got the standard denial e-mail on night one in July on Indy.
  17. It can literally happen at any time. Some people have reported winning over a month out, others after they have boarded. I personally won one 16 days out in July.
  18. That's cool. I was on Harmony a few months ago. I'm looking forward to Wonder coming to PC. Win-win! I'm not a theater-goer, haven't seen Grease on either ship, but that's what's great about cruising... there's something for everyone.
  19. Indy has Grease. I need to remember there's more to cruising than food and drink even though that's what I focus on, lol.
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