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Everything posted by OCSC Mike

  1. FWIW, I couldn't care less about the sports being shown in Playmakers. I just really enjoyed their burger and garlic parm fries. Also a big fan of a couple of their signature cocktails... "The Pitch" and their jalapeno pineapple margarita. No right or wrong answers here, of course, everyone has their preferences. Volume of food and free is a draw to me, lol, so I know I'll like El Loco Fresh.
  2. That might have been what I had. It was edible. If it's what I'm remembering, it was like a mini burrito missing most of the good stuff.
  3. Walking through a free food venue and not grabbing something is blasphemous to me! I knew Mini Bites was pretty terrible on Harmony but when I took my niece for a walk after lunch on embarkation day while her mom was unpacking and self-sanitizing their cabin, I still ate something from there, lol. This thread is making me so hungry! Is it dinner time yet?
  4. I enjoyed both Sabor and Playmakers quite a bit and I'm sure I'll enjoy El Loco Fresh given that it's an included venue. They all offer different things at different prices (including free) so it's not exactly an apples to apples comparison.
  5. This is another personal preference question of course. I don't actually need many of the features on Voyager class on up but I still don't care to sail anything smaller unless it's for the destination (i.e. Radiance in Alaska was fine, we were there for Alaska). I find ships without a promenade somewhat claustrophobic for lack of a better term. Maybe it's b/c my first ever cruise was on Voyager for my honeymoon when it was new-ish and I've only done smaller ships for a total of 11 nights. Different strokes...
  6. FWIW, what we really enjoyed there was the guac, the chicken popper type appetizer, the calamari appetizer, the churros and the dessert chimichangas. We re-ordered the apps for the table several times, which turned out to be a good thing because the entrees were the weakest part for us. I also liked the jalapeno margarita there... pleasantly surprised how spicy it actually was.
  7. As is the case with most specialty restaurants, especially older ones like Sabor.
  8. You can sign up for a free UPS My Choice account and you will receive e-mails anytime a UPS package is on its way.
  9. My BIL/SIL escaped the family for Taste of Royal on that May cruise. As expected, I think they said they liked certain items and disliked others.
  10. Crazy how experiences can differ. We've had this conversation before, of course, but we had a great dinner there with amazing service on the same cruise as you.
  11. Doing the anti-rain dance for you! Was going to mention, I still remember Shrek scaring the living crap out of my niece years ago when she was 2 or 3, lol. When the characters came through the MDR she hid under the table! 🤣
  12. You need to narrow it down a bit. What ship(s) are you considering There’s older/smaller & then there’s MUCH older/smaller.
  13. They're there, unless they magically disappeared between June and August.
  14. Incessantly refreshing the RoyalUp page that lists your bids works much better in my experience.
  15. Capsules (assuming those are the k-cup looking things I just googled).
  16. It’s personal preference. We like to be closer to the locations we visit the most. Others will obviously have their own criteria as far as what they consider preferable and important.
  17. I would assume they will be treated as completely unrelated bookings & if they wind up placed near each other be happily surprised. In other words, expect the worst, hope for the best. I’ve personally never had a problem moving my GTY cabin once assigned and did so as recently as July. Others have said it’s not so easy.
  18. Yes, check in for the 2nd leg. Arrival time doesn't matter obviously. No reason to bother calling unless you want to.
  19. Champagne problems, lol. I was fine waiting 3 months for mine to be shipped. It's my first and it's still in the box. Don't even know what I'll do with it. Glad you were able to get this recent one onboard!
  20. That's how it works most of the time. I'm sitting here waiting for whatever IT issue is preventing people on my 10/24 Indy sailing from accessing our set sail passes and it's driving me nuts. 😠 Been getting the same error message since I checked in. I know it will magically appear eventually but I'm impatient.
  21. I don't see why not. You would normally go park after dropping off luggage by going up the ramp but pretty sure you can just as easily leave the terminal. I'm sure someone will confirm.
  22. What does that have to do with anything I previously said in this thread? That’s my source of confusion.
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